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Paulette Hill Individual

BSHS/322 Journal Entries


E X E R C I S E 9.2 Hunches Develop a number of hunches about the clients in the following vignettes. What is the basis of your hunch (theory, experience, knowledge about social conditions, or other factors)? Leah is a 13-year-old runaway living on the streets with a group of three other teens. They show up at the food kitchen occasionally, where a counselor has talked with Leah about the possibility of coming back into school and maybe into foster care. Leah actually seems interested in school. She tells the counselor: I might like to finish school. I was good at it, but theres no way Im living in another family. Ive been on my own too long and I dont want to take orders from anybody. Besides, my friends need me. We do okay. Hunches: Leah may have been abused. Leah may have trust issues. My hunches are based on knowledge of social conditions 46 % of runaway and homeless youth reports being physically abused, 38 % reported being emotionally abused 17 % reported being forced into unwanted sexual activity by a family or household member

Arturo is a 34-year-old musician making his living playing in a small quartet that performs at functions like weddings and bar mitzvahs. He is seeing an employment counselor about career training: I dont know, I guess I should get a real job. Im 34 and it doesnt look like Ill make it as a classical musician. My wife says its time for me to quit fooling around. I love what I do, but theres no future in it. Hunches:

Paulette Hill



Arturo is afraid of failing, being rejected. He is comfortable with what he do; he wants to remain in his comfortable, safety zone. My hunches are based on reading between the lines. Arturo is used to playing in a small quartet. Words like I dont know are saying Arturo is afraid. I love what I do says Arturo is comfortable. Huston, age 49, has just been released from jail, where he served 11 years for child sexual assault. Hes meeting with his probation officer: Man, Im uptight about living outside. Its kind of scary after all these years. I have no family left; my only friends are the guys I met in the slammer. Hunches Huston is afraid of the free world. Huston does not know what to expect in the free world. Huston is afraid of being alone on his own in the free world. My hunches are based on reading between the lines: Im uptight about living outside says Huston is afraid. I have no family left says Huston does not want to be alone on his own. My hunches are also based on knowledge of social conditions: Sex offenders and sex crimes provoke a great deal of anxiety in our society, and over the past decade, lawmakers have passed a variety of social policies designed to protect the public from sexual victimization.

Kimsoo, age 44, came to the United States to undertake religious studies and to become the first female minister in her village back home. After being here for 4 years, she is experiencing a number of conflicts about returning to Korea: I feel really torn. I always thought I wanted to be a minister, and my family and church are counting on me. But things here are so different from back home. Plus, I didnt expect to get involved with an American the way I have. Hunches Kimsoo is not sure she wants to be a minister. Kimsoo was doing what was expected of her by her family and village.

Paulette Hill Kimsoo has a boyfriend.



My hunches are based on reading between the lines. I always thought I wanted to be a minister says Kimsoo is not sure she wants to be a minister. My family and church are counting on me says Kimsoo was doing what was expected of her. I didnt expect to get involved says Kimsoo has a boyfriend. Chapter 13


Have you personally experienced a traumatic event? In your journal, record the event and your reactions to it. Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (1992) believes that trauma shatters peoples assumptions about the world. I think the most traumatic event of my life was finding out my Mama and Daddy was not my birth parents. They were actually my great grandparents and that my birth mother was my aunt that I could not stand because she always smells bad. Do you think the trauma you experienced affected your worldview? In what ways? Of course it did; at nine it did not make sense to me and as I got older I came to realize; I was not wanted by my birth mother. Years that followed I lost my Mama to death and I tried to live with my birth mother and she was so different from what and who Mama was I could not live with her. She drink, partied, and cursed and I was not used to that or living like she lived; so I ended up living alone at the age of 15 to live to take care of myself. Instead of developing a trust issue I was naive and got involved with the wrong man at the age of 18 and by the age of 19 was pregnant out of wedlock and lived with him because I was ashamed of myself; so I settled for mess. But I soon realized and got away but only to married the next knuckle head and then another one. 8 children and 2 marriage latter; when I started to hear no listen to God voice; you are My child; I love you and thats the only love you need. I had been looking for love in all the place, people and things. But thats my past and God has forgiven me all my sins and my life is my testimony to share when need be.

Paulette Hill



Discuss a traumatic event that happened to someone else but had a significant impact on you. It could be something that happened to a member of your family or someone close to you, or it could be an event that happened to someone you did not know. Discuss how it affected you. When my Daddy lost his niece; her husband beat her to death. I had never seen my Daddy cry until the day he found out up until the day of her funeral and I cried because my daddy was crying. I hurt because my Daddy hurt.

Continue to write a few sentences about your observations and reactions to readings, class, and team discussions. You may write more if you choose. This fourth week had widened my knowledge on hunches, working with people in crisis. I know I will have to work on my skills to be able to help a client gain mew perspectives. The team work is getting better.

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