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Cert r .. !'1 1 I'TlJ) ope 'J .... ':c .. _ ,.,el!:1

NQtice Qf SSG Memhership Certification
RE: Sovereign Sinixt
' Nation Government (SSNG)
SSG Member Certificate #SSG333-SBOK 1938SSCG 1955-SSCK-SSNG 195219391954
In an agreement effective by this Notice dated 23 April 2012 witnessed by Private independent sovereigns, SSG
Sovereign Hereditary, Heir Apparent Leader, Siyam Kiapilanoq-CAP1LANOT> and Sovereign Chief Executive
International Diplomat (SCEID), Tu'ilzishT>' (Water Dancer) otherwise known as IORoque Phil Chavez
Justice Amicus Curiae, Irene Maus Gravenhorst-Kiapi lanoqTM, autograph this document of title with SSG
members for Authentication Membership Certification. We, the undersigned, declare, attest and conscientiously
know that the Great Laws of Peace l is a primary mandate to protect the sovereignty of life for mankind and the
Creator's spiri t for this Universe. WHEREAS: We, the undersigned hereby submi t this Notice with Statement of
Claims in the name of Truth:
A. Leadership: Appointed spokes person. kwlk'n mulks bv the death of elder women matriarchs is
the matriarch. SS G is founded on a matriarchal traditional leadership where the Clan Mothers have the final say
to agree or dis-agree wi th the head man and caretaker on major decisions of any type conducted on the Sovereign
Sinixt Land over all natural resources. As tnle hereditary leaders for the Sovereign Sinixt Nation Government
(SS, G). We act in our full capacity to know that as hereditary members with SSG, we are named Creditors of life
who can benefit from the assurance legislat ion enforced by SSG's Underwriter, Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-
SquamishTM Court on Kanata (SSCK) as economic remedies against those who trespass against us and our lands.
As assured traditional, tnle hereditary, heir apparent members with SSG, we reserve the right to claim and exercise
our economic remedy against those who Trespass against our sovereign hereditary claimed Pri vate SinixtTM land,
its natural resources and the people of this de jure Sovereign Nation Government.
B. Sovereign Economic Remedy: It is understood that by becoming a member with SSG, the leaders of the
de jure Sovereign Sinixt Nation Government (SS G) wi ll instruct SSCK admi nistrators to provide an economic
remedy against Corporate Trespassers with served Lawful Notices, Injunction Court Orders, Contract Debts of
S21 T per crime committed by registered Corporations that do not respect traditional and customary laws on
Sinixt sovereign land or the legal process. In order to conduct a professional and respectful relationship with
NB: Document subject 10 with no further NOTice, Addendum 10 this Not ice cancels the Ceruficate. Authorized l1uto,&mph from:l SSCK 1Id.miniStr.ll0( with the blue
seal of lhe Coun confirms Authent ication. Production of2 originals, one for uch executing PIny With 4 digITIzed version kept (0( the record for Coun Adminimation.
I GrellE Law of PC8ce Idopts the Canada Evidence Ael <I) as I legi51 .tion oftrulh.
Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh SquamishTM Government (Sscnry
Central Bank - Sovereign IOSkwxwU7mesh-Squami shTM Bank on Kanata (<OSBOKTM)
Country Code SQU/SQ Economic Numeric Code 333, Sovcreigll Swift Code SSCGSQKAP
Subsidiary. Sovereign e Skwxwi17mesh-Squamish
Credit Group (QSSCGTM),
Underwriter, Sovereign COSkwxwu7mesh Squamish Court on Kanata (OSI>.:t (fl fE! il i\") IClOJ
PO Box 3477, Mission, Be [V2V 4LIJ effective August, 2010 officially ch \\9 l; U ,I]
Capital City OKiapilanoq-CAPILANonl, Country: Skwxwu7mesh. Squam ,
Kanat. (lars. Peace settlements), Turtle Island (Mother E.rth) Af.>.R 2 4 2012
Skype: iamfrJ3 Email: sovsgu333 Website: w\Vw
I nl ute t he light wit hi n yo ur eyt s where the Universe dwe lls. For wh en you arc at th e cent re wit hi n you nel f and I wit hi n mine. we shall be o ne .
- Cn zy Hone. La ko t a Triba l People
SSNG members, SSG members wi ll request for permission to visit these sovereign lands and this law applies to
Corporate executives who wish to conduct business on these sovereign lands.
C. Sovereign SinLlt Land and Na tural Resources : SSG members have no ri ght of claim to the titl e
of the Sinixt Land and its natural resources. The assurance protection for SSNG is set at $21T (Twenty-One
Trilli on) hard lawful currency for each Trespass, as Sinixt"l Land is Private Property. The debt will include but
is not limited to each claim issued by the authority of the SSNG Leaders for criminal violations agai nst the Land
and People. Clai med criminal violati ons are adopted as commercial liabilities and reported to Third Party
Interveners for International Financial Transparency. Registered liens secure the Debt wi th a Default Judgment
which is reported to insurance policy holders for a forfei ture of the Public and Pri vate bonds held in tnlst by the
DTCC and Federal Reserves of the de fact o Corporate Government of that jurisdiction.
D. Sovereign Sinht Government official members: Mxgxia bloodline, heir apparent, heredi taty Clan
Mother, Kwlk'n mulks not Mari lyn James, L1-mix'm/Head Man, Ki-x'a-x'us- kit not Bob Campbell ,
Caretaker, SorsT>1 not Robert Watt (hereinafter referred to as SSNG Leaders) for the Sovereign Sini xtT>1 Nation
Government (SSNG) . We wi ll add more members to our Government as time pemnits.
E. Universal Common Law Jurisdiction (UCLJ) and Case Law
: Noti ces are served pursuant to the
Commonwealth Consolidated Interpretation Act 190 I - Section 28A'. Servi ce is performed by Canada Post mail
pursuant to UFU International Treaty laws, defi ned and interpreted pursuant to De Jure Sovereign Universal
Common Law Juri sdiction (VCLI) . SSNG enforces the Whuplak'n and SOlum iemllaw of the land as overall
laws over these Tmx(w)=ula?-x(w)/ traditional territory described as;
Sinixt tmx(w)=ula?-x(w) skxi :n. selxwe7itkw. nkmapeleks. skokuntlque tJ. snp'etl'mip. halcyon. kwusxellaks.
nkwusp. naghtuous. snexai'tskctsem. kwespits'a7. xnie' ken. memagtsintn? .nmimeltm. Memagtsintn?
kantcak? slhu7k'n. IIkweioxten?mn. swarkx'n. sketu'kelox. snt ekwli tkw. plu'me. sma' ip. kp' itI' els.
snkekliwm. tsagwlxihts'a. kmark'n. K'iwist. nkw'liIa7. vumts'n. nts ' ets'erism. stsixwlhkw.
klhtetkwus. ihektsin. p'enula7xw.ksunkw. sk'lh7allkwa7. sxwenitkw. kunsunk. squalotan. killwhatan.
Engli sh interpretation: Sinixt territory described inlhe State of BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA and
WASHI NGTON, V, !TED STATES OF AMERICA; is from and including lhe Columbia mountain range to the
north, to the height of the Moneshee mountain range to the west to the height of the Purcell and Selki rk mountain
ranges to the east and below the vicini ty of kettle falls in Washington State to the South.
Notice: Longi tude and Latitude are Admiral tylMari timeIWar juri sdiction definitions and do not define Mother's
natural Earth. No fl ags are permitted on these lands and must be taken down herewith, this term and condi tion is
not negot iable. Flags that continue to fl y on these lands are deemed as a Trespass and incur an automatic fine of
S2IT hard lawful currency with no further Notice.
2 Case IlIw: John Bouvier' s Revised Sixth Edition. 1856 A Law Dictiona!,)" MOnee jurisdiction is challenGed.. the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears thaI the CQurt jurisdiction, the
court has no authori ty to reach menU, but, should dismiu the action". Melo v. US, SOS F2d ThLS Bankrupt Notice informs Third Parties of rCiislercd debu by Default governed.
defined ud by OSkwxwU7me5h. Squ.mish Governmenl lonJhouse laws pun\Wlt 10 the !rutb with equitabl e by estoppel III m.rten of comrne:te since time
immemorial and the 1882 Bills of Act , Unh'Crsal Ot-claration of Human Righls. December 1948. UNDRIP, 2007. narural, orgilIllc alea Unl"ersal Natunll Peace law .
3 SeNi of documents: (I) For the purposes of3llY Act that requires Or penniu II document 10 he served on a ptrson. whether the expression "selvc", "Jive" or "send" or any other expru,ion IS
used, then the document may be Jer/ed: (h) on II booy corporate - be leaving it Ill, or sending il by pre paid post, 10 the he.ld a teglste=! offitc or a prineipl!J office of the body corporate.
Source: bJl n:l/www MI!Stlji $.aulgullegi!lktNcnn!iQ1 Qctlaiill
0 1938-2012"" willl.n nIhIl L'1::Sem:ti PurJlWll lU Common law jwiJliiclion and SovereIgn C-Skw.\wil7me-sh-Squamish"""'I<,HI&house since lime immemorial and priOlIO lhe LllTival of Europun visilOR.
Tndemark to the Copyrl&b1 al.llognphcd Names an<! wn' ...nt in any style of eause is proto:<-tod with 10 llSIuntlCe WI is strictly enroo: eli Ind this lenn aDd condition iJ1IQ1 negoliubJe. DOCUMENT
SECURITY: SJNIXTCERTlfICATE RE: SSG MEMBERSHIP NonCE WITH SSNCi. This IcmplllC is fUbjecllO chan;e and Eanb. fricndlyu both sidesoflbe papttL'"e t=d 10 love anlI', Tm:s.
2 on
Jurat : Quud l'l"l cum est sine me a ufc rri nQn potest - What is mine cannut be take n away without my consent.
I ulute the li ght withi n your eyes whe re the Universe dwells. For when yo u are at the centre within yourself and I within mine, we shall be one.
- Cuzy Horse, L;&Kota Trib;&l People
NOW THEREFORE with Valuable Consideration'/Security' and in consideration of the Skwxwu7mesh-
Court Seal affixed to thi s APRIL 20 12 - Sovereign Heir Apparent , Hereditary SSG Membership
Notice, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby accepted and acknowledged by all parties. We, the undersigned,
make the following declarations, attestations conscientiously knowing them to be true, and knowing that it is of the
same force and effect by virtue of the Great Laws of Peace', TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT:
1.0 Together, we serve lawful Notice to taxed Corporations described as RR# I , G- 16, C-2, Win law, BRITISH
COLUMBIA [VOG 2JO] CANADA (the postal code is the cus ip number attached to said de facto corporate
Governments). NELSON, BC, CANADA is hereby officially removed from Tax and Private InterestlUsury
currency AdmiraltylMaritime Juri sdiction and Common Law Jurisdiction admin isters SSNG traditi onal hereditary
Peace longhouse legislation since time immemorial before the arr ival of European visitors;
2.0 The Name of this Sovereign land and its natural resources is governed by SSNG members and effected by
the stroke of our pen to paper to Name Sovereign Sinixt Lands (SSL) on Kanata (large settlement), Turtle Island,
the boundaries of these lands are defined pursuant to natural rivers, markings of ridges, natural boundaries of trees,
shrubs, fresh waters and mountains of Mother Earth;
3.0 Sovereign Dr. Warren Fi scher'" is recognized as a SSG member and has his official SSG appointment
along wi th SSNG written consent to live upon our lands as a sovereign and is protected by the Great laws of Peace
that existed before the European visitors came;
4.0 De facto corporate governments; BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA and WASHINGTON STATE,
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are bankrupt and served with this Permanent Notice to Cease and Desist
operating with taxes and interest rates from fraudulent jurisdiction and that by their failure to perform a Cease and
Desist pursuant to S. 337 CCC that all public agents employed by these corporations are served with a Permanent
Eviction Notice through the forfei t oftheif Public and Pri vate Bonds;
5.0 An Intemational Public Press Release wi ll announce this information and in wri ting to the Intemational
Community of these peaceful changes that are to be respected, in the name of Peace for Earth.
6.0 General Provisions: Like SSG members, no Federal or Provincial Government treaties are signed by us
and our bloodline ancestral, fami ly members over hereditary, heir apparent Sovereign Sinixt
' Land. Our
Sovereign Land is protected with Copyright Trademark technology and fully supported by SSG members and
SSCK administration.
7.0 Time Claus e: Hereditary bloodline Sovereign Sk\Vxwu7mesh-Squamish Government reasonable
time clause is a traditional 21 day time policy to respond to served Notices and documents is fully adopted by us as
hereditary Sinixt Leaders for SSNG. Silence will mean as a tacit consent to agree to the SSG's - SSCK
administration to serve the debt wi th Court documents and registered liens as an economic remedy. One original is
served by regular Post pursuant to Universal Postal Union International Treaty laws and deemed in fu ll force and
effect as served to tbe Corporation and its Named Debtors and Agents.
4 V,lu;&ble consideration: A .:Iau oftonsider;tion upon which a promise m<ly be founded.. which enlLllu the promise enforce his claim 19aiml an unwilling promisor. A thing of value paned
wilh, or J new obligJlion 3SSumed,:l1 the time of obtaining ;& thing. which is ;& subst:lllti.ll for which is obuined thereby. BJ:tck', u.w Dictional)', Hcr.ry BllICk, Third
Edition. C 1933, p1797.
S Vahuble Security: includes Ca) an order. c;,<;chcquer acquitbncc or OIher SCl::unly!lul cnlitks or c"idenccs!he title of Iny perwn 0) to a shw:: or mlerest io.. public IitOCk or fund or in any fund
ora body torporate, company or soci ety. or (ij) to I deposi t in a financi al institution. (b) Iny dcbenrute. deed.. bond, bill, note. warrant, order or other security for money or for paymCtlI of money,
(e);& document of tit!e to J:uv1s or goods wherever litu.11ed, (d) a sump or writing th:1 secures or evidences lille to or on interest in II chJllcl person;&I, or that evidences delivery or a ch:lnel
perwnal, and (e) il release, Te1:Cipl, diKhMlC or other instrument evidencina payment of money. Poclel Crimillill Code, Canwell, () 2003, p 11.
6 GreJ.! Law orpuce Idopl5 Ihe canada Evidence Act (a) b orltUth.
01938201 2 .... wilh III ri&liu. purs=ll\1 Common taw jurisdiction and Sovereign <OSIcwx ....-u7mestt-SquamW1n1 ta .....s liincc lime Unmemorial and priur 10 lbe ..mval of EuropclU1 ,isi:on.
Tl'1Idema:1c 10 Ihe Copyri&lil il\lIOgn.phed NlLIlIcs and content in Iny $lyle of cause IS pfOIecled ..... ith an ISS\U1InCC leaislalion thai il11rictly cnfortcd and thili term and condition is nol IICJOliible. DOC\JMNT
SECURITY: SINIXTCERTIFICATE RE: SSG ME."'1BERSHIP NOTICE WITH SSNO. This temillale il subjll0 chatllC and Emh friendly as both litle.l of the pilper we 10 Earth'li Trees.
Jurat: Quud l\'1l'UOl cst sine 111l' auferri non polest - What is mine cannut be taken a way without my consent.
I salllle the light wi thin your eyes where the Uni ve rse dwells. For when yOIl are at the centre within yourself and [ within mIne. we shall be one.
- Crazy Horse, Lakota Tri bal
8.0 Service: SSNG membership may be cancelled at any time with no financial liability or hardship to
any Parties. It is the strength of thi s Peace Friendship to thi s membership Certificate that permits both parties to
enter into Fai r Trade and Commerce Agreements . It is our collective right to exercise self governance for our
Sovereign Sinixt Lands and People. SSG may use this document to Notify the presiding United Nations Secretary
General , Interpol and the UNHRC, IC) and Third Parti es for International Financial Transparency Di sclosure.
Final Provision: We, SSG members hereby establish our independent Pri vate Government legislated with
traditional laws pursuant to Whuplak'n and Smum iem overall laws of the Land jurisdiction through our own
Court system and our own financial instirution that will issue its own currency through our own Financial Charter
described as; Sovereign SinixtTM Nation Government (SSNG) protected with assurance legi slation from the
Sovereign Sinixt'" Court on Turtle Island (SSCTI) and our Sovereign Financial Charter with our Central Bank,
Sovereign Sinixt'" Bank on Kanata (SSBK).
DATED as of the day and year first above written on Sovereign SinixtHt Land, Kanata, Turtle Island in red ink to
symbolize the human blood that directs our hands to seal this truth. CERTIFIED by Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-
SquamishT>t Court on Kanata (SSCK) Seal affixed hereon along with a Barcode that serves as valuable security and
consideration', receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and accepted, to exercise our right to live
free without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity, without corporate dictate. We, together as official
recogni zed Sovereign members with Sovereign SinixtH' Government (SSG) known by sovereign traditional
names as described hereon:
Mxgxia bloodline, heir apparent, hereditary Clan Mother, Sovereign Matriarch for SSNGfLegis lator for SSCT! and
Secretary for SSBK with no corporate dictate by autograph for:
"-' ) J:-,. _ . _) JC",---::-: }.. -:-- L.L.U-t- ::..,c ' ____ T"
Kwlk' n DlulksB' /,Marilyn James
Sovereign Headman for SSNGfLegislator for SSCTI and President for SSBK,
with no corporate dictate by autograph for:

LI-mix'mlHead'Man, Ki-x'a-x' us-kit I Bob Campbell
Sovereign Appointed Caretaker for SSNG/ Legislator for SSCT] and CEO for SSBK,
with no corporate dictate by autograph for:
___ TM
Caretaker, SorsT>1 I Robert Watt
7 ValU:J.ble consideration; A claS! of consider.ltion upon which a promise may be founded.. .... hich entitles u.e promise 10 enfon:e his ... inst:m unwilling promi5Qt. A thina plrtcd
with, or a new ob!ilalion OLSsumed. al the lime of obll.ining I thing. which is a subStantial compensation for that which is ohtained thereby. Illack'S La ... Dicriono.ry. Henry Crunpbell Black, Third
EdItIon, 0 1933. p1797
019382012 .... "" i,h aU ",blS ruervtd Common law jurisdiC1lun and IlXIilboust llws line_ lime imtnelnQl'D.l and prior 10 the uri ... l of EuropeiUI \isilQn.
Tndemarlt 10 the Copyriglu autognphed N;mtes lint! COnlen! in any style of (Duse is pn.Hecteti with an IU\llMI:t lell islalion tlul it enron:td II.!Id thilterm IUld is nolllcaoliabl,. DOCUMEI>o'T
SECURITY; SINIXTCERTIFICATE RE: SSG MEMBERSHIP !\OTICE WITH SSNG. ThLS lemp[;tc is rubjcct 10 cl\;ngc and Ear.!! fncnd!)l1lIi both sides uflhc paper are uud \\1 love Elrths Trt:cs.
Jurat: Quod Meum est sine me non What is mille \:annut be l aken away without my consent
I solute Ihe light within yo ur eye! where the Universe dwells, For when you arc al the centre within yourself (ln d I within mine. we shall be one,
- Ccny HI)t5e, Lakota Tribill People
THIS fiduciary moral presentment provided by the Authors for the Copyright, Trademark Claim autographs for the
names and Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish in any style of cause. We seal this lawful instrument with due diligence
as evidenced by our flesh and blood autograph over the Sovereign Seal supported by a purchased Barcode' license
that serves as valuable security and consideration', receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and
accepted by all parties. We consciously exercise our right to live free without malice aforethought, ill will,
vexation or frivolity, with no corporate dictate. We declare that we have personal knowledge of the facts and
matters contained in this Notice and make this declaration and attestation conscientiously knowing that it is of the
same force and effect by virtue of The Great Laws of Peace for Earth".
With dictate for:
Sovtr!lgn 's mesh ' c.. h ' Z ..
'AE" on Ka na .. sse tr
Centr3l Bank Ftduclary 'Pfustee holder of eeufed ..-- ....
Govemm!nt Debi to Lt ens thai benefit Named Soveretgn CredItors
Sovereign Hereditary, Heir Apparent, Leader Siyam Te I1:>Ki-ap-alanoghlKiapilanoq"n' -European spelling
CAPILANOTM and owner by the spirit, soul and bloodline of the Family Name to the Lands and
its natural resources stewarded by, Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish
" Government (SSG) Constitution
Legi slator for the Underwriter, Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish Court (SSCK) on Kanata, TI
President for the Central Bank, Sovereign SkwxwlI7mesh-SquamishT" Bank on Kanata (SBOK),
Chair and CEO for the Sovereign I1:>Skwxwll7mesh-SquamishTM Credit Group (SSCG)
Sovereign rene-Maus: , President for Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish Credit Group
aka Sovereign Irene-Maus: Gravenhorst-Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM, in any style of cause
Justice Amicus Curiae" for the Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishTM Court on Kanata (SSCK)
and Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishTM Government (SSG)
8 B.ll'Code v:lllle is protccted by the red ink autOJr.1ph 3S a conscious o",neBhip over the Credit owned throu&h life of the N:uned bloodline steward to the l.:mds,
9 ooruideratiop: A etass of consideration llpon which a promise mil)' be founded.. which entitles the promlsc to enforce his claim against unwilling p:nmisor, A IhUIII of VlI.lIlC parted
with, or a new obligation assumed. at thc lime of oblll.lning a thing, which IS I substantial C"Ompenllltion fO( u:;u ",b,eb is obt.ined thereby, Shick's Law Dictionary, Henry ClIIJlpbell Black, Third
Edilion, 10 1933, p1797,
10 Underolood 3S the (,(In:x!.l Eyidence ACI (a)
II Spelh!l& of lhe Family name over the COllrse of folse history was produced in many ways $0, until SSG members have the t=!il!on.1 spelling of the name in
languoge, we mU!o t continue to render the spelling of our originl i NU1CS b liven to UJ by OUT ;w.eCSIOni in tbe Engiiih formal. Any type of .pcllcd alltographed by the heir appl1ltnt leader
deemed eorrect .nd in fuJi force and cllCcl:llld rendered with full Copyright Trademark anuranee pursuant to Treaty and UnivcrSiI contmct la\\'S
12 The 95 cenl Oo"e stamp and the 5 unl world Peace stamp Canadian Bank NI):ts;u described thcl'C<lll, Thil digitized S I 00 coruider.lion 10 conltact is served and in filII fl)rte Ind effect.
An orilirui S 1.00 provides adequ:!e considerc.t ion of security 10 transfer the oflhis Contr:lct fn)m de fllcto fraud jurisdiction to de jure jurisdiction.
13 Pwtui!flt to Common Law jun$dltlion, the title of' Justice' Cllene-Maus: Oravenborst-KlolpilolnoqlCAPIL.ANor .. is not a member of the Bar-mittnh orgnniution bllt in fact Similar to i1ll
Amicus Curiae (fnend of the court) who applies 1$ natura! Ihat invnh'es a system of consequences that natutally derives from any action or cboice, In thlS_ il is similar to the laws of
physics: in tho same wly as the Third of Newton's laws of Motion requires thi! for action there must be an tqU.:lI and opposite reaction. justice n:quires according individU.:lls or groups wbat
Ihey IIclUollly deserve, merit, or Jrt entitled 1013, Justice Gmvenborst-Kiapi IJ.nOq-CAPILANOs directh'e is 10 protect the ben interest fo r humanity by rnpcctiog th.3t e:lCh hlltfl,ln spiril h.lS (I sow
with 3 universal nght to apply free wilVchoices 10 remain free, governed by the Creator's wisdomllighl with rC.llon and a directive 10 maintain Wliyersal peace in the Name of Love for Humilllkind
and Eanh.
.. willl .. U rights reserved pumwlt hoi Common law jwisdiction &nd Sovereign eShvxwil1mes.i-Squalillsb1'll Iotlghouse IIWJ since time immc:morul IUld prior III the arrival of European visilQrt,
Tndcmut to the Copyright NlIIIlcs &nd CClllte.:1I in &/1y flyIc of caw.c is prUfected ... ilh IIIl.SSlIn:K:C legisi;liun!lult is slriclty enforc:cd and this term and condition is not m'ilOliabl t. DOCUMENT
SECURITY: SINIXTCERTlflCATE RE: SSG MEMBERSHIP NonCE WITH S51'0. Th.s Icmplall: IS rubjec-1lo chanllt and Earth friendly I:S both sides or lhe paper IISCd k) Eatt/I'$ Trcn,
S of '
Jurat: Quod Meum est s ine me auferri non potest - W h at is mine cannot be laken away withuul my consent.
I sahll e lhe light within your eyes where the Universe dwells. For when you are at the centre within yourself and I within mine. we shall be one.
- Crazy Hune, Tcib:ll Peop! ...
Sover eign Skwxwu7mes h-Squami sh
, Bank on Kanata (SBOK) and Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-
Sq uami sh Credit Group, Central Bank - Fiduciary Trustee holder of Secured Debt to Li ens that benefit Named
Sovereign Creditors - With no corporate di ctate by Copyright Trademark autograph for:
Tu' ilzish
" Dancer) otherwi se lmown . s e Phil Chavez
Sovereign Chief Executive International Diplomat (SCElD)
C193S-2012TN with aU riihrs met'l'fti punuant 10 Common law jurisdiction IlfId Sovereign Ion!!houu laws since time and prior to the DffiVilI
Trsdcnurl: to the Copynght aUtOlnphe<ll'lames IllId content in any $I),le OfCIU$t: "prole(ted with Il1lUIlll1l1Ct legislation Ih.u ;1 eMorced ILIId this term and coodition is nOl nCjll liable. DOCUMENT
SECURITY; SINIXTCERTlFICATE RE; SSG MEMBERSHIP NonCE WITH SSNO. This ICmplAlC lS$Ubject to chance and Earth friendly &:5 both sides of the Love Eartlt's
J unt: Quud Mcum cst sine nil' aufcrri non potest - What is mine cannot be takeo away without my consent.
Sovereign SinixF
Mailing address:
RR#1 5-16 C-2, Winlaw, BC
VOG 2JO "Canada"
sngaytskstx tmx(W) =ula?-x (W)
- Sovereign SinixfM Lands
- Private Property of the
Sovereign Sinixt
Nation Government (SSNG) ,
No Tresspassing!
Soverei APlio C. eI. or SS}'lG with no

__ _________ m
IOSors T> / ORo bert WattT>
Nation Government
Phone: 250-226-6726
I ('lTend
. ,.,
If' J J '[D)
MA'f 8 201Z
sinixt tmx(w)=ula?-x(w)
Witness as to autographs by Sovereign
Squamish"'" Government (SSG) members with
no corporate dictate by autograph for:
Sovereign Hereditary, Heir Apparent, Leader Siyarn Te
Kiap-alanogh TM / Kiapilanoq 1M. English spelling
CAPIlANO'M for the Sovereign
Skwxwu7meshSquarnish' Government
f.Y. ""(l r?,/ r.: Z" C;d'. / N '"
Sovereign IreneMaus: ravenhorstKiapilanoq
CAPIlANO" Justice Amicus Curiae for the Sovereign
.. on Kanata ,(SSCK)
Ly,JI 'it)J,CIl,{ 'M
;'vlv . -.\
Sovereign Dhelo Quete'", Agent for RED JACKET'",
SSG international Foreign Relations Diplomat
on Kanata, Turtle Island

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