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Seidel: Mosbys Guide to Physical Examination, 7th Edition

Spanish Translation Guide

Spanish Assessment Tool

English Parts of the Body Head and Neck Skull Forehead Temple Eye Nose Ear Throat Mouth Tongue Teeth Cheek Chin Skin Hair Arm and Hand Bones Fingers Thumb Shoulder Wrist Elbow Muscles Leg and Foot Pelvis Thigh Knee Ankle Toes Chest Rib Heart Chest/breast Waist Abdomen Stomach Liver Espaol Las Partes del Cuerpo La cabeza y el cuello el crneo la frente la sin el ojo la nariz la oreja/el odo la garganta la boca la lengua los dientes la mejilla la barbilla la piel el pelo Brazo y mano los huesos los dedos el pulgar el hombro la mueca el codo los msculos Pierna y pie la pelvis el muslo la rodilla el tobillo los dedos (del pie) Pecho la costilla el corazn el pecho/seno/busto la cintura Abdomen el estmago el hgado Pronunciation las PAR-tays dehl KWAIR-poh la kah-BAY-sah ee el KWAY-yoh CRAH-nay-oh FRAYN-tay see-EN OH-hoh nah-REES oh-RAY-hah/oh-WEE-do gar-GAHN-tah BOH-kah LAYN-gwah dee-AYN-tays may-HEE-yah bar-BEE-yah pee-EHL PAY-loh BRAH-soh ee MAH-noh WAY-sohs DAY-dohs pool-GAHR OHM-broh moo-NYAY-kah KOH-doh MOOS-koo-lohs pee-AIR-nah ee pee-AY PEHL-bees MOOS-loh roh-DEE-yah toh-BEE-yoh DAY-dohs (del pee-AY) PAY-choh kohs-TEE-yah koh-rah-SOHN PAY-choh/SAY-noh/BOOS-toh seen-TOO-rah ahb-DOH-mayn ays-TOH-mah-goh EE-gah-doh

Mosby items and derived items 2011 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

Spanish Translation Guide English Spleen Gallbladder Appendix Rectum Groin Back Lung Spine Kidney Hip Buttock Anus Feelings/Symptoms Good Bad Pain Tense Nervous Anxious Depressed Euphoric Aggressive Restless Nauseous Irritable Dizzy Tired Cough Fever Useful Phrases Hello! What is your name? Have you been a patient before? I am going to examine you. Where does it hurt? What do you feel? Do you have pain? How severe is the pain? Has the pain gotten worse? . . . or gotten better? Tell me if it hurts. Espaol el bazo la vescula biliar la apndice el recto la ingle La espalda el pulmn la espina dorsal el rin la cadera la nalga el ano Sentimientos/Sntomas bien mal dolor tenso nervioso ansioso deprimido eufrico agresivo inquieto nuseas irritable mareado cansado la tos la fiebre Frases tiles Hola! Cmo se llama? Ha sido paciente antes? Voy a examinarlo/la. (masculine/feminine) Dnde le duele? Que siente? Tiene dolor? Qu tan severo es el dolor? Ha mejorado el dolor? . . . o empeorado? Digame si le duele.

2 Pronunciation BAH-so bay-SEE-koo-lah bee-LEE-ahr ah-PAYN-dee-say RAYK-toh EEN-glay la ays-PAHL-dah pool-MOHN ays-PEE-nah DOHR-sahl ree-NYOHN kah-DAIR-ah NAHL-gah AH-noh sayn-tee-mee-AYN-tohs/SEEN-tohmahs bee-AYN mahl doh-LOHR TAYN-soh nehr-bee-OH-soh ahn-see-OH-soh ay-pree-MEE-doh ay-oo-FOH-ree-koh ah-gray-SEE-boh een-kee-AY-toh NOW-say-ahs ee-ree-TAH-blay mah-ray-AH-doh kahn-SAH-doh tohs fee-YAY-bray FRAH-says OO-tee-lays OH-lah KOH-moh say YAH-mah ah SEE-doh pah-see-AYN-tay AHN-tays BOY ah ayx-ah-mee-NAHR-loh/lah DOHN-day lay doo-AY-lay kay see-AYN-tay tee-AY-nay doh-LOHR kay tahn say-BAI-roh ays ehl doh-LOHR ah may-hoh-RAH-doh ehl doh-LOHR . . . oh aym-pay-oh-RAH- doh DEE-gah-may see lay doo-AY-lay

Mosby items and derived items 2011 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

Spanish Translation Guide I am going to examine your . .. Relax. I am going to listen to your heart/lungs. Take a deep breath. Look up/down/straight ahead. Open/close your mouth. Voy a examinar su . . . Relajese. Voy a eschuchar el corazn/los pulmones. Respire hondo. Mire hacia arriba/abajo/enfrente. Abra/cierra la boca.

3 boy ah ayx-ah-mee-NAHR soo . . . ray-LAH-hay-say boy ah ays-koo-CHAHR ehl koh-rahSOHN/lohs pool-MOH-nays rays-PEE-ray OHN-doh MEE-ray ah-SEE-ah ah-REE-bah/ahBAH-hoh/ayn-FRAYN-tay AH-brah/see-AY-rah lah BOH-kah

Mosby items and derived items 2011 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

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