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From My Heart Part 2

Of course the following words are from my heart.

Times passes. I do have faith and hope in my life. Wave after wave of human emotions come about in our lives. People constantly say to find balance. To find joy is hard to do sometimes, but I do cherish the times in my life when I have joy. Joy can be complex like traveling into various destinations or fulfilling a necessary assignment in my life. Joy can be as simple as communicating with a blue collar worker, giving greetings, and repenting. Joy is a precious attribute of human existence. I do believe in a world that can be better than our present conditions. We still have injustice, false stereotypes promoted in society, and a nefarious culture. Yet, Almighty God wouldn't want us to possess permanent sadness or harsh apathy. God would want us to fight. Fighting for truth and doing constructive acts that can benefit humanity in general. Regardless of the drone attacks done by those done in our name, I will oppose it. Regardless of the denial of basic human rights of some folks (which violates the principle of equality), I will disagree with that reality. I do believe in doing my part in ending white supremacy once and for all. I am a black man, so by nature I will promote blackness. White supremacy is coming to an end now in our time indeed. The Bush tax cuts should expire in 2013 indeed. Life can be wonderful, so we should continue to do what is right and call for righteousness, mercy, and justice for all of mankind. During the course of my life, I learned great life lessons from my relatives, teachers, friends, and colleagues. Now, I do accept the dogma that peace is superior to war mongering and even an annual minimum income is so much

thorough (as part of a comprehensive solution to handle our economic plight) than the status quo. I embrace more comprehensive solutions in my life. I support the interest of poor people. I reject U.S. imperialism. I abhor the present prison industrial complex with its mass incarceration of even innocent human beings.

New challenges come about, but we have to live in reality not in an Alice in Wonderland illusionary situation. Still, I believe that improvements can come about. I reject apathy completely as some (even some of the older folks embrace apathy, while other older individuals have hope for the future). Individuals wake up all of the time. People, who you think are your enemies, can come around and become your allies or friends. Its also important for us to oppose NATOs war mongering agenda. NATO is hugely influential where I am from in Hampton Roads, Virginia, but I have to do what is right. What is right is to publicly expose and oppose the nefarious military industrial complex. NATOs war crimes in Southeastern Europe and Africa ought to be exposed indeed by authentic, dedicated activities. In 1999, NATO bombed innocent civilian targets in Belgrade inside of Serbia. These actions culminated in the 78 day bombing campaign of Yugoslavia. NATO bombed Libya for six months. Libya isnt a true success story, because clan battles continue in Libya. Puppet, reactionary leaders control Libya and crimes against people contribute to occur in Libya (like war crimes). The Chicago summit coming soon is about some wanting NATO to expand its reach into more nations for possible military acts (under the dubious guises of humanitarianism and keeping the world safe for democracy). Rick Rozoff believes that NATO wants drone technology in order for NATO to militarily intervene in Syria and Mali. You always have certain people that reactionaries love to hear from. They or the reactionaries love Allen West, Ron Christie, Clarence Thomas, and people like that. Yet, I am not going out like that. I will embrace my forward thinking. I'm thinking forward. Some of the Republican base thrives on hatred, bigotry, and paranoia about the debt in the world. For example, there are Klansmen types, those that believe that President Barack Obama is a Muslim (or a Communist, an illegal immigrant, and a Kenyan anticolonialist, which are false slanders), and rallies where there are racist vituperation or anti-poor scapegoating. As a thinking black man, I don't need that in my life. I refuse

to accept the Republican agenda in its totality. I don't accept the Tea Party notion that the private sector alone or laissez faire capitalism is the magical bullet to solve poverty. I believe that the government and the private sector all have a vital role in improving our standard of living, decreasing the unemployment rate, and creating jobs for all Americans that desire work plainly speaking. I am not going to vote for my rights to be relinquished. Our ancestors worked too hard for a two party system to violate our liberties. The Republican Party isn't my alternative (since some of them want to attack workers' rights, slash Medicare, slash Social security, and get rid of a lot of the social safety net). With the errors of LBJ (especially with his error of continuing the war in Vietnam that delayed a negotiated settlement among all factions), he was right to have his War on Poverty. His programs reduced the poverty rate by 50% from 1960 to 1970. If LBJ keep his focus on real social reforms, the poverty rate could be as low as 3-4%. Dr. Martin Luther King once has a cordial relationship with Lyndon Johnson until Dr. King spoke out publicly against the Vietnam War. Reactionaries forget that you need economic justice and real democratic reforms in order for society to grow. The corporate elite will fund both parties no doubt, yet they are more receptive to agree with Republicans on financial issues (because most Republicans don't demand that the elite will pay its fair share of taxes). This doesn't mean that I'm some Democrat. I'm not. I am an Independent. I don't hate the rich. I just strongly abhor the agenda of the plutocracy. We have to fight vigorously against racial hatred, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and misogyny. Although, many people from across the political spectrum agree on common solutions. We agree with the investigation and auditing of the Federal Reserve. Many of us from across the political spectrum don't like the banker bailouts. We agree with the Fourth Amendment, therefore we disagree with the domestic spying measures of the FISA Act (or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) & the Patriot Act. Many of us don't agree with SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, the AUMF, and the Expatriation Act. We love to oppose the agenda of the military industrial complex. Therefore, we should be thankful of that. I dont desire the corporate attack on public education either. Continuation of fighting against tyranny is always my goal in my life (along with other goals). Many people are learning about JP Morgan Chase. The President's administration has supported Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase for years. It's found that the President's financial disclosure forms prove that he has a "JPMorgan Chase Private Client Asset Management" checking account with a million dollar in it. Although, I do have faith and hope that the brother President Barack Obama (who is a very intelligent man) would wake up more about these issues. Wall Street publicly funds both the Republicans and the Democrats. Yes, the Rockefeller Foundation aided Mises and the Austrian economic movement. The President went on "The View" to praise JP Morgan Chase boss Jamie Dimon. He called Dimon as one of the smartest bankers in America. Dimon lost over two billion dollars in speculative derivatives trade. He's one of the men involved in the culture that caused the recession and the destruction of much of the economy in the first place. Dimon is a member of the CFR, he's a Trilateral Commission member, and he's at the top (Class A) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Wall Street considers him to be a golden boy. He could have been the next Secretary of the Treasury. Jamie Dimon is of the establishment. Timothy Geithner is the present Secretary of the Treasury (he was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. Geithner worked for Kissinger and Associates and he was a senior person of the CFR). Timothy Geithner ran microfinance schemes for the CIA's Ford Foundation. JP Morgan is the largest derivatives dealer in the world making it a key player in our economic complications. This same bank was involved in the subprime lending problems causing great harm to millions of Americans' living standard. Fitch recorded information about this issue. They found that JP Morgan Chase, Bank

of America, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley together hold 80% of the countrys derivatives risk, and 96% of the exposure to credit derivatives. JP Morgan invented credit default swaps, the bankster sledgehammer taking down the U.S. economy. Many Americans despite what some say know a lot of the economic system. The elite have many exclusive private schools teaching them the lies of social Darwinism, globalism, and the scapegoating of the poor. We have miseducation in many schools too. The establishment's corporate media have shown deception before as well. The economic system today is meant to pirate the wealth and labor from the people in order to empower the monopolists (of the elite). Even people embracing the overreliance of technology (though technology is good when utilized in the right way) have caused some people to lack intellectual curiosity or independent thinking. We the people have to be producers of wealth too not just consumers. It seems like Henry George is right to promote the dignity of labor. So, both parties are hypocritical to spread anti-Wall Street rhetoric when vulture capitalism from the big bankers fund both parties. The conflict in Syria has been fully exposed as an exercise of Western/NATO agents funding terrorists in order for the present Syrian government to be overthrown (which partition could be a possibility if the Syrian government is defeated). Now, the rebels in Syria are using Facebook as an means to post the names, phone numbers, and residential addresses of pro-Assad government supporters. The terrorist want opposition member to find and execute them. Its very hypocritical for Anderson Cooper and others to support the rebels when they are the one using social media as an excuse to attempt to execute people violently. If similar actions were happening in America, the feds would be in action to arrest those who organized such a heinous plot (and rightfully so). The Facebook monitors are nowhere to be found when al-Qaeda operatives in Syria are issuing death threats and calling for cold blooded murder. Its not a secret that the opposition in Syria is being backed with arms and logistics from the U.S. State Department. This opposition is in violation of the UN brokered ceasefire agreement. The West is using regional proxies like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. to promote the status quo. The NSA and the CIA is trying to set up a spying grid in Facebook. The Free Syria Army is backed by Washington. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter helped to promote the Arabic Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and in Syria. Egypt is now a military dictatorship after the dictator Mubarak was ousted. The Muslim Brotherhood could control Egypt after the elections in Egypt. Libya is ruled by a pro-oil puppet in the midst of civil conflict still in 2012.

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2012: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA VS. MITT ROMNEY Our country has been through a lot of changes. A Presidential election will come in November of 2012. We have 2 major choices of President Barack and Mitt Romney. We have the right to vote for a third party candidate as well. If the President is reelected, some changes will occur. The Democrats will control at least one chamber of Congress. There might be some economic improvements or continued economic stagnation. The erosions of our civil liberties will continue since the White House isn't going to rescind the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc. We still have high unemployment, high poverty, and economic inequality. If Mitt Romney is elected President, the

reactionary Republicans could dominate either the House or the Senate. The agenda of the 1% will take precedent over the agenda of the 99%. That is why it's silly for the Tea Party crowd to call President Barack Obama a socialist extremist when he is at best a center-left political leader. Paul Krugman, the liberal Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist, recently described Obama, whom he supports, as having ruled like "a moderate Republican circa 1992." Viewing the ultra-conservatives, African American professor and left intellectual Cornell West detected "creeping fascism." Economic inequality is facilitated by the two party system. This system is funded by big money and the political elite have no vested interests in having true democratic election reform. That is why the masses of people are opposing and protesting the inequality of opportunity, the class war waged by the wealthy, the wars, NATO, and other issues. Even some unions are protesting against the nefarious policies of Wall Street. It is not just to see thirty years of wage stagnation. The events in Wisconsin and the Occupy Wall Street movement prove that real people want to deal with the excesses of capitalism in the U.S. society. There were 15,000 people demonstrating against NATO in Chicago during May of 2012. Some hope that these occurrences can allow a bigger movement for social change to occur. Mitt Romney is running on the position that the economic crisis is entirely the President's fault. This is inaccurate, because our Great Recession's origin came from the Bush Jr. & Clinton administrations (plus even before their eras). The previous Presidential administrations followed the policies of millionaire tax cuts (except for Clinton), war spending, and huge deficits of Bush Jr. The Clinton administration followed the deregulation of banking and Wall Street causing the winner takes all economic system. Romney's nonsensical economic speech in Iowa May 15 was an epic self-exposure. While promising to cut social spending, increase the war budget and not raise taxes, he declared: President Obama is an old-school liberal whose first instinct is to see free enterprise as the villain and government as the hero.... America counted on President Obama to rescue the economy, tame the deficit and help create jobs. Instead, he bailed out the public sector, gave billions of dollars to the companies of his friends and added almost as much debt as all the prior presidents combined. Romney forgot to mention that the debt only gone up by about half under President Obama. The President is barely a liberal on economic and foreign policy issues. The President supports free enterprise capitalism. Mitt Romney disagrees with the President on healthcare and the Afghan war when both men are nearly identical ideologically on both issues. The President's healthcare plan is based on the program Romney implemented as governor of Massachusetts. Both men agreed with smart growth or the Sustainable Communities plan. If Barack Obama is re-elected, the status quo will continue (there could be radical improvements since we dont know the future). If Mitt Romney is President, austerity and war mongering will be on steroids. Frankly, political parties can't make progressive change. It is dedicated efforts of individuals, collective people, and organized mass movements that ended the Vietnam War, ended Jim Crow, created an eight hour work day, and allowed women the democratic right to vote. In the final analysis, its our responsibility to help out society. The President can only do so much and our issues are bigger than the President.


Memorial Day is today. A lot of thoughts wrap around my head on this day. A lot of individuals support war and others hate war. War is a very destructive endeavor. At times, many folks forget about the complex nature of war. Even great and sincere anti-war activists sometimes omit tidbits about the complicated nature about how wars come about. For example, anyone can say that I oppose war, but we should also know about the social, political, and economic origins of various wars (so we don't repeat the same conscious less errors of the past). Physical wounds are not just experienced by both sides during the course of war. There were emotional or psychological wounds experienced by the soldiers, the civilians, and all participants within the realm of war. These wounds persist today in 2012. Some of the victims of war don't have adequate justice or real social care. This reality is exemplified in the millions of victims and civilians who died during human history. Also, numerous soldiers were unfairly treated when they came home from Vietnam. For example, a lot of younger kids don't realize that Vietnam troops were assaulted, cursed at, thrown objects at, and spat upon by people in America when they've arrived home from Vietnam. That was wrong, because whatever your view of the Vietnam War (I don't agree with the Vietnam War. There were many cases where the war either couldn't transpire or a peaceful negotiated settlement among all parties could exist. Although, the enemies of truth prevented a peace settlement from happening during the late 1960's), all people should be treated with dignity and respect. In fact, tons of the homeless once were Vietnam War G.I.s. Some war veterans struggle to receive labor or other economic opportunities. So, it is our responsibility to not worship war nor worship jingoistic patriotism. It is our responsibility to promote policies that can advance peace in the world, oppose torture, oppose imperialism, and give soldiers opportunities to live their own lives once they come into America from the various theaters of war. Any life lost including soldiers should receive sympathy by us, because a life lost is a tragic situation. Families suffer and we have to execute compassion toward

human beings. Likewise, the civilian victims of war ought to have compensation and real respect too. War crimes done in our name are blatantly immoral. The victims of the war crimes (from the Belgium extermination of over 1 million black Congolese via the wicked King Leopold II, the Mai Lai massacre, and the firebombing of Dresden) by the Western imperialism are found in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and even in Europe ironically enough. I pull the cards of my enemy all day and everyday. I can't stop, because I won't stop. During this day, we shouldn't sugarcoat our fundamental thinking. We ought to go out and speak the truth in season and out of season. One of my many experiences is that I see some of the older generation (not all of them) expressing apathy. The good news is that the vast majority of older human beings reject the concept of apathy completely. I am young, so I refuse to express apathy. I have hunger for hope. Hope is a basic tenet of not only faith. Hope is a tenet that all of humanity should adhere to. It took hope to advance the reforms of civil rights, environmental protection, and to stridently & effectively make numerous positive acts in the world society. Hope isn't about bashing men or bashing women (or damning nice people or any individual with a non-conformist social disposition). It's about all of us showing the tolerance of all human beings, believing in the unity of the human family, and the judging of people based on their character (not on their skin color, not on their personality, not on their physical appearance, not on their gender, not on their economic status, and not on their background given to them at birth). I am tired of bigotry and you are too. That is why my eyes are open. Hope means that we can finally end the archaic anti-poor, anti-middle class economic philosophy whose hero is Ayn Rand not Dr. Martin Luther King. Hope is basic and it is about having faith in God not faith in the status quo or doubt. This Memorial Day represents to me about hope for the future. I know that the future will be better. If we can end Jim Crow and we can end various forms of discrimination among folks of all backgrounds, then we can create a better, tranquil society. Internet freedom is great to advance. Various blogs and sites are under attack by various functions. It is great to witness a variety of human thought and human thinking. A continuation of activism and a firm adherence to social justice are great prescriptions for having victories. Yet, I will not beg another man for my freedom. I will embrace my freedom. You know what that means. I don't have to spell it out. Freedom should be free, but that isn't always the case. I am a believer in justice and I am an non-believer in oppression. My freedom is given to me by no one, but my God at conception and especially after birth. I have to be controversial since that is my job. See, I will always make it plain, make it real, make it raw, and make it true on the real. I am young, black, and gifted.


In our generation, more people are rejecting false views. David Ricardo (1772-1823) is wrong to say that: "...Anyone who lacks independent wealth has no claim to even the smallest portion of food..." It is just to view humans as not some number on a spreadsheet or stock market portfolio. Man is not something to be placed in economic trivialities (or allowed to starved to death via austerity), but man is valuable. Man is dynamic and economic revolutionary tenets should be all about social justice. People who need services deserve grants, Medicaid coverage, Social Security, and Medicare. We should reject corporate greed. Charity is a virtue. Man's obligation is not totally to himself. Man was created to serve God, his creation, and all human beings in the right fashion. Self-sacrifice is one of the greatest actions that an individual can execute. Self-sacrifice can include many things. So, the trash of materialism, bigotry, anarchocapitalism, and obsession with pop culture comes from a supremacist system of faux religion (as opposed to true, natural spirituality). The corrupt system is found in mainstream unfettered capitalism. Unfettered capitalism lies all of the time. Also, the elites hate the poor. You can just look at recent history to see that. For example, the government watched and did little in the beginning of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of people died in New Orleans and in the Gulf Coast region as result of the destructive force of the hurricane. The government in many cases taxes the poor to give money to the rich. This allows corporations to slash jobs and benefits. Today, we have billions of dollars spent on militarism, while poverty grows in America. The Drug Revolution (aided by the rich Foundations and the CIA in its leadership) and the dialectic of the War on Drugs (aided by rich Foundations and the CIA. Gary Webb

has proven this truth) were funded by the establishment to harm the poor, especially in the Black community. One Contra was CIA agent Adoflo Calefro (he is a supporter of the mainstream Evangelical community) were created to stifle progress and prevent a real revolutionary change in America. Two Nicaraguan contras, Danielo Blandn and Norwin Meneses, met with Col. Enrique Bermdez in Honduras. Meneses met with Calefro and Meneses was a huge drug smuggler according to Gary Webb. The modern day War on Drugs caused many of the poor to live in the ghettos suffering drug addiction and the prison industrial complex. Crack cocaine has been marketed to the poor in order for revolution to be stifled. Webb's research reveals that the Contra networks were involved in the distribution of cocaine. AND IT REVEALS THAT THIS CONTRA-COCAINE NETWORK DELIBERATELY CHOSE TO TARGET BLACK COMMUNITIES (INCLUDING ALL COMMUNITIES) WITH THEIR DRUGS. The reactionaries today blame the victims for the conditions of the poor instead of the chess players in the top that created the conditions where poverty flourishes in the first place. Back in the day, cocaine, LSD, and heroine were confined mostly to the rich, the hippies, the Beatniks, etc. because these were very expensive. Today, these drugs affect everybody of any socioeconomic & ethnic backgrounds. I am not saying that people should be sentenced to life in prison for non-violent drug possession. I oppose that idea. I mean that alternatives ought to exist to handle drug addiction among nonviolent sufferers of drug addiction. That is why Jesus so many years ago warned us not to love money. He condemned many of the actions of the rich and powerful. Therefore, spiritually we ought to respect justice not greed.

Webster Tarpley vs. Ron Paul

What do I think about the Webster Tarpley vs. Ron Paul ideological dispute? I presented my views about Ron Paul before. Geolibertarian said it best and his views sum up my views on this debate. I think that Webster is correct with to criticize Austrian School economics as it can lead into austerity and liquidationism. Although, Tarpley is wrong on the drug war and his near worship of nuclear power. I believe that Ron Paul is right on many issues like foreign policy, civil liberties, and national sovereignty, but he's dead wrong on economic issues. Webster Tarpley is very much accurate in criticizing the laissez faire, social Darwinist economic movement of the reactionaries. Tarpley has an interesting view of the some of the elites turning on President Barack Obama because of the President wanting austerity more gradually (while Mitt Romney wants it as soon as possible. The elite may want the radical austerity plans to occur ASAP). Even Bill Clinton criticizes those who talk about Romney being an asset tripper, a corporate banking puppet, and a hedge fund leader. Time will tell who will win the 2012 election. One thing is true. Both men are funded by the same ruling class of super-rich elites (or the 1%). The Supreme Court will decide on the health care reform law on Thursday of this week. I do agree with Tarpley that healthcare is a human right. Americans have the right to receive healthcare period. Human life is more important than corporate profits. It's obvious that Rand Paul sold out. He made a pilgrimage to the offices of the Weekly Standard (which is neocon central). Rand is open to agreeing with a Western attack on Iran as he worked with William Kristol and other neo-cons. Rand Paul will support economic warfare or anti-human sanctions against Iran. Rand Paul supports Mitt Romney, which is a definite betrayal of even the conservative movement (that Rand claims to love so much. Mitt Romney agrees with the American Empire overseas funded by our taxpayer dollars and domestic warfare against our civil liberties at home). One funny comment that Alex Jones made was that Masons are a diverse group and some are good and some are bad. The reality is that Freemasonry is wrong spiritually and morally since their oaths are unscriptural and death

ridden, many of their rituals are secret, and many of them do acts behind the scenes that are filled with hypocrisy (I know private sources that tell stories about the looseness of Freemasons in real life). Masonic sources encourage lying and the embrace of the occult. Jones is dead wrong on the Masonry issue. Jones says that he doesn't endorse the Masons, but some Masons must be praised by us. No one said that all Masons are devil worshipers, but all Masons are deluded. I will never ally or compromise with death-oath filled secret societies period. Tarpley is right to say that the phrase of "states rights" has been a reactionary slogan to restrict human rights during Jim Crow and other times of human history. To expose states rights as the agenda of neo-Confederates who violated human liberties has nothing to do with wanting some Sovietstyle system in America at all. The global elite want austerity period. They want us dependent on corporate power and we should be independent of that. We should control the government in helping society not the oligarchs. So, trillions of dollars shouldn't be given to the war machine. Money should be given to help the poor and suffering in America.


In Wisconsin, the recall election is over. Wisconsin is a special place, because it's home to numerous freedom loving movements. Scott Walker will continue to be the Governor of Wisconsin. He captured 53.1 percent of the total vote. The Republicans spent more money than the Democrats did. Barrett was defeated. The Democrats won a recall election in the Wisconsin senate. The reactionaries have won their election victory in terms of the governorship. Walker believes in the same dogma of laissez faire economic fundamentalism that doesn't work to end poverty at all. He believes in the immoral war on terror as well. Some people say that Scott Walker believes in the culture of life. I believe in the culture of life, but a culture of life doesn't relate to austerity at all. Austerity can harm human life as it

will cause more people to suffer poverty, more people to experience a lack of services, and even more folks to experience to a lack of firefighters. This doesn't mean that the Democrats are perfect or divine either. They are just as much in the pocket of Wall Street as the Republicans are. The only difference is that some of the Republicans want to overtly promote tyranny, while some Democrats want tyranny via stealth. It's hypocritical for the White House to condemn Bain Capital, but refuse to tell the public how their campaign and administration are filled with links to JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. They even criticized South Carolina's Congressman Jim Clyburn for accurately describing Bain Capital's technique as raping companies to enrich their partners. The Democrats are more slick in trying to portray themselves as the "good guy" when they are the Good cop to the Republicans Bad cop. The role of the Democratic establishment is to try to make deluded liberals or progressives to ally with the criminal policies of empire abroad and oppression at home (under the guises of humanitarianism, tolerance, hope, and change). So, both parties want us to support the sick idea of killing mostly people of color overseas and defend the right of quasi-austerity policies at home. The Republicans overtly show these policies as a means to appeal to their reactionary, intolerant base of supporters. As for the recall election, the affair is interesting. The Democrat Tom Barrett is the mayor of Milwaukee. Scott Walker won heavily Republican areas like the western suburbs of Milwaukee. Ironically, the Democratic Party supported the cuts in wages and benefits for state and local government in Wisconsin. They only oppose Walker's excluding unions from dealing with how cuts would come about. Scott Walker is a reactionary Republican. People like him support the interests of corporate profiteers, they are contemptuous of social justice or the common good, and they agree with the agenda of the rich plutocracy. Scott Walker is the type of a man that's brainwashed by his political overseers. Some Republicans today have a history of bullying, insulting and racist name calling among some of their members. That is why I could never support a party that agrees with the agenda from the PNAC document or the ideologies of George W. Bush. I just can't do it. We have to keep our eyes wide open not make our eyes become shut to nepotism.

*In my life, I deduce information. I make commentaries about various issues. Several experiences in my life and the heroes of the past plus present give me vigor and inspiration to carry on. Victory is ever close if we continue to promote real solutions that battle against poverty and real injustices in the world. I can't discount the great influence of labor in the parameters of world society. Labor is one key institution. With labor, we in the USA have a minimum wage, health benefits, a cleaner air, collective bargaining, and other tangible godsends. Yet, we still have a long way to go in order for us to see a quality filled society. Millions of people are on food stamps and millions of people suffer harsh poverty (when there are record profits earned by the super wealthy). We are already in a new phase of human history. We discuss issues not only of race and nation-states. We are discussing about economic issues and specialized social issues. Also, we are dealing with complex ethical and technological subjects from stem cell research to transhumanism. It's much easier to integrate lunch counters than it is to radically change the economic system in America (where the poor will receive fair wages and true justice). It's an uncontestable fact that laissez faire capitalism was one huge instrument of continuing the international slave trade for centuries. This doesn't mean that I am a Communist. Communism omits the important nature of the individual while sometimes capitalism forgets the social & collective nature of human existence. Communism also violates basic, fundamental individual freedoms. I wouldnt prefer to live under the rule of a Communist country, yet as Dr. Martin Luther King eloquently mentioned decades ago, its better to live in peaceful coexistence than mutual annihilation. Far too often, heroes are slandered as communists when they even offer quaint criticism of mainstream capitalism. The neo-conservative Cliff Cincaid (I call him by name) is notorious in slandering people as communists and socialists if a person doesn't agree with his narrow minded views. The deceiver Cincaid was once a member of the Council on National Policy (or a group filled with Knights of Malta, elitists, and other shady characters who try to infiltrate sincere conservatives). Cincaid needs to realize that we live in the twenty-first century not the eighteenth century. Cincaid (who took money from Richard Mellon Scaife) supports the war on terror and the evil Patriot Act. Cliff even demonizes real sincere anti-war conservatives. Sincere anti-war people exist from across the political spectrum. Cliff lied and said that the anti-war movement in essence is communist totally in its orientation. It's time to look beyond the Left/Right Paradigm. As Matthew 7:20 says: "...Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them..."The truth is that it's pro-God to advocate public resources to assist the poor and suffering in the world society. I don't believe that the Lord would want to be silent when homelessness is abundant, when the state is depriving

citizens of real equality, and unjust wars are transparent plus real. I oppose the proposed billions of dollars in cuts to Pell Grants (these grants can help so much of the poor to have a great education inside of the college arena). The Lord God would want us to repent and seek out for justice including tolerance for all people in the face of the Earth point blank period. Our issues are not just national. They are international as well. For we are linked socially to all people irrespective of our creed, nationality, ethnicity, gender, disability, or any other background. We have the resources to solve our problems. The deal is that these resources have been too centralized under the super elite. That is why it is imperative to create programs to make a more equitable tax system, to create more small businesses, and improve our environment in general. Short term and long term goals of economic growth & social/political growth are precise ways where all people can benefit in this ever changing society. Even with my errors, I will never quit. I will keep moving forward and promote progressive solutions.

By Timothy

Appendix A: Great Debates

These debates are debates I had with a pro-Republican person. You can agree with me or not. I presented this information since it shows the public the mentality of some people that believe in some post-racial society. It shows the public about the Republican mindset or the Republican thinking on various political issues. It offers a glimpse into my thinking and the thinking of pro-Tea Party individuals. These words are more controversial. I like debates, so its great and a pleasure for me to prevent information to the people.

Enjoy. -By Timothy

Hi TruthSeeker24

I say that Ali's militant "black" identifying jugmentalism back then is what informs the the style of modern Liberal African American "agenda" politics today and their rhetoric. Ali was how he was because he was mad about how he was treated by "White" people who believed in this notion of "whiteness" and about how they used it to insult and belittle him as inferior. Yet he needed to see that this white/black excuse for division and hating him was only a blood poisoned scapegoat being used by those PEOPLE to do so back then, it was being done by PEOPLE who chose to do so not inherently "white" people. Sure, they were white skinned while on mass doing it, and those people even fervently believed in that shit notion enough to segregatedly kill African Americans over it, but they were just PEOPLE using a false notion of "Color" as a excuse to hurt others really. Now the problem is that a 95% African American voting block that leans all Democrat speak themselves from the same false "color" perception of men like Ali about where racism comes from. The general appetite within Liberal African American democrats to "teach" on race issues and judge others supposed vast racial sins through their own personal racialized prism, comes from a similar false perception of "color" that they hold true to in similarity with the racists who enslaved them back in the past, and now Liberal African Americans use the "color" perception as a solidarity platform themselves. That solidarity with "blackness" may have seemed necessary to fight the fight for civil rights, but it has left Civil Rights African Americans as a group identifying by "color" today. They act judgemental from a podium because of it and self segregate from other people with it. That racially charged/identifying podium of privilege, is from where insincere men like Obama speak when they want to pretend that they want to have a "new" dialog on race issues. Yet it is the same podium from which all the other "color" based judgments of others by Liberal African Americans comes from everyday. People like myself who are constantly judged and under attack for our every word by Liberal activist African American people of that privileged podium and who see their few Black conservative friends called "uncle toms" from it by them are not impressed to believe anything that these racialized Liberals say. As I said in a letter before, there was no "new dialog" on race as Obama promised, just insulting "cowards on race" comments and "uncle tom" rhetoric from the left. At the same time, Black Panther intimidation got a free pass, and then they have the gall to wonder why those "Whites" who are always called "privileged racist conservative white people" hate them back in return for it. Well Liberal activist African Americans are in general now far too Racialized and judgmental to have any real true "new" dialogs or discussions about race issues with people like myself. All they breed is division with their insults at us and our Conservative "black" suffering brethren these days.

Sincerely, CyberSpaceman81

My Response: This is an interesting discussion and here are my views. Muhammad Ali had imperfections like all human beings possess or acquire. No human being is perfect. Yet, Ali's views on many issues are 100 percent accurate in my opinion. You obviously disagree. Now, Muhammad Ali is right to promote black families, black communities, and black culture. You equate a man or a woman strongly promoting black culture as judging in an evil fashion. I don't. A real black man isn't judging unfairly all people when he stands up for an ideal. He is acting as a rational and firm minded human being that isn't afraid the status quo. The status quo desires stagnation and self-hatred among black people, but the truth is that God wants black people to realize their full potential and love the legacy of their black ancestors. The black ancestors were warriors and carrying forward with that warrior ethos of strength, determination, and progress are frontiers of stable living not chaos. Muhammad Ali was right to expose the evils of white racism. Muhammad Ali even in the 1960's said that he didn't hate people, because they were white. He hated oppression and discrimination against his people. Racism isn't limited among some white people, but the system of white supremacy existed back then and today (under more sophisticated means). White terrorists (not all white people) harming black people back then used issues of race and class as a disgusting excuse in order to basically harming people. I don't consider them or prejudice people normal people in my eyes. They are degenerates. "Whiteness" to Ali refers to larger white society or white culture. You of course deny the concept of culture, but I believe in the existence of culture in the realm of human history.

Now, the percentage of black people voting for a political party of the Democrats exists for numerous reasons. You don't like it, but what is the alternative? I don't agree with the Democrats on every issue. On the other hand, the Republicans have shown us what they stand for. They stand for austerity, war mongering, xenophobia (even Jeb Bush called some Republicans out on their xenophobia), the violations of our civil liberties, near theocratic policies, and the use of racebaiting/anti-poor rhetoric. I wish for more African Americans to be politically Independent (which is purposely not a part of the Democratic/Republican corporate system), but I do understand why 95 % of black Americans vote Democratic when most Republicans desire to crush our effective social safety net. The lesson of reality is for people to teach of racism and promote solutions. Judging racial sins using accurate sources of history isn't about judging something with a false prism. That is using a crystal clear mirror that is a part of history, reality, and a sense of justice. Color (in terms of melanin levels) is real. Melanin levels that are diversely arranged in human beings is a scientific fact, while the usage of "race" is a social construct. People have used and exploited people of color for centuries. That is also real, so people have the right to talk about these issues. You wish to not discuss about these issues in an accurate fashion since you want all people to accept your conservative establishment views. Black solidarity has nothing to do with racism. Black solidarity is about promoting bounds of unity (among black men and black women), building black culture, and believing in justice. You ignore this goal. Black solidarity was necessary during the 1960's as it is now in 2012 (because of the problems in the black community. Black Unity is one solution out of many to help my black people). Identifying myself by color, culture, or my ethnicity is my right. It's part of the First Amendment. Judging evil is right. Judging oppression as wrong is fine with me.

See being judgmental against evil is very much human. Human beings have the right to discern right from wrong. To promote Black Power isn't about forced self-segregation or bigotry. It's about doing the same thing that the Irish, the Indians, the Asians, the Hispanics, and other people have been doing in America for a long time. When the Asians and the Hispanics do this (or promote cultural growth along ethnic lines), there is no outright or massive condemnation. It is only when we blacks do it, then we're falsely called the racists. Sorry, it's a new day and colorblindness is fantasy (as exposed by the author & Sister Michelle Alexander). No real discerning man or woman conceives every black conservative as an Uncle Tom. That's silliness. We just feel that if a black person hates their own people and promotes corporate interests that damage their own people, then he or she is an Uncle Tom. It's a simple and quaint definition (without complication). I have said that the liberal establishment isn't perfect, but there is no way that I will worship at the altar of Ayn Rand or Milton Freidman. It isn't going to happen, no doubt.

There have been dialogues on race for years. Some progress has been made, but we have a long way to go. See, a true dialogue means that both sides will agree on many things. Yet, both sides don't have to agree on every point in the exact same fashion. You want black people to agree with your standard on every issue, but black people have every right to not agree with you in a peaceful fashion. Our civil rights are being violated, so we have the right to fight for more tranquility. The President Barack Obama talked about race and he didn't damn anyone as an Uncle Tom in his dialogue (during his 2008 Presidential campaign). Black Panther intimidation? The New Black Panthers in that voting location didn't kill anyone, they exposed white supremacy (which they have every right to do and they are accurate on that point) and they didn't harm anyone physically. The only thing that they did wrong was carrying weapons that could intimidate people. Most of the Dade County, FL police department blocking voters in 2000 to elect Bush is a thousand times worse than 2 New Black Panther members with nightsticks in Philadelphia during 2008. Also, police brutality against a 6 year old black girl gets a free pass in Detroit. Oscar Grant's murder gets a free pass. The NYC's evil frisk and search policy against innocent minorities gets a free pass. The bombing of the black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921 by you know who got a free pass too. Also, other instruments of evil gets a free pass like the brutality against black Libyans by terrorists. Our black people suffered no free passes in terms of oppression. We are oppressed and we have every justification to make our grievances known and to create solutions to help our own interests. I know many privileged white conservative racists hate black people. Thank you for admitting to that. You are honest. We blacks don't hate you reactionaries. We disagree with you. Many liberals and people from across the political spectrum desire dialogue with each other. Race dialogues have existed for years, so to assume that race dialogues don't exist is false. You just want the dialogue to be one sided in your favor. Justice means all sides will benefit not just conservatives. No real scholar insults you or black conservatives. Real people don't advocate the demonization of any man who is conservative, but a real people advocate adequate critiques of any political philosophy. All humans are created equal, but all human beings have the right to work for community development. Black people have a right to love their families, their communities, and their people without malice or bigotry toward non-blacks. That is not a sin. That's the Lord's Truth.

By Timothy

Hi TruthSeeker24

Republicans stand for non over emotionalized maturity, this xenophobia, austerity crap is just a liberal contrive of Conservatism actual positions. They believe in families that have expectations other than lax culture that accepts and seeks to mitigate the growth in youth promiscuity and

uncommited adult relationships. They believe in a nation that was founded of rugged individual personal pursuing freedom and not vast culture of sharing all of their labors and hard work with everybody under the sun at others people enjoyable whim. They believe that a patriot expects his nation to be sovereign and it borders as well, not just have millions come whenever they please and use the services of our citizenship without expectations of legal immigration. They believe that empowering the ease of the average citizen to start their OWN money generating capitalist enterprise however small is in keeping with this nations founding under personal pursuitism and CAPITALISM. They believe that one should be "equal" enough to face mainly just the obstacles of the natural world, competition, and the limits of their amassed skills and education without things like racism being a factor hindering them. Yet they don't believe that the world was made to make everyone have the same amount of stuff through collectivism, and that those who naturally can't achieve a certain level prosperity for themselves through their own efforts don't deserve that level till their own effort allow. They believe that those like Liberals who fail the intercity with their Liberal teachers union lead Public School high drop out rates and "Empower" only to government provided things are destroying the personal pursuing independence of the people in this nation, and are failing even to give them the empowered ability to achieve even a basic level of prosperity of THEMSELVES with a good basic education skill base. Those consumed with arguments of supposed continuing "vast racism" that is leading their disadvantage are off point and objective. We need to worry more about why the Fredrick Douglass types who freed HIMSELF and taught HIMSELF to read with NO education has been lost in African American America now. Those who call themselves "Friends" of African American intercity empowerment can't even produce a decent primary school education to give them, and they all but ignore the cancer of single parenthood and other issues adding to more criminality and hopelessness.

Well I say that is UNACCEPTABLE while pushing more entitlements and collectivism on them, it is robbing them of their hope and sacred fire to achieve as an individual like their ancestors had. The "Mitt Romney" types of the republican party aren't the majority, they are big monied people who some I am sure have interest only to protect their fortune. The majority of Republicans are just middle class people who want their nation to be one free individuals who are able to sweat and toil for their OWN middle class level of prosperity and keep it, without being called "privileged" for it and being force by their neighbors to spend it all collectively on every new thing that people outside of their own home decide. Those who constantly from the Liberal now grown ethnocentric minority movement left of today shout with racialism about the white middle classes supposed "privilege" and judge everything they say and do as the most racist thing ever are presuming to a self righteous power they don't have right to as a equally fallible human. These self segregating people have grown so consumed with racial color and the politics of disadvantage to see that it is mainly now reversible natural obstacles that are holding them back. The stored legacy of achievements of individual African Americans of past rougher days is immeasurable, and their achievements and fire for personal actions back then are more understandable now by those of conservative independent fire of spirit who remember their immigrant European ancestors struggles to reach the middle class and who want to be a nation of THAT and not collectivism. i am one who is interested in the "School Choice" movement, to me it seems more important that intercity kids get a good education that can serve them to start being personally actional and generative adults rather than to get into taking from government. their are

Liberal Democrats and Conservatives doing big things in this arena, yet much of the Democratic establishment in love with the teachers unions hate on them. This "School Choice" is a place where intercity minorities could see a growth in personal skill to do as individuals, yet I fear the majority of the Left wants continue to play racial disadvantage politics with the middle class more than they want to empower people bipartisanly to independent ability through things like school choice and community based personal small business starter training programs. That would just be too independent and capitalist to do for Democrats I guess. I am attaching a vid of the Democrat party people fighting for "school choice" who show a kindred bipartisan spirit with those fighting for it on the Conservative side. I hope it shows you a better way for us all to work toward something truly empowering for less fortunate rather than playing agenda politics and continuing a entitlement culture.

Sincerely, CyberSpaceman81 _____

My Response: Republicans stand for many things and principles. One of them isn't the love of the social safety net despite their hypocrisy on this issue. No political party is god neither perfect, therefore I possess the reasonable justification to be an Independent from a political standpoint. Being emotional for justice is fine. Being timid in the face of oppression is asinine and seriously cowardly in my opinion. Many Republicans advocate xenophobia and austerity evils. That's a fact. For example, Paul Ryan and Ron Paul desire at least 1 trillion dollar cuts in the government (which can damage the economy literally and it's austerity). Also, Republican Tom Tancredo blatantly advocates restrictions on legal immigration in harsh xenophobic terminology. These characterizations of some Republicans advocating extremism isn't a part of liberal contrivance, but cold facts. People from across the spectrum disagree with youth sexual promiscuity and uncommitted adult relationships inside of a lax culture. I just feel that people should not be placed into prison (as theocrats advocate) for premarital sex and various adult relationships. There are means to fight against these problems like sexual education, communication, dialogue, and promoting a culture that abhors materialism and yes austerity. In American culture, shared sacrifice is part and parcel of our ethos. For example, centuries ago, the American Revolutionaries sacrificed their wealth to defeat British colonialists. Even during the Great Depression, communities sacrificed their labor and time to assist the poor and struggling. The same things existed during WWII. Now, the Constitution in Article I, Section 8 gives the government the power to tax citizens (therefore, the usage of taxes to help society is perfectly legal). I believe in national sovereignty, so you have no qualms from me about a nation having the right to be sovereign in their territorial integrity. Yet, when people talk about comprehensive immigration reform, we are not saying people should run from foreign countries into America precipitously. That means that we should protect our borders and promote a rational solution to the immigrants already here in America. You can't immediately deport millions of people without causes riots or chaos, so a comprehensive approach is far better in solving immigration complications.

You feel that the private arena can only empower the individual. In 2012, I am seeing that it can be both the private and the public sector working in one nation that can empower individuals. You mention the words personal pursuit. So often, the words of personal pursuit have been exploited as a cover to advance greed, materialism, and other facets of negligent behavior in our financial sphere. Therefore, the markets should have reasonable regulations in order for the market to not act unfettered. Unfettered capitalism is a detriment to human progress, while controlled capitalism or even a mixed economy has worked in the United States during the span of short centuries. Now, the weakness of your argument of bootstraps 101 is that not all human beings travel in the same road at approximately the same time. For example, the rich man and a pauper are in 2 different lanes in the track. The rich person has many advantages; therefore programs were created to assist the poor person in the race of life. Therefore, it's fine for you (if you want) to promote your own individual endeavor without government assistance. Yet, you should not restrict some governmental assistance from those that legitimately need it. Human life will not be perfect and obstacles are abundant. That's true, but imperfections in life require corrections. These corrections involve funds, fair taxation, legitimate laws, and other policies that can make America a better nation. A man can make great contributions via his own efforts, but no man can make it on their own. All men were assisted one way or another in their lives journeys.

You made words about public education. There are huge problems in the public educational system that is multifaceted. There is corporate influence in education that causes problems. There is a sense of cultural and discipline problems in the classroom as well. Yet, the government is by and for the people. So, the people are the government and the government is going to be run by either evil people or righteous people. So, the public school system ought to have strong reforms without the total annihilation of it. I have no issues with homeschooling or private schools as long as they aren't paid by taxpayer dollars (because many of these schools express views that some people disagree with. Many vouchers are religious schools funded by taxpayer dollars as well). I don't like many high dropout rates from high school either. One solution is public school is a back to basics philosophy (that deals with teaching students phonics, promoting more reading, developing intellectualism and following the model from Finland). Like Finland, teachers should be highly trained in education and behavior management. Sometimes, it isn't even the teacher's fault since some teachers have trouble with children with complex behavioral problems (and their dependence on anti-depression drugs). Other solutions to the public education problem are to have teachers have flexibility in testing students, and the promotion of stronger cooperation among all parties (in Finland, there Finland offers all pupils free school meals, easy access to health care, psychological counseling, and individualized student guidance). As for teacher unions, there should be unions. Without unions, you wouldn't have a minimum wage, child labor could be legal, pollution would be harsher, and other evil conditions would remain in America. We should thank unions. Teachers unions should be reformed and not abolished. The scapegoating of teacher unions for all educational problems is silly when our problems are more complex than that. Not all teachers are to be blamed for this. Replacing qualified teachers with temps is extremely damaging to our system of education.

Private education has just as much a valid historical link to American history as Public education. Some of our greatest leaders including African Americans were an educational product of public education. Racism and socioeconomic problems pay a huge role in educational problems despite your denials. The reason is that some minorities are suspended (not because of rude behavior), but because of cultural differences. Privatizing all public education benefits the corporate elite not the people. A real solution involves accountability, flexibility, and the strengthening of public schools.

Frederick Douglas may have taught himself how to read (which we all should thank and be glad about), but the government was necessary to allow people to escape out of the Great Depression. Also, the civil rights activists forced the government to pass meaningful legislation in order to give people their God-given rights. Hence, individuals and the public can make masterful improvements in society. You just felt the individuals can do it alone. I believe that both individuals and the public can make a better world. There are many public education schools and plenty of great African Americans making it in life, thank you very much. Single parenthood exists across ethnicities and backgrounds, so single parenthood is not monolithic. Not all single parents are drug dealers or living in a degenerate lifestyle, so that stereotyping is a mirage of deception. The social safety net isn't an entitlement, because people earned to receive them via work (like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid). Most white people in America have these items not black people, so race baiting is silly here. Also, these services aren't gotten by theft. They are gotten by real labor and real work. Taxes are found in the Constitution as well. Unregulated capitalism has been a force that contributed to the Maafa and some of the corrupt policies found inside of factories during the 19th century. I worship God not capitalism. Capitalism like any economic philosophy acquires imperfections and some pitfalls. You don't expose the record income inequality and the crimes of the super rich since it ends your promotion of corporate wealth centralization. The Mitt Romney types (for better or for worst) run your party of Republicans. Republicans mostly are middle class, yet some of the middle class have forgotten about the poor. When some of the middle class are suffering poverty now, then some of them realized that you can't forget the interests of the poor. America isn't just for the middle class. America is for the poor too and if we want meaningful solutions here, then we have to advocate strong, effective policies to assist the poor in a militant way. Again, Taxation isn't about forcing your neighbor to steal your wealth. It's about fulfilling Congress' right to fund our roads, bridges, infrastructure, health, and other vital services in this country. The term collectivism is used by some conservatives in order to scare people into feeling that there are no other alternatives to free market capitalism (when there are like a mixed economy). Now, black people loving their people, loving their families, and wanting more black children isn't about racism. It's about truth. Also, real black people don't call all words from white people as racism, but expose some racist whites' comments that harm black people. See, you want to deny white racism. The Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment are run by the same people.

Forming black communities is fine and this isn't bigotry. If a black person wants to live with his own people voluntarily, that is his or her right. Being appreciative of melanin is a blessing. There is a politics of disadvantage of the super rich having huge advantages over the rest of us. The great accomplishments of African Americans in yesteryear dont justify massive globalization, unjust wars, and other nefarious policies in the 21st century at all. Also, tons of European immigrants live in separate enclaves to this day culturally and socially. You can't refute these points at all. School choice is school choice. School choice that's real has nothing to do with arbitrarily cutting teachers or illegally privatizing all public schools. That isn't school choice, but it's harming the public school choice. Many Democrats and Republicans are united to promote privatization as both parties in their leadership are nearly the same. Sorry, yet changes in public schools can enrich the lives of African Americans. Also, middle class human beings aren't monolithic. Numerous middle class individuals want the 1% to end their economic crimes, they want the poor to have justice, and they promote love without theocracy. The Bush tax cuts for the rich can't massively benefit our economy & other archaic economic plans are futile too. Small businesses and private charities are fine. Yet, charities alone can never end poverty. Small businesses alone can never end poverty. Only, the combination of public sector and private sector solutions can end poverty. Your denial of the power of the public sector to humanly help another human being is telling on your personal premise as it relates to politics. Using the government to help the less fortunate is legal and it is no vice. The entitlement culture spin has been used by Republicans as an excuse to try to crush the social Safety net. Social Security (with a surplus in the trillions of dollars) and Medicare aren't entitlements. They are effective programs that people earned by their own labor in order to enrich their own standard of living. Now, you want all black Americans to be Republicans, yet you won't have your wish. The reason is that black people collectively I might add reject the racist statements made by numerous Republican candidates. We reject austerity and colorblindness. We also reject the hatred of black culture. We black people will forever love and promote black culture, black fashion, black families, and black Power. Collectivism relates to community and community work is a very pristine portion

of black African history. The respect of the community and the respect of elders are part of black ARFIKAN culture. It is what is as they say.

By Timothy


Hi Timothy

This "Social Safety net" idea is a fantasy made to pacify those Liberals and others who have had their Social Security money spent away by Liberal/all government far before they ever have seen a dime of it. If one is an adult they should be expected to know how to set some of their OWN money aside in personal savings for later. Yet Social Security was NOT made as a government "hands off" savings program for the Liberal idiots out their who can't save by budgeting day to day personally and need to have the government do so for them. It was set up instead to be used as a short term loan system for the government to use "the peoples" money before they would need it for their retirement and then the government pretended that they would have the money paid back into the accounts by the time the payers in finally needed it for retirement. Now there is nothing but a lot of "I owe you" tickets from the government in social security accounts. Even the rest of the little money left in there that is not enough to cover everyone, is being devalued by monetizing the new debt that Obama is taking on by printing more money. When there are more dollar bills being made, then they each become a percentage less valuable as a consequence, That means every dollar in your social security account goes down in value and your once 10,000 dollars in there is only worth something else now. something like say 7,000 dollars. This is the consequence of letting the government debt spend and monetize our currency into less value. If the government had had to keep their hands off of using Social Security savings to spend, then the money would all still be in there in personal accounts for those people now. If the government was expected to run on a budget and not take on extra debt to spend.on entitlements, wars, and projects. Then they wouldn't have to monetize that debt and lower the value of the cash sitting in those social security accounts that should have been hands off from the start. The government could have done this, but as no surprise to me didn't. Now the vast "Baby Boomer" population is coming into the use of Social Security and the money they paid in has either already been spent by government or has been devalued by them. This means we need to find a new away to foot the bill, and that way as Liberals are displaying is just more debt. Government spending took the original money out of the accounts and spent it, Government debt spending loans after that made for monetized currency devaluation of what was left, and now with only "I owe you" tickets left in the accounts the government wants to borrow more debt to pay for the Baby Boomers retirements now.

Well that idea will just indenture into debt servitude the smaller populated generations of younger people here. They will have to service this debt for generations in order to borrow enough to pay for the baby boomers retirements now. WHERE THE HELL IS THE ORIGINAL MONEY PAID IN?!!! Yet you talk so reverently of the "Helpful" government and how well it spends your money. Well I say that it is moronic to think that those who have spent and also devalued your savings deserve to hold on to your money. If people had had that money saved somewhere themselves then they could have kept it unspent, and if the government tried to monetize and devalue to take on more debt. Then you would have had that money with YOU to transfer over to a better currency over seas before it ever devalued. That is how a free and independent mature adult manages their money and stays prosperous. Not like Liberals who let government think and spend for them.

Such personally responsible fiscal choices aren't some secret formula or "way of cheating" by only people with more money than others. They are just personal actions that could be taken by anyone of any means to be secure themselves. Yet you seem to want the government to look after you still. Well no wonder you complain about the successful beating you, it's because they don't put their money in the hands of those who who would be irresponsible with it like government loving Liberals like you do. I would tell you to get more of YOUR OWN money back from government, but I fear it would fall on deaf ears. LOL I love how Liberals hate on the successful for beating them with individualism and then go off to seek government and not their own individualism. Sure, don't do the fiscally responsible things that you can do personally that can make you as successful as those richer than you, instead entrust your money to the government. That is the Liberal way of thinking, and it gets it's ass beat by individualism time and time again.

Sincerely, Brendan

My Response: The reactionaries are slick in our generation, but real human beings are wiser than the lies from the status quo. Now, the social safety net isnt a fantasy. The Social Safety net is a reality. All human beings need assistance and the social safety net was created in America to not only help Americans. It was used to maintain social prosperity and prevent the oligarchy from having too much extreme power over the populace. Now, the corporate elitists are angry at the social safety net since it strips away a lot of their power. That is why they use Foundations (including puppets like Peter Peterson) to advocate the elimination of the social safety net, especially Social Security. Social Security presently has trillions of dollars in a surplus. Some of the money has been spent heavily during the

Bush administration years. Bush isnt a far left liberal man at all. Stolen wealth from the Social Security trust fund occurs from time to time. Still, future generations can witness a dime of Social Security via wise policies and economic preservation without austerity & unjust wars. Some adults can survive with a job and set their own money alone. Yet, some adults are extremely poor and some are living in extreme circumstances. These incidents permit some public services. Now, Social Security once again is earned not gotten for free, so it isnt some entitlement. Some reactionaries dont know what a real entitlement. If you earn a benefit via work, it is no shame. Intelligent men from across the political spectrum lost funds and even went into poverty not because of ignorance or laziness, but by corporate corruption, unfair firing, and other things Some of the causes on why some folks experience new found poverty are not the fault of some people. Social Security is an effective program with tons of benefits to people. The problem is that the Big Money Fat Cats and their Congressional lackeys in 2010 cut payroll contributions to Social Security from 6.2% to 4.2%, representing a loss to the Social Security Fund of $140 billion the first year! Forty-two percent of American senior citizens are kept from living in poverty by their Social Security payments. Nearly one in five Americans receives Social Security benefits and ninety-five percent of Americans have the Social Security benefit protection program. The poverty rate of the elderly was 35% as late as 1959. Now it's about 10%, because of the reliable Social Security program they have paid into. The Social Security Administration is an independent federal agency with its own revenue stream and depository fund: IT IS NOT A PART OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET! On March 31, 1995, the Social Security Administration was officially designatedas an independent agency. The Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund was established on January 1, 1940 as a separate account in the United States Treasury. This Social Security trust fund system is one of the few programs set up by the federal government that continues to operate successfully. To take a sample year, in 2002, the SSS received $627 billion in checks, $453.8 billion in taxes, and an additional $49 billion in interest. Instead of red ink, Social Security made almost $102 billion in profit, to add to the trillions it has in surplus from previous years. Now, printing more money is fine if it is debt free. Debt filled money has been a problem, so populists want the government to cut money from the military industrial complex and spend money in our infrastructure. The government should keep their hands of Social Security. On the other hand, I am more concerned about peoples lives than budgetary deficits. We can grow the economy and handle the debt and deficit long term. Revenues coming from economic growth can assist our deficit and debt long term including other policies. I talk of helpful government since on many occasions throughout human history government can be helpful. Government has been corrupted when there are corporate influence, and the existence of oligarchy. Evil government can transpire when even undisciplined, corrupt human beings control the power base of the government.

Other people have talked about responsible fiscal choices all of the time. Yet, true fiscal growth doesnt involve more massive tax cuts for the super rich when they dont need them. The extremely wealthy receive record profits and there is record economic inequality in the world thats undeniable. Now, some have called for infrastructure development. Some want the private and public sectors to have investments to grow state of the art transport, energy, and water system. A real pro-growth tax policy is necessary to give incentives to companies that grow jobs here in America, get rid of corporate welfare, make higher tax brackets for billionaires, and end the war on terror (that drains our economy in an oppressive fashion). There ought to be more of a resurrection of manufacturing and technological jobs in America. That is why I agree with a lot of the economic agenda from the 99 percent, not the 1 percent. The promotion of workers rights, strong financial reform, and efforts to preserve the social safety net is purely essential in prodigiously maintaining the essence of the American dream. Extreme privatization has caused tons of complications from the prison industrial complex to the commonly known corporate scandals. Also, helping your neighbor isnt cheating, its a commandment. See, some view helping your neighbor as embracing hatred of success or hatred of the rich (some even falsely call folks socialist if they want the government to help their neighbors). I dont hate the rich and I dont hate success, yet even Jesus Christ (that some Republicans claim to love so much) exposed greed. He said that the rich will have a harder time going into Heaven than the poor. We know the reason about why that is. I dont want the government to dictate every aspect of my life. I want the government to constitutionally protect the borders, protect my life, protect my property, and promote the general welfare of society. Therefore, the general welfare includes things like

infrastructure, Social Security, and more social services to those that need it. I dont need welfare, so I dont utilize it. Others need it and its their right to use it. Rugged individualism was heavily responsible for the Maafa and extermination of the vast majority of Native Americans. This rugged individualism is a lie anyway since the Homestead Act was about federal dollars funding Western settlers in a multitude of ways. Not all liberals hate so-called successful people. People from across the political spectrum hate corruption, hate greed, hate tax cuts for the very rich, and hate an archaic economic system of Austrian Economics. People have the right to seek individualism and receive no governmental help. Other people have the right to get governmental help if they need it. There is nothing wrong with individual liberty and individual initiative. Although, there is something wrong with denying individual people their general welfare though.

The reality is that markets should be transparent. Rockefeller Foundation types perverted economic freedom into Austrian economics (or monetarism that is related to monopolistic capitalism). The Milton Freidman gang at the University of Chicago with agents like Lew Rockwell continues on with their propaganda. Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, and Ayn Rands views have been discredited, because selflessness (not selfishness) is needed to improve the conditions of humanity. Ironically, Lew Rockwell or the founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute claimed that the Spanish Jesuits (associated with the University of Salamanca as the founders of modern free-market thinking. Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits and he was a student at Salamanca (he was linked to the mystical Alumbrados group, which was a precursor to the Bavarian Illuminati). Even Carl Menger or the founder of the Austrian School was strongly influenced by the Salamancan Jesuits as he quoted them in his book entitled, Principles of Economics. The House of Habsburg, one of the most powerful Black Nobility families, was closely associated with Austrian economists. Carl Menger was the personal tutor of Archduke Rudolf von Habsburg and accompanied him in his travels for three years. Even libertarian Presidential candidate Ron Paul is sponsored by business magnate Peter Thiel. Peter Thield is a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group. So, the establishment just loves anarcho-capitalism. History and reality prove it. Now, libertarianism is right to emphasize individual freedom, but it fails to recognize many of the imperfections of human nature. Humans are social beings, not just individually working human beings. For life is social and individual, not just individual. Self interest is promoted in libertarianism, but not social justice. You have to have social justice to have true freedom among everybody irrespective of race, gender, socioeconomic factor, background, creed, etc. Usury is even condemned in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, etc. Austrians blame everything on the state, but they ignore money power or corporate corruption. We can live without libertarianism and communism. We can live with a mixed economy. Getting back money from the government via legitimate means is one thing, but eliminating all money from helping those less fortunate is evil in my opinion. I am not a liberal, regardless of what some say. I am an Independent. I love fair government. I dont love tyrannical government. No real man is jealous of so-called successful people or rich. Real people are just knowledgeable that just because you have a lot of popularity, riches, and so-called prosperity doesnt mean that youre righteous.

By Timothy

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