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TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (CSE Common to CSE and NN) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. a) What are the main functions of a Database Administrator? b) Explain different choices in developing an ER Diagram in terms of entity, attribute, relationship and aggregation. 2. a) What is a foreign key constraint and explain the importance of such constraints important b) How the two types of relational calculus differ, Explain. c) Explain the importance of NULL values in relational databases. 3. Using the following schemas, give the expressions in SQL. Branch schema (branch name, branch city, assets) Customer schema (customer name, customer street, customer city) Loan schema (branch name, loan number, amount) Borrower schema (customer name, Loan number) Account schema (branch name, account number, balance) Depositor schema (Customer name, account number) a) Find the names of all customers whose street address include substring Main b) Find average balance for each customer who lives in Harrison and having at least three accounts? c) Find all customer who have a loan at bank whose names are neither smith nor jones? d) Dispaly customernames in alphabetical order who have a loan at the perryridge branch? e) Find all customers having loan, account or both at a bank? f) Find all customers who have account but not loan at bank? 4. a) Define 4NF and explain how it is useful with an example b) Discuss join dependency with an example? 5. a) Explain different types of conflicts that arise when two transactions have conflicting actions with each other. b) What is locking and explain Strict Two-phase locking. R09 m

SUBJECT CODE: C5804 6. a) Explain the concept of serializability with an example. b) Explain the different possibilities of getting anomalies due to interleaved execution with suitable example for each. 7. Explain I/O cost of Scan, Equality search, Range search, Insert and delete operations file organizations Heap, Clustered, and Unclustered hash index and compare. 8. Explain Extendible and Linear hashing and relationship between them with an example.

SUBJECT CODE: C5801 M.TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM ANALYSIS (CSE - Common to CSE and NN) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. a) Explain the need for height balancing in an AVL tree creation. b) Explain how we carry out single and double rotations while AVL tree is formed. c) Assume that the following strings have to be maintained in an AVL tree. Calculate LL, RR, LR, and RL rotations. Lucknow, Delhi, Bombay, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Indore, Bangalore, Pune. 2. a) Write an algorithm to check whether a given tree is high balanced or not. b) Write algorithm or pseudo code to find whether a key is available in the given tree or not. 3. a) Develop an ADT to represent an algebraic polynomial in a linked list fashion. b) Propose an algorithm to multiply 2 such a polynomials. 4. a) Write an algorithm to calculate binary heap of a data which is available in the array. Make sure that the implementation should of in-place type. b) Explain how the same can be used as a priority queue. 5. a) Design a Java class to represent rational number of Mathematics. b) Write overload methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide two rational numbers. 6. Write an algorithm to traverse a binary search tree using iterative approach. Do not forget to mention clearly about your assumptions. 7. a) How creations, insertion, deletions of elements are performed in B-Trees? b) Why B-Trees? Why not we restrict to binary trees? Mention at least one practical CSE example where B-Trees are used. 8. a) Write non-recursive algorithms to traverse a directed graph both using breadth first and depth first approaches. b) Mention all the assumptions that have been made in graph storage. R09 m
SUBJECT CODE: C4001 M.TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS (CSE Common to IT AND SE) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. Describe queue ADT. Illustrate linked list implementation of a queue. 2.What is a Skip List? Show how to use a skip list to implement the dictionary ADT? 3.(a) Describe Heap sort. Take the input sequence 31,41,59,26,53,58,97. Construct the Heap. (b) How does the heap look after deleting the minimum element? (c) How many comparisons does Heap sort take? 4. (a) What is meant by path compression? Explain. (b) What is meant by union by size and union by height? Explain. 5. (a) Write a program to perform a topological sort on a graph. (b) Perform topological sort on the following graph. 6. Implemant Dijkstras Greedy algorithm. 7. (a) What is skew heap? (b) Show that the amortized bound of (log N) for the skew heap. 8. (a) What is a Red-Black tree? Give example. (b) Write the procedure for deletion in Red-Black tree.

Computer organisation: 1. (a) Obtain the 10's complement of the following six-digit decimal numbers: i) 123900; ii) 090657; iii) 100000; and iv) 000000. (b) Represent decimal number 8620 in (a) BCD; (b) excess-3 code; (c) 2421 code; (d) as a binary number. 2. (a) Draw a binary counter with parallel load. Write the truth table. (b) Give the function table of y to 1 line multiplexer. 3. Draw the block diagram of an associative memory. Explain match logic briefly. 4. Describe the architecture of 8086 CPU with a neat diagram. 5. Describe briefly the following (a) Address transfer instructions. (b) Iteration control instructions. (c) Interrupt instructions. 6. Explain the following instructions with examples (1) ASSUME (2) DB (3) DT (4) ENDP (5) EXTRN (6) INCLLUDE. 7. Show the step-by-step multiplication process using Booth algorithm when the following binary numbers are multiplied. Assume 5-bit registers that hold signed numbers. The multiplied in both cases is + 15. a. (+15) x (+13) b. (+15) x (-13) 8. (a) Explain strobe control of asynchronous data transfer. What is its disadvantage? How does handshaking method eliminate this problem? (b) Describe programmed I/O with example.

SUBJECT CODE: C5804 M.TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (CSE Common to CSE and NN) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. a) What are the main functions of a Database Administrator? b) Explain different choices in developing an ER Diagram in terms of entity, attribute, relationship and aggregation. 2. a) What is a foreign key constraint and explain the importance of such constraints important b) How the two types of relational calculus differ, Explain. c) Explain the importance of NULL values in relational databases. 3. Using the following schemas, give the expressions in SQL. Branch schema (branch name, branch city, assets) Customer schema (customer name, customer street, customer city) Loan schema (branch name, loan number, amount) Borrower schema (customer name, Loan number) Account schema (branch name, account number, balance) Depositor schema (Customer name, account number) a) Find the names of all customers whose street address include substring Main b) Find average balance for each customer who lives in Harrison and having at least three accounts? c) Find all customer who have a loan at bank whose names are neither smith nor jones? d) Dispaly customernames in alphabetical order who have a loan at the perryridge branch? e) Find all customers having loan, account or both at a bank? f) Find all customers who have account but not loan at bank? 4. a) Define 4NF and explain how it is useful with an example b) Discuss join dependency with an example? 5. a) Explain different types of conflicts that arise when two transactions have conflicting actions with each other. b) What is locking and explain Strict Two-phase locking. R09 SUBJECT CODE: C5804 6. a) Explain the concept of serializability with an example. b) Explain the different possibilities of getting anomalies due to interleaved execution with suitable example for each. 7. Explain I/O cost of Scan, Equality search, Range search, Insert and delete operations file organizations Heap, Clustered, and Unclustered hash index and compare. 8. Explain Extendible and Linear hashing and relationship between them with an example.

SUBJECT CODE: C5805 M.TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 OPERATING SYSTEMS (CSE Common to CSE and NN) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. (a) What is an Operating System? Explain different typed of Operating System. (b)What are the services offered by the operating system? 2. (a) Explain about the UNIX. (b) Explain the following commands in UNIX with examples I. Cp II. Grep III. Mv 3. (a)What is a shell? Explain the responsibilities. (b) Explain about different control structures in shell programming? 4. (a) What is process? Explain about process state diagram. (b) What is scheduling? Explain different types of scheduling Algorithms with examples. 5. (a) Explain the process of Swapping in the Memory Management. (b) Explain the process of Segmentation and paging. 6. (a) Explain about the Critical Section problem. (b) Explain about the Semaphore and Deadlock Starvation. 7. (a) Explain about the different types of File Access Methods. (b) Explain about the file System Structure. 8. (a) Explain the process of FIFOs. (b) Explain about process of Shared Memory Applications of IPC_

SUBJECT CODE: C5806 M.TECH I SEMESTER REGULAR EXAMINATIONS MARCH 2010 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (CSE CSE) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60 Answer Any FIVE Questions All Questions Carry EQUAL marks 1. (a) What is a class ? How does it accomplish data hiding? (b) Explain the difference between an object and a class. (c) What is a constructor? What are its special properties? 2. a) List and explain the important features of Java programming language. b) Write a Java program to compute the following function. ncr = n!/r!(n-r)! 3. a) What is the importance of thread synchronization in multithreading? b) How do we start and stop a thread? c) What is synchronization of threads and when do we use it? 4. a) What is the use of wrapper classes. Explain. b) What is the purpose class loader? Explain. c) Write a program in java to display the current date and time. 5. (a) What is a Java Applet? What is the advantage of writing applets in Java? How it differs from application programs? (b) What is the usage of import statement? Explain with suitable example. 6. With an example show the handling of mouse and keyboard events in JAVA? 7. Explain the ContainerListener and its different interface methods. 8. Write short notes on: (a) Adapter classes (b) AWT controls (c) anonymous inner classes.

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