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IJETSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, Vol.5, No.

2, Dec 2011 2011 IJETSE

Modeling and simulation of TCSC for optimal power flow solution using NR method

M.BalasubbaReddy1 Prakasam Engg.College, Andhra Pradesh, India1,

Dr.Y.P.Obulesh 2 L.B.R.College of Engg. Andhra Pradesh, India2,

Dr.S.Sivanaga Raju3 J.N.T.U. College of Engg. Andhra Pradesh, India3

Abstract - This paper presents the application of severity of over load index (SOL) technique to find the optimal location of FACTS controller to achieve optimal power flow. The proposed method estimates the SOL index of transmission line to locate the FACTS device. Main objective of optimal power flow is to minimize the overall cost function which includes total active and reactive power production cost under constraints. Among various FACTS devices thyristor controlled phase shifters (TCPST) and thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) are considered to control active power flow through transmission line and also to reduce active power loss. Different operating conditions of the power system are considered for finding the optimal location of FACTS controllers. The proposed technique is an effective method for the optimal location of FACTS controllers. Key words: FACTS, TCSC, OPF, NR. potential ability to make power system operate in a flexible, secure and economic way [5]. FACTS devices are able to influence power flow and voltages to different degrees depending on the type of the device. FACTS devices are divided into three types. Series connected, shunt connected and combination of both. The focus in this paper lies on thyristor controlled phase shifting transformers (TCPST) and thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSC). Both are series connected devices. TCPST is very similar to a conventional phase angle regulator (PAR). A voltage in quadrature to the primary bus voltage is incorporated introducing phase shift to control transmission angle by the use of thyristor control. TCSC mainly controls the active power flow in a line by adopting the line reactance [6]. These facts devices TCPST and TCSC by controlling the power flows in the network can help to reduce the flows in heavily loaded lines, to reduce the system loss, reduced cost of production and fulfilled contractual requirements [7]. Location of FACTS devices in the power system are obtained on the basis of static and/or dynamic performance. There are several methods for finding the optimal location of FACTS devices but this paper introduces severity of overload index technique gives optimal location by estimating overload index of each transmission line. The description of remaining sections of this paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces OPF without FACTS devices. Modeling of TCPST and problem formulation is described in section 3. In section 4 modeling of TCSC and problem formulation is presented. The experimental results on the IEEE5 bus and IEEE30 bus systems are presented in section 5. Finally section 6 summarizes the main conclusion and future scope of the paper.

1. Introduction
Demand of electric power is continuously rising at a very high rate due to rapid industrial development to meet this demand it is essential to raise the transmitted power along with the existing transmission facilities. The need for power flow control is thus evident [1]. Power flow through existed transmission system should be optimal. OPF is very large, non-linear mathematical programming problem. The main purpose of OPF is to determine the optimal operation state of a power system while meeting some specified constraints. Among the solution method for OPF problem, Newtons method is most commonly applied [2]. The objective of an OPF algorithm is to find the steady state operating point of generation transmission system, which minimizes a pre specified cost function and meets the set of operational and security constraints. For optimal active and reactive power dispatch the objective function i.e, total generation cost and the other objective functions may include minimization of transmission losses and voltage level optimization. In case of active power OPF the main conventional control variables are MW generations based on minimum generation cost. If some predefined transmission line power flows are controlled at specified values, it may cost high with the generation schedule. The parameters such as transmission line impedances, terminal voltages and voltage angle can be controlled by facts devices in an efficient way [3]. Hence there is an essential need for optimal and sophisticated power flow control i.e, solution to OPF incorporating FACTS devices. FACTS is a transmission system which use reliable high speed Thyristor based high speed controllable elements and are designed based on state of the art developments in power semiconductor devices [4]. Flexible Ac Transmission system devices (FACTS) have a large 16

2. OPF without facts devices

The objective of active power optimization is to minimize production cost while observing the transmission line and generation active and reactive power limits.

IJETSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, July 2010


2.1 Formulation of OPF


2.3. Modeling of TCSC

It was derived by examining the voltages and currents in the TCSC circuit under the full range of operating conditions. The basic equation is,

FT = Ci (PGi )
i =1


Subjected to

PGi PDk PL = 0
i =1 k =1


(2) (3) Where,





VTCSC is the fundamental frequency voltage

(4) Where n is the number of system buses and number of generating units respectively. Ci(PGi) is production cost of the unit at ith bus, FT is the total production cost of m generators, PGi min &PGi max are minimum and maximum active power limits of the unit at ith bus. PDk is the active power load at bus k, PL is the network active power loss, Pl, Plmax are the active power flow and its limit on line l. The augmented lagrangian is,

min max PGi PGi PGi

across the TCSC module, I TCSC is the fundamental frequency line current and

Z TCSC is the TCSC impedance. Effective TCSC reactance X TCSC with respect to alpha is, X TCSC ( ) = X C + C1 (2( ) + Sin(2( ))) C2Cos 2 ( )( (tan ( ( ))) tan ( ))

3. Lagrangian Function
The constrained optimization problem, stated in generic form in Eqn. (5), is converted into an unconstrained problem. This involves formulating a suitable Lagrangian function for the TCSC controller, which may take the following form,

L(P ) = FT (P ) + PDk + PL P + Gi Gi Gi i=1 k=1

n m max max l (Pl Plmax) + imax(PGi PGi ) + imax PGi PGi Nl m l =1 i=1


is for power balance equation. imin and imax are lower and upper active power limits
of unit at i bus. l is for active power flow limit on line l.


L ( x, ) = f (Pg ) + t h Pg ,V , , X ( )
In this expression,

h Pg , V , , X ( ) represents the power flow equations;

f (Pg ) is the objective function;


N l is the number of transmission line flow violations.

2.2. Modeling of TCPST
TCPST can be modeled by a phase shifting transformer with control parameter . The power flow equations of the line can be derived as follows. (6) 2

x is the vector of state variables; is the vector of Lagrange multipliers for equality constraints; and Pg , V , and X ( ) are the active power generation, voltage magnitude, voltage phase angle, and TCSC reactance, respectively. The reactance, X ( ), is an explicit function of the TCSC firing angle inequality constraint

g Pg ,V , , X ( ) < 0 is not

[ ( P =Vk GVkVm[Gcosk m ] + Bsink m )] k

[ ( Q = Vk2BVkVm[Gsink m ] Bcosk m )] k
2 [ ( P =VmGVmVk [Gcosm k ] + Bsinm k )] m

(7) (8) (9)

shown. Because it is added to L x, ; only when variables go outside limits. The power flow mismatch equations at buses k and m are explicitly modeled in the Lagrangian function as an equality constraint given by the following equation,

. The

[ ( Q = V BVmVk [Gsink m ] + Bcosk m )] m

2 m

The injected real and reactive power of TCPST at bus and bus are as follows.
2 P =Vi2G tan VkV tan [Gkl sin kl Bkl cos kl] ks ij 1

pm ( pm + pdm pgm ) + qm (Qm + Qdm Qgm )

In this expression,

LTCSC(x, ) = pk ( pk + pdk pgk ) + qk (Qk + Qdk Qgk ) +

(10) (11)

pdk , pdm , and

(15) Qdk , Qdm are

Pls = Vk V1 tan [Gkl sin kl + Bkl cos kl ]

the active and reactive power loads at buses k and m; p gk , p gm , and Q gk , Q gm are the scheduled active and


IJETSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, Aug 2011

reactive power generations at buses k and m; and pk , pm , qk and qm are the Lagrange multipliers at buses k and m.

CTCSC is the cost function of the TCSC in $/hr and s is

the operating range of the FACTS devices in MVAr.

3.2. Severity of over loadability index (SOL) computation

The location of the FACTS devices in this work is decided based on the severity of the overloading of that particular branch in which the device is incorporated

Fig1. Compensated Transmission line

n S O L = i=1

P i P i,m a x


The Lagrangian function, L, of the total branch kl, may be expressed by,

L = LTCSC ( x, ) + LFlow ( x, )
LFlow = ml ( p ml p specified )
In this expression, (16)

pi is the real power flow in line i, pi ,max is the maximum of active power transfer over the ith line and n is the set of monitored lines contributing to SOL.

4. Result Analysis
The IEEE 5 bus test system is used to study the impact of the TCPST and TCSC on the network. These facts devices are added in series with transmission line (34), and the dummy bus (6) is added to enable such a connection to take place. IEEE5- Bus system
Table 1: Nodal parameters for the IEEE 5 -bus system without FACTS devices


is the Lagrange multiplier for the

active power flow in branch ml, and p specified is the target active power flow through the TCSC controller.

3.1 Optimal setting of TCSC Parameters

By modifying the reactance of the transmission line, the TCSC acts as the capacitive or inductive compensation respectively. In this study, the reactance of the transmission line is adjusted by TCSC directly. The rating of TCSC is depending on the reactance of the transmission line where the TCSC is located,

X ij = X line + X TCSC X TCSC = rTCSC . X line

where, X line is the reactance of the transmission line and (17)

Table 2: Nodal voltages in the five-bus network with TCPST (With active power flow regulation)

rTCSC is the coefficient which represents degree of

compensation by TCSC. To avoid overcompensation, the working range of the TCSC is chosen between 0.7 X line and 0.2 X line ,
Table 3: Nodal voltages in TCSC-upgraded network

rTCSC , min = 0.7, rTCSC , max = 0


The rated value (RV) of TCSC is converted into the real compensation as follows, X TCSC = RV 0.45 0.2 (19) The cost function for TCSC can be expressed as follows [8],[9],
Table 4: Active power generation cost without and with Facts device

CTCSC = 0.0015s 2 0.7130s + 153.75 $/hr



IJETSE International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, July 2010


the above results it is evident that there will be an active power loss reduction by OPF NR method with TCPST will be 14.08 % more compared to NR OPF method and also the active power generation cost decreased by 371.475 Rs/hr by the use of TCPST. The work carried out in this paper can be extended to reduce active power loss and to improve system stability by using various FACTS devices future. IEEE 30-BUS SYSTEM By comparing the SOL-index under normal situation the optimal location of the FACTS device is decided. Hence for the IEEE 30 Bus system (28-29) is the optimally decided branches for the FACTS devices to be incorporated in the electrical power system.
Table 5: The active power and reactive power of different buses for IEEE 30 bus system

Acknowledgment There are several people we would like to thank. First, we would like to thank Dr. Kancharla Ramaiah, correspondent and secretary of Prakasam Engineering College,Kandukur, India for his encouragement and support and providing us with the facility for completing this paper.

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Table 6: The initial and final costs of active power generation at different buses in IEEE 30 bus system

From the above it is observed that the generation cost is reduced to 680 Rs /hr in 5 bus system and 3825 Rs/hr in 30 bus system respectively when compared to TCPST , TCSC and with the base case i.e. 4.66% reduction in the active power generation cost compared to (2.76% , 3.25% and 4.12%) without FACTS, with TCPST and TCSC.

5. Conclusions
In this paper optimal power solution is obtained by formulating the lagrangian function with several constraints taking into consideration, with facts devices. The thyristor firing angle, a newly introduced state variable in OPF formulations, is combined with nodal voltage magnitudes and angles of the power network in a single frame of reference unified iterative solutions via newtons method. In this mode of operation, the thyristor firing angle is regulated in order to achieve an optimal level of compensation under either condition, constrained or un constrained power flow across the compensated branch with TCPST and line reactance with TCSC. From

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