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DRILLING #5 Subject Chapter Grade : Science : Ecosystem Conservation : 7, Junior High School Name Class/absent Signature : : :

1. Conservation is important to keep biodiversity of ecosystem. But most of the environment was damaged. It can be caused by nature or human activities. The act of damaging a biodiversity that caused by human activities, except. (Conservation:pelestarian,important:p enting,damaged:rusak,act:aktivitas,ap plication:penggunaan,pesticide:pestisi da) a. Illegal hunting b. Application of pesticides c. Deforestation d. Reforestation 2. Pay attention to the following statements. 1.) Endangered animal may be conserve in a zoo 2.) Endangered animals can be sold to other countries 3.) Endangered animal are kept by people who loves domestic animal 4.) Protected animals are sent back to their original habitat The correct action in order to protect highly endangered animal are shown in statements number. (conserve:dilestarikan,sold:jual,kept:d ijaga,domestic:lokal,sent_back:dikemb alikan) a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4 3. The most damaging factor of an environment is. (Earthquake:gempa,fulfill:memenuhi,n eed:kebutuhan,greedy:rakus) a. Earthquakes and volcano eruption b. Too many herbivores reproducing

c. Human always want to fulfill their needs d. Predator which are too greedy 4. The animal which are protected include. (protected:dilindungi,include:termasuk ,jackal:serigala,wild:liar,cow:sapi,buff alo:kerbau,jungle:hutan,fowl:unggas,r hinoceros:badak) a. Jackal, wild boar, and Bengal b. Javanese cow, Balinese cow, and east nusa tenggara buffalo c. Pelung chiken, cemani chicken, and jungle fowl d. Sumatran tiger, Javanese rhinoceros, and Javanese banteng 5. An animal which are extinct because their habitat was destroyed is. (extinct:terancam_punah,destroyed:ha ncur,rhinoceros:badak) a. Javanese tigers b. Sumatran tigers c. Javanese rhinoceros d. Sumatran elephants 6. The following statements that constitute as in-situ ecosystem conservation method is. (constitute:merupakan,rehabilitation:r ehabilitasi) a. Kebun binatang gembira loka Yogyakarta b. Kebun raya bogor c. Orang Utan Rahabilitation in


d. Rhinoceros sondaicus (badak bercula satu) in ujung kulon 7. Look at figure below. This picture above show Rhinoceros sondaicus. The habitat of this protected animal shown in the figure is. a. Meru Betiri b. Ujung Kulon c. Kerinci Seblat d. Alas Purwo 8. kebun Raya Bogor is a reproduction site which performs the ex-situ method for one of the following protected plant. (reproduction_site:pusat_penangkaran Melaleuca:kayu_pitih) a. Melaleuca tree b. Mahogany c. Amorphopallus sp (bunga bangkai) d. Cactus 9. Pay attention to the following figure.

the region which is indicated with an X is the habitat of the following protected animal, which is. a. b.



11. This species (Pavo cristatus=Cendrawasih

merah) is found exclusively in a particular

area or endemic.

Who is this?? This is the Sumatran endangered animal. We can protect this endangered animal by. a. Built a center of animal rehabilitation b. Send to the botanical garden c. Bring this animal in a zoo d. Sending this endangered animal to the original habitats 10. Pay attention to the following figure.

We can find this animal in the natural habitat in.island a. Sumatran b. Irian c. Halmahera d. Sulawesi

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