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The need for a religious deprogramming ....

I knew the feelings of kundalini since childhood, when the force used to arise spontaneoulsy, but after adolescence the phenomena never reappeared so far. Could it be that I denied the energy since it is basically sexual in nature ? christian conditioning absorbed in church and school run deep and wide and it took quite a bit of deprogramming to clean up the mess I was carrying inside my head. Sometimes I think that people heads are full of crap not of their own and unless they start to look into, it stays like that all life long. THEY JUST CARRY ALONG IN THEIR LIFE TILL THE GRAVE. Deprogramming religious conditioning was not an easy task and certainly not one to tackle alone.i started to pray for guidance from the Master and meanwhile read books of russel like `why I am not a christian` and so on so forth, in search of someone who knew how to unstuck this `serpent power` from its cage at the base of the spine. The mental discipline was a wonderful preparation to the physical and emotional one. Now I needed 3 tools to tackle the issue> 1 A diet for the gross body 2 kinesiology and catharsis for emotional clean up 3 deprogramming the wrong beliefs that traps the energy at the base. In kinesiology this was symbolized with a triangle enclosed in a square. It rapresent the belief system that people need to break free from to open up the energy at the base.

Just by drawing the symbols on the hands with the help of the finger of the opposite hand,helps to rise the energy in the person. Needless to say it is needed to check out first that we are working with the right symbol for that specific person. Some are ok at the base but stuck a bit more up either at the hara level or navel. Different symbol is avilable for different blocked chakra . To any particular chakra there are also colors, design, stones and mantra associated. They even ave certain emotion as most common cause of the blockage. The symbols of those mandalas one can see in esoteric books on kundalini are not symbolic really and friends of mine, adept in the art, have seen the chakras really having those symbols in the etheric matrix enveloping the gross body. Deprogramming the mind from wrong or false belefs is not an easy task.

Deprogramming ok ok, but how ? could I use the same tool of kinesiology ? or should I add also some hypnosis ? and certainly I needed someone more experienced than me to guide the process. One thing I learned is to start doubting everything I took for granted before. Everything has to pass from the fire of doubt before being accepted as true. Also denials of the past remains active to this day unless they are defused somehow in a way or another. Ilearned hypnosis and practised a lot. A friend of mine was a certified hypnotist , giving sesssions in the pune ashram . We exchanged sessions with each other, and developed very powerful system of defusing stressors. We would usually work in a minimum of 3 till 12 people using one person as the main medium for the kinesiology testing. Fromthat one arm we would test everybody. It was amazing how strong the sessions like that becomes. Alone is not possible to reach the same benefit that a group can give. Yes deprogramming was the difficult part of the game. That happened in its own timing and it will be described in another book. It involved the use of tarot cards, an esoteric look into astrology, hypnosis, kinesiology and helps from the devas and nature spirit from the eteric dimensions also. Also visiting the shrines of several indian true masters gave confidence in the process and allowed a misterious guidance to unfold .Baba was working somehow even with me ! with all the ditches I fell into before, I was now somehow proceeding ahead. In india they says that the master ,guide you in such a way you never realize you have been guided till the very end Meanwhile, I would try with breathing tecnique called pranayama or breath control, to which I would add some asanas and meditations. I would breath for half an hor in and out air from the mouth, like a kind o frebirthing iperossigenating the breath with hands open towards the sky for collecting the energy. It was the ancient meditation tecnique of lahitan with the add on of forced breathing to increase its effectiveness. Those tecnique are quite dangerous to practice on your own so better you no try without proper guidance. I was lucky to have a german friend , who lived in india for years and who taught me how to safely stir up the energy.later on he got sick in india and went back to the west and I never saw him . Practicing pranayama or breath control in a city was no easy task. In the period I was in the west, I would sell all I could to friends and get some more money to continue the journey in india, shri lanka , nepal and indonesia. Those esotic countries have always pulled my attention a lot, they were like a magnet.

I would sometime go around the park in the city while doing pranayama, the inhalation and exhalation according to particular rithms that teoretically clean up the nadis or channels of the second body. The park surrounded by tall trees was the ideal place and another was on the bank of rivers and in goa at the sea wehre the negative ions in the air helps a lot the oxigenation of the blood. This second body look like a theory to me till I started to have actual experience of it. A friend I was experimenting with started to see at times the meridians or light veins of suttle light which are the channels along side the energy force is running in the second body. I never saw them , but instead I started to levitate in a very funny way. Open eyes I was on the earth, close the eyes and I was up 2 or 3 feet in the air. Re-open them and there in the body I am again. I asked a friend if my body was moving and he said no, not a bit. Than what is this feeling of levitiion so real I was feeling ???? Is it possible that was happening only in the second body and the first one never knew about it ? these levitations of the second body went on for while and than they went also in letargy since they did not reappear so far. With the cleaning up of mucus in the head and particluarly the ears I started to hear the anahata sounds or so are called in yoga sutras. I studied patanjali sutra to be familiar with the terminology and what is possible since he is the foremost authority on yoga in the last 5000 years. So many commentaries have been done but the sutras never got atually improved, they are perfect as they are. Nada sounds of bells, flauto etc are the sounds of the etheric body when the ife force that runs in it flows freely. The etheric body is the battery of the gross one, the very stamp or imprint that create the gross body. Diet was doing miracles inside the etheric vehicle as well, and this body can be full of vitality, since it is the vehicle of prana. I needed more information on the working of the second body and that was not an easy search. On the internet the people speaking about it did not feel knowing what they were talking about. They all looked to me quite bogus. an interesting book which looked autentic was `the projection of the astral body` in which muldoon explain at length the working of the third body, the astral. That is another thing altogheter but his book was great to read. Finally I choose to learn from the ancient tantric tecniques of shiva. That was it, found what I was looking for, coming from a master which was explaining in its ashram in pune the ancient esoteric of tantra and the 112 tecniques imparted by lord shiva to his consort parvati. There it was ! a hundred tecnique to practice and enjoy in the attempt to find the one which would just fit me like a key on a lock. From the pleiadis channelings to all kind of extraterrestrial entity giving guidance of dubious nature and disenbody souls speaking to the earh ones messages of light and planes of consciousness.. there was plenty to choose from. I did not find out a single one capable of givin a true instruction on the awakening of the kundalini energy, till I did some meditation camps in pune e in nepal. It seems when 30 or more people get togheter for those active meditations , the energy awake something in the astral body which is not ordinarily available for single or small groups of individuals to rise. Things become easier just becouse of the number of people involved trying to rise the force.

The first thing about this power is that the awakening bring qualities to the adept, and this small element appeared missing in all those people speaking about it on the net before. Now at last I found other people sharing the same search. It is so sad to see gulliable people going after disenbodied souls that speak spirituality of a third rate. All those channeling are at the very best, arising from the unconscious of the channeler and at the worst are pure crap. The message is the important thing, not who is saying it. And those messages are all quite hollow, infact I could make up a book of channeling while looking at the tv at the same time for inspiration of mystical origin ! High intelligence is one of the keys, togheter with an increased life force and resistence in the person to outside influences, since kundalini is the awakening of the life force and so naturally intelligence among the rest. Other sintoms will be awareness , the disappearance of tiredness in daily life and a keen intuition in the nature of things to come. All kind of extrasensory perceptions follow also, foremost intuition, insight into things, and the capacity to feel energy in the atmosphere. I got plenty of hallucination also , but that is part of the game and I think they were projections of some kind stored in my subconscious. At some point even mind control entered the picture, but that is another story. We would continue tod o experiments even when going to places for renewing the visa. I would search in all the second hand bookshops I could , looking for old material on yoga , tantra and also on emotional clean up like primal and particularly rebirthting. The awakening of kundalini continued to unfold as time passed by. At times it would come up suddenly and feel like getting a sharp needle on my behind. What would follow is usually a slight dizziness and lights coming in the vision range or anahata sounds coming to the ears. Also I could see quite easily the auras of people whenever I wanted to . usually I would not see anything but if someone asked me, I would just start away seeing the aura. According to the need comes more.. Kundalini brings a care of its own. One does not worry anymore about money and pension and `who will take care` of me when I get old ? the present moment is enough and that`s it, one start living moment by moment and stop to live in the fear of the future and what it can bring of unexpected to us. The whole western world is based on making money as if that is the ultimate in life. I never bothered about it and it can be defined really a miracle , that I have enjoyed doing all kind of trips without a worry on the outcome or expences.

Existance has always sent someone to help at the exact moment it was needed without my asking anything in the first place. The awakening of kundalini bring back a recollection of all the past evolution of mankind. In fact kundalini is the sum total of all past experiences , one has stored in the etheric vehicle. Everything experienced after the arousal of kundalini in the form of unkhown energies and sense perceptions are sensations accumulated in the past evolution of man. From rock to tree to fish to animal to human, all evolutionary experiences of the senses are re-collected and felt again. In a way is like unwinding the mechanics of evolution. The purpose is to grow in consciousness. I spent years doing groups on kundalini and the chakras, in which we were trying to experiment directly on ourself the truth at hand. The tecnique were given but the practice was to be individual.

The 7 chakras or wheels.

Since the kundalini has to pass 7 main blocks , there are 7 bonuses one gets as it passes that chakra. These bonuses represents 7 qualities and development of the consiuosness of the person. Every chakra is a potential help in the path of kundalini and is there only to help go upward more. Usually the most blocked are the base one , the second and the third or navel. The first is sexuality and generations of programming based on FEAR. The second is sensuality and co-dependance , the need to rely on others for validation of our own feelings. Codependancy is a huge stumbling blook and it might take quite some time to remove that ostacle on the path of kundalini. All the suppressed feelings are there and so the twisted ones . How human sheeps follow the folk is amazing to me. People have little brain left it seems, just an empty skull with some unconnected wires . once in a while someone start making connection and becomes alive again. It is called resurrection of the zombies After all when ouspensky ,after a 3 month meditation in seclusion was brought by his master gurdjeff out in the open he could see the other people like sleepwalkers, shopping , eating drinking alll in sleep. That was a metaphysical sleep and is common in all of us as well, just the awareness is missing. Must have been Baba to have done that to them. To take back your power of choice plenty of work is needed. The work to be done here is 3fold. First the turning in of what is projected out in the feeling dimension. This means re owning our projected on others feelings. The second is to feel the sensations as they arise from inside and to learn how to tune in and the 3d and most difficult may be to be friend with the void, the eempty sapace at the center of each chakra, from where the kundalini can jump to the next step on the way toward the head, the navel.

The third is the choice to be born in this body and is probably the strongest block in my case when kundalini arose after a intense struggling of breath and mantra, it hit some kind of rock in the navel, started spinning for 10 or 15 seconds , lost the energy of momentum and went back to the base of the pass that block I needed plenty of diet of rigorous type, specially the juice fasting and the application of meditation tecnique which involve hammering of the breath at the base of the spine. For years I did meditations on the third chakra, of tibetan nature which involves mantras that opens the chakra, but it wa only when I started the fastings that things really speeded up. It seems food is the main block even for the entrance in the spiritual dimensions. May be that is why jogi eat so little an usually only once daily. Some of them are said to be living far longer than the western world realises and energetic too. Caucasian are famous for that, working in the field at old age full of strenght. These people do not eat the sophisticated food of the western world. I discovered that doing enema daily, often twice a day helped a lot the process of cleaning the chakra and so did the vomiting of salt water on empty stomach. Eating in the night was the warst habit for this chakra and so was dropped for higher cause. Fasting was the most helpful hint at this level, it really did great job. In the absence of food intake the emotions also loose their grip on consiousness and give space for the energy to move more freely. The less one eats the easier is the meditations that awaken kundalini. I did fasting few times for 4 or 5 days but generally I found best effect on juice diet, being careful to stop it as soon I felt unconfortable to much and eating a good meal of veggy after it to provoke an evacuation of the bowels now full of mucus. The 3d chakra is related to health and so for health at all levels of body and mind this stage has to be passed. I used a lot of emerald to help in the process since emerald, a stone of green color helps the removal of blocks in this area of the body. The 3d chakra is the one that can hold most energy so also the one which can have the strongest blocks. Passing this 3 ones is the really difficult part, the rest is relatively more easy. I will take them one by one, but this does not mean that there are no other blocks the heart is a empty space which people have lost contact with and the throat is sometimes so blocked by lies and unspoken words that is not very easy to pass either. The third eye usually is blocked by blocked ideas we never trusted our own ideas to the point to turn them into action and created blockages there also. One can`t awaken kundalini and remain a bigot or a followers of the same beliefs, that generations of programming has given humanity. Awakening is first of all expressed in doubting all that has been taught us by the society and a sincere enquiry into what is life, what is life force and destiny , not by looking for it on the dictionary, but by actual experience and the discovery of the power of choice. I learned to doubt all the beliefs given from outside and investigate on how I got the ideas I have now about life in general. Do you realize how unconsiously people rise children based on what the doctors says and what the church tells ? Why give baptise to a child without his permission ? doing that one removes the power of choice of the individual. People stick to the religion they are born into.

Choice is always there at all times for everybody, but is used only 5% of the time may be or less. Duplicating something is not choice. Choice is to do something new again and again in new ways, starting always fresh and anew. When energy reaches higher centers one start dreaming much more consciously and can direct the dreams in their course. Dream control is an important aspect of kundalini and it involves the fifth center and the third eye. But for it prparation of the lower centers is equaly imporant. Chemicals taken previously like sleeping pills or medications create plenty of troubbles during the clean up since they appear in the blood stream and so makes one feel sick again. The path of cleaning the body and mind from the past sins is a long one, but I am happy i have started the journey long time ago.

Love joseph

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