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Startup and Shutdown

1. exit 2. finish 3. matlabrc 4. prefdir 5. preferences products 6. quit 7. startup 8. userpath Terminate MATLAB program (same as quit) Termination M-file for MATLAB program Startup M-file for MATLAB program Directory containing preferences, history, and layout files Open Preferences dialog box for MATLAB and related Terminate the MATLAB program Startup M-file for user-defined options View or change user portion of search path

Command Window and History

1. clc 2. commandhistory 3. commandwindow 4. diary 5. dos 6. format 7. home Clear Command Window Open Command History window, or select it if already open Open Command Window, or select it if already open Save session to file Execute DOS command and return result Set display format for output Move cursor to upper-left corner of Command Window Run specified function via hyperlink

8. matlabcolon (matlab:) 9. more 10.perl executable 11.system result 12.unix

Control paged output for Command Window Call Perl script using appropriate operating system Execute operating system command and return Execute UNIX command and return result

Help for Using MATLAB

1. builddocsearchdb 2. demo 3. doc 4. docopt 5. docsearch term 6. echodemo 7. help 8. helpbrowser demos 9. helpwin 11.lookfor 12.playshow 14.web 15.whatsnew

Build searchable documentation database Access product demos via Help browser Reference page in Help browser Web browser for UNIX platforms Open Help browser Search pane and search for specified Run M-file demo step-by-step in Command Window Help for MATLAB functions in Command Window Open Help browser to access all online documentation and Provide access to M-file help for all functions Information about contacting The MathWorks Search for keyword in all help entries Run M-file demo (deprecated; use echodemo instead) Open MathWorks Technical Support Web page Open Web site or file in Web browser or Help browser Release Notes for MathWorks products

Workspace, Search Path, and File Operations

Workspace 1. assignin 2. clear 3. evalin Assign value to variable in specified workspace Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory Execute MATLAB expression in specified workspace

4. exist Check existence of variable, function, directory, or Java programming language class 5. openvar Open workspace variable in Variable Editor or other tool for graphical editing 6. pack Consolidate workspace memory

7. uiimport 8. which 9. workspace Search Path 1. addpath 2. genpath 3. partialpath 4. path 5. path2rc 6. pathdef 7. pathsep 8. pathtool

Open Import Wizard to import data Locate functions and files Open Workspace browser to manage workspace

Add directories to search path Generate path string Partial pathname description View or change search path Save current search path to pathdef.m file Directories in search path Path separator for current platform Open Set Path dialog box to view and change search path

9. restoredefaultpath Restore default search path 10.rmpath 11.savepath 12.userpath File Operations 1. cd 2. copyfile 3. delete 4. dir 5. exist programming 6. fileattrib 7. filebrowser 8. isdir 9. lookfor Change working directory Copy file or directory Remove files or graphics objects Directory listing Check existence of variable, function, directory, or Java language class Set or get attributes of file or directory Current Directory browser Determine whether input is a directory Search for keyword in all help entries Remove directories from search path Save current search path to pathdef.m file View or change user portion of search path 11.matlabroot 12.mkdir 13.movefile 14.pwd 15.recycle 16.rehash 17.rmdir 18.toolboxdir 19.type 20.what 21.which

Directory contents on UNIX platform Root directory Make new directory Move file or directory Identify current directory Set option to move deleted files to recycle folder Refresh function and file system path caches Remove directory Root directory for specified toolbox Display contents of file List MATLAB files in current directory Locate functions and files

Programming Tools
Edit and Debug M-Files 1. clipboard 2. datatipinfo 3. dbclear 4. dbcont 5. dbdown 6. dbquit 7. dbstack 8. dbstatus 9. dbstep 10.dbstop 11.dbtype 12.dbup Copy and paste strings to and from system clipboard Produce short description of input variable Clear breakpoints Resume execution Change local workspace context when in debug mode Quit debug mode Function call stack List all breakpoints Execute one or more lines from current breakpoint Set breakpoints List M-file with line numbers Change local workspace context

13.debug 14.edit 15.keyboard

List M-file debugging functions Edit or create M-file Input from keyboard

Improve Performance and Tune M-Files 1. bench 2. mlint 3. mlintrpt 4. pack 5. profile 6. profsave 7. rehash 8. sparse 9. zeros 10.checkin 11.checkout 12.cmopts 13.customverctrl MATLAB Benchmark Check M-files for possible problems Run mlint for file or directory, reporting results in browser Consolidate workspace memory Profile execution time for function Save profile report in HTML format Refresh function and file system path caches Create sparse matrix Create array of all zeros Source Control Check files into a source control system (UNIX platforms) Check files out of a source control system (UNIX platforms) Name of source control system Allow custom source control system (UNIX platforms)

14.undocheckout Undo previous checkout from source control system (UNIX platforms) 15.verctrl Publishing 1. grabcode 2. notebook 3. publish type MATLAB code from M-files published to HTML Open M-book in Microsoft Word (MicrosoftWindows platforms) Publish M-file containing cells, saving output to a file of specified Source control actions (Windows platforms)


Operating System Interface 1. clipboard 2. computer running 3. dos 4. getenv 5. hostid Copy and paste strings to and from system clipboard Information about computer on which MATLAB software is Execute DOS command and return result Environment variable MATLAB server host identification number Controls maximum number of computational threads

6. maxNumCompThreads 7. perl 8. setenv 9. system 10.unix

Call Perl script using appropriate operating system executable Set environment variable Execute operating system command and return result Execute UNIX command and return result

11.winqueryreg Item from Microsoft Windows registry MATLAB Version and License 1. ismac 2. ispc 3. isstudent 4. isunix 5. javachk support 6. license 7. prefdir Determine if running MATLAB for Macintosh OS X platform Determine if running MATLAB for PC (Windows) platform Determine whether Student Version of MATLAB Determine if running MATLAB for UNIX platform.[1] Generate error message based on Sun Java feature Return license number or perform licensing task Directory containing preferences, history, and layout files

8. usejava Determine whether Sun Java feature is supported in MATLAB software 9. ver Version information for MathWorks products

10.verLessThan Compare toolbox version to specified version string 11.version Version number for the MATLAB software

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