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In 2060, just before A.I. rebelled, a space program was reaching its end. A colony on the moon was being created to relieve space on Earth. When A.I. enslaved humanity, this colony immediately went into hiding. For years A.I. never realised anyone was there. This allowed the Colony (what they called themselves) to continue research and became incredibly technologically advanced, especially in weapons. When humans fought back against A.I., the Colony revealed themselves and crushed the A.I. on the moon. But as soon as this was done they went back into hiding, not wanting the rest of humanity to find out about them, otherwise they would want their technology and fight for it. Finally, in 2136, the Corporates wanted to start a space program so they could have secret testing facilities, improved communication arrays, and air superiority. The system had very much the same idea and they too began to reconstruct space elevators and prepared space shuttles. In 2138 they were finally ready. The Corporates had ditched the idea of flying up and decided they wanted to use their new (and unreliable) teleport technology. The Corporates were the first up and were met by a big surprise... Deron had been on patrol when 'they' arrived. He could feel something itching at his teeth just before they came through. It gave him a headache. When they did they came in a small flash of light. They arrived in a court yard inside the fortress, about 30 of them. The looked confused as they looked at the huge fortress, hidden all these years by a camo shield. Deron heard orders being yelled through his ear piece and fired on the intruders. They couldn't be allowed to know of their existence. Deron took the first shot, his energy rifle kicking into his shoulder. The intruders scattered and took up defensive positions, flying across the room. Runes lit up in his visor as targets were identified for them, the distance, and weak points. He fired 3 rounds and 2 bodies floated, dead. This was going to be a clean job, then he saw the weapon. A incredibly long, flawless sniper rifle, about 7 foot long. He saw it fire a single round as it punched through 3 Colony guards and through the thick steel wall that was built to survive meteor strikes. It fired another round and then put its sights to Deron. Deron immediately disengaged his grav boots and flew into the air, kicked off a wall, then activated his jet thrusters and rammed into the sniper. He then reactivated his grav boots and used his increased gravity to an advantage as he wrestled the sniper rifle out of the hands of the sniper, head butted him, then shot him point blank in the chest. He let his body float away and turned his attention to 2 intruders that were turning toward him. In return, he threw a distortion grenades at them and followed up with a few rounds. There were only about 7 of them left, they were so close to victory. But then, just as they had appeared, the vanished in a flash of light. The anger of their commanders was terrifying, but then signs of ships (System ones) coming toward them silenced them. 'Ready the orbital lasers' shouted Kerain, great Lord of the Colony. 'At least we will have 1 victory today...'. The ships were then torn in half by a bombardment of lasers and they fell back to Earth. 'Ready the men for war, we go out of hiding today. Launch the torpedoes. Target city... 9. Let them know out wrath'. When the flash back brought the soldiers back to Earth, most of them were dead. It turned out their was a colony on the moon, and they weren't leaving any time soon. 'I want 'the weapon' readied. We will make them see who's in charge....' said Commander Werth. They wanted to show off their weapons (the orbital lasers), they would show off theirs. The last nuke was to be launched into their base. The war between Earth and Moon had begun...

Strange times...
Karakscin was a boy. Thriteen to be precise. Him and his friend, Corash, were going against what they had been told and went to the surface. All civilians live in underground bunkers so they are safe, since street fights occur constantly. They had both been told at a young age over and over that if they went to the surface they would be eaten by monsters. They were no longer five so they wanted to parkour. Karakscin and Corash had a specific talent for parkour, but in the confined rooms of the bunkers they could not shine. When they first came up, sneaking through a broken vent, they screamed in pain as they saw the sun for the first time. They adjusted quickly and looked around. They breathed in the fresh air, it was... different. They had seen pictures, but it was not the same. The towering, hulking skyscrapers loomed above them casting colossal shadows over the ground. Everything was closely bunched together, the confined spaces being very

claustrophobic. Everything was grey. It was just a span of grey and bits of black. As far as the eye could see. Grey. Karakscin smiled in excitement. They had been outside for who knows how long, they didn't want to stop. They ran, jumped, slid, fell. They had taken some minor injuries, but nothing serious. They would be in huge trouble, but it was worth it. They were playing catch while parkouring, to spice things up a bit. The ball went too far once and Corash went to pick it up. It landed dead bang in the middle of a eight lane street. He ran to it as the skirmish started. An explosion threw Corash to his feet. He started to panic and yelled 'Karakscin! Karakscin!' 'I'm coming!' he shouted back as he jumped off the roof of a low building. He landed and rolled before jumping behind a ruined mag train section. He slowly worked his way to Corash. He looked at the two forces. One he could see was the Corporates, he was a Corporate civilian. The other was the System, their large suits reflecting bullets and energy pellets alike. Neither side noticed Karakscin or Corash, they just fought. When Karakscin eventually reached Corash, he told him to get up and run. Just as they were about to make a break a System trooper loomed over them. He looked at them, calculating what to do. He could see they were Corporate civilians. He aimed his gun at Corash and shot him in the chest. 'NO!' Karakscin screamed, as he watched his best friend fall to the floor. The trooper turned his sights to Karakscin, but he had ran a couple metres. The trooper was not in the mood for a chase and let a couple rounds into him. Karakscin stumbled and fell. The trooper stood next to him, ready to kill him. Karakscin saw a pistol of a fallen Corporate soldier and grabbed it. It was familiar, his dad taught him how to use a gun. He turned on his back and fired, point blank into the orange visor of the trooper. The visor cracked and the trooper took a couple steps back before falling over. After the battle a Corporate soldier found Karakscin with a dead boy next to him. They were both covered in blood and Karakscin looked at him with fear. The soldier saw the pistol in his hand and the dead system trooper. He returned them to their parents, Karakscin was punished severely and Corashes parents mourned. The soldier noted down Karakscin name to the recruiter, saying he would be a potent soldier. Karakscin thought about that trooper he killed every day. He thought about the troopers family, his friends, his life. He couldn't get over it. Everyone is haunted over their first kill. Karakscin would be haunted forever. And it would not be his last kill.

Assault on City 9
Karakscin looked out the window of the jet. He could see the hulking skyscrapers of City 9. He could see the Rebellion auxiliaries lining up, ready to fight the invasion. It became necessary for the Corporates to invade when reports came in of the Rebellion getting their hands on teleport technology. It was one of the only things the Corporates held over the other factions. They could have teleported in, but that would risk the Rebellion getting more teleport technology. They took one of the last jets they had. They were coming to altitude. Karakscin gripped his machine gun. It was about 10'' long, but let out a lot of fire-power. At 3 bullets a second it could rip through armour. The jet turned and the bay doors opened, the invasion had begun. Rockets flew toward the jet as dozens of Corporate soldiers jumped onto the skyscraper roof. Just as Karakscin was heading toward the bay doors, ready to make the couple of feet jump between the jet and the roof, and rocket hit one wing of the jet. The jolt caused Karakscin to fall to one knee, but he quickly got back up as the jet started to turn away from the roof. The distance increased and Karakscin sprinted toward the bay doors. He had to make it. He jumped. He wasn't going to make it. He could see he was just going to hit the wall and fall. He closed his eyes just as a hand clasped around his. He looked up as a Corporates soldier pulled him up onto the roof and promptly hid behind a pile of crates. Karakscin did the same. Bullets were flying everywhere as auxiliaries tried to hold back the invaders. They weren't proper soldiers, just mustered from civilians and given a weeks training then given a gun, but there were a lot of them. It was something around three to one. Karakscin saw the jet retreating as its left wing smoked. It would be back in one hour for pick up. Karakscin doubted there would be anything to pick up. Just as they were pushing through the defence line. Karakscin went clod as he heard something through the com link. 'We're on the wrong roof!. They tricked us the basterds!. Its the one to the left, the big one! Our

snipers caught glances of them relocating the equipment.' 'Damn' shouted Karakscin. They needed to get over to the next skyscraper. They would have to go to the very bottom and work their way all the way back up. Unless. 'Everyone, get your grav grenades. Were taking to the skys!'. They had about 6 grenades. Basically where ever it lands it creates a energy field that dampens gravity, and anything that passes through it gets a bit of that energy for a short time, meaning by passing through the field they could fly through the air for a short time before landing. They threw 3 grenades in a nice line, then they ran at the edge. Karakscin was the first to go. As he passed through the field he could feel the blood in his head go funny. He through off the nausea and jumped. It was about a twenty metres across and 50 up. He was aiming for one of the windows. He jumped and was launched. He felt a rush of adrenaline go through him as he took mid-air. He aimed at a window a couple floors below and put his feet in front of him as the window came toward him. He shot it a bit so it would be soft enough to break. He could feel the grav grenades effect wearing off and he started to go down. He crashed through the window. He took most of the impact easily because he went feet first but others didn't have much luck. Some broke their necks by flying forward into walls and others were shot down as they flew. Karakscin quickly regrouped with a couple of people then they set off to find the equipment. It was thirty minutes till pick up time and they were having no luck. They occasionally met resistance but that was silenced by a couple of bullets. Karakscin guessed that the equipment was going to be some-where in the centre of the building but then he heard this through the com link: 'The equipment is on the roof, they are going to try and teleport out with the equipment!' 'WHAT!' yelled Karakscin. The way teleporting works is by bringing two parts of the universe together then stepping through it. But, the universe has to eventually go back, and if you don't step back in time (the thing that steps through is a link, stepping back through is called flash-back) then it will cause a massive ripple destroying miles around. Taking the equipment that creates this entrance is suicide because it has to return but the Rebellion obviously don't have a full understanding of teleportation. 'It will flatten the City, we have to stop them!'. Karakscin ran as fast as he could. When he got to the roof there was a fire fight already going on. He quickly hit the floor as a density gun (causes atoms density to increase causing an implosion followed by an explosion) let out a couple of rounds. He could see the teleport array, it was a set of consoles with wires attached to a laser that would pull the universe together. It was too far away to do any damage and they didn't have any missiles on them. They couldn't get near enough because of the density gun pinning them. Unless. Karakscin grabbed the grav grenade he had been saving and threw it in front of him, then jumped to his feet and ran at the grenade. It activated the energy field and he jumped. Karakscin came crashing down on the auxiliary with the density gun, his knife to bear. He stabbed him right in the neck, then twisted his knife, blood went all over his visor. He jumped behind some barrels as auxiliaries began to attack him. But with the density gun gone the Corporates could move up. There was still distance between him and the teleport array. He looked at the density gun. He grabbed the heavy gun and aimed it at the array. Just as he pulled the trigger an auxiliary jumped in the way, the implosion/explosion throwing Karakscin of his feet. The density gun would now have to cool down for a couple of minutes, and then it would be too late. He looked at the timer in the top left corner of his visor array and it show that he had 5 minutes to pick up time. He looked around frantically for anything he could use to stop the activation of the portal. He realised what he had to do. He stood up and volted the cover he was hiding behind and ran. He ran straight toward the array. Bullets flew past him but his comrades gave him the cover he needed. One auxiliary stood in front of him, ready to wrestle him to submission. Karakscin jumped and put his knife through his brain. He kept on running, he was going to stop the array and save the City. He would be a hero. Then all his dreams were cut short as a round of bullets obliterated his left arm. He kept on going, even the bloody mess of his arm wasn't enough to stop him. The scientists at the array looked in horror as Karakscin stabbed the control panel with his knife then pulling his gun out and fired one handed into the laser. A massive explosion occurred. Karakscin was thrown a couple feet and lay there, still as a rock. The jet came to pick them up, they had completed their mission. They had stopped the Rebellion from getting the teleport technology. Out of the 100 that went to the invasion, 37 came back. One of which, was Karakscin. The medics rushed him to the jet and patched him up. Once they got him to base they gave him a mechanical arm, as a 'well done' for destroying the array. Karakscin looked at his left arm, from just above elbow down it was metal. He smiled.

Karakscin jumped. He fell a couple of feet when he heard his boots hit concrete. The shock brought him to his knees. He quickly got back up, ran across the roof top, and jumped again. He was being chased by Heavy troopers, every now and then they would unleash a burst of fire into him. The next building was further away this time, he jumped and grabbed on to the lip of the building, and dangled there for a couple of seconds before lifting himself up, his mechanical arm hissing and whirring. He was tired, but he knew he had to keep on running. He threw his gas mask off so he could breathe easier. The troopers were gaining on him, and he wasnt even close to the pick up zone. He would have to take on the troopers. He jumped from the roof and landed a couple floors below as he crashed through the window of the neighbouring building. The troopers followed. Karakscin ran down the corridor as the first trooper came through the window. He unleashed a round of fire that caused him to take a few steps back. In return the trooper knelled and let go a few rounds. Karakscin evaded, and crashed through the door to his left. He grabbed his last plasma grenade, and lobbed it down the corridor. Just as the second trooper came through the window it exploded, throwing both troopers out the window. This gave him time to run down the corridor and swing out the window and start climbing. He could hear the heavy foot steps below him as the troopers followed him. Karakscin climbed to the lip of the roof, then jumped backward and turned to grab onto the next building. He pulled himself up with effort, fatigue starting to get a hold of him. He could see the troopers peek out the window, and he unleashed a couple rounds into them, forcing them down. He turned and ran. He could see the skyscraper where he would be air lifted. He holstered his gun and sprinted. Karakscin was thrown off his feet as a trooper launched a grenade out his launcher. Karakscin hit the plain grey roof, scraping his hands and head. He quickly got back up and jumped, swung off a broken railing hanging off a building, and landed in the street, the air knocked from him. He saw the door to the skyscraper and ran toward it, panting. He remembered why he was here, he was retrieving a set of memory cards that contained the codes needed for an A.I. that the Corperates needed if they were going to end the dead lock of this infinite war. He gripped the back pack that contained the cards and ran harder. Karakscin was half way up the skyscraper when the grenade launcher started to fire up the centre of the spiral stair case. The elevator was broken so he had to work his way up the hundred floors on foot. The explosions smashed him against a wall and dazed him. He was sweating so hard, he needed to get to the pick up zone. Karakscin ditched his gun to drop more weight. So close, just eight more floors. He was close to passing out, but he kept on running. He didn't know why he was running, just that he was. As another explosion threw him to his feet, Karakscin remembered and thought, he could change this war, end it and make peace. His name would go down in history. He ran up the final steps to the roof of the skyscraper. He saw the copter there. It was a rare sight to see an intact flyer. Most were destroyed in the Great rebellion. The pilot waved at him to hurry up. Karakscin sprinted toward the copter as it began to take off. He heard the system troopers come to the roof, and they tried to shoot him. He was going to make it, he was going to be a hero. Then he took a bullet to the knee. It went straight through his right leg and he fell over. He was out cold for a second before getting back up, blood spilling everywhere. He started to limp toward the copter. It was now a couple feet in the air, and started to hover away, the pilot waving franticly for him to get on. Karakscin was a metre away from the copter now, it wasn't hovering on the skyscraper now, it was in mid air. He had to jump. He only managed to do a little hop but his mechanical hand clasped around the railing of the copter, the tang of metal against metal echoed quietly. He pulled himself up, a flood of relief going through him, and turned his head toward the troopers. He watched in horror as one of the troopers brought his grenade launcher to bear. He fired. The grenade skimmed the end of the copter and it exploded. The copter started to spin and fell out of the sky. Karakscin had one last chance to live. He jumped out the copter and landed hard on the roof of a high building. He hear his right leg crack as it broke from the impact. Karakscin screamed in pain as more blood spluttered out onto the floor. He turned on his back as a trooper stood over him. He aimed at Karakscin. Just before he pulled the trigger, with his last ounce of consciousness, he threw a knife at the troopers head. Karakscin passed out. When he woke up, he was in a hospital ward, surgeons looking at his

leg. He looked at it too. It was mechanical. His left arm and right leg were now mechanical. It was incredibly rare for mechanical replacements with the rarity of all materials. He asked a passing soldier to tell him if they got the cards to base. 'Half of them were broken, but the others are being installed and modified as we speak. Good work.' The soldier rapped his chest twice as a sign of respect and walked off. Karakscin was a hero. But he knew that the war was far from over. There was still fighting to be done. And he would happily join in.

High jack...
Karakscin saw it coming. He pushed himself lower in the undergrowth of a plant growing out the side of a building as the mag-train came into view. Karakscin knew roughly how they worked. A mag-train is a train that floats on a electromagnet so it has zero friction, meaning it can travel at hundreds of miles per hour with a tiny amount of energy. Karakscin also knew the mission. The Corporates were going to stop a System supply train to cut off resource to one of their bases so they could take it down easier. He saw his comrades ready themselves. They put a non-conductive blanket on the 'rails' so it would slow down the train enough so they could jump onto it and high jack it. They would have enough time to stop the train and get off before it sped up again. The train went over the blanket and and started to slowed down. It went down to 200 mph, 180... 150... 120... 100... All of the hidden Corporate soldiers jumped from cover and jumped onto the train. Most of them found hold and gripped onto the train. Others flew away as they hit the train failing to find purchase. When Karakscin grabbed onto a side window, he hit his head and was dazed for a couple of seconds until his vision focused onto a surprised looking System trooper. Before either of them could react Corporates shot windows in and climbed through. Karakscin did the same and shot the trooper in the chest point blank. He slumped to the ground, blood pooling around him. He looked to his right, the direction of the drives carriage. He watched comrades plant small explosives on the locked door and he backed away... A small explosion opened the door and a dozen comrades spilled through the door. There was crates everywhere, in carriages a couple metres wide. It was incredibly cramped and not much room to tread. Karakscin let a couple rounds off down the corridor and hit a trooper in the shoulder, causing him to take a couple of steps back. They weren't allowed to use grenades because they could de-rail the train and destroy all the supplies which the Corporates needed. Just as Karakscin and his comrades were pushing through to the next carriage Karakscin saw a black shape walking toward them. 'Death night assassin!' yelled Karakscin. Death night assassins were hired through the black market (not cheap) and could kill a man without a stab wound. They were incredibly potent close combat abilities and could react fast enough to dodge even bullets. The assassin raised its arcane pistol and hit a Corporate square in-between the eyes. It promptly side stepped to dodge some bullets then smashed a window and swung outside the train. 'It's going to flank us!' shouted Karakscin. He looked around frantically, trying to anticipate the assassin. It jumped back into the carriage a couple windows down and broke the neck of a comrade. Karakscin let a hail of bullets into it but it grabbed a comrade and used him as a shield. He then threw him aside and shot Karakscin in the shoulder. He expected Karakscin to fall victim to the poison that was in the plasma beam but instead (since it hit him in his mechanical arm) he shot the rest of his clip into it. This caught the assassin by surprise and a single bullet felt flesh. The assassin frowned behind its mask, it started to run straight at Karakscin. Karakscin holstered his weapon, and brought out a combat knife. The assassin slid on the floor and stabbed Karakscin in his leg. The assassin expected him to scream out in pain. Then it saw the wires sparking. His leg was mechanical. It looked up in horror as Karakscin punched downward into the assassin with his mechanical arm, slamming it against the floor. As Karakscin stabbed downward to finish it off, the assassin rolled and jumped at him again. They both fell to the floor and the assassin brought out an almost invisible knife, and tried to push it into his stomach. Karakscin grabbed his arms, stopping him from plunging the dagger into his heart. The assassin was strong, but with his mechanical arm he forced the knife away and punched the assassin in the face. It sprawled backward and felt that its mask was shattered. It could feel blood dripping down its lip. For a moment it forgot all its training and finesse. How could it be beaten by such a low creature. It ran head on at Karakscin and screamed. It was followed by Karakscin pulling out his pistol and shooting the assassin in the face. He reloaded his machine gun and pressed forward into the next carriage. They managed to stop the train before it sped up again and got all the supply crates into trucks waiting for them. Karakscin had his mechanical limbs repaired and helped himself to a couple clips in a crate. He was eager to start his next mission, something about a small outpost in the outer-city. He was informed that he

was going to be using an experimental piece of technology. He mounted up in the truck and set off.

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