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Published by: Ideas y Programas, S.L. | San Romn de los Montes | 03 03-Enero-2011. ARKITool is a registered trademark of I Ideas y programas, S.L.

PREREQUISITES............................................................................................................................ 14 Operating system .................................................................................................................... 14 Microsoft Net Framework 2.0 ................................................................................................. 14 AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD ................................................................................................... 14 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................. 15 Installation process ................................................................................................................. 15 Uninstall process ..................................................................................................................... 16 Loading ARKITool inside AutoCAD .......................................................................................... 16 UPDATE ARKITOOL ...................................................................................................................... 18 Updating ARKITool .................................................................................................................. 18 Update without Internet connection ...................................................................................... 19 Automatic check for updates .................................................................................................. 19 Backup files updated ............................................................................................................... 19 List of improvements and upgrades........................................................................................ 19 SETTING ....................................................................................................................................... 20 How to run commands in AutoCAD ARKITool ......................................................................... 20 Configuration stores ................................................................................................................ 21 Directory blocks....................................................................................................................... 21 ARKITool configuration program............................................................................................. 22 SEARCH ARKITOOL COMMAND ................................................................................................... 23 ARKITool Command Description ................................................................................................. 25 3 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 25 3D-ARIVIS:Change visibility of an edge ............................................................................... 25 3D-EXTIENDE:Extends 3D face to plane .............................................................................. 26 3D-INVISIBLES:Disable invisible edges ................................................................................ 26 3D-LEVANTAR:Lifts to 3D polylines, arcs, etc. ..................................................................... 27 3D-OCULTAR:Hidden meeting edges .................................................................................. 27 3D-PARALELA:Parallel to 3D polylines................................................................................. 27 3D-PUNTOS:Point at each vertex 3D mesh ......................................................................... 28 3D-UNE3DPOL:Join two 3D polylines .................................................................................. 28 3D-VISIBLES:Active edges invisible ...................................................................................... 29 Architectural............................................................................................................................ 30 ARQ-AISLANTE:Represents line of insulation...................................................................... 30 ARQ-AREA:Adjust the area of polyline ................................................................................ 30

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ARQ-AZOTEAS:Earrings flat roofs ........................................................................................ 31 ARQ-CONTORNOS:Locate boundary of rooms.................................................................... 32 ARQ-ESCALERA:Calculates and draws Stairs ....................................................................... 32 ARQ-ESCALERA3D:Convert stair to 3D ................................................................................ 32 ARQ-MESCALERA:Edit stairs drawn..................................................................................... 33 ARQ-NIVEL:Create dynamic level heights ........................................................................... 33 ARQ-PARKING:Parking spaces ............................................................................................. 34 ARQ-PERSPEDIN:Represents the perspective of a polyline ................................................ 34 ARQ-RAMPA:Access ramps ................................................................................................. 35 ARQ-SECESCALERA:Stairs section........................................................................................ 35 Atributes .................................................................................................................................. 36 ATR-ATRI2MUL:Convert atributes in multiples ................................................................... 36 ATR-BORRATT:Erase Block Attributes ................................................................................. 36 ATR-CATTCER:Copy attributes value to near blocks ........................................................... 36 ATR-COPYATT:Copy value attributes to blocks ................................................................... 37 ATR-DEFECTO:Restore default attribute values .................................................................. 37 ATR-DELATRI:Deletes attributes selected ........................................................................... 37 ATR-ESCALATT:Scale attributes but does not block ............................................................ 38 ATR-EXATRIB:Export to file attributes ................................................................................. 38 ATR-LOCATRIB:Locate text attributes ................................................................................. 38 ATR-MOVERATT:Move individual attributes....................................................................... 39 ATR-NOGIRAR:Maintains a fixed orientation attributes ..................................................... 39 ATR-NUMERA:Sequentially numbered attributes............................................................... 39 ATR-TEXTOATRIB:Text to attribute ..................................................................................... 40 ATR-VISIBLES:Make visible all attributes............................................................................. 40 Blocks ...................................................................................................................................... 41 BLO-ALINEAR:Align blocks with line .................................................................................... 41 BLO-ALINEARTODOS:Aligned automatically blocks ............................................................ 42 BLO-ANONIMO:Change name anonymous block ............................................................... 42 BLO-BLOQUEA:Lock block for is not exploited .................................................................... 42 BLO-CAMBIA:Change a insertion block by other block ....................................................... 43 BLO-CLONAR:Creates a block that is copied from another................................................. 43 BLO-CREAUTO:Automatically creates a block ..................................................................... 44 BLO-CUENTA:Count inserts a block in drawing ................................................................... 44 BLO-DIMENSIONES:Change the sizes of a block ................................................................. 45

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BLO-DIN2NOR:Convert dynamics block to normal ............................................................. 45 BLO-DISTRIB:Blocks distributed a distance ......................................................................... 46 BLO-ESCALABK:Quickly scale blocks.................................................................................... 46 BLO-ESCALASIN:Scale blocks but not attributes ................................................................. 47 BLO-EXANIDADOS:Explode nested blocks .......................................................................... 47 BLO-EXBLOQUES:Create a drawing for each block ............................................................. 48 BLO-EXISTE:Exists a block with this entities? ...................................................................... 48 BLO-GRUPO:Explode, but the group remains ..................................................................... 49 BLO-LISTADO:Table of blocks with the number of insertions ............................................. 49 BLO-LOCNOMBRE:Located blocks by name ........................................................................ 50 BLO-NOR2ANO:Convert normal blocks to anotative .......................................................... 50 BLO-PORBLOQUE:Set color and linetype byBlock ............................................................... 51 BLO-PTINSER:Change the insertion point of a block ........................................................... 51 BLO-RAPIDO:Create blocks (dwg) very quickly ................................................................... 52 BLO-RECORTA:Cut entities with a block .............................................................................. 52 BLO-ROMPEGEO:Break entities for insertion point ............................................................ 53 BLO-ROTABK:Quick rotate blocks ....................................................................................... 53 BLO-SEGUIDOS:Calculate consecutive block names ........................................................... 54 BLO-SELBLOQUE:Locate all the insertions of a block .......................................................... 54 BLO-SOLIDO:Makes a solid block for hide other entities .................................................... 54 BLO-UCS:Align a block to the current UCS .......................................................................... 55 BLO-VINCULANTE:Link attributes of the blocks .................................................................. 55 BLO-XREF:Convert block to external reference .................................................................. 56 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................... 57 LIM-BORRAPROXY:Deletes entities PROXY ......................................................................... 57 LIM-FILTROS:Delete all layer filters ..................................................................................... 57 LIM-GRUPOS:Delete all groups ........................................................................................... 58 LIM-LINEASDUP:Delete Duplicate and Overlap .................................................................. 58 LIM-PUNTOS:Deletes all points ........................................................................................... 59 LIM-TOTAL:Total clean a drawing ....................................................................................... 59 LIM-VACIOS:Deletes empty text ......................................................................................... 60 Convert .................................................................................................................................... 61 CON-ARC2RECTAS:Arcs/circles to straight .......................................................................... 61 CON-ARCO2CIRCULO:Arcs to circles ................................................................................... 62 CON-ARCO2POL:Arcs to polylines ....................................................................................... 62

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CON-CIRCUL2POL:Circles to polylines ................................................................................. 63 CON-FACE23DPOL:3DFACE to 3D polyline .......................................................................... 63 CON-FACE2LIN:3DFACE to line ............................................................................................ 64 CON-FACE2MALLA:3DFACE to 3D mesh ............................................................................. 64 CON-FACE2SOLID:3DFACE to 2D Solid ................................................................................ 65 CON-LIN2AUX:Lines to auxiliary lines ................................................................................. 65 CON-LIN2POL:arcs and lines to polylines ............................................................................ 66 CON-LIN2RAYO:Lines to rays ............................................................................................... 66 CON-LINEA0PTO:Lines (0.0 long) to points ......................................................................... 67 CON-LININ2POL:Lines to polylines individual ..................................................................... 67 CON-POL0PTO:Polylines (0.0 long) to points ...................................................................... 68 CON-POL2FACE:Polylines to 3DFACE .................................................................................. 68 CON-POL2MUL:Polylines to Mlines..................................................................................... 69 CON-POL2PFACE:Polylines to 3D Mesh .............................................................................. 69 CON-POL2POL3D:2D Polylines to 3D polylines ................................................................... 70 CON-POL2RECTAS:Curved polylines to straight .................................................................. 70 CON-POL2WPOL:Poly. weight to optimized poly ................................................................ 71 CON-POL3POL2D:3D Polylines to 2D polylines ................................................................... 71 CON-PTO2BLOQ:Points to block insertions......................................................................... 72 CON-PTO2CIRCULO:Points to circles ................................................................................... 72 CON-REGION2POL:Region to 2D polyline ........................................................................... 73 CON-SOLID2FACE:2D Solid to 3DFACE ................................................................................ 73 CON-SOLID2POL:2D Solid to polyline .................................................................................. 74 CON-SPLINE2POL:Spline to polyline .................................................................................... 74 CON-TXT2PARR:Text to Mtext ............................................................................................ 75 CON-WPOL2POL:Poly. optimized to polylines .................................................................... 75 Dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 76 COT-2PTOS:Between 2 points ............................................................................................. 76 COT-ALINEAM:Contour with dimensions aligned ............................................................... 77 COT-ANGPOL:Angles of a polyline ...................................................................................... 77 COT-ARCOS:Multiple arcs.................................................................................................... 78 COT-DIRSIN:Make a leader without text ............................................................................. 78 COT-ELEV:Elevation an entity.............................................................................................. 79 COT-ESTILOS:Exports dimension styles ............................................................................... 79 COT-LINEAS:Multiple lines .................................................................................................. 80

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COT-MLINEA:Entities for cutting line .................................................................................. 81 COT-PARALEM:Contour with dimensions parallel .............................................................. 82 COT-PROYECTA:Projecting points over the curve ............................................................... 82 COT-PTENTIS:Distance to entities ....................................................................................... 83 COT-RECUADRA:Frame dimension text .............................................................................. 83 COT-ROMPE:Break dimension ............................................................................................ 84 COT-SUMA:Add values dimension ...................................................................................... 84 COT-UNE:Join 2 dimensions ................................................................................................ 85 COT-XY:XY coordinates........................................................................................................ 85 Display ..................................................................................................................................... 86 VIS-CAPA:Highlight all entities of a layer ............................................................................ 86 VIS-ENTCAPA:View each entity of a layer ........................................................................... 87 VIS-ESTILOS:Highlight text using a style .............................................................................. 87 VIS-OCULTA:Hide or show specific entities ......................................................................... 88 VIS-PANVENTANA:Pan screen in windows blocked ............................................................ 88 VIS-PERSPECTIVA:See drawing in perspective .................................................................... 89 VIS-RECUADRO:Makes a box on the current view .............................................................. 89 VIS-REGEN:Regenerates the drawing quickly ..................................................................... 90 VIS-REVISAR:Displays individual entities ............................................................................. 90 VIS-REVTODAS:Displays all selected entities ...................................................................... 91 VIS-TIPOLIN:Change dynamically the linetype .................................................................... 91 VIS-VISTAS:Runs through all saved views ........................................................................... 92 VIS-ZOOM:Zoom all without regenerating.......................................................................... 92 Draw ........................................................................................................................................ 93 DIB-CAJA3D:3D Box covers all entities selected ................................................................. 93 DIB-CENTROCAJA:Mark the center of entities .................................................................... 94 DIB-COMPARCO:Complementary part of the arc ............................................................... 94 DIB-CONCENTRICO:Concentric circles................................................................................. 95 DIB-CONTORNEA:Outlines any entity ................................................................................. 95 DIB-COORDENADAS:Label coordinates of a point .............................................................. 96 DIB-DETALLE:Create a detail of an closed area ................................................................... 96 DIB-DIAGONAL:Box with 2 diagonal.................................................................................... 97 DIB-DIVCONTORNO:Divided a horizontal or vertical contour............................................. 97 DIB-ENTTANG:Tangent to an entity .................................................................................... 98 DIB-ESCALAR:Scale of the drawing area ............................................................................. 98

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DIB-EXTENPOL:Extend lines to a polyline............................................................................ 99 DIB-FLECHASPOL:Show sense of polyline with arrows ....................................................... 99 DIB-INICIOFINPOL:Block at the ends of a polyline ............................................................ 100 DIB-LINEASDOBLES:Double lines from single lines. .......................................................... 101 DIB-OCULTAR:Hide a drawing area ................................................................................... 101 DIB-PARALPOL:Polyline parallel to each segment ............................................................ 102 DIB-PERPEND:Perpendicular lines to polyline................................................................... 102 DIB-POL2NUBE:Revision Cloud from polyline ................................................................... 103 DIB-PORENTIDAD:characteristics by default for a entity .................................................. 103 DIB-REC3PTOS:3-point Rectangle ..................................................................................... 104 DIB-RECUADRO:Rectangle that includes the entities ....................................................... 104 DIB-TANGENTE:Tangent to 2 circles.................................................................................. 105 DIB-VERTPOL:Coordinates of vertices of polyline ............................................................. 105 DIB-ZIGZAG:Draw lines in a zig-zag ................................................................................... 106 Edit ........................................................................................................................................ 107 EDI-2PARALELAS:Parallel in both directions ..................................................................... 107 EDI-BORRARAPIDO:Quick Delete ...................................................................................... 108 EDI-CAMBIAALT:Change elevation of entities................................................................... 108 EDI-CAMBIAELEV:Change elevation of text ...................................................................... 109 EDI-CAPAENCIMA:Put entities of layer above .................................................................. 109 EDI-COPIARAPIDO:Quick Copy .......................................................................................... 110 EDI-COPIAROTA:Copy and rotates at the same time ........................................................ 110 EDI-COPYACAPA:Copy and put in a layer .......................................................................... 111 EDI-CORTARAUTO:Automatic Trim ................................................................................... 111 EDI-ELEVTEXTO:Change elevation with text value ............................................................ 112 EDI-ESCALAAUTO:Auto Scale ............................................................................................ 112 EDI-EXACAPA:Explodes and sends a layer......................................................................... 113 EDI-FUERZPROP:Force color and Linetype of entities ....................................................... 113 EDI-GRUPOANON:Automatic anonymous group .............................................................. 114 EDI-INVLINEAS:Reverses direction of the lines ................................................................. 114 EDI-LIMPIA:Clean an area of the drawing ......................................................................... 115 EDI-MUEVERAPIDO:Quick Move ....................................................................................... 115 EDI-PARALELA:Multiple parallel ........................................................................................ 116 EDI-PARALELADIN:Dynamically parallel. ........................................................................... 116 EDI-PORCAPA:Put color and linetype bylayer ................................................................... 116

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EDI-PORENCIMA:Place entities over ................................................................................. 117 EDI-RADIOS:Change radio of arcs and circles.................................................................... 117 EDI-ROMPE:Quick break for a point .................................................................................. 118 EDI-ROMPEAUTO:Breaks with a circle or polyline ............................................................ 118 EDI-ROMPEBLOQUE:Rompe con un bloque...................................................................... 119 EDI-ROMPEBORRA:Breaks and clears one side ................................................................. 120 EDI-ROMPEDIST:Entity breaks several times .................................................................... 120 EDI-ROMPEINTERS:Breaks for the intersections ............................................................... 121 EDI-ROTARCAJA:Automatic rotation by the center .......................................................... 121 EDI-ROTARGRADOSDIN:Rotate dynamic entities for x degrees ....................................... 122 EDI-UNIRARC:Join 2 arcs collinear..................................................................................... 122 EDI-UNIRLIN:Join 2 lines collinear ..................................................................................... 123 Files ....................................................................................................................................... 124 ARC-DXF:Create basic DXF ................................................................................................ 124 ARC-NOMBRE:Compute filename ..................................................................................... 125 ARC-PORCAPA:Drawing for each layer.............................................................................. 125 ARC-PORPARTES:Divide a drawing in parts....................................................................... 126 ARC-SALVA:Save only the entities ..................................................................................... 126 ARC-SEGUR:Open backup files .......................................................................................... 127 Information ........................................................................................................................... 128 INF-ANGULOSLIN:Angles formed by 2 lines ...................................................................... 128 INF-BISECT:Angle bisector ................................................................................................. 129 INF-CENTRO:Center of gravity the polyline....................................................................... 129 INF-CERCANA:Closest entity to a point ............................................................................. 130 INF-COLINEAL:Are collinear 2 entities? ............................................................................. 130 INF-DISTCURVA:Distance min. from point to curve .......................................................... 131 INF-DISTIGUALES:Are Equal 2 distances?.......................................................................... 131 INF-DISTPOLI:Distance from polyline to the points .......................................................... 132 INF-DISTTEXTO:Distance 2 points defined by text ............................................................ 132 INF-ELEVACIONES:Elevations estimated max, min, average............................................ 133 INF-EXLONG:Export the lengths to a file ........................................................................... 133 INF-GRAVE3D:3D solid center of gravity ........................................................................... 134 INF-INFORMA:Complete information of entity................................................................. 134 INF-MEDIOPOL:Total midpoint of a polyline..................................................................... 135 INF-PARALELAS:Are parallel 2 entities? ............................................................................ 135

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INF-POLINTER:Search polylines that cuts itself ................................................................. 136 INF-TRCURVOS:Polyline with curved sections?................................................................. 136 Land Survey ........................................................................................................................... 137 TOP-AJUSTAR:Ajust vertex of curves with the points ....................................................... 137 TOP-ALISAR:Removes unneeded vertexes contour .......................................................... 137 TOP-AREA:Find the area of a piece of 3D terrain.............................................................. 138 TOP-DISTANCIA:Actual distance measured on a 3D terrain ............................................. 138 TOP-DIVIDIR:Split an irregular polygon into equal parts .................................................. 139 TOP-EXPORTAR:Export points of the drawing to a file or table ........................................ 139 TOP-IMPORTAR:Import points from a text file ................................................................. 139 TOP-INTERPOLAR:Interpolated level curves ..................................................................... 140 TOP-INTERPOLARELEV:Interpolates the elevation between 2 blocks .............................. 140 TOP-LOCPARCELAS:Search of parcels in the drawing ....................................................... 141 TOP-PARCELA:Define a parcel ........................................................................................... 141 TOP-PERFILES:Make terrain profiles ................................................................................. 142 TOP-SOLIDO:Converts 3D terrain (mesh) in a solid (ACIS) ................................................ 142 TOP-TERRENO3D:Level curves to 3D terrain..................................................................... 142 TOP-TRIANG:Calculate point by triangulation .................................................................. 143 TOP-TROZOTERRENO:Extracts a piece of solid terrain ..................................................... 143 TOP-URBANIZA:Extracts information of a parcel. ............................................................. 143 TOP-VACIADOS:Empty areas of a solid terrain ................................................................. 144 Layers .................................................................................................................................... 145 LAY-ACI2RGB:Color layers of ACI to RGB .......................................................................... 145 LAY-ACTIVATODO:Active and visible all layers .................................................................. 145 LAY-ACTUAL:Set current layer by selection ...................................................................... 145 LAY-BLOQ-ACTUAL:Block all except the current ............................................................... 146 LAY-BLOQSEL:Unlock by selection .................................................................................... 146 LAY-BORRAOFF:Delete off or frozen layers....................................................................... 146 LAY-BORRAR:Delete entities of a layer ............................................................................. 147 LAY-CAMBIASEL:Change entities of layer.......................................................................... 147 LAY-COLORCAPA:Color entities BYLAYER .......................................................................... 148 LAY-CONGELA:Frozen all off layers ................................................................................... 148 LAY-CONGSEL:Frozen by selection .................................................................................... 148 LAY-COPIACARAC:Copy roperties to other layer............................................................... 149 LAY-DESBLOQUEA:Unlock locked layers ........................................................................... 149

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LAY-DESCONGELA:Thaw frozen layers .............................................................................. 149 LAY-ELEVACION:Grouped layers by elevation................................................................... 150 LAY-ENTCAPA:Each entity in 1 layer.................................................................................. 150 LAY-EXPORTAR:Export layers to a file ............................................................................... 151 LAY-FUSIONAR:Merge 2 layers in 1 ................................................................................... 151 LAY-GUARDAR:Export the state of the layers ................................................................... 152 LAY-IMPORTAR:Import from file layers............................................................................. 152 LAY-OFF:Off by selection ................................................................................................... 153 LAY-OFF-ACTUAL:Turn off all except current .................................................................... 153 LAY-OFFSEL:Turn off all except selection .......................................................................... 154 LAY-ORDENAR:Sorted layers like photoshop .................................................................... 154 LAY-PORCOLOR:Grouped layers by color .......................................................................... 155 LAY-RECUPERAR:Restore state of the layers..................................................................... 155 LAY-RESALTAR:Highlight current layer entities ................................................................. 155 LAY-REVISAR:Review the contents of layers ..................................................................... 156 LAY-RGB2ACI:Color layers of RGB to ACI .......................................................................... 156 LAY-SELCAPA:Make select entities of layer....................................................................... 157 LAY-VISTA:Make a view with layer entities ....................................................................... 157 Measure ................................................................................................................................ 158 MSU-AREA:Label the area of a polyline ............................................................................ 158 MSU-AREA3DCARA:Area from 3DFACE entities................................................................ 158 MSU-CREASUMA:Make sum by selection ......................................................................... 159 MSU-CREASUMACAPA:Sum all dimension of layer........................................................... 159 MSU-LINPORCAPA:Sum lines by layer............................................................................... 160 MSU-MIDELON:Measure lengths ...................................................................................... 160 MSU-PERIMETRO:Label the perimeter of polyline ........................................................... 161 MSU-POLPORCAPA:Sum polyline by layer ........................................................................ 162 MSU-SUMALONG:Sum selected entities........................................................................... 162 Polylines ................................................................................................................................ 163 POL-ABRIR:Open that are closed ...................................................................................... 163 POL-ADDVERTICES:Add vertexes and mark it ................................................................... 163 POL-ANTIHORARIO:Make ounterclockwise ...................................................................... 164 POL-CERRAR:Close only the open polylines ...................................................................... 164 POL-CHAFLAN:Automatic chamfer.................................................................................... 165 POL-DELCURVAS:Delete curved segment ......................................................................... 165

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POL-DELVERTICES:Delete vertexes for select.................................................................... 166 POL-DIFELEV:Polylines for differences in Z ....................................................................... 166 POL-DIVIDIR:Divide into 2 closed polyline ........................................................................ 166 POL-ELEV0:Polylines with z<>0.0 vertex ........................................................................... 167 POL-ESPESOR:Change the thickness ................................................................................. 168 POL-EXAPOL:Explode to polylines ..................................................................................... 168 POL-EXCONESP:Explode and maintains thickness ............................................................ 169 POL-EXTRAER:Extract segment without explode .............................................................. 169 POL-EXTREMOS:Mark extremes for open polylines.......................................................... 170 POL-FILLET:Automatic rounding........................................................................................ 170 POL-HORARIO:Make Clockwise ......................................................................................... 171 POL-INTER:Intersection of closed polylines ...................................................................... 171 POL-INTEROTRAS:Mark the intersections with other ....................................................... 172 POL-INVCURVAS:Invert the curved segments................................................................... 172 POL-INVSENTIDO:Invert the sense .................................................................................... 173 POL-JUNTAR:Join 2 closed polylines into 1 ....................................................................... 173 POL-MINDISTA:Distance between 2 polylines .................................................................. 174 POL-QUESENTIDO:Clockwise or counterclockwise? ......................................................... 174 POL-RESTA:Subtract of another polyline .......................................................................... 175 POL-VERDUPLICADOS:Delete duplicate vertexes ............................................................. 175 POL-VERINTERSEC:Add vertex for each intersection ........................................................ 176 POL-VERPORTRAMOS:Add vertexes to a distance ............................................................ 176 POL-VERVERTICES:Mark all the vertex .............................................................................. 177 Select entities ........................................................................................................................ 178 SEL-ABIERTAS:Polylines by dist. ends ................................................................................ 178 SEL-ANOTATIVOS:Annotative Blocks................................................................................. 179 SEL-BLOQUE:Blocks by name ............................................................................................ 179 SEL-CAPA:Entities by layer ................................................................................................ 180 SEL-CAPTURAPOL:Sel. by capture with polyline ............................................................... 180 SEL-COLOR:Entities by color .............................................................................................. 181 SEL-CORTEPOL:Sel. by fence with polyline........................................................................ 181 SEL-ELEVACION:Entities by Elevation ................................................................................ 182 SEL-EXTERIORPOL:Entities outside of a Polyline ............................................................... 182 SEL-LONGARC:Arcos by length .......................................................................................... 183 SEL-LONGCIRCULO:Circles by length ................................................................................. 184

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SEL-LONGLINEA:Lines by Length ....................................................................................... 184 SEL-LONGPOL:Polylines by perimeter ............................................................................... 185 SEL-NVERTICES:Polyline by number of vertex.................................................................. 185 SEL-POLAREA:Polylines by area ......................................................................................... 186 SEL-TIPO:Entities by linetype ............................................................................................ 186 SEL-UCS:Not parallel to UCS current ................................................................................. 187 SEL-VALATRIB:Blocks by their attributes........................................................................... 187 SEL-VENTANAPOL:Sel. by window with polyline............................................................... 188 SEL-VERTICES:Polylines by duplicate vertex...................................................................... 188 Structures .............................................................................................................................. 190 EST-CONTABILIZAR:Calculate units, lengths and weights of linear material .................... 190 EST-PERFILES:Create metalic columns .............................................................................. 190 Texts ...................................................................................................................................... 191 TOP-INTERPOLARELEV:Interpolates between 2 texts ....................................................... 191 TXT-AJUSTA:Ajust between 2 points ................................................................................. 191 TXT-ALINEAR:Aligns text entities....................................................................................... 192 TXT-ALMACEN:Store of texts for CAD ............................................................................... 193 TXT-ALTURA:Change text height ....................................................................................... 193 TXT-BUSCA:Locate a specific text ...................................................................................... 194 TXT-CAMBIAESP:Swap spaces a blank for character......................................................... 194 TXT-CANTIDAD:N occurrences of text ............................................................................. 195 TXT-COLUMNAS:Divide the text into columns .................................................................. 195 TXT-COPIATXT:Copy text value of the rest ........................................................................ 196 TXT-CPALTURA:Copy height to other texts ....................................................................... 196 TXT-CPFACTOR:Copy scaling factor other ......................................................................... 197 TXT-CPROTACION:Copy rotation to other texts ................................................................ 197 TXT-CUENTA:Count, sum and average .............................................................................. 198 TXT-CURVA:Text on a curve .............................................................................................. 198 TXT-CURVADIN:Dynamic Text on curve ............................................................................ 199 TXT-DELESPACIOS:Delete unnecessary spaces ................................................................. 199 TXT-DINAMICO:Place text dynamically ............................................................................. 200 TXT-EDITAR:Edit several texts while ................................................................................. 200 TXT-ESPACIO:Adjust space between texts ........................................................................ 201 TXT-EXESTILOS:Exports text styles .................................................................................... 201 TXT-EXPORTA:Export texts to ASCII file............................................................................. 202

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TXT-IMPORTAR:Import and write texts one to one .......................................................... 202 TXT-INTER:Exchanged texts............................................................................................... 203 TXT-MAYUSCULAS:Lower or Upper Case .......................................................................... 203 TXT-ORDENAR:Sort texts alphabetically ........................................................................... 204 TXT-RECORTA:Cut the text entities under ........................................................................ 204 TXT-RECUADRO:Box around text ...................................................................................... 205 TXT-REDONDEA:Rounds the value of the texts................................................................. 206 TXT-REESCRIBIR:Continue writing in DText ....................................................................... 206 TXT-RENUMERA:Renumber while placing the texts ......................................................... 207 TXT-RENUMERASEL:Renumber existing texts ................................................................... 207 TXT-REPETIDOS:Looking for repetitive text ...................................................................... 208 TXT-ROMPE:Break text by a point ..................................................................................... 208 TXT-ROMPEMOV:Break text and move a part .................................................................. 209 TXT-ROTAINS:Rotated by the insertion point ................................................................... 209 TXT-ROTARCEN:Rotate by the center of the text.............................................................. 210 TXT-SUFIJO:Add suffixes and prefixes ............................................................................... 210 TXT-SUMA:Operations math with the texts ...................................................................... 211 TXT-UNEPARRAFOS:Join 2 paragraphs entities................................................................. 211 TXT-UNIR:Join 2 texts entities ........................................................................................... 212

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For the correct operation of the program is necessary ARKITool your computer or PC that meets the following conditions or requirements: Operating system: The computer operating system must be Windows 98, NT 4.0, XP, Vista or Windows 7. The only operating system to work in 64 bits is Windows 7. ARKITool not install or register any library itself in the computer operating system. ARKITool All files are contained within the folder in which you choose to install the program. Microsoft Net Framework 2.0: ARKITool Windows uses these libraries, so you should make sure you have these libraries installed on your computer to work with ARKITool. In case of not having installed the installation process prompts you to install them. These libraries can download them from our own website at the following address: Framework 2.0 : Framework 2.0 de 64 bits: AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD: ARKITool is a plug-in that works within the AutoCAD environment, BricsCAD or other CAD programs. It is therefore absolutely essential to have a version of AutoCAD or another CAD program compatible. Versions needed to work with ARKITool are: AutoCAD*, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
* Some ARKITool commands only work in modern versions of AutoCAD (usually from AutoCAD 2007). In this case you will be informed at each command compatibility with different versions of AutoCAD.

BricsCAD 10, 11. ZWCAD 2011 * in the process of checking for compatibility. ARKITool not modify any aspect of AutoCAD, so there should be no special precautions when installing ARKITool. Likewise, when your program uninstall AutoCAD ARKITool not suffer any modification or alteration.

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The installation process is automatic ARKITool program and very simple. Installation process: ARKITool To install on your computer you must run the file to open ARKITool 2011.exe downloaded from our website or from any other web-net programs. The steps for installing ARKITool are: 1. Choose the language in which you are installing the program. (Later you can change the language from the drop-down menu itself ARKITool). 2. After a welcome screen, you must accept the license agreement by clicking on the button "Yes". 3. Select the directory in which to install ARKITool (Please note this directory because then you have to use this path to load the program menu in AutoCAD) 4. If you already have installed ARKITool 2010 gives a window where you can choose to import the settings ARKITool 2010 or make a completely clean installation. 5. The installation program will copy all files in the program and perform all operations necessary to install on your computer ARKITool. 6. At the end of this installation you will see a window that explains how to load ARKITool within their CAD program and another window telling you then to run the program update. 7. Finally the program will run the program "Update on-line" ARKITool to install, if necessary, the latest improvements to the program available on the web. (Note that the program is constantly improving and possibly the executable with which you are installing ARKITool contains no such improvements.)

This installation process will create the following items on your computer: 1. Directors elected by you, containing all files ARKITool. 2. Entry in the list of Windows programs, called "ARKITool 2011", where you will find the following: a. Shortcut to this manual in several languages. b. Shortcut to the Update program on-line. c. Shortcut to the setup program. d. Shortcut to the program management of multiple drawings. e. Shortcut to file ARKITool improvements and bug. 3. A new key in the registry: HKEY-CURRENT-USER \ Software \ Ideas and Programs, SL \ ARKITool 2011. 4. On the Windows desktop, a shortcut to the program on-line update of ARKITool.
The installation process should create keys in the Windows registry and record some libraries own, so if you have an antivirus and / or a firewall (firewall), please make sure you are not blocking the execution of the installation process. Also make sure you have the necessary permissions in Windows to perform these actions.

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Uninstall process: To uninstall ARKITool just have to go to "Control Panel" and then the option "Uninstall a program". In the list of programs appears ARKITool 2011. Just select that entry to carry out a total uninstall ARKITool. While using the program ARKITool you may have set some aspects of the program, such as blocks, abbreviations, commands, bookmarks, etc. To retain this configuration, we recommend that you use the setup program to export the settings and perform a backup directory "Settings" located in the directory ARKITool.
If you used the "tool palettes ARKITool" ARKITool note that will have changed the default path where the search AutoCAD tool palettes. It is therefore advisable to leave as the default active tool palettes in AutoCAD before proceeding to uninstall ARKITool. Because if not then you must specify the search path of the AutoCAD tool palettes. To leave the AutoCAD tool palettes just click on the "AutoCAD Palettes"in the dropdown menu ARKITool.

Loading ARKITool inside AutoCAD: In order to use most of the commands and functions ARKITool program you must load the drop-down menu in AutoCAD ARKITool.
Never use the command "MENU" to load the AutoCAD menu ARKITool as this will cause AutoCAD menu disappears and only the menu ARKITool.

To make this process shall follow the following steps: 1. Open AutoCAD, BricsCAD, etc. 2. Type in the command line: MENULOAD. 3. Then you will see a window like the following: 4. Click on the button "Browse" and locate within ARKITool directory a directory called "Menu". Within this directory and find the directory for your language. Within this directory select the following file: AutoCAD 2002, 2004, 2005 o 2006 ............................... ARKITool.MNU AutoCAD 2007 o superior ............................................. ARKITool.CUI o ARKITool.CUIX 5. Then click on "Upload" and ARKITool drop down menu should appear on top of AutoCAD.

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Only for AutoCAD 2005 or lower: In this case, you must also add ARKITool menu bar. To do this click on the tab "Menu Bar"which will appear in the window MENULOAD as you can see below: In this tab, choose the group ARKITool in the list of "Group of menus". Then select the menu ARKITool in the menu list. Select the last entry in the list "Menu Bar". Click on the button "Insert >>" so the menu ARKITool joins the AutoCAD menu bar.


7. 8. 9.

To download the menu, use the command ARKITool MENULOAD, ARKITool select from the list and click on "Download".

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ARKITool program has an automatic update system that allows you to always have the latest version of this program.
Please, if you have an antivirus and/or a firewall (firewall), please make sure the "ToolActualizar.exe" has permission to connect to the Internet. This update does not send or collect any information from your computer.

Updating ARKITool: To update ARKITool you must run the update program: From AutoCAD: Select the entry "Update on-line" ARKITool dropdown menu. From Windows: Select the entry "Update on-line" located in Start + Programs + ARKITool 2011. or the Windows desktop. Whatever the system selected the following window:

In this window click on the button "Update Now my program ..." ARKITool program and will be updated automatically without you having to do anything.
If you run the update process ARKITool from the dropdown menu in AutoCAD to AutoCAD you need to restart the program is fully updated.

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Update without Internet connection: If you do not have Internet access should use the manual update system. With this system you can download the update files from a computer where if an Internet connection. Take the downloaded update files and update ARKITool from the computer where it has no connection to the Internet indicating that the program directory should read the upgrade files. Automatic check for updates: The program checks ARKITool by default once a day if there are new updates. This check is done when you use a command ARKITool. If the program detects that updates are an info bubble will appear as the following. To update your program ARKITool just click on the info bubble will appear the update window shown above. You can configure how to perform this configuration from the program "ARKITool Settings". Every few days may indicate that the program wants to check for new updates and if you can disable this option. Backup files updated: ARKITool creates a backup of all files that are modified when you upgrade the program on-line. These backups are created in a directory called "Security" located in the directory ARKITool. Within the backup directory the program creates a directory with the date on which the update is done and he saves all files modified during the update. If you want to retrieve the previous state of your program ARKITool, simply copy the files from the Security for the day of the update on the program directory ARKITool. List of improvements and upgrades: All upgrades and fixes ARKITool are published on our website ( You can view this list of improvements going directly to this page or from the updated on-line by clicking on the button "I want to see a list of the past ..."

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How to run commands in AutoCAD ARKITool: ARKITool commands can be executed or used in various ways ways: Drop-down menu: Simply select the command to run from the dropdown menu ARKITool ARKITool. Tool Palettes: Load ARKITool tool palettes by clicking on the "Palettes ARKITool" from the menu. You'll see a palette as you can see in the picture picture. Simply click on the icon of the order you want to run ARKITool. To see all available tool palettes click on the lower right corner to reveal a menu with all the paddles, as seen below.

To reuse the AutoCAD tool palettes choose "AutoCAD palettes" from the dropdown menu ARKITool. Utility Locator: In ARKITool drop down menu click on "Utility Locator" In this window you can Locator". view all ARKITool commands and execute any of them by simply clicking on the desired command line. Typing the command name: In AutoCAD command line type the command name you want to run ARKITool. Typing the command abbreviation You can run a command by typing the abbreviation abbreviation: ARKITool you previously assigned to the command through the utility locator. locator. Note that some abbreviations indicated by you may be in conflict with the abbreviations defined in AutoCAD.

Abbreviations defined for ARKITool not saved within the file acad.pgp to avoid making or modifications to your current version of AutoCAD AutoCAD.

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Configuration stores: Almost all dialog windows ARKITool program have a system called "Store Settings This "Store Settings". system allows you to save the current configuration of choices in a dialog under a name name. In all ARKITool windows can find the store at the top right of the window. In this store we can do the following:

SAVE CONFIGURATION: Simply type the name you want to save the settings in the box [A:] and then click on the disk [C:]. In this way all window settings will be saved forever forever. RESTORE CONFIGURATION: To retrieve a previously saved settings (in this or another picture) simply click on the drop-down list displays all the available settings. Select from the list to down restore the configuration. Note that all current settings window will be lost and will be changed by the values stored in the configuration had recovered recovered. REMOVE CONFIGURATION: To delete a configuration that you no longer want simply click on the cross [D:]. A list will appear where you can select the settings you want to delete delete.
All these settings are stored in the Windows registry. Specifically, saved in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ideas y Programas, S.L.\ARKITool ARKITool 2011\Configuracion\Defecto Defecto\Almacenes". You can export this registry key to get these settings to other computers that have installed ARKITool ARKITool.

Directory blocks: Within ARKITool directory a directory named "Setup. " In this directory is where you store blocks of AutoCAD commands used by some ARKITool program. If you want to create or add your own blocks to these commands, simply copy the directory block for each command within this directory "Setup".

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ARKITool configuration program: ARKITool has a program that allows you to manage some aspects of the program settings. To run this program select the "Settings" drop-down menu of ARKITool. See the following dialog:

In this window you can: Upgrade tab on-line: Activate the check for updates automatically every x days. Parameters tab commands: Allows you to set specific parameters for each program command ARKITool. Export Settings tab: Allows you to export to a file with a .REG settings: List your favorite commands. Command List of Abbreviations. Storage Configuration. Command Parameters.

To import the exported settings to another computer just double-click the file .REG containing the configuration and all settings will be imported to the computer from which you run the file.

If double-clicking on the file does not update the settings do the following: In Windows go to Start + Run and type "regedit. " In the window that opens go to File menu and choose Import. There must select the file containing the configuration.

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ARKITool has a system whereby you can meet all the orders of the program and configure their abbreviations, etc.. This program is the "utility locator" that you can use from the dropdown menu ARKITool. Running this program will display the following window:

n this window has the following options: A: Here you can write to filter the commands that appear in the list of commands. B: Shows the original names of the commands. C: Displays the command group that owns each command. D: Here you can type the abbreviation you want to assign keys to each of the commands. So you can run that command in AutoCAD by typing the letters you enter here. E: When the icon for a video you can click on this icon to see the video explaining the command. F: The description for each command. G: Checking this box will display the commands grouped by the group they belong. H: From here you can create a text file with all commands that are currently displayed in the list. I: Click on the icon for this window is displayed or otherwise fold the window automatically when you move the cursor outside. J: Choose point on the filtered commands when you type in the box "A:". K: Indicates the number of commands that are currently showing in the list.

You can run a certain command just by double clicking on the command line you want to run in AutoCAD. AutoCAD must be open and waiting for a command to run a command ARKITool. Clicking the right mouse button on a specific command line you can add this command to the list of favorites. If you place a command as a favorite 3 things will:

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This command appears in th overall the list with a "star" indicates that this is a favorite command. 2. This command appears in the list of favorite commands from this window. That way you can quickly see the commands you use most most. 3. This command appears in the Favorites section within the group in their the dropdown menu within AutoCAD ARKITool, as shown in the image image. From the Favorites tab of this window you can: 1. Delete a command from the Favorites list. 2. Specify a custom title for each favorite commands, so that the title appears in the dropd dropdown menu in AutoCAD and you can quickly locate each command in the menu menu.


Abbreviations defined for each command is stored in the Windows registry in the key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ideas y Programas, S.L.\ARKITool ARKITool 2011\Configuracion Configuracion\Defecto\ARKITool\Abreviaturas". The list of favorite commands are stored in the Windows registry in the key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ideas y Programas, S.L.\ARKITool ARKITool 2011\Configuracion\Defecto\ARKITool\Favoritos" 2011 You can export these registry keys to get these settings to other computers that have installed e ARKITool.

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3D-ARIVIS Change visibility of an edge Utility to change the visible edges 3DFACE an entity dynamically Command: 3D-ARIVIS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

When selecting an institution 3DFACE the program will display:

* Invisible edges in dashed linetype. * The visible edges in continuous line type and color red. Then simply check on the edge you want to change from visible to invisible or vice versa. Usage notes: Only works with 3D entities Cara.

3D-EXTIENDE Extends 3D face to plane Extends or project a polyline or 3DFACE plans to meet a plane Command: 3D-EXTIENDE EXTIENDE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing plane to which will extend the face. Then select a 3D FACE institution to extend to the level marked.

Usage notes: Only works 3DFACE institutions.

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3D-INVISIBLES Disable invisible edges Hides the edges of the 3DFACE that were originally marked as invisible Command: 3D-INVISIBLES INVISIBLES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Only works with 3D entities FACE.

3D-LEVANTAR Lifts to 3D polylines, arcs, etc. Lifting polyline entities and/or lines from 2D to 3D in AutoCAD, using 3DFACE entities Command: 3D-LEVANTAR LEVANTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities that want to lift 2D to 3D. Please indicate below the height you have created 3D faces from 2D. The program will raise all selected 3D using 3DFACE entities.

Usage notes: You can select polylines, arcs and lines to lift them. In the case of curved arcs or polyline segments the program will approximate the curves with straight sections.

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Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ 3D-Levantar\3D 3D-Levantar.html

3D-OCULTAR Hidden meeting edges Hides all 3DCARA edges passing through a point marked Command: 3D-OCULTAR OCULTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial the side of the 3D face to hide. The program will automatically hide all edges of all bodies that pass through that point.

Usage notes: Only works with 3D entities FACE.

3D-PARALELA Parallel to 3D polylines Make parallel 3D polylines in both plan and elevation Command: 3D-PARALELA PARALELA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the 3D polyline that you want to parallel. Then indicate whether you want to make the parallel or plant height. Then, just has to indicate the distance to the parallel.

Usage notes: If you are making parallel in height indicate a negative value for the parallel down.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ 3D-Paralela\3D 3D-Paralela.html

3D-PUNTOS Point at each vertex 3D mesh

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Make a point entity at each vertex of a 3D mesh Command: 3D-PUNTOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing the 3D mesh. The program temporarily mark each vertex of the mesh as well as place a point feature.

Usage notes: The program only works with Polyface mesh entities (PFAC).

3D-UNE3DPOL Join two 3D polylines Join two 3D polylines to produce a single 3D polyline. It creates the necessary sections 2 to join the polylines when they do not touch Command: 3D-UNE3DPOL UNE3DPOL Menu group: 3 Dimensions Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: En caso de que las polilineas no se toquen por ninguno de los extremos el programa unir automticamente los 2 extremos ms cercanos entre si.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ 3D-Une3dpol\ \3D-Une3dpol.html

3D-VISIBLES Active edges invisible Makes visible the invisible edges of all 3DFACE entities of the current drawing Command: 3D-VISIBLES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: 3 Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will automatically activate all edges of all faces invisible 3D drawing. The program will regenerate the drawing.

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Usage notes: Only FACE 3D entities.

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ARQ-AISLANTE Represents line of insulation Represents an insulator on the lines that would define the user. Command: ARQ-AISLANTE AISLANTE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing you need to specify the width of the insulation. Then you must make 2 points between which the program will represent an area of insulation. You can continue to make the point until you press Enter to finish.

Usage notes: The width of the insulation will be indicated by the user and this value is saved in the configuration for the following uses of the program.

ARQ-AREA Adjust the area of polyline Sets the area of a zone (polyline) to an area indicated by the user. Command: ARQ-AREA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: El programa controla que el recinto o contorno nunca pueda interseccionarse consigo mismo ya que si no el rea no se calculara correctamente.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Area\ARQ ARQ-Area.html

ARQ-AZOTEAS Earrings flat roofs Utility to represent the outstanding flat roofs.

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Command: ARQ-AZOTEAS AZOTEAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing you need to specify the position for water collection. Then you mark a point to indicate a HIPS or a valley. The program automatically switches a HIPS with a valley flashing, but it can also change it from the command options.

Usage notes: <P jQuery1294241536065="97">The command uses the block "Arqueta_Azoteas_A" and "Flecha_Azotea_A" to represent the boxes and arrows indicate the direction of the slopes. If you want you can modify these blocks to suit your tastes. These blocks can be found in the directory "Blocks."

ARQLocate boundary of rooms CONTORNOS Quickly find a drawing contours automatically even when the contours are closed. Command: ARQ-CONTORNOS CONTORNOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you must indicate in which layers drawn each drawing elements: walls, doors, windows, cabinets and pillars. Then you must specify is you want to locate all the contours at the same time or just every time he scores a point. Once you exit the dialog box you can simply mark a point within each site you want to locate. The program will create an outline for every point you to dial in the picture.

Usage notes:

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ARQ-ESCALERA Calculates and draws Stairs Calculates and draws all AutoCAD type of stairs Command: ARQ-ESCALERA ESCALERA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Escalera1 Escalera1\ARQ-Escalera1.html

ARQConvert stair to 3D ESCALERA3D Make 3D the stairs of drawing Command: ARQ-ESCALERA3D ESCALERA3D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select the drawing a straight 2D and the program will create a 3D representation of the ladder.

Usage notes: 2D Stairs must have been created with the command of ARQ-STAIRS. ARQ-

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Escalera3d Escalera3d\ARQ-Escalera3d.html

ARQEdit stairs drawn MESCALERA Edit and modify the stairs drawn.

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Command: ARQ-MESCALERA MESCALERA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply dial in a straight 2D drawing. The program will display a dialog box from which you can specify all the features you want for the stairs.

Usage notes: To edit the stairs with this command, these steps have had to be generated with the command of ARQ ARQ-LADDER.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-MEscalera1 MEscalera1\ARQ-MEscalera1.html

ARQ-NIVEL Create dynamic level heights Create in an elevation or section level dynamic levels are changed automatically by changing the position of any of them. Sets the appearance of the dimensions to be placed. Command: ARQ-NIVEL Menu group: Architectural Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

When you run this command a dialog box appears from which you can: Select the block to use as a benchmark level. Indicate the scale of the block. Indicate the number of decimal places. Indicate a suffix or a prefix. Indicate the orientation of the level marks. When you click OK you must first dial the benchmark 0.0 level and then mark the location of other class levels. If you want to change dimensions and placed just select the 0.0 level elevation before using this command. You can move, copy, etc. dimensions of level and these will always maintain the level with respect to the benchmark 0.0 level

Usage notes: To use your own directory just copy it Blocks Blocks / ARQ level that is inside the Settings ARQ-level directory. This configuration directory is inside the directory where you installed ARKITool.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Nivel\ARQ ARQ-Nivel.html

ARQ-PARKING Parking spaces Create a line of parking and distributed on a polyline. Command: ARQ-PARKING PARKING Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Indicate the length of the parking space. Enter the width of each square. Specify the line thickness of parking. Now select a polyline or outline for the program to divide the outline into parking spaces.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today. The values that created the line of parking can be modifcados in shaping the program.

ARQ-PERSPEDIN Represents the perspective of a polyline Conical perspective can represent a polyline drawing. It may indicate the vanishing point and depth of perspective. Command: ARQ-PERSPEDIN PERSPEDIN Menu group: Architectural Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline you want to represent conic perspective. Then check the vanishing point for the perspective. Finally showing the depth of the perspective by moving the cursor and clicking a point when you see the desired depth.

Usage notes: There is command compatible with older versions of AutoCAD and other programs as called ARQ-Perspectives BricsCAD Perspectives

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Perspedin Perspedin\ARQ-Perspedin.html

ARQ-RAMPA Access ramps Allows you to create all sorts of ramps in an architectural project. You can configure the program to round the slope of the ramp, to place a block, etc. Command: ARQ-RAMPA RAMPA Menu group: Architectural Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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When you run this command appears in a dialog box display circuit honoring the abundance: Set the text position of the slope of the ramp. Set the distance from the text with respect to the ramp. Indicate a value to round the slope of the ramp. Select a block to place on the ramp. By giving OK on this window you will mark a starting point for the start of the ramp and an end point for determining the position of the ramp. You may wish to indicate successive points to generate additional ramp sections. Press Enter to finish drawing ramps.

Usage notes: The height of the text that the slope of the ramp is determined by the current text height of the drawing.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Rampa\ARQ ARQ-Rampa.html

ARQStairs section SECESCALERA Draw a simple ladder section, numbering the risers. Command: ARQ-SECESCALERA SECESCALERA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Enter the following values: Menu group: Architectural BricsCAD 10 or higher.

* Stair tread. * Riser of the stairs. * Number of risers. * If metal or concrete. * If you want to number the steps. The program will create the ladder section to these parameters by marking a starting point of the ladder. Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ARQ-Escalera6 Escalera6\ARQ-Escalera6.html

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ATR-ATRI2MUL Convert atributes in multiples Convert attributes attributes selected in multiple lines of text. Command: ATR-ATRI2MUL ATRI2MUL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing the attribute you want to convert multiple attribute. You can make as many attributes as you want until you press Enter to finish.

Usage notes: The new attribute will have the same characteristics as the original attribute.

ATR-BORRATT Erase Block Attributes Automatically removes all the attributes of the selected block. Command: ATR-BORRATT BORRATT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing block the inclusion of the attributes you want to delete. The program will remove all the attributes of the selected block insertion and only of that inclusion.

Usage notes: Deleted attributes do not affect the definition of the block, all other inserts that block retain their original attributes.

ATR-CATTCER Copy attributes value to near blocks Copies the attributes from one block to all blocks that are near that block. Command: ATR-CATTCER CATTCER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: By selecting the area close to a circle the program will select all the attachments that are within the circle or be touched by him.

ATR-COPYATT Copy value attributes to blocks Copies the selected attribute values from one block to other blocks.

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Command: ATR-COPYATT COPYATT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you should put an insertion block to extract the attribute values. Then you must select all the attachments block in which you want to copy the attribute values.

Usage notes: The program will copy only those attributes whose TAG or ID is equal to the block origin and destination.

ATR-DEFECTO Restore default attribute values Replace each attribute with its default value Command: ATR-DEFECTO DEFECTO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

ATR-DELATRI Deletes attributes selected Deletes attributes of a block and inserted into the drawing. Command: ATR-DELATRI DELATRI Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark an attribute of a block insert for the program to remove it from the drawing. You can remove all the attributes you want to flag one by one until they decide to finish by pressing the Escape key.

Usage notes: The only attribute is removed from the insertion of the block where you have selected. All other insertions in the same block will continue to maintain this attribute.

ATR-ESCALATT Scale attributes but does not block Scale attributes of a block but retains the original scale factor of the block itself. Command: ATR-ESCALATT ESCALATT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing block the inclusion of the attributes you want to scale.

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You should then indicate the scale factor for attributes.

Usage notes: The changes made only affect the inclusion of user selected block. When using this user-selected command will see that when prompted for the scale factor will be the entire block which scale but in the end only attributes are those which are scalable.

ATR-EXATRIB Export to file attributes Export to a file all the attributes of the selected blocks in the drawing. Command: ATR-EXATRIB EXATRIB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First select the drawing all the inserts that block export attributes. Then select the file name and directory where the file is created with attribute values.

Usage notes: <A href="" $included="null">Click here to download a sample file and see the type of file format generated by the program</A> .

ATR-LOCATRIB Locate text attributes Quickly find a particular string of text within the selected attributes in the drawing. Command: ATR-LOCATRIB LOCATRIB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you must specify the text string or value you want to locate in the attributes. Then click on the drawing block all attachments from which the program will attempt to locate the value indicated above.

Usage notes: You can use the wildcard "*" and "?" to locate the text attributes more effectively.

ATR-MOVERATT Move individual attributes Move quickly only the attributes of a block to selected in the drawing. Command: ATR-MOVERATT MOVERATT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block attribute you want to move. The program will then move directly to that attribute to the desired position.

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Usage notes: The program takes as a point source to move the insertion point in the attribute set.

ATR-NOGIRAR Maintains a fixed orientation attributes Maintains the original orientation of the attributes of the block even though we rotate the block or do a symmetry to it. Command: ATR-NOGIRAR NOGIRAR Menu group: Atributes Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the block inserts drawing on attributes that you want to maintain their orientation.

Usage notes: To remove the block attribute of a block only has to select before the command.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ ATR-Nogirar\ATR ATR-Nogirar.html

ATR-NUMERA Sequentially numbered attributes Insert blocks and automatically increasing the value of one of its attribute. Command: ATR-NUMERA NUMERA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Deb first indicate the name of the block to insert. It may also indicate the block to insert marking a block and inserted into the drawing. You should then indicate the number that starts the numbering and the increase will suffer the number in each insertion. Finally should mark the insertion point of each block until they want to finish by pressing Enter.

Usage notes: The block to be used with this program alone should be an attribute. The initial values of the numbers and the increase in numbers in each block are stored in the configuration program for the next use can be followed by the number that was left earlier.

ATRText to attribute TEXTOATRIB Replaces the value of an attribute with the value of a text selected in the drawing Command: ATR-TEXTOATRIB TEXTOATRIB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes:

ATR-VISIBLES Make visible all attributes Makes visible the invisible attributes of the selected block insertions in the drawing. Command: ATR-VISIBLES VISIBLES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Atributes BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the drawing all the insertions of blocks you want to make visible attributes.

Usage notes: You can select any type of organization because the program is responsible for filtering only block insertions.

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BLO-ALINEAR Align blocks with line Rotate each block insertion to align with a line selected on the drawing. Command: BLO-ALINEAR ALINEAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check in drawing the line entity that will be used as a source of alignment. Then select all the block insertions will rotate to align with the line.

Usage notes: The rotation of the blocks is always between 0 and 180.0 degrees.

BLOAligned automatically blocks ALINEARTODOS Align all the blocks with respect to entities for which they are inserted or placed Command: BLO-ALINEARTODOS ALINEARTODOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

This command lets you automatically align all the blocks are located on a curve (polyline, line or arc) selected by the user in the drawing. The program automatically aligns all the blocks that are situated on the curve. Once aligned, the program asks if the blocks are aligned correctly (I can that are not correctly if the blocks have been defined with a different rotation angle of 0.0). If the program indicates that not rotate 90 degrees all the blocks with respect to its he insertion point and the program asks you if you are now well placed. This process is repeated until you indicate that the blocks are correctly aligned.

Usage notes: For the program to process the blocks, the insertion point of these is is perfectly situated on the polyline, line or arc selected by the user. The blocks should be defined with a rotation of 0.0 degrees.

Show the video:

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http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-AlinearTodos AlinearTodos\BLO-AlinearTodos.html

BLO-ANONIMO Change name anonymous block To rename an anonymous block as a normal block. Command: BLO-ANONIMO ANONIMO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing an anonymous block insert you want to rename. Indicate below the new name for that block.

Usage notes: As a new name for the block must provide a name block is not on the current drawing.

BLO-BLOQUEA Lock block for is not exploited Blocks selected block insertions that can not be exploited. Command: BLO-BLOQUEA BLOQUEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark a block insertion in the drawing and the program will mark that block as "not workable."

Usage notes:

BLO-CAMBIA Change a insertion block by other block Replaces an existing block in the drawing for a new block Command: BLO-CAMBIA CAMBIA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes: Para que el nuevo bloque mantenga la misma posicin que el antiguo ambos deben tener el mismo punto de insercin.

BLO-CLONAR Creates a block that is copied from another Create an exact copy of the definition of a block. The name is created automatically. Command: BLO-CLONAR CLONAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block insertion to be cloned. The program will create an exact copy of the marked block (no insertion) with a new name. To create the new name for the program will use the origin and name of the block will be added at the end a 4 digit number (eg, BLOQUE_BASE, the 1st copy would 4-digit BLOQUE_BASE0001). E_BASE0001).

Usage notes: This command does not copy a block insertion, it copies the entire definition of a block by creating a new block with a different name but exactly the same as before.

BLO-CREAUTO Automatically creates a block Creates a block automatically with selected drawing entities Command: BLO-CREAUTO CREAUTO Menu group: Blocks

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the drawing those entities that want to create a block and the program does the rest. It is not necessary to indicate the insertion point name or any other data. The program calculates all data automatically.

Usage notes: The program creates a block with no name (or anonymous block) to avoid problems with the names of existing blocks.

BLO-CUENTA Count inserts a block in drawing Count the number of insertions of a block inserted in the drawing. Command: BLO-CUENTA CUENTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block the insertion of which want to count all the inserts placed in the current drawing. The program will display a message with the number of insertions that block.

Usage notes:

BLOChange the sizes of a block e DIMENSIONES

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Utility to adjust the size of a block inserted specific dimensions Command: BLO-DIMENSIONES DIMENSIONES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las dimensiones se deben indicar siempre en metros.

BLO-DIN2NOR Convert dynamics block to normal Becomes normal blocks to dynamic blocks. Command: BLO-DIN2NOR DIN2NOR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial an insert dynamic block in the drawing and the program will turn into a normal block insertion.

Usage notes: This program just became normal block the inclusion of block marked in the drawing. The rest of the block inserts are not altered.

BLO-DISTRIB Blocks distributed a distance Distribute a block inserts indicating a distance to leave between them. Command: BLO-DISTRIB DISTRIB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First select all the block inserts to distribute within a certain distance. Please indicate below if you want to distribute them in horizontal or vertical. Finally, it should indicate the distance that must exist between every 2 insertions.

Usage notes: To calculate the distance between each block insert the program calculates the maximum box includes all entities of each insertion and not only the insertion point.

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BLO-ESCALABK Quickly scale blocks Adjust the scale factor of all selected block insertions. Command: BLO-ESCALABK ESCALABK Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The program will use the insertion point as the center of each block to scale.

BLO-ESCALASIN Scale blocks but not attributes Scale block insertions but maintains original scale factor for attributes. Command: BLO-ESCALASIN ESCALASIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: When the program prompted the scale factor, will also scale attributes, but at the end of run attributes back to their original scale.

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BLOExplode nested blocks EXANIDADOS Explode only nested blocks (blocks with other blocks inside). Command: BLO-EXANIDADOS EXANIDADOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select the picture all you want to block insertions. The program inserts operate only block with other blocks within its definition.

Usage notes: The program will operate only the main block insertion, leaving blocks nested insertions.

BLO-EXBLOQUES Create a drawing for each block DWG Export for each of the blocks contained in the current drawing. Command: BLO-EXBLOQUES EXBLOQUES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Drawings are created in a subfolder within the current drawing board. The name of this subfolder is "WBlock" but can be varied from ARKITool program settings.

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BLO-EXISTE Exists a block with this entities? Check if the entities with that want to create a new block, already a block on the drawing database, ie if there is already a block with the same geometry defined by the selected entities. We can also configure it to show the differences between entities and blocks. Command: BLO-EXISTE Menu group: Blocks Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Running this command can select the entities to create the block or to enter to access configuration command: Once you select the entities must check the block insertion point. Depending on the configuration chosen the program will show the differences between the entities and the block, the block directly inserted or simply report that it has found. Settings from the configuration window you can indicate: * What characteristics are taken into account by the program when comparing the blocks. * The level of accuracy of the entities with respect to the blocks. * The action to take if you find the same block. * The action to take if you can not find the same block.

Usage notes: This command only checks the first level of nesting of the blocks.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-Existe\BLO BLO-Existe.html

BLO-GRUPO Explode, but the group remains It exploits a block but maintains the entities grouped by a group. Command: BLO-GRUPO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block insertion wants to exploit. The program will exploit this integration but keep together all entities within the block by

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a group of AutoCAD.

Usage notes: The program will create a group with the block name followed by a sequential number.

BLO-LISTADO Table of blocks with the number of insertions Create a table of blocks with the number of insertions of each of the selected blocks in the drawing. Configure allows every column of the table. The table is a standard AutoCAD table. Command: BLO-LISTADO LISTADO Menu group: Blocks Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The program is able to process both normal and anonymous blocks blocks.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-Listado\BLO BLO-Listado.html

BLOLocated blocks by name LOCNOMBRE Locate and highlight those blocks whose name matches that specified by the user. Command: BLO-LOCNOMBRE LOCNOMBRE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command.

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BLO-NOR2ANO Convert normal blocks to anotative Convert normal blocks in annotative blocks Command: BLO-NOR2ANO NOR2ANO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You can select at the same time block all attachments you want to convert into blocks annotative.

Usage notes: This program generates a new block definition for each insertion marked, which means that all the inserts that block will automatically become annotative blocks.

BLOSet color and linetype byBlock PORBLOQUE Put the color and linetype "byblock" all entities contained within a given block. Command: BLO-PORBLOQUE PORBLOQUE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing, a block insert to be edited. The program will modify the definition of the block bringing all entities that comprise the color and line type in "per block."

Usage notes: Changes made by this command affect all modified block insertions.

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BLO-PTINSER Change the insertion point of a block Change the insertion point and insert a block without moving the insertion Command: BLO-PTINSER PTINSER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should be marked on the drawing block insertion you want to change the insertion point. You must then choose the new block insertion point. The program will change the insertion point while maintaining the current position of each of the inserts that b block.

Usage notes: This program will affect all the inserts of each of the changed blocks.

BLO-RAPIDO Create blocks (dwg) very quickly Create multiple blocks and sending them all to the directory with the name desired by the user. Command: BLO-RAPIDO RAPIDO Menu group: Blocks Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must first select a directory and filename to save the block. Then the program prompts you to select drawing entities with which to create the block. The program will automatically block the file indicated above. The program will continue to seek to select entities for new blocks until you press Enter to

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Usage notes: All blocks are created using the name of the first block created, but by adding a serial number at the end.

BLO-RECORTA Cut entities with a block Cut the line and polyline entities that pass under the selected block. Command: BLO-RECORTA RECORTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select a block insertion program of drawing and cut all those entities that go under the block. No other inserts cut block and of course keep intact the marked block insertion.

Usage notes: To trim the program uses the maximum box that includes the entities of the block.

BLO-ROMPEGEO Break entities for insertion point Break the geometry that passes through the insertion point in the selected block. Command: BLO-ROMPEGEO ROMPEGEO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block insertion. The program will break all the entities that pass through the insertion point of the marked block.

Usage notes: The program will break only those entities that can be broken, such as lines, arcs, polylines. You can not break blocks, arcs, etc.

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BLO-ROTABK Quick rotate blocks Adjust the rotation of all the selected block insertions. Command: BLO-ROTABK ROTABK Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing block all attachments you want to rotate at the same time. Then the program asks you to rotate one of the blocks as a reference. Finally, the program rotates block all attachments you selected.

Usage notes: The program will use the insertion point of each block insertion and rotation center.

BLO-SEGUIDOS Calculate consecutive block names Calculates a block name given the existing blocks. Command: BLO-SEGUIDOS SEGUIDOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Must provide a name block for the program finds the next free block name with that name. Just use this command and specify the base name of the block (using the? As a wildcard), for example, type NOMBREBLOQUE?? and the program returns NOMBREBLOQUE0001, NOMBREBLOQUE0002 based on existing blocks with the same base name.

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Usage notes:

BLO-SELBLOQUE Locate all the insertions of a block Shown in reverse video all selected insertions of a block in the drawing. Command: BLO-SELBLOQUE SELBLOQUE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command.

BLO-SOLIDO Makes a solid block for hide other entities Solidify insertion block for hide all entities are below of the block Command: BLO-SOLIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-Solido\BLO BLO-Solido.html

BLO-UCS Align a block to the current UCS Align a block with respect to the current UCS drawing. Command: BLO-UCS Menu group: Blocks

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-Ucs\BLO-Ucs.html

BLOLink attributes of the blocks VINCULANTE Links the values of the attributes of a block so that when you modify an attribute in an insert that attribute is changed automatically inserts the remainder of that block. Command: BLO-VINCULANTE VINCULANTE Menu group: Blocks Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select a block insert you want to link. The program will link all the blocks with attributes identical to the insertion checked. It automatically link those attributes that have the same wing pairing. If you want to delete the pairing of an insert, just select that insertion and then use the link command blocks. nk

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ BLO-Vinculante Vinculante\BLO-Vinculante.html

BLO-XREF Convert block to external reference Converts a block insertion of an external reference overlay, updating all inserts. Command: BLO-XREF Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Blocks BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block insertion wants to become an external reference. The program will convert in XREF and insert the reference in "Overlay" as well as inserts adapt every block to the new external reference.

Usage notes: In order to convert the external reference block in the program generates a DWG file that has the same name as the block + the suffix _XREF. This suffix can be changed from ARKITool settings, but keep in mind that the name of the DWG may not exactly match the name of the block, so it is necessary to put a suffix. match

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LIMDeletes entities PROXY BORRAPROXY Automatically removes all objects "PROXY"of all the selected drawings. Command: LIM-BORRAPROXY BORRAPROXY Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

LIM-FILTROS Delete all layer filters Automatically deletes all layer filters in the drawing. Command: LIM-FILTROS FILTROS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically deletes all layer filters created in the current drawing.

Usage notes:

LIM-GRUPOS Delete all groups Automatically removes all groups in the drawing. Command: LIM-GRUPOS GRUPOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically deletes all blocks without user intervention.

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Usage notes: Deleting groups does not mean the removal of the entities contained in them, just deleted the definitions of groups, so that the entities will remain, but each on its side.

LIM-LINEASDUP Delete Duplicate and Overlap Eliminates overlapping and duplicate lines in addition to unite in a single line collinear lines Command: LIM-LINEASDUP LINEASDUP Menu group: Cleaning Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

LIM-PUNTOS Deletes all points Removes all entities of point of the selected drawing. Command: LIM-PUNTOS PUNTOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

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LIM-TOTAL Total clean a drawing Clean sketch to completely remove everything that is not needed in the drawing. Command: LIM-TOTAL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: This command runs the command "PURGE" as many times as necessary, automatically, until it is sure that there are on the drawing elements used by us. Usage notes: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

LIM-VACIOS Deletes empty text Removes the current drawing all text entities whose value is empty. Command: LIM-VACIOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Cleaning BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will locate and automatically remove all empty texts.

Usage notes: These texts without content can cause unexpected errors in some versions of AutoCAD and it is advisable to remove them.

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CONArcs/circles to straight ARC2RECTAS Convert arc and circle entities into line segments. Command: CON-ARC2RECTAS ARC2RECTAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark the arc drawing entities and / or circle to represent straight. The program will generate a polyline with straight that simulates the curve marked entities.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CONArcs to circles ARCO2CIRCULO Convert entities of arcs to circles entities Command: CON-ARCO2CIRCULO ARCO2CIRCULO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

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CON-ARCO2POL Arcs to polylines Convert entities of arcs to polylines Command: CON-ARCO2POL ARCO2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all arc entities that want to convert to polylines.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CONCircles to polylines CIRCUL2POL Convert circles to polylines Command: CON-CIRCUL2POL CIRCUL2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities of the circle you want to convert polyline entities.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

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CON3DFACE to 3D polyline FACE23DPOL Convert entities of 3DFACE to 3DPOLY entities. Command: CON-FACE23DPOL FACE23DPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las entidades resultantes de la conversin tienen las mismas caractersticas de capa, color y tipo de lnea que la entidad original.

CON-FACE2LIN 3DFACE to line Converts entities of 3DFACE to line entities. Command: CON-FACE2LIN FACE2LIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities of 3D face you want to convert line features.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and

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type of line as the original entity.

CON3DFACE to 3D mesh FACE2MALLA Convert entities of 3DFACE to 3D Mesh entities. Command: CON-FACE2MALLA FACE2MALLA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities of 3D Face to convert to 3D mesh entities (PFAC).

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON3DFACE to 2D Solid FACE2SOLID Convert entities of 3DFACE to 2D Solid entities. Command: CON-FACE2SOLID FACE2SOLID Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Select the drawing all the entities of 3D Face to convert to 2D solids.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-LIN2AUX Lines to auxiliary lines Convert lines to Xlines. Command: CON-LIN2AUX LIN2AUX Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the line features you want to become infinite auxiliary lines.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-LIN2POL arcs and lines to polylines Create multiple polylines automatically from the selection lines and arcs in the drawing. Command: CON-LIN2POL LIN2POL Menu group: Convert

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing every line and arc entities that want to convert. The program will use each entity to try to create polylines joining the rest of entities.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-LIN2RAYO Lines to rays Convert lines to Xray entties Command: CON-LIN2RAYO LIN2RAYO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the line features you want to make lightning.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-LINEA0PTO Lines (0.0 long) to points Converts lines length 0.0 in point entities. Command: CON-LINEA0PTO LINEA0PTO Menu group: Convert

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will select the entire drawing lines with length = 0.0 and replaced by point features.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-LININ2POL Lines to polylines individual Convert lines to polylines individual Command: CON-LININ2POL LININ2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing every line entity to convert. The program will create a polyline entity by each entity in online even when other lines attached to the selected line.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-POL0PTO Polylines (0.0 long) to points Converts polylines length 0.0 in point entities.

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Command: CON-POL0PTO POL0PTO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically locates all polylines with length = 0.0. Create a point feature for each of these polylines. These original polylines will be deleted.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-POL2FACE Polylines to 3DFACE Converts polylines (3 or 4 vertex) to 3DFACE entities. Command: CON-POL2FACE POL2FACE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing all to convert to 3D Face entity.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity. Marked polylines should be no more than 4 corners and that it is not possible to process them.

CON-POL2MUL Polylines to Mlines

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Converts polyline (only straight) toMultiline entities. Command: CON-POL2MUL POL2MUL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all polyline entities that want to convert multiple line entities (MLINE).

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-POL2PFACE Polylines to 3D Mesh Converts polylines in 3D polygon mesh entities. Command: CON-POL2PFACE POL2PFACE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las entidades resultantes de la conversin tienen las mismas caractersticas de capa, color y tipo de lnea que la entidad original.

CON-POL2POL3D 2D Polylines to 3D polylines

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Convert 2D polyline entities to 3D polylines Command: CON-POL2POL3D POL2POL3D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all 2D polylines to convert. The program will create a 3D polyline for each selected entity.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CONCurved polylines to straight POL2RECTAS Convert polyline entities to polylines only curved sections with straight. Command: CON-POL2RECTAS POL2RECTAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all polyline entities for which they want the program to create a straight through approach.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

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CON-POL2WPOL Poly. weight to optimized poly Convert polylines to polylines light heavy and optimized. Command: CON-POL2WPOL POL2WPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing all you want to optimize.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-POL3POL2D 3D Polylines to 2D polylines Convert 3D polylines to 2D polylines or 3D polylines with all vertices on elevation=0.0 Command: CON-POL3POL2D POL3POL2D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The new polyline will have the same characteristics of the selected 3D polyline to convert.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ CON-Pol3Pol2D Pol3Pol2D\CON-Pol3Pol2D.html

CON-PTO2BLOQ Points to block insertions Convert entities of point to block insertion Command: CON-PTO2BLOQ PTO2BLOQ Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing block insertion used to replace the points. Then select all the entities point to convert. The program will insert a block in the position of each point and eliminate the latter.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity. Both the scale factor in X to Y and the rotation of the push block being inserted can be varied from ARKITool settings.

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CONPoints to circles PTO2CIRCULO Convert entities of point to circles Command: CON-PTO2CIRCULO PTO2CIRCULO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter first radio circles will the program be created. Then select all the drawing point features to be converted. The program will create a circle for each point feature and clear the latter.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CONRegion to 2D polyline REGION2POL Convert region to polyline Command: CON-REGION2POL REGION2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON2D Solid to 3DFACE SOLID2FACE Convert 2D solid to 3DFACE Command: CON-SOLID2FACE SOLID2FACE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all 2D solid institutions to convert 3D Faces.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-SOLID2POL 2D Solid to polyline Convert 2D Solid to polyline Command: CON-SOLID2POL SOLID2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Select the drawing all solid entities that want to convert 2D polylines.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CONSpline to polyline SPLINE2POL Convert Spline to polyline Command: CON-SPLINE2POL SPLINE2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing entities to convert spline to polyline. Press Escape when you do not want to select more splines.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

CON-TXT2PARR Text to Mtext Convert a series of individual text lines in a single paragraph of text. Command: CON-TXT2PARR TXT2PARR Menu group: Convert

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the picture all you want to convert text in a paragraph of text. After creating the paragraph, the program asks if you want to delete the selected entities or storage.

Usage notes: The resulting company will default features set in the drawing.

CON-WPOL2POL Poly. optimized to polylines Converts lightweight polylines (LWPOLYLINE) in weight polylines (POLYLINE). Command: CON-WPOL2POL WPOL2POL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Convert BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all optimized polylines entities or underweight you want to convert heavy polyline entities.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

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COT-2PTOS Between 2 points Create dimensions vertical scrolling and horizontal distance between 2 points Command: COT-2PTOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: La distancia desde los puntos marcados hasta las cotas horizontal y vertical&nbsp;puede variarse desde la configuracin de ARKITool. Todas las cotas se dibujarn con el estilo de acotacin actual y se colcocarn en la capa actual, color actual, etc.

COT-ALINEAM Contour with dimensions aligned Create dimensions all sections of a contour with aligned dimension Command: COT-ALINEAM ALINEAM Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing to do is make a closed polyline drawing, and then show the distance between the polyline and dimension lines. You can give away Enter to use previously used. When the polyline has curved sections the program also will narrow the arc leng length.

Usage notes: All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc. The program will ask the distance from the curve to the position you want for the dimensions. This value is automatically saved in the settings for subsequent use.

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COT-ANGPOL Angles of a polyline Create dimensions all the angles formed by the section of a polyline Command: COT-ANGPOL ANGPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the limit drawing a polyline. The program will create an angular dimension for each angle formed by 2 segments of the polyline checked.

Usage notes: The polyline distance from the angular dimensions can be varied from setting ARKITool.

COT-ARCOS Multiple arcs Dimension the center, radius and angle from each end of the selected arcs Command: COT-ARCOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select the picture all those entities that want to narrow arc. The program will draw automatically:

* Mark the center of the arc. * A level indicating the radius of the arc.

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* Two angular dimensions measuring the angle from the horizontal.

Usage notes: The distance from the arc marked angular dimensions may vary from ARKITool settings. All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

COT-DIRSIN Make a leader without text Draw a leader without any text placed at the end of it Command: COT-DIRSIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should mark the points to create a level guidance on them. Dial first must begin the guideline (which shall be placed arrowhead).

Usage notes: The height guideline will be drawn with the current dimension style, as well as the current layer, current color, etc.

COT-ELEV Elevation an entity Create a leader which marks the elevation of the selected entity Command: COT-ELEV Menu group: Dimensions

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Both the text accompanying the altitude, as the number of decimal places for the elevation value can vary from program settings ARKITool. All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

COT-ESTILOS Exports dimension styles Create a text file containing a list of all dimension styles Command: COT-ESTILOS ESTILOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing to do is select the directory and the name (TXT) file that the program will generate. The program will export to that file all dimension styles in the current drawing and the name and value of each of the variables that make up that style.

Usage notes: <A href="" target=_blank A $included="null">Here is an example of the format of the text file generated by this program</A> .

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COT-LINEAS Multiple lines Dimension automatically all selected line entities Command: COT-LINEAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select the drawing all the line features you want to dimension. The program will automatically draw an aligned dimension on the length of each line entity selected. The coordinates are always drawn by the top or left side of each line.

Usage notes: The distance from the line marked on the dimension line may vary from ARKITool settings. All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

COT-MLINEA Entities for cutting line Create all the entities cut or touched by one or more cut lines defined by the user Command: COT-MLINEA MLINEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You can make a first point to define the line through which the program will narrow all entities played with that line or choose the "Settings" to modify aspects of the command as:

* Form of placement of signs: You can tell from where depart auxiliarea dimension lines. * Dimensions you want to draw: Specify whether your total levels in addition to the partial dimensions. * Auxiliary lines represent the elevation at the beginning and the end: You can specify whether to draw construction lines from the beginning and end. * Distances for dimension lines: Indicate the distance from the object bounded to the dimension line 1 and successive. * Minimum distance limit: You can specify minimum distances that the program will narrow. * Layers of entities:This program will process only those entities that are contained within the layer or layers referred to in this section. You can use the wildcard * to select

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multiple. * Layer where the measurements are drawn: Indicate that create AutoCAD layer dimensions. If a score is to define the line you should mark the other end of the line. f You can mark as many lines as you want until you have cut or touched all entities to narrow. Once marked the cut lines must indicate where you want the line dimensions: * In the same place, so that the dimensions are drawn in the position defined by the 1 st line you marked. * You can mark any point for the line coordinates are located there. Usage notes: All dimensions to draw this command are drawn in the style dime dimension defined as current.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ COT-Mlinea\COT COT-Mlinea.html

COT-PARALEM Contour with dimensions parallel Automatically create dimensions contour using parallel dimensions Command: COT-PARALEM PARALEM Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing to do is make a closed polyline drawing, and then show the distance between the polyline and dimension lines. You can give away Enter to use previously used. The program will use vertical and horizontal dimensions while taking into accou the account current coordinate system. When the polyline has curved sections delimit the program is aligned with a dimension perpedicular the middle of the arc.

Usage notes: All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc. The program will ask the distance from the curve to the position you want for the dimensions. This value is automatically saved in the settings for subsequent use. settings

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COT-PROYECTA Projecting points over the curve Projects a number of points on a polyline dimension the distances between points and the curve Command: COT-PROYECTA PROYECTA Menu group: Dimensions Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must first make a polyline or curve on which to project the points scored. Now you can score as many points as you want and the program will be projecting these points on the curve and limiting the distance between the marking and the curve. Draw a line aligned dimension whose dimension is on the line formed by the marked point and the point found in the curve.

Usage notes: All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

COT-PTENTIS Distance to entities Create dimension distances from one point to a selection of entities Command: COT-PTENTIS PTENTIS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should mark any point and then bend all entities (polylines, arcs, lines) you want. The program will calculate the minimum distance between the point and each of the curves marked by placing an aligned dimension for each entity.

Usage notes: All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

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COT-RECUADRA Frame dimension text Draw a box around the dimension text Command: COT-RECUADRA RECUADRA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the dimensions for boxes. The program dimension boxed texts of all selected.

Usage notes:

COT-ROMPE Break dimension Break a dimension by point creating 2 smaller dimensions Command: COT-ROMPE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Must first dial the dimension you want to break and then dial the point where they want to break from the altitude or checked. The program will create 2 new levels will have the same characteristics as the original dimension, except the value of each di dimension.

Usage notes: Although it is convenient to mark the cutting point on the entity that is bounded, the

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program always projected the point marked on the basis of the dimension. So you can use the command even if there is no entity in the dimension.

COT-SUMA Add values dimension Add the dimension values marked and then represents a sum Command: COT-SUMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program allows you to select dimensions (numerical value) to be adding them to the final. When you select a text, the program gives you the option of applying to the latter text a reduction coefficient indicating the percentage thereof, for example, indicate 50 to apply a reduction coefficient of 50%. When you no longer wish to select more text and then press Enter place the representation of the sum of all values marked at the point of drawing you want.

Usage notes: The representation of the sum is made with coating properties, color and text style set as current.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ COT-Suma\COT COT-Suma.html

COT-UNE Join 2 dimensions Join two dimension creating one new dimension Command: COT-UNE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Must first dial the altitude at which will add dimension and it then follows that the dimension will be removed to join the first.

Usage notes: The 2 levels selected must be contiguous or at least one end of both dimensions is the same. If the dimensions have different orientation distances are added together by taking the orientation of the first dimension.

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COT-XY XY coordinates Create dimension the XY coordinates of a point Command: COT-XY Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Dimensions BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark a point on the drawing for the program to generate 2 levels, indicating the X and Y coordinates of the clicked point. The dimensions are drawn to the east (elevation Y) and north (Cota Y).

Usage notes: The placement distance of the two dimensions with respect to the point marking may vary from setting ARKITool. All dimensions are drawn in the current dimension style and colcocarn in the current layer, current color, etc.

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VIS-CAPA Highlight all entities of a layer Highlights Visually all entities contained in a given layer. Command: VIS-CAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter an entity of the desired layer. The program will highlight all the entities contained in the layer and if you want to edit selected will leave later.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

VIS-ENTCAPA View each entity of a layer Go through all the entities contained in a layer by zooming in on each entity. Command: VIS-ENTCAPA ENTCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter an entity belonging to the desired layer. The program will show each entity of that layer by zooming in on it.

Usage notes:

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VIS-ESTILOS Highlight text using a style Highlights all text that uses a particular style of text. Command: VIS-ESTILOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter a text to extract the desired text style. The program will now highlight all the text entities that use that style. If you want the highlighted text can also be selected for editing.

Usage notes: The style is extracted from the selected text.

VIS-OCULTA Hide or show specific entities Hide or show specific entities of the design selected by the user. Command: VIS-OCULTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the entities to conceal or press Enter to display hidden entities. If you press Enter the program prompts you to dial now hidden entities (which have now been made temporarily visible) wants to make visible.

Usage notes: This program allows you to hide specific entities regardless of the layer to which it

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VISPan screen in windows blocked PANVENTANA Shift the window display space on a paper that has the view blocked or frozen. Command: VIS-PANVENTANA PANVENTANA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

After running this command you can make a scrolling window in a paper space view blocked or frozen. You can perform all required operations. When you press ESCAPE the window will remain immobilized or locked.

Usage notes: This command can only run from a paper space window.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Vis-PanVentana PanVentana\Vis-PanVentana.html

VISSee drawing in perspective PERSPECTIVA Simple program for see drawing in perspective. Command: VIS-PERSPECTIVA PERSPECTIVA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Dial the point from which you want to see the picture. A continunacin specify the height of that point to the ground. Check now the point to where it looks and then the height to that point. Finally indicate the opening angle of the camera (between 10 and 170 degrees). The program will display the picture in perspective based on the data entered.

Usage notes: The program will temporarily turn off Ortho AutoCAD during program execution.

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VIS-RECUADRO Makes a box on the current view Create an outline or a polyline that fully cover the current view of the drawing. Command: VIS-RECUADRO RECUADRO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically draws a box that includes the current view.

Usage notes: The program will automatically change the zoom box once done so you can see it.

VIS-REGEN Regenerates the drawing quickly Makes a rapid regeneration of the drawing, using only those features visible on the screen. Command: VIS-REGEN Menu group: Display Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

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VIS-REVISAR Displays individual entities Runs showing All selected entities each making a zoom lens that covers the entities. Command: VIS-REVISAR REVISAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the features you want and the program review will be showing the one to one embedded in the current view.

Usage notes:

VIS-REVTODAS Displays all selected entities Zooms perfectly encompassing selected drawing entities Command: VIS-REVTODAS REVTODAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select all the entities you want to see and the program will display embedded in the current view.

Usage notes:

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VIS-TIPOLIN Change dynamically the linetype Change the value of the scale factor linetype (LTSCALE) dynamically. Command: VIS-TIPOLIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Haga un zoom de una zona concreta sin demasiadas entidades para que el comando funcione lo ms rpido posible.

VIS-VISTAS Runs through all saved views Runs through all saved drawing views, may leave as current view one Command: VIS-VISTAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will be placed as current view each saved view in the drawing. Just press a button to see the next hearing or Escape to finish.

Usage notes:

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VIS-ZOOM Zoom all without regenerating ithout Make zooms around the drawing without making a regeneration. Command: VIS-ZOOM Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Display BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Includes program zooms around without causing a regeneration of the drawing.

Usage notes:

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DIB-CAJA3D 3D Box covers all entities selected Draw a 3D box includes all selected entities in the drawing. Command: DIB-CAJA3D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the entities for which we calculate the 3D box that encompasses all. The program will create a 3D box inside can encompass all entities Select.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIBMark the center of entities CENTROCAJA Draw a dot in the center of the top box which includes the selected entities. Command: DIB-CENTROCAJA CENTROCAJA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the whole drawing entities that want to get the midpoint. The program now termporalmente mark the midpoint of these entities and also draw a point entity.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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DIB-COMPARCO Complementary part of the arc Draw the complementary part of an arc. Command: DIB-COMPARCO COMPARCO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all arc entities that want to supplement. The program will draw the arc complementary to each institution selected arc. Once this is done the program will ask if you want to delete the original arches or not.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

DIBConcentric circles CONCENTRICO Draw concentric circles indicating the distance between them. Command: DIB-CONCENTRICO CONCENTRICO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Indicating first the number of concentric circles to draw. Now indicate the distance between each circle. Finally check in the drawing the circle to be drawn on the other circles.

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Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

DIB-CONTORNEA Outlines any entity Create an outline around any entity in the drawing. Command: DIB-CONTORNEA CONTORNEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select the features you want contouring. Note that the program will attempt to outline all entities at the same time, it is advisable not to select entities together 2 different sets of theoretical entities.

Usage notes: This simple program does not draw a box around the marked entities but actually makes a silhouette or an outer perimeter of the counterparties. The selected features must be properly closed.

DIBLabel coordinates of a point COORDENADAS Label the coordinates of each of the points selected in the drawing. Command: DIB-COORDENADAS COORDENADAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Select the drawing all the entities of the item to be labeled. The labeling program XYZ coordinates of each point feature selected on the same spot.

Usage notes: The text is created with the current text style.

DIB-DETALLE Create a detail of an closed area Create a detailed scale drawing of an area defined by a polyline or circle Command: DIB-DETALLE DETALLE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing to point out is the denominator of the scale on which to create the detail. Then select a closed polyline or circle to use as an outline of detail. The program will create a cutting detail the entities contained within the entity select selected margin before. Also place a text indicating the level of detail.

Usage notes: The program will detail the scale label using the current text style.

DIB-DIAGONAL Box with 2 diagonal Draw a square with 2 diagonals. Command: DIB-DIAGONAL DIAGONAL Menu group: Draw

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Set the rectangle to draw through the 2 opposite corners. The program will create a rectangle and 2 line features that define the rectangle.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIBDivided a horizontal or vertical contour DIVCONTORNO Divided into n parts of a polyline in a horizontal or vertical. The divisions are represented by lines that are cut to the outline of the polyline itself. Command: DIB-DIVCONTORNO DIVCONTORNO Menu group: Draw Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the closed contour (polyline) to be divided. Then indicate whether you want horizontal or vertical divisions. Finally specify the number of divisions you want to perform on the boundary. The program will create vertical or horizontal lines to divide the contour. divide

Usage notes: The lines used to divide the contour will be created with the characteristics of coating, color, etc. defined as current drawing.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ DIB-Divcontorno Divcontorno\DIB-Divcontorno.html

DIB-ENTTANG Tangent to an entity Draw a line that is tangent to a selected entity Command: DIB-ENTTANG ENTTANG Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check on a curve to any point the program will draw on that point an infinite line entity that will be tangent to the curve marked.

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Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIB-ESCALAR Scale of the drawing area Take entities scale drawing and embedded within a user defined box user-defined Command: DIB-ESCALAR ESCALAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the area of the drawing to scale. Tell a measure called the detail and then indicate how much should be the measure later in detail. Finally to indicate you want the detail and scale to keep or not the original entities. The program will create a detail with these entities and label the scale on it. create

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIB-EXTENPOL Extend lines to a polyli polyline Extend the lines contained within a polyline to the limits of the polyline. Command: DIB-EXTENPOL EXTENPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Just select the polyline in the drawing that contains the lines to extend. The program will locate all lines that are entities within the polyline and extend these entities to meet the polyline.

Usage notes: Selected polyline must be closed.

DIB-FLECHASPOL Show sense of polyline with arrows Draw arrows along a polyline indicating the direction of the entity. Command: DIB-FLECHASPOL FLECHASPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just make a polyline entity in the drawing. The program will draw arrowheads on each leg of the polyline in that same generation. Also draw a line indicating the start of the polyline in the case is closed.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity. In the program settings you can specify the angle of inclination of the arrows and the size of them.

DIBBlock at the ends of a polyline INICIOFINPOL

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Insert a block at the beginning and end of each line or polyline entity. Command: DIB-INICIOFINPOL INICIOFINPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all polyline entities desired location. Then mark a block insert to use to mark the ends of the selected polylines. The program will place the inserts with the same scale factor that block the insertion had marked earlier.

Usage notes: Block inserts have the same features as the inclusion marked by the user.

DIBDouble lines from single lines. LINEASDOBLES Program that converts into a double line all selected lines in the drawing. Command: DIB-LINEASDOBLES LINEASDOBLES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you must indicate the new thickness to give the lines. Then be selected in the drawing all the line features you want to convert into a double line. The program will remove the lines marked and replaced by double lines.

Usage notes: Entities resulting from the conversion have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity. The thickness of the lines indicated for n save the program settings for future use.

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DIB-OCULTAR Hide a drawing area Program that allows you to hide an area drawing from a polyline. Command: DIB-OCULTAR OCULTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing entities will display to hide all that is left behind them. Marked entities will always be ahead of the zone of concealment. By moving these entities will go zone where they are hiding the bodies.

Usage notes: Check if the program entities curves approximate these curves with straight sections.

DIB-PARALPOL Polyline parallel to each segment Make a separate parallel each of the segments of a closed polyline. Command: DIB-PARALPOL PARALPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter the distance you want the parallel. Then select the polyline which create parallel. The program will create a parallel institution for each segment of the polyline independently. All entities are parallel polyline in a single tranche.

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Usage notes: May indicate a negative value parallel to a parallel inward. Marked the polyline must be closed.

DIB-PERPEND Perpendicular lines to polyline Draw perpendicular lines to a polyline. Command: DIB-PERPEND PERPEND Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must first make a polyline that goal will serve to define the perpendicular. Now simply check off points and the program will draw a line between that point and perpendicular to the polyline checked. Press Enter to when they want to give more points.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIB-POL2NUBE Revision Cloud from polyline Draw a new revision cloud by reference to an existing polyline. Command: DIB-POL2NUBE POL2NUBE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Just select a polyline entity in the drawing and the program will create a revision cloud catching the reference polyline. The polyline drawing marked will be deleted.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIBcharacteristics by default for a entity PORENTIDAD Put the default color, line type, layer, etc by simply selecting an entity default already drawn. Command: DIB-PORENTIDAD PORENTIDAD Menu group: Draw Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should put an entity that will be extracted features that are going to be the default for drawing.

Usage notes: The program only takes the color, line type and the coating of the entity.

DIB-REC3PTOS 3-point Rectangle point Draw a rectangle by 3 points, can define rotated. Command: DIB-REC3PTOS REC3PTOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark the first corner of the rectangle. Mark a point that defines one side of the rectangle. Dial the other point that defines the other side of the rectangle. The rectangle is drawn oriented with respect to those 3 points.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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DIB-RECUADRO Rectangle that includes the entities Create a box that includes perfectly any entity selected in the drawing. Command: DIB-RECUADRO RECUADRO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must first select all entities within the box are drawn. Then indicate whether you want the box a little larger with respect to the entities it encompasses.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

DIB-TANGENTE Tangent to 2 circles Draw 2 lines that are tangent to 2 entities circle. Command: DIB-TANGENTE TANGENTE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the first circle to calculate the tangents. Select the second circle. The program will draw 2 lines of a tangent to another of each of the circles.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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DIB-VERTPOL Coordinates of vertices of polyline Label the coordinates of the vertices of selected polylines. Command: DIB-VERTPOL VERTPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all polyline entities you want to label. The labeling program XYZ coordinates of each vertex of the polyline selected on the same spot.

Usage notes: The text is created with the current text style.

DIB-ZIGZAG Draw lines in a zig zig-zag Create a zig-zag lines on the points marked by the user. zag Command: DIB-ZIGZAG Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Draw BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter the width you will zigzag line. Then indicate the slope of the line. You can now make 2 points for the program represents the line in zig zig-zag between these

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2 points. You can keep scoring points while not press Enter to finish. Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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EDI-2PARALELAS Parallel in both directions Create parallel in both directions for each of the selected entities in the drawing. Command: EDI-2PARALELAS 2PARALELAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities that want to make parallel. Then indicate the distance between the original entity and each of the parallel. The program will automatically generate a parallel to each side of each entity.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity. The distance to the parallel indicated will be saved as part of the configuration of ARKITool.

EDIQuick Delete BORRARAPIDO Delete drawing entities quickly without having to confirm the selection of entities. Command: EDI-BORRARAPIDO BORRARAPIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

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EDI-CAMBIAALT Change elevation of entities Place all selected entities at the elevation indicated by the user Command: EDI-CAMBIAALT CAMBIAALT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities that want to change the dimension Z. Now simply dial a Z coordinate for the same or indicate the Z with a specific value. The program will place all entities (and sub entities, for example, all vertices of a polyline) sub-entities, in the Z dimension specified.

Usage notes:

EDI-CAMBIAELEV Change elevation of text Change the elevation of the entities making a text entity with the value of the new elevation. Command: EDI-CAMBIAELEV CAMBIAELEV Menu group: Edit Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

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EDIPut entities of layer above CAPAENCIMA Puts all the entities of a certain layer above all other entities. Command: EDI-CAPAENCIMA CAPAENCIMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter an entity belonging to the layer you want this above all others.

Usage notes: The program puts the entities over others in the tree display of AutoCAD. When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

EDIQuick Copy COPIARAPIDO Copy simply pick the destination point Command: EDI-COPIARAPIDO COPIARAPIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial an entity and the program automatically prompts you for the position you want to copy.

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No need to confirm, or give any further information. You can make as many copies as you want until you press Enter to finish. Usage notes:

EDI-COPIAROTA Copy and rotates at the same time Copy and rotate in one command the selected entities. Command: EDI-COPIAROTA COPIAROTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check off each entity in the drawing to copy and rotate. The program allows you to make a copy of that entity by simply dialing the destination and then allow you to rotate the copy using as a center of rotation the last marked point. Entities can keep dialing until you press Enter to finish.

Usage notes:

EDI-COPYACAPA Copy and put in a layer Copy a number of entities and automatically puts in the layer indicated by the user. Command: EDI-COPYACAPA COPYACAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes: Cuando se le pida que seleccione una entidad de una capa dispone de la opcin "de la Parte" para poder seleccionar la capa marcando una entidad que pertenzca a un bloque.

EDIAutomatic Trim CORTARAUTO Cut command does not need select entities for cutting Command: EDI-CORTARAUTO CORTARAUTO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You should only check off the way you want banks to cut back without having to make a selection of cutting entities. The program uses all visible entities as entities of court.

Usage notes: The program can only be cut with those entities who are within the window when I run the command.

EDI-ELEVTEXTO Change elevation with text value Set the elevation of each text entity with the value indicated by your own text Command: EDI-ELEVTEXTO ELEVTEXTO Menu group: Edit

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select all text drawing to be modified. The program will change the elevation of each selected text as the value that appears in the text.

Usage notes: To use the text as the value of raising the text must have a numerical form.

EDIAuto Scale ESCALAAUTO Scale all selected using as pivot the center of the top box that cover. Command: EDI-ESCALAAUTO ESCALAAUTO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the features you want to climb. The program prompts you to specify the scale factor visually. No need to mark a turning point as the center.

Usage notes:

EDI-EXACAPA Explodes and sends a layer It exploits a block and sends all entities resulting in a layer indicated by the user.

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Command: EDI-EXACAPA EXACAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Highlight the block to explode.

Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Now you should put an entity belonging to the layer where we will post all institutions from exploiting the block. Usage notes: This command only works with block inserts. When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

EDI-FUERZPROP Force color and Linetype of entities Force and assigned the color corresponding to the selected entities that have color "by layer" or "block. " Command: EDI-FUERZPROP FUERZPROP Menu group: Edit Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the entities of the drawing you want. The program assigned a color and a particular line type, eliminating the options "BYBLOCK" or "BYLAYER." This program does not alter the final appearance of marked entities.

Usage notes:

EDIAutomatic anonymous group GRUPOANON Create an anonymous group with all selected entities. Command: EDI-GRUPOANON GRUPOANON Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing entities that form part of the group and the program will be an anonymous group with them.

Usage notes:

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EDI-INVLINEAS Reverses direction of the lines Reverse the direction of the selected lines. Command: EDI-INVLINEAS INVLINEAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the drawing all the line entities wishing to invest. The exchange program starting point with the endpoint of each line entity selected.

Usage notes:

EDI-LIMPIA Clean an area of the drawing Cleans a drawing area defined by a polyline or circle. Command: EDI-LIMPIA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing a circle or a polyline for the program to clear the area. The program will cut all entities that intersect with the boundary area and delete all the entities that are within the limit.

Usage notes: the program can not cut block boundary intersect with the entity.

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EDIQuick Move MUEVERAPIDO Moves an entity without having to specify a starting point for the movement. Command: EDI-MUEVERAPIDO MUEVERAPIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial an institution and the program automatically prompts you to indicate the new position of the entity without having to confirm or having to give any further information.

Usage notes:

EDI-PARALELA Multiple parallel Create parallel from lines that selects all once Command: EDI-PARALELA PARALELA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check all entities with whom you want to parallel. Now you must indicate the distance from the parallel or the point where they must pass this. The program automatically generates a parallel for each of the counterparties.

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If you select several lines that touch at one point, the program will create a parallel linking these lines into a single entity. Usage notes:

EDIDynamically parallel. PARALELADIN Parallel generated dynamically from the selected entities in the drawing. As you move the cursor is being created automatically parallel and dynamic. Command: EDI-PARALELADIN PARALELADIN Menu group: Edit Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The parallel set up will have the same characteristics as the original entity.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ EDI-Paraleladin Paraleladin\EDI-Paraleladin.html

EDI-PORCAPA Put color and linetype bylayer Sets the color and linetype "by layer"a"by entity " in the selected entities. Command: EDI-PORCAPA PORCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities you want. The program will place all such entities with color and line type in "by layer."

Usage notes:

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EDI-PORENCIMA Place entities over Put selected features above all others. Command: EDI-PORENCIMA PORENCIMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select the entities you want to be above all others.

Usage notes: The program puts the entities over others in the tree display of AutoCAD.

EDI-RADIOS Change radio of arcs and circles Change the radius of all circles and arcs selected in the drawing automatically. Command: EDI-RADIOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing every arc and circle entities to edit. Then indicate the scale factor to apply to the radio all marked entities.

Usage notes: The scaling factor applied to the spokes are saved as part of the configuration for future use.

EDI-ROMPE Quick break for a point

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Break an entity simply marking a point on it. Command: EDI-ROMPE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check the entity that wants to cut the exact point where the cut will occur.

Usage notes: The program will use the entity reference "close" if it has no active reference to locate the point on the body.

EDIBreaks with a circle or polyline h ROMPEAUTO Automatically break all entities touched by a circle or a polyline. Command: EDI-ROMPEAUTO ROMPEAUTO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: El punto por el que se producir la ruptura ser por el punto de interseccin de la entidad con el circulo o polilnea marcada.

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EDIRompe con un bloque ROMPEBLOQUE Break one entity for all the intersections of this with a block. Command: EDI-ROMPEBLOQUE ROMPEBLOQUE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing entities that want to break. Now mark on the drawing block insertion will "knife" cutting or entity.

Usage notes:

EDIBreaks and clears one side ROMPEBORRA Break an entity simply marking a point on it and deleting one of the parties. Command: EDI-ROMPEBORRA ROMPEBORRA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check the entity that wants to break through point break will occur. Now mark a second point in relation to first tell the program the side of the body part to be deleted.

Usage notes: The clear side can choose to mark a single point.

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EDI-ROMPEDIST Entity breaks several times Break any entity indicating the number of segments or the distance of each section. Command: EDI-ROMPEDIST ROMPEDIST Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Check first entity to break. Then indicate the distance between each break or the number of breaks to create. The program does not watermarked ruptira points. Usage notes: The distance and / or the number of sections in the configuration will be saved for future use of the command. Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

EDIBreaks for the intersections ROMPEINTERS Break one entity by the intersections with other entities. Command: EDI-ROMPEINTERS ROMPEINTERS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities that will "knife" to cut the lead agency. Check the main body will be broken by all entities marked earlier.

Usage notes:

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EDI-ROTARCAJA Automatic rotatio by the center rotation Rotates all the objects selected with the center of rotation in the center of the box that cover them. Command: EDI-ROTARCAJA ROTARCAJA Menu group: Edit Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities to rotate. Specify the rotation angle for all marked entities. The program will calculate which is the central point of each entity and rotate the entities taking into account this point.

Usage notes:

EDIROTARGRADOSD Rotate dynamic entities for x degrees IN Rotate X degrees selected entities dynamically, ie be watching as always rotate entities. Command: EDIROTARGRADOSDIN Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher.

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Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ EDI-Rotargradosdin Rotargradosdin\EDI-Rotargradosdin.html

EDI-UNIRARC Join 2 arcs collinear Join 2 arcs to form a single entity of arc. Command: EDI-UNIRARC UNIRARC Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select 2 entities arc (you can also select window) and the join the program in a single arc.

Usage notes:

EDI-UNIRLIN Join 2 lines collinear Join 2 or more lines to form single lines. Command: EDI-UNIRLIN UNIRLIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Edit BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select 2 line entities that are collinear and the program will link the two to create a 2-line single line entity encompassing both.

Usage notes:

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ARC-DXF Create basic DXF Create a file from current drawing DXF, putting all entities on layer 0, white color and line type continuous Command: ARC-DXF Menu group: Files Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You should only choose the directory and name of the DXF file that the program will automatically generate. All entities of the DXF will be on layer 0, with white color and line type continuous to avoid compatibility problems with some programs.

Usage notes: The current design will not suffer any transformation or change to use this program.

ARC-NOMBRE Compute filename Calculates a secuencial name for a certain type of file in a directory Command: ARC-NOMBRE NOMBRE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Files BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the directory where you want to calculate the file name row.

Usage notes:

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ARC-PORCAPA Drawing for each layer Create a drawing independent with the entities contained in each of the layers of a drawing Command: ARC-PORCAPA PORCAPA Menu group: Files Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will create no user interaction a new drawing file (DWG) for each of the layers of the current drawing. The program will process only those layers that are currently visible in the drawing.

Usage notes: The program automatically unlock the layers are turned on and locked. The name of each of the drawings is formed with a prefix + name + suffix layer. Both the suffix and the prefix can vary from ARKITool settings.

ARC-PORPARTES Divide a drawing in parts Divide the current drawing in various parts of creating separate drawings Command: ARC-PORPARTES PORPARTES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Files BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Just fill in the number of parts that will divide the drawing. The program will divide the current drawing taking the total number of entities so that each new design has more or less the same number of entities. Of course the original design remains unchanged or lost.

Usage notes: The number of pieces entered is automatically saved in the configuration for next time you use the command. The name of each new drawing will be formed: the part number prefix + + suffix, varying the suffix and prefix from configuration ARKITool program.

ARC-SALVA Save only the entities Create a copy of the current drawing, but only contains the drawing entities Command: ARC-SALVA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Files BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Choose the directory and name the new drawing will be created containing only the current drawing entities. Choose the directory and name the new drawing will be created containing only the current drawing entities.

Usage notes: All layers in the current drawing will be activated after using this program.

ARC-SEGUR Open backup files Open quickly drawing file with a .BAK or .SV$ backup Command: ARC-SEGUR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Files BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select a file with a. BAK or. SV $ to have the program open as a regular drawing. The program will create a new drawing file (DWG) with the selected file and tell you if you

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want to overwrite it if it already exists. The drawing is open in its current session of AutoCAD, but the current drawing remains the active drawing. Usage notes:

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INFAngles formed by 2 lines ANGULOSLIN Shows the value of the angles (inside and outside) formed by 2 line entities. Command: INF-ANGULOSLIN ANGULOSLIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark a line and then another line to narrow the 2 angles formed by both entities. The program will mark the corners with 2 angular dimensions.

Usage notes: The angles are marked with angular dimensions that are drawn in the current dimension style.

INF-BISECT Angle bisector Computes the bisector between 2 entities in the drawing. Command: INF-BISECT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The program will mark the bisector line with an entity that is in a layer called "Assistant."

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INF-CENTRO Center of gravity the polyline Calculate and mark the center of gravity of a polyline or region. Command: INF-CENTRO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: El programa marcar el centro con una entidad de punto que se dibujar en la capa actual.

INF-CERCANA Closest entity to a point Find and mark the nearest entity to a point marked by the user. Command: INF-CERCANA CERCANA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing a point around which locate the nearest entity. The program will locate the entity and place a point feature on the entity marking the nearest point of this entity over the first marked point.

Usage notes: This program will only process entities of line, arc, polyline or circle.

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INF-COLINEAL Are collinear 2 entities? Indicates if 2 line or arc entities are or are not collinear. Command: INF-COLINEAL COLINEAL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must dial in figure 2 such entities is checked for collinearity. You will see a sign which shall be informed if the 2 entities are or are not collinear.

Usage notes: This program can only work with line entities and arc.

INF-DISTCURVA Distance min. from point to curve Find and mark the nearest point on a curve from a marked point by the user Command: INF-DISTCURVA DISTCURVA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing point from which to find the distance. Then select the curve to measure the distance. The program will draw a timeline between the marked point and the point of the curve near the point marked.

Usage notes: When the program prompted a curve can select features such as, lines, arcs, polylines,

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circles, etc.

INF-DISTIGUALES Are Equal 2 distances? al Informs the user if 2 distances measured in the drawing are the same or not. Command: INF-DISTIGUALES DISTIGUALES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: If the measured distances are not equal the program will show the difference between them with the precision currently indicated in the variable luprec. "

INF-DISTPOLI Distance from polyline to the points Measure distances along a curved with 2 points Command: INF-DISTPOLI DISTPOLI Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must enter a first point on the curve to be measured. It is convenient to select the entity references that point actually falls on the entity and thus obtain a more accurate measurement.

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Mark then a second point on the same curve. The program will display a poster that tells the distance between 2 measured points on the curve. Usage notes: Note that the distances on a curve are always measured from the beginning of the curve. So if you mark a point before the start and another after that will measure may not be the one expected.

INF-DISTTEXTO Distance 2 points defined by text Measure the distance between 2 points defined by the coordinates written in the drawing with texts. Command: INF-DISTTEXTO DISTTEXTO Menu group: Information Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select 2 texts containing the coordinates of a point. The program indicates the distance between 2 points whose coordinates were written in the texts.

Usage notes: The coordinates can be separated by a blank space or a comma.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\I NF-Disttexto\INF INF-Disttexto.html

INFElevations estimated max, min, average ELEVACIONES Calculate the minimum elevation, maximum and average of all selected entities. Command: INF-ELEVACIONES ELEVACIONES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Todos los valores se mostrarn con el nmero de decimales que actualmente tenga la variable de AutoCAD "luprec".

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INF-EXLONG Export the lengths to a file Write a file with the lengths of all entities of each layer selected Command: INF-EXLONG Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you must specify the directory and name of ASCII file to be created with the measured lengths. The program then measured the lengths of all entities in the drawing. The program will combine the measurements by layer and entity type within each la layer. This will give you a list of all the lengths of the lines of the layer "Layer example."

Usage notes: <A href="" target=_blank $included="null">Click here to download a file generated with this program</A> .

INF-GRAVE3D 3D solid center of gravity Calculate and mark the center of gravity of an entity 3DSOLID. Command: INF-GRAVE3D GRAVE3D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Enter the 3D solid you want to get your center of gravity. The program temporarily mark that point and draw a point entity.

Usage notes: The program will mark the center with a point to be drawn on the current layer.

INF-INFORMA Complete information of entity Shows a complete information of any entity of the drawing. Command: INF-INFORMA INFORMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Este programa mostrar la pantalla de texto de AutoCAD en la que podr ver toda la informacin de la entidad marcada.

INF-MEDIOPOL Total midpoint of a polyline Calculated and marks the total midpoint of a curve. Command: INF-MEDIOPOL MEDIOPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing the polyline you want to get the midpoint. The program will mark this point in time and draw a point entity.

Usage notes: Note that this command is not a reference to entities "midpoint" and that this reference shows the midpoint of each segment of the curve, while this program shows the median, taking into account the whole curve.

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INF-PARALELAS Are parallel 2 entities? Indicates if 2 line or arc entities are or are not parallel. Command: INF-PARALELAS PARALELAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing 2 entities to verify whether or not parallel to each other. The program will display a sign informing of whether or not parallel.

Usage notes: Works with line and arc entities.

INF-POLINTER Search polylines that cuts itself Highlight the polylines do intersect with itself Command: INF-POLINTER POLINTER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing all you want to check. The program will highlight and select (if you want) all polylines intersections themselves.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command.

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INF-TRCURVOS Polyline with c curved sections? Highlight only those polylines that have at least one curved section. Command: INF-TRCURVOS TRCURVOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Information BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select the picture you want to check those polylines. The program will highlight and select (if desired) only those with at least one curved section.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command

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TOP-AJUSTAR Ajust vertex of curves with the points Check that the polylines marked with a vertex on each of the existing survey points. In the absence of a summit this program to create the vertex on the polyline. Command: TOP-AJUSTAR AJUSTAR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

When you run this command a dialog box will appear where you can: Indicate the type of entities to find: You can select point features, institutions and entities of point block MDT. You can select several of these options at the same time. Indicate the action to take once detected entities: Able to insert a vertex on the polyline near the detected entity. the or Insert a vertex at the exact position of the entity detected. Accuracy for the location of points: You can specify the maximum distance that a point is considered in the same position as the entity detected. Finally you can choose to highlight the vertices added to a circle with a diameter of lly anyone at a particular layer of the drawing.

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Ajustar\Top Top-Ajustar.html

TOP-ALISAR Removes unneeded vertexes contour Removes vertices that are not strictly necessary in the selected level curves drawing. Allow set maximum angle between vertices to remove them. Command: TOP-ALISAR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: This command only works with 2D polyline with or without height. Does not work with 3D curves or polylines.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Alisar\Top Top-Alisar.html

TOP-AREA Find the area of a piece of 3D terrain Calculates the area of a 3D terrain area defined by a 3D polyline. It also calculates the volume of land in the area enclosed by the 3D polylines. Command: TOP-AREA Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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You must enter a 3D sound field (if you have a 3D terrain as a mesh with the command solidifiquelo TOP TOP-SOLID). Then mark a 3D polyline that "placed" on the ground and you want to get the area. The program will display a dialog box where you will be informed: you Actual area of land bounded by the selected polyline. Volume of the selected area.

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TOP-Area\TOP TOP-Area.html

TOP-DISTANCIA Actual distance measured on a 3D terrain Measuring an actual distance between 2 points projected onto a 3D terrain. Command: TOP-DISTANCIA DISTANCIA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Land Survey BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You should only mark the 2 points among those who want to know the distance, the contours of land. The program will display a dialog box in the distance between those 2 points, as follows: Actual distance measured on the ground. Distance measured on t XY plane. the Distance or difference in height in Z.

Usage notes: This command works only with contours (2D polylines with height).

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Distancia\ \Top-Distancia.html

TOP-DIVIDIR Split an irregular polygon into equal parts Divide an irregular polygon into 2 parts of equal area. It also allows you to split the polygon indicating a first point as a fixed point for the division. Command: TOP-DIVIDIR DIVIDIR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las polilneas creadas tendrn las mismas caractersticas que la polilnea original.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\

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TOP-Dividir\TOP TOP-Dividir.html

TOP-EXPORTAR Export points of the drawing to a file or table Exports the coordinates of the points marked in AutoCAD to a text file and / or a table in the drawing itself. Allows the identification of exported items with an ID, highlight these points in a box, circle, etc. Command: TOP-EXPORTAR EXPORTAR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: If you mark a polyline vertex to remove the program will show the direction of the polyline generation before processing if you want to reverse the direction of the vertices.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Exportar\ \Top-Exportar.html

TOP-IMPORTAR Import points from a text file Import to AutoCAD the points defined in an external file. Also create level curves from imported items, defined the format and attributes of the points, etc. Command: TOP-IMPORTAR IMPORTAR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Running this command will be displayed a dialog box where you can: Select the file from which you want to import coordinates. You can configure the columns that contains the file and the separator character that divides each column in the file. With the coordinates read from the file you can indicate that: * Points are drawn. re * You draw or represent symbols such as trees, lampposts, etc. * Contour lines are drawn connecting the points with the same code. You can specify how to import the points from the existing points. Has a complete system configuration to indicate the program as representing the indicate imported points, the associated data will, etc. Finally you can specify whether you want the program to make a zoom extension to finish creating the locations on the drawing.

Usage notes: The selected file to import the points must be in ASCII format.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Importar\ \Top-Importar.html

TOPInterpolated level curves INTERPOLAR

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Allow interpolate between 2 level curves including a number of curves specified by the user. It also allows ease the resulting curves eliminating the unnecessary intermediate vertexes. Command: TOP-INTERPOLAR INTERPOLAR Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

When executed, this program will display a dialog box from which you must indicate: The number of intermediate contour lines to create. The number of vertices you want to generate curves to fit properly to the interpolation. If you create curves interpolated and / or a 3D mesh. You may want to make the interpolated curves are simplified by eliminating intermediate vertices may be redunda redundant. Finally you can check a box to indicate the program to check the effect of the 2 generation interpolating polylines before the process and avoid incorrect results.

Usage notes: The interpolated curves are created in the current layer and the characteristics of current representation.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TOP-Interpolar Interpolar\TOP-Interpolar.html

TOPINTERPOLARELE Interpolates the elevation between 2 blocks V Interpolates between 2 block insertions insertions placing the same block. It takes into account the elevation of the blocks marked for interpolation. It also works with curves. Command: TOP-INTERPOLARELEV INTERPOLARELEV Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TOP-Interpolarelev Interpolarelev\TOP-Interpolarelev.html

TOPSearch of parcels in the drawing LOCPARCELAS Parcels located in the drawing based on the name of the place we choose in a dialog. You can perform multiple operations with the parcels located. Command: TOP-LOCPARCELAS LOCPARCELAS Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

In implementing this program will be displayed a dialog box where you must:

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Indicate the file that contains the names of the plots to locate. You can also write the names of parcels directly on the box. You can configure the actions to take when the program locate the plot on the drawing: program Shade Change the outline color. Change the thickness of the boundary. Simply leave the fields selected. Label the area of each plot. Create a table of located parcels. Export the plot area to a text file. Usage notes: For this command to work properly handle the text of each parcel must have the insertion point inside the boundary that defines each plot.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-LocParcelas LocParcelas\Top-LocParcelas.html

TOP-PARCELA Define a parcel Create a parcel with coordinates of survey land Command: TOP-PARCELA PARCELA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Land Survey BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Indicate whether you want to enter the points as X, Y, Z. Please indicate below if you want to specify also the height of the points. Indicate whether or not you want to narrow the score stands. Now you have to mark the position of the tachometer on the drawing pad. the Finally you have to input each of the points taken with the book as the program is requesting. After introducing the points the program asks if you want to join the points with a polygon.

Usage notes:

TOP-PERFILES Make terrain profiles Obtained the Profiles from the contour lines marked by a polyline defined by the user.

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Command: TOP-PERFILES PERFILES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Land Survey BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select a polyline or a spline that will assist in the soil profile. Then you can put the profile obtained at the point of drawing you want.

Usage notes: The profiles are created in the current layer.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Perfiles\Top Top-Perfiles.html

TOP-SOLIDO Converts 3D terrain (mesh) in a solid (ACIS) Convert 3D polygonal mesh to a solid terrain in a field defined by a single entity of 3D solid (ACIS). Then editing operation can be performed with the terrain generated. Command: TOP-SOLIDO Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Running this command will be displayed a dialog box where you may indicate a greater thickness for the terrain to be solidifying. Then select the 3D terrain to solidify. The site should be a 3D polygon mesh.

Usage notes: This command may take a few minutes to complete the process.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Solido\Top Top-Solido.html

TOP-TERRENO3D Level curves to 3D terrain Create digital 3D terrain from level curves Command: TOP-TERRENO3D TERRENO3D Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Land Survey BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should cover the field or area of land to build by 2 points. You should then indicate the number of mesh segments both horizontally and vertically. The program will create a 3D polygon mesh with respect to the 2 points scored.

Usage notes: A grid of over 50 x 50 elements can make the program take several minutes to generate the 3D mesh. A value of 25 x 25 to start.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Terreno3D Terreno3D\Top-Terreno3D.html

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TOP-TRIANG Calculate point by triangulation Computes a triangulation point. Command: TOP-TRIANG TRIANG Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Land Survey BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter a first known point and then a distance from that point. Then mark another known point and the distance from that point. Since there are 2 possible solutions the program will ask which way you want to get the point by triangulation. You may want to choose sides. The program then mark that point and will narrow the gap between the 3 points.

Usage notes: All entities created during the execution of this program will be created in a layer called "auxiliary."

TOPExtracts a piece of solid terrain TROZOTERRENO Removed a piece defined by an irregular polygon in 3D, solid terrain. The original terrain remains intact creating a copy of the piece or area indicated. Command: TOP-TROZOTERRENO TROZOTERRENO Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Si tiene un terreno 3D como una malla poligonal use el comando TOP TOP-SOLIDO para convertirla en una terrreno 3D slido.

TOP-URBANIZA Extracts information of a parcel. Extracts information from coordinates, distances, area, etc, of a plot. Generates a table in the drawing or export the information to a text file. Command: TOP-URBANIZA URBANIZA Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TOP-Urbaniza\ \TOP-Urbaniza.html

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TOP-VACIADOS Empty areas of a solid terrain Create a empty of 3D solid terrain. To know the volume of the hollowed hollowed-out area and / or create physically draining on the terrain. Command: TOP-VACIADOS VACIADOS Menu group: Land Survey Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Top-Vaciados\ \Top-Vaciados.html

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LAY-ACI2RGB Color layers of ACI to RGB Converts the color of the layers of ACI to RGB. Command: LAY-ACI2RGB ACI2RGB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just the program takes care of changing the colors of all layers of the color system ACI (257) to the RGB system.

Usage notes: The color shown in the drawing for each layer should not change after using this program.

LAYActive and visible all layers ACTIVATODO Automatically activates all the layers of the drawing without having to open the table of layers. Command: LAY-ACTIVATODO ACTIVATODO Menu group: Layers Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically activated and thaw all layers defined in the drawing.

Usage notes:

LAY-ACTUAL Set current layer by selection t Change all selected entities to the current drawing layer. Command: LAY-ACTUAL ACTUAL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-BLOQBlock all except the current ACTUAL Lock all layers except the current layer of drawing Command: LAY-BLOQ-ACTUAL ACTUAL Menu group: Layers

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will block all drawing layers except the current layer.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-BLOQSEL Unlock by selection Allows lock layers in the drawing by simply selecting an entity of the block layer. Command: LAY-BLOQSEL BLOQSEL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing layer entities to block.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-BORRAOFF Delete off or frozen layers Automatically deletes all entities contained in layers that are switched off or frozen. Command: LAY-BORRAOFF BORRAOFF Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: This program does not remove the definition of the layers but all these layers contain entities. To remove the definition of layers use the command "Clear" in AutoCAD.

LAY-BORRAR Delete entities of a layer Deletes all entities of the layer selected in the drawing. Command: LAY-BORRAR BORRAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the layers of entities that you want to delete all contained entities.

Usage notes: The program does not remove the definition of the marked layers, only the entities contained in them.

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When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-CAMBIASEL Change entities of layer Change layer entities by simply selecting an entity of the new layer. Command: LAY-CAMBIASEL CAMBIASEL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter an entity belonging to the layer where you want the entities. Then select in the drawing all the entities that will go to the layer selected in the first place.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-COLORCAPA Color entities BYLAYER Change all selected entities the color of the layer that contains them. Command: LAY-COLORCAPA COLORCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Mark on the drawing entities that want to spend the color of "BYLAYER."

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-CONGELA Frozen all off layers Automatically freezes all layers that are currently just off to work faster. Command: LAY-CONGELA CONGELA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically freezes all layers that are currently just off. This ensures that AutoCAD does not take into account the entities contained in those layers, so you can work faster, especially with very large drawings.

Usage notes:

LAY-CONGSEL Frozen by selection Freezes a layer by selecting an entity of that layer in the drawing. Command: LAY-CONGSEL CONGSEL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Check those institutions to freeze the layers you want to terminate the execution of this program.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAYCopy roperties to other layer COPIACARAC Import characteristics of a layer to the other selected layers. Command: LAY-COPIACARAC COPIACARAC Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter an entity that is in the layer you want to catch the features. Then check all layers institutions to which you want to copy these characteristics.

Usage notes: The program imports the following: color, on / off, frozen, blocked, tipolinea and plotting.

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LAYUnlock locked layers DESBLOQUEA Automatically unlocks layers of entities selected in drawing Command: LAY-DESBLOQUEA DESBLOQUEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAYThaw frozen layers en DESCONGELA Thaw all layers that are currently frozen. Command: LAY-DESCONGELA DESCONGELA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Automatically defrosts all drawing layers that are currently frozen.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-ELEVACION Grouped layers by elevation Drawing entities distributed in layers depending on the elevation of each selected entity. Command: LAY-ELEVACION ELEVACION Menu group: Layers Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Simply select all the drawing entities to be grouped. The program will create a layer for each different elevation that is in place in addition to those entities and each entity in the layer are appropriate based on the same elevation

Usage notes: The name of each layer is created with a suffix + elevation. The value of the suffix can be varied ARKITool settings.

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LAY-ENTCAPA Each entity in 1 layer Put each selected entity to a different layer. Layer is created automatically. Command: LAY-ENTCAPA ENTCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program is seeking to set an entity to pass on to a new layer. So while there may continue to put Escape to finish. The name of the successive layers are being created with a name and a sequential number.

Usage notes: The name of each layer is created on the basis of a name that can vary from setting ARKITool.

LAY-EXPORTAR Export layers to a file Exports the definition of layers in the current drawing to an Excel file through. CSV Command: LAY-EXPORTAR EXPORTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes: In addition to the list of layers is also exported the characteristics of each. <A href="" $included="null">Click here to download a sample file generated by this program.</A>

LAY-FUSIONAR Merge 2 layers in 1 Merge all entities of two layers in a single layer Command: LAY-FUSIONAR FUSIONAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The layer containing the bodies of the 2 layers will be the first layer marcada.Cuando prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

LAY-GUARDAR Export the state of the layers Quickly save the current state of the layers of the drawing with a name. Command: LAY-GUARDAR GUARDAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Saves the current state of the layers in order to recover quickly if you need to LAY LAYRECOVER command.

Usage notes:

LAY-IMPORTAR Import from file layers Automatically creates all layers defined in a text file. Command: LAY-IMPORTAR IMPORTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must first select the file to import (default directory where the drawing). The program reads this file and create each of the layers displayed in the file with the characteristics that apply.

Usage notes: The file extension. CSV different elements must be separated by a semicolon (;).

LAY-OFF Off by selection Turns off a layer by simply selecting an entity contained in that layer. Command: LAY-OFF Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing entities from those layers that do not want them to be off. The program will switch off all layers except those marked by drawing.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

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LAY-OFF-ACTUAL Turn off all except current Off and freezes all layers except the current layer of drawing Command: LAY-OFF-ACTUAL ACTUAL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically turn off all layers except the current layer picture.

Usage notes:

LAY-OFFSEL Turn off all except selection Turn off all layers except the layers that are selected by the user in the drawing. Command: LAY-OFFSEL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark institutions those layers that you want are not deactivated at the end of the command. The program will switch off all layers except the selected picture here.

Usage notes: When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

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LAY-ORDENAR Sorted layers like photoshop Allows sorted layer like Photoshop. Change the display order of entities in the drawing simply by ordering the layers containing these entities. We can also save the order of layers in the drawing for the next time you use. Command: LAY-ORDENAR ORDENAR Menu group: Layers Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Running this command will display a window with a list of all layers of the current drawing. You should order (from top to bottom) layers as you want it to be displayed after the entities contained in each of those layers. Ie layers that you put up will cause the layer entities are drawn above all other entities in the drawing. The order of layers that you set in the drawing is saved in the same for the next time you layers run this command and thus do not have to rearrange the layers back again.

Usage notes: This command does not take into account the entities contained in blocks or external references. Only works on entities directly drawn into the current drawing.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Lay-Ordenar\Lay Lay-Ordenar.html

LAY-PORCOLOR Grouped layers by color Grouped into different layers of the same color entities. Command: LAY-PORCOLOR PORCOLOR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the entities that want to organize into layers based on their color. The program automatically creates a new layer for each color associated with marked bodies and put each entity in the layer are appropriate based on their color.

Usage notes: The name of each new layer is created with a suffix + color name, the value of the suffix

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may vary from ARKITool settings. When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block block.

LAY-RECUPERAR Restore state of the layers To retrieve the state of the layers previously saved. Command: LAY-RECUPERAR RECUPERAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Leave all the layers in the drawing as they were when they were saved with the command "LAY "LAY-SAVE."

Usage notes:

LAY-RESALTAR Highlight current layer entities Highlight the entities contained in the current layer. Command: LAY-RESALTAR RESALTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will highlight and select (if desired) all entities contained in the current drawing layer.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command

LAY-REVISAR Review the contents of layers Allows to review the content of each layer individually automatically. Command: LAY-REVISAR REVISAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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The program will display the contents of each of the layers in the drawing. The content will be shown by zooming on all entities contained in each layer. You must press a button to see the next layer. The process will continue until press Escape to finish.

Usage notes:

LAY-RGB2ACI Color layers of RGB to ACI Converts the color of the layers of RGB to ACI. Command: LAY-RGB2ACI RGB2ACI Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The actual color shown in the drawing for each layer should not change after using this program.

LAY-SELCAPA Make select entities of layer Create a preliminary selection with all entities of a selected layer. Command: LAY-SELCAPA SELCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Layers BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Para despus trabajar con las entidades seleccionadas en este comando debe usar "_p" para coger el conjunto de entidades previo. Cuando se le pida que seleccione una entidad de una capa dispone de la opcin "de la Parte" para poder seleccionar la capa marcando una entidad que pertenzca a un bloque.

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LAY-VISTA Make a view with layer entities Create a view with a name that shows the extent of the entities contained in each layer of the drawing. Command: LAY-VISTA Menu group: Layers Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically generates a view which encompasses all entities contained within each of the layers in the drawing.

Usage notes: This program will create a view for each layer using the layer name to name the view.

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MSU-AREA Label the area of a polyline Label the value of the area in the center of the polyline selected on the drawing. Command: MSU-AREA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today. The label text to be formed with a suffix + value of the area. The suffix can be changed from the settings ARKITool.

MSUArea from 3DFACE entities AREA3DCARA Calculate the area 3DCARA/3DFACE entities. Label the area calculated within each entity and allows to label the total area. Command: MSU-AREA3DCARA AREA3DCARA Menu group: Measure Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The first thing to do is select drawing entities 3DFACE all you want to measure. The program prompts you to label the area of each of the 3DFACE. Finally sharecropper in an info window that displays the total area of all selected faces. In this window you have the opportunity to indicate whether or not to label the total area in the picture or not. If so should bring the text to the area at a point of drawing.

Usage notes: The texts of individual areas of each face, as well as the sign of the total area will be created in the current layer and the text style and height set as current.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ MSU-Area3dcara Area3dcara\MSU-Area3dcara.html

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MSU-CREASUMA Make sum by selection Make a sum with the values of text and attributes marked in the drawing by the user. Command: MSU-CREASUMA CREASUMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just check off on the texts or attributes you want to add to the sum. Eventually the program will create a representation of the sum of these values with the total at the end. You may want to apply a reduction coefficient (in percentage) above the rated value.

Usage notes: The values of the text and attributes must be numeric format to be added.

MSUSum all dimension of layer CREASUMACAPA Automatically sum all the dimensions or texts that is in the layer indicated by the user. Command: MSU-CREASUMACAPA CREASUMACAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You just select an entity of the layer containing the coordinates to add. This command will locate all numerical dimensions and text contained in that layer. Then the program will represent a sum of all the values located and you should put this amount into the desired point of the drawing.

Usage notes: The sum represented by the program is created with the style and height as text set today.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ MSU-CreaSumaCapa CreaSumaCapa\MSUCreaSumaCapa.html

MSUSum lines by layer LINPORCAPA

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Add the length of all line entities contained in a layer. Command: MSU-LINPORCAPA LINPORCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial an entity contained in the layer you want to measure all line entities. The program will represent the sum of these lengths in the total sum at the end.

Usage notes: The number of decimal places the result is determined by the varible "luprec."

MSU-MIDELON Measure lengths Measure the length of the selected entities in the drawing. Command: MSU-MIDELON MIDELON Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just check off the features you want to measure. The program will place a directive from the body as indicating the value of the length of that entity.

Usage notes: The number of decimal places the result is determined by the variable "luprec." The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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MSULabel the perimeter of polyline PERIMETRO Label the perimeter or length in the center of the polyline selected in the drawing. Command: MSU-PERIMETRO PERIMETRO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select all entities drawing polyline, arc or line you want to label. The program will place the label with the length of the entity in the center of the entity. Text created will be center center-justified text.

Usage notes: The entities are drawn in the current text style in the current layer, the type of line and color today. The text consists of a suffix + value of the perimeter. The value of the suffix can be changed from the settings ARKITool.

MSUSum polyline by layer POLPORCAPA Sum the length of all polyline entities are in a certain layer Command: MSU-POLPORCAPA POLPORCAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial an entity contained in the layer you want to measure all polyline entities. The program will represent the sum of these lengths in the total sum at the end.

Usage notes: The number of decimal places the result is determined by the varible "luprec." The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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MSUSum selected entities SUMALONG Create a sum with the lengths of all entities that are marked in the drawing. Command: MSU-SUMALONG SUMALONG Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Measure BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial on the drawing entities whose length to add to the final sum. The program will automatically sum all the values and the total at the end of it.

Usage notes: The number of decimal places the result is determined by the varible "luprec." The entities are drawn in the current layer, the type of line and color today.

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POL-ABRIR Open that are closed Opens all selected polylines in the drawing. Command: POL-ABRIR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the picture you want to open those polylines automatically.

Usage notes: When you open the polylines are lost the last mile.

POLAdd vertexes and mark it ADDVERTICES Add vertex of a polyline by marking on the screen. Command: POL-ADDVERTICES ADDVERTICES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

POLMake ounterclockwise ANTIHORARIO Adjust all polylines marked to make them in direction "clockwise". Command: POL-ANTIHORARIO ANTIHORARIO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polylines in the drawing that you want to place anti anti-clockwise.

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Usage notes:

POL-CERRAR Close only the open polylines Close all selected polylines in the drawing. Command: POL-CERRAR CERRAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the picture all you want to close open polylines.

Usage notes:

POL-CHAFLAN Automatic chamfer Make a chamfer automatically to all selected entities. Command: POL-CHAFLAN CHAFLAN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing entities that want to chamfer.

Usage notes: The figures for the chamfer will be saved in the configuration of the program.

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POL-DELCURVAS Delete curved segment Removes the curvature of the selected polylines with curved segments. Command: POL-DELCURVAS DELCURVAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polylines to the drawing you want to remove the curvature. The program returns a polyline with straight segments only.

Usage notes: The program performs the modifications on a new polyline.

POLDelete vertexes for select DELVERTICES Delete vertexes of polyline simply picking in the screen. Command: POL-DELVERTICES DELVERTICES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just dial a point on the polyline entity to which you want to delete the vertex. The marking will serve to eliminate the vertex of the polyline nearest to that point. The program will create a new entity to make the change.

Usage notes: It is convenient to select the entity references that point fall on the polyline entity.

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POL-DIFELEV Polylines for differences in Z Highlights those polylines whose difference in elevation between its vertices is greater than a given value. Command: POL-DIFELEV DIFELEV Menu group: Polylines Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the picture you want to check those polylines. The program will highlight (and select if you want) only those polylines whose difference in elevation between its vertices is greater than indicated.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command. The difference between Z levels specified by the user are saved in the program settings for future use.

POL-DIVIDIR Divide into 2 closed polyline Divides a polyline by 2 points by creating 2 new polylines. Command: POL-DIVIDIR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las polilneas creadas se generarn con las caractersticas de la polilnea original.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ POL-Dividir\POL POL-Dividir.html

POL-ELEV0 Polylines with z<>0.0 vertex

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Highlights those polylines have one of its vertices with an elevation <> 0.0 Command: POL-ELEV0 Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing all you want to check. The program will highlight (and if you want to select) the polylines that have a vertex with Z than 0.0.

Usage notes: Highlighted entities can also be left as a selection of entities for later use with any edition of AutoCAD command.

POL-ESPESOR Change the thickness Change the thickness of all selected polylines. Command: POL-ESPESOR ESPESOR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polylines in the drawing that you want to change the thickness. Then enter the new thickness. The program will place the thickness indicated in all sections of all selected polylines.

Usage notes: The thickness is equal for all polylines and for all sections of each polyline. The thickness specified in the configuration will be saved for later use.

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POL-EXAPOL Explode to polylines Exploding a polyline but leaving each segment of the polyline as a new polyline. Command: POL-EXAPOL EXAPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the picture you want to explode the polylines. The program will operate each polyline and convert each segment into a new polyline.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

POL-EXCONESP Explode and maintains thickness Exploding a polyline with thickness making the resulting segments continue to maintain its thickness. Command: POL-EXCONESP EXCONESP Menu group: Polylines Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline you want to explode. The program will exploit the resulting polylines but institutions remain the same thickness as the polyline was assigned to each tranche.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

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POL-EXTRAER Extract segment without explode Extracts a segment of polyline without exploiting it. Command: POL-EXTRAER EXTRAER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select a polyline on the drawing to remove the leg. The check point which also define the polyline segment to be extracted. The program now allows you to place the new section in the desired location.

Usage notes: The resulting entities have the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

POL-EXTREMOS Mark extremes for open polylines Temporarily mark the ends of the selected polylines are open. Command: POL-EXTREMOS EXTREMOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: El programa marca los extremos de cada polilnea con una marca que desaparece al cambia la vista actual o al regenerar el dibujo.

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POL-FILLET Automatic rounding Round all selected polylines automatically. Command: POL-FILLET Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select us polyline drawing all round choice. Enter the radius for rounding. The program will apply the value of radio to all selected polylines.

Usage notes: The radius for rounding is saved within the program settings.

POL-HORARIO Make Clockwise Adjust all polylines selected to make them in clockwise. Command: POL-HORARIO HORARIO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polylines in the drawing that you want to clockwise.

Usage notes:

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POL-INTER Intersection of closed polylines Creates a new polyline that covers the common 2 selected polylines. Command: POL-INTER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Las 2 polilneas deben interseccionar entre ellas para poder obtener una nueva polilnea.

POLMark the intersections with other INTEROTRAS Place a mark at each intersection between a polyline and the entities that this cut. Command: POL-INTEROTRAS INTEROTRAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select a polyline drawing to mark the intersections. The program will make all those points of intersection of the polyline with the other entities that touch to the polyline.

Usage notes: The program will mark the intersections with a special block created by the program.

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POL-INVCURVAS Invert the curved segments Reverse the direction of the curved sections arc or a polyline. Command: POL-INVCURVAS INVCURVAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing polylines to reverse. The program will create a new polyline with the curved sections reversed.

Usage notes: The program creates a copy of the original polyline but inverted curved segment, then deleting the original entity. The resulting entity has the same characteristics as layer, color and type of line as the original entity.

POLInvert the sense INVSENTIDO Reverse the direction of the selected polylines in the drawing. Command: POL-INVSENTIDO INVSENTIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polyline drawing all those who want to reverse the generation. The investment will be made on the original feature marked on the drawing.

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Usage notes: The original entity will be modified to make these changes.

POL-JUNTAR Join 2 closed polylines into 1 Join in a single polyline closed polylines that have several somewhere adyancente. Command: POL-JUNTAR JUNTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing 2 polylines intersect. The program will link the contours of both polylines to create a new polyline with the sum of both.

Usage notes: Both should be closed polylines to be joined.

POL-MINDISTA Distance between 2 polylines Determines the closest points between 2 polylines and mark with a dimension. Command: POL-MINDISTA MINDISTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

2 Select the polyline between who wants to find the nearest points. The program will calculate these points and draw a level aligned with each other to mark

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the distance between the polylines.

Usage notes: The dimension is drawn with the current dimension style.

POLClockwise or counterclockwise? QUESENTIDO Indicates whether a polyline is generated in a clockwise or counterclockwise. Command: POL-QUESENTIDO QUESENTIDO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the polylines in the drawing you want to check. The program will display an alert which tells you if the polyline is created in a clockwise or counterclockwise.

Usage notes:

POL-RESTA Subtract of another polyline Subtract one polyline to another polyline. Command: POL-RESTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Select the 2 drawing polylines you want to subtract. The second will be subtracted polyline marked the first polyline that will survive.

Usage notes: Both polylines must subtract to intersect each other.

POLDelete duplicate vertexes VERDUPLICADOS Removes all duplicate vertexes of a polyline. Command: POL-VERDUPLICADOS VERDUPLICADOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing the polyline you want to remove duplicate vertices. The program will remove these vertices on the original polyline, so that ultimately the polylines will be the same but without duplicates.

Usage notes:

POLAdd vertex for each intersection VERINTERSEC Add a new vertex to the polyline at each intersection with other entities. Command: POL-VERINTERSEC VERINTERSEC Menu group: Polylines

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Check a polyline in the drawing.

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will calculate all the intersections of this entity with other entities in the drawing and add a new vertex for each intersection point. Usage notes:

POLAdd vertexes to a distance VERPORTRAMOS Add a new polyline vertices indicating the distance between vertices. Command: POL-VERPORTRAMOS VERPORTRAMOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First you must check the polyline entity to which you want to add vertices. Then indicate the distance between each vertex or the number of cuts to be made. The program will add to the polyline vertices based on distance or number of cuts.

Usage notes: The changes are done on the original entity.

POLMark all the vertex VERVERTICES

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Insert a block all vertices of selected polylines. Command: POL-VERVERTICES VERVERTICES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Polylines BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: La marca temporal desaparece al cambiar de vista o regenerar el dibujo.

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SEL-ABIERTAS Polylines by dist. ends Select those polylines whose distance between the beginning and the end is less than a stated value. Command: SEL-ABIERTAS ABIERTAS Menu group: Select entities Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Todas las entidades que cumplan las condiciones quedarn seleccionadas al terminar este programa. El valor del margen establecido aqu se guardar dentro de la configuracin del programa.

SELAnnotative Blocks ANOTATIVOS Select all annotatives inserts blocks. Command: SEL-ANOTATIVOS ANOTATIVOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

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SEL-BLOQUE Blocks by name Select all insertions of a marked block in the drawing. Command: SEL-BLOQUE BLOQUE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should mark a block for the program to locate all the inserts of the same block in the whole picture.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-CAPA Entities by layer Selects all entities of a layer Command: SEL-CAPA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must mark an entity belonging to the layer you want to locate. The program will automatically locate all the entities contained in that layer.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program. When prompted to select an entity from one layer has the option of the party "to select

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the layer marking an entity pertenzca a block.

SELSel. by capture with polyline CAPTURAPOL Selects all entities contained in or touched by a polyline or circle. Command: SEL-CAPTURAPOL CAPTURAPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-COLOR Entities by color Selects all entities with a color. Command: SEL-COLOR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must mark an entity to obtain a color. Now select an area from which you want to locate the entities.

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The program will use that color to identify entities in the set of selected entities.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-CORTEPOL Sel. by fence with polyline Selects all entities intersected by a polyline or circle. Command: SEL-CORTEPOL CORTEPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Be selected in the drawing, a polyline or circle so that the program will use as an outline to locate entities. The program automatically locates all entities that are touched by the outline of the polyline or circle

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-ELEVACION Entities by Elevation Select all drawing entities whose elevation is within the range specified by the user. Command: SEL-ELEVACION ELEVACION Menu group: Select entities

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Should indicate both the minimum and maximum elevation for the program to locate the bodies with an elevation between these values. The program automatically between all entities in the drawing.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program. The elevation values entered are stored within the program settings.

SELEntities outside of a Polyline EXTERIORPOL Selects all entities that fall outside a polyline checked. Command: SEL-EXTERIORPOL EXTERIORPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Be selected in the drawing, a polyline or circle so that the program will use as an outline to locate entities. The program automatically locates all entities that are completely outside the outline of the polyline or circle.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

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SEL-LONGARC Arcos by length Selects those entities arc length less than or greater than a certain value. Command: SEL-LONGARC LONGARC Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program. The values of minimum and maximum length is saved with the program settings.

SELCircles by length LONGCIRCULO Selects those entities circle whose length is below or above a certain value. Command: SEL-LONGCIRCULO LONGCIRCULO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must enter the minimum and maximum length should be the entities to be selected. The program will search through all the drawing entities that meet the conditions established here long.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected at the end of this program.l values of minimum and maximum length is saved with the program settings.

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SEL-LONGLINEA Lines by Length elect line entities whose length is less than or superiors to a certain value. Command: SEL-LONGLINEA LONGLINEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Todas las entidades que cumplan las condiciones quedarn seleccionadas al terminar este programa.Los valores de longitud mnima y mxima se guardarn junto con la configuracin del programa.

SEL-LONGPOL Polylines by perimeter Select those polylines whose length is greater or less than a certain value. Command: SEL-LONGPOL LONGPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must enter the minimum and maximum length should be the entities to be selected. The program will search through all the drawing entities that meet the conditions established here long.

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Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected at the end of this program.l values of minimum and maximum length is saved with the program settings.

SEL-NVERTICES Polyline by number of vertex Select those polylines that have a certain number of vertexes. Command: SEL-NVERTICES NVERTICES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Must indicate the minimum and maximum number of vertices that must be a polyline to be selected. The program will locate all the drawing entities that meet the conditions.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected at the end of this program.l number values minimum and maximum vertices are saved with the program settings.

SEL-POLAREA Polylines by area Select the polylines of the drawing that have a particular area. Command: SEL-POLAREA POLAREA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Should indicate both the minimum area as the peak area so that the program select all polyline entities whose area is between these 2 values will be selected.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program. The area values entered are stored in the program settings.

SEL-TIPO Entities by linetype Select all objects of a certain type (lines, arcs, etc.). Command: SEL-TIPO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First select the area you want to select. Indicate the type of entity to locate lines, arcs, circles, or polylines. The program will select all entities of the kind set that exists between the selected entities first.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-UCS Not parallel to UCS current Selected in the drawing all the entities that are not parallel to the current coordinate system. Command: SEL-UCS Menu group: Select entities

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically locates all entities whose coordinate system is parallel to the current coordinate system.

Usage notes:

SEL-VALATRIB Blocks by their attributes Select all inserts block with an attribute with a certain value. Command: SEL-VALATRIB VALATRIB Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter first if you want to use attributes with a particular identifier (TAG) or otherwise use all the attributes you are. Now enter the value you want to locate between the attributes of the blocks inserted. Use the * and? as wildcards. The program performs automatic search across all block inserts the current drawing. performs

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SELSel. by window with polyline VENTANAPOL

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Selects all entities contained within a polyline or circle. Command: SEL-VENTANAPOL VENTANAPOL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Be selected in the drawing, a polyline or circle so that the program will use as an outline to locate entities. The program automatically locates all entities that are completely contained by the outline of the polyline or circle.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

SEL-VERTICES Polylines by duplicate vertex Selects those that have any vertex polylines duplicated. Command: SEL-VERTICES VERTICES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Select entities BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically searches through all those drawing entities that meet the conditions.

Usage notes: All entities that meet the conditions will be selected to complete this program.

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ESTCalculate units, lengths and weights of linear material CONTABILIZAR Calculate units, lengths and weights of linear material by drawing texts indicate the dimensions of each drawing material. Command: EST-CONTABILIZAR CONTABILIZAR Menu group: Structures Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: La tabla se crear en la capa actual del dibujo.

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ Est-Contabilizar Contabilizar\Est-Contabilizar.html

EST-PERFILES Create metalic columns Draw all type of metalic columns. Allows draw or represent the columns in 3D. Command: EST-PERFILES PERFILES Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Structures BricsCAD 10 or higher.

When you run this command directly sharecropper a dialog box where you can choose between rolled and formed profiles. Depending on the type of profile selected you can select the profile size standard of the list. If you indicate a different height of 0.0 in this window the program will raise the 3D profile after having been placed by you on Culqui part drawing. Can draw on the selected profile as often as you score points with only subsequent to the drawing, until you press Enter to end the command.

Usage notes:

Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ EST-Perfiles\EST EST-Perfiles.html

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TOPINTERPOLARELE Interpolates between 2 texts V Allows to export between 2 existing texts by placing new texts every x meters, also works with curves. Command: TOP-INTERPOLARELEV INTERPOLARELEV Menu group: Texts Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:
Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TXT-Interpolar Interpolar\TXT-Interpolar.html

TXT-AJUSTA Ajust between 2 points Adjust text entity rapidly between 2 points marked on the drawing. Command: TXT-AJUSTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Enter text in the drawing. Mark two points for the program to adjust it to enter fully into the points. The text height will not change to fit. Usage notes: Although the 2 points will not align with the current orientation of the program will screen text on the text so the text rotation will not change with this command. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

TXT-ALINEAR Aligns text entities Aligns text entities marked by the user.

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Command: TXT-ALINEAR ALINEAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the text you want to align. Then indicate the points to line up the text. Now you can choose the form of alignment: * Left * Middle * Right * Between 2 points. The program seleccionandos align all text in the manner provided in the program program.

Usage notes: To align between 2 points to remember points from left to right.

TXT-ALMACEN Store of texts for CAD Store the texts for CAD. Accommodates all commonly used texts in the drawings in one place from which we can insert any previously saved text into the drawing. It has a auto system to easily find the desired text. Command: TXT-ALMACEN ALMACEN Menu group: Texts Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Running this command will be displayed a dialog box from which you can:

* Write text and insert it into AutoCAD. * Locate a text previously stored in the warehouse. * Save to store existing texts: * The current drawing. * An ASCII text file. * A website. * The clipboard. * Manage existing texts in the warehouse, to delete, edit, etc. This window is not preventing you from continuing to work in AutoCAD as normal. Usage notes:

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Show the video: http:\\\ARKIVideos\ARKITool\ TXT-Almacen\ \TXT-Almacen.html

TXT-ALTURA Change text height Change the height of all selected texts even of different text styles. Command: TXT-ALTURA ALTURA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Just select all the text that you want to change the height. Enter the new height for all text.

Usage notes:

TXT-BUSCA Locate a specific text e Find a text in the drawing and focuses each entity found on the screen. Command: TXT-BUSCA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes:

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TXT-CAMBIAESP Swap spaces a blank for character Change text spaces with a character indicated by the user. Command: TXT-CAMBIAESP CAMBIAESP Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The program will change all existing spaces in the text.

TXT-CANTIDAD N occurrences of text ount the number of occurrences of a particular text string in the text entities. Command: TXT-CANTIDAD CANTIDAD Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Enter the text string to locate. The program will search all the texts and drawings of those paragraphs in the text that appears above. The program allows you to select them all if desired. Usage notes: You must use the wildcard "*" and "?" to correctly locate the desired text. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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TXT-COLUMNAS Divide the text into columns Breaks or breaks a text entity in the blanks and put the values in separate columns. Command: TXT-COLUMNAS COLUMNAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select all the text you want to divide into columns. Then indicate the separation between each column. The program will generate as many columns as there are blanks in the texts marked.

Usage notes: The value of the separation columns are saved in the program settings.

TXT-COPIATXT Copy text value of the rest Get the text value of an entity and places it in the rest of selected text. Command: TXT-COPIATXT COPIATXT Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Enter a text to extract its value. Now select all the text in which you want to place the value of the previous text. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Usage notes: This program works with independent text and paragraphs of text.

TXT-CPALTURA Copy height to other texts Copy the text height of an entity to other texts selected in the drawing. Command: TXT-CPALTURA CPALTURA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing a text from which to extract the height. Then check on the drawing all the texts to which you want to apply that height.

Usage notes: In this command you can select both text and paragraphs of text.

TXT-CPFACTOR Copy scaling factor other Copying a text entity the scale factor of the texts to other texts selected below. Command: TXT-CPFACTOR CPFACTOR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Mark on the drawing a text from which to extract the scale factor. Then check on the drawing all the text that you want to apply the scale factor.

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Usage notes:

TXTCopy rotation to other texts CPROTACION Copy the rotation of a text entity to the other selected texts below. Command: TXT-CPROTACION CPROTACION Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: In this command you can select both text and paragraphs of text.

TXT-CUENTA Count, sum and average Count, sum, average and it shows maximum and minimum values among the selected texts. Command: TXT-CUENTA CUENTA Menu group: Texts Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all the texts to be processed. The program will display an alert at the end which will tell you all the information

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Usage notes: The value entered for the transaction will be saved in the configuration.

TXT-CURVA Text on a curve Draw the selected text along a curve (polyline, arc or circle). Command: TXT-CURVA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter the text you want to place on the curve. Check in drawing the curve on which the text goes. Note that the check point on the curve will be the starting point of the text.

Usage notes: As curve can select lines, polylines or arcs.

TXT-CURVADIN Dynamic Text on curve Align text on a curve can be located dynamically. Command: TXT-CURVADIN CURVADIN Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Enter the text to align. Check the curve on which to align the text. Now just move the cursor around the corner and press Enter to leave the text into position.

Usage notes: The text is created in the style of text that is current in the drawing.

TXTDelete unnecessary spaces DELESPACIOS Delete unnecessary whitespace from a text. Command: TXT-DELESPACIOS DELESPACIOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program automatically detects all the texts that unnecessary spaces. The program corrects the error by modifying each entity or attribute text.

Usage notes: Considerable space was not necessary those blanks followed one after another. Should only be one space each time to separate words.

TXT-DINAMICO Place text dynamically Can write a text string and then to place the text in the drawing to see where it is placed.

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Command: TXT-DINAMICO DINAMICO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter the text you want to enter in the drawing. Now the program displays the text dynamically so you can place it wherever you see the text at all times.

Usage notes: The text is created in the style of text and drawing current heights.

TXT-EDITAR Edit several texts while Change the value of all selected text entities at the same time. Command: TXT-EDITAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select all text drawing to change. Enter a text string. The program will place the text indicated in all the selected text entities.

Usage notes: This program works with both text as paragraphs.

TXT-ESPACIO Adjust space between texts Change the distance between consecutive multiple lines of text indicating a value or marking 2 points. Command: TXT-ESPACIO ESPACIO Menu group: Texts Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: The program only modifies the vertical space between the text, so the current position of each horizontal text will not change. The distance entered will be saved in the configuration of the program.

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TXT-EXESTILOS Exports text styles Export to a file all text styles and fonts used in the drawing. Command: TXT-EXESTILOS EXESTILOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: <A href="" target=_blank $included="null">Click here to download a sample and can see the file format created by this program</A> .

TXT-EXPORTA Export texts to ASCII file port Export value of the selected text entities an ASCII file. Command: TXT-EXPORTA EXPORTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the directory and file name to be created. Select all the text you want in the text file.

Usage notes: The selected file is automatically overwritten if it exists.

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TXT-IMPORTAR Import and write texts one to one Read strings from a text file and putting on the texts is marked by the user. Command: TXT-IMPORTAR IMPORTAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select the ASCII text file to read. Then the program prompts you to check on that text that has drawn you to place the text line read from the file. This process is repeated until there are no more lines of text in the file or until you press Enter.

Usage notes: The program will read the file one line at a time, each line is determined by a newline (" ("\ n") the file.

TXT-INTER Exchanged texts Exchange a value of a text entity for the value of another text also drawn. Command: TXT-INTER Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Check the first text. Enter the text to share. The program will exchange the value of each text entity over another.

Usage notes: This program only works with separate text entities.

TXTLower or Upper Case MAYUSCULAS Capituliza and switch between uppercase and lowercase text selected in the drawing. Command: TXT-MAYUSCULAS MAYUSCULAS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select all text drawing to change. Now whether you want to pass them to upper, lower or downwards, the 1 st letter capitalized and the rest of the text to lowercase. The program will modify the value of each text as indicated.

Usage notes: This command works with both individual texts as paragraphs of text.

TXT-ORDENAR Sort texts alphabetically Sorts selected text alphabetically or numerically.

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Command: TXT-ORDENAR ORDENAR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Select all text drawing to sort.

Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Then check the sort order by 2 points or check the default vertical ordering. Usage notes: They can be ordered in a vertical or indicating 2 points so that the texts are placed with respect to the line defined by these 2 points. The program will automatically determine if the organization must be alphabetic or numeric.

TXT-RECORTA Cut the text entities under Cut out all the entities that are around a text entity. Command: TXT-RECORTA RECORTA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the drawing all text entities to be cleaned. Now you can insert a margin added to the text size to leave around the text. The program will cut all the entities under each text entity.

Usage notes: The margin around the text entered for the cutting of entities stored in the program settings.

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TXT-RECUADRO Box around text Box drawing texts with multiple possibilities (rounded corners, shadows, etc.). Command: TXT-RECUADRO RECUADRO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter text in the picture or showing any of the following options:

* Border: to indicate a distance to leave around the text. * Rounding: Enter a value to round the corners of the box. * Background: Allows you to place a colored background under the text. The program placed the box on the highlighted text. Text can keep dialing until you press Enter to exit. Usage notes:

TXT-REDONDEA Rounds the value of the texts Round all texts selected numerical value in the drawing. Command: TXT-REDONDEA REDONDEA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

State the value of rounding for the texts. Select the drawing all the text entities that want to round off the value.

Usage notes: The rounding value shown is stored in the program settings.

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TXT-REESCRIBIR Continue writing in DText Allowed to continue entering text in a paragraph of text made with the command DText. Command: TXT-REESCRIBIR REESCRIBIR Menu group: Texts Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Es necesario que seleccione al menos 2 texto consecutivos para calcular el espacio entre ellos.

TXT-RENUMERA Renumber while placing the texts Copy a text by drawing increasing the value of the text you have now. Command: TXT-RENUMERA RENUMERA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must enter the initial value and increasing this value will suffer every time you insert a new text. Now you can insert new text position indefinitely until you press Enter to finish. The program will place a text with its increased value as indica indicated in the program.

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Usage notes: The initial number values and the increment between each text is stored in the program settings.

TXTRenumber existing texts RENUMERASEL Incremental values placed on entities to be selecting text in the drawing Command: TXT-RENUMERASEL RENUMERASEL Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Usage notes: Los valores de nmero inicial y del incremento entre cada texto se guardarn en la configuracin del programa.

TXT-REPETIDOS Looking for repetitive text Find and displays text value this repeated in other texts. Command: TXT-REPETIDOS REPETIDOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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The program automatically locates all texts have the same value. The program highlights the localized text and if you want you can leave them selected to work with them later.

Usage notes: It works with both text entities as text paragraphs.

TXT-ROMPE Break text by a point Break a text entity in 2 texts marking a point. Command: TXT-ROMPE Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

You must select a text to break through the point of rupture. The marking to select the text is also the point where they will break the text.

Usage notes:

TXT-ROMPEMOV Break text and move a part Break a text entity for a point and may indicate the new position of each piece of text. Command: TXT-ROMPEMOV ROMPEMOV Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

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Enter a text to the breaking point. The program will divide the text at that point create 2 new text now can position or move anywhere you want.

Usage notes:

TXT-ROTAINS Rotated by the insertion point Rotates all the texts selected on the rotation center point of text insertion. Command: TXT-ROTAINS ROTAINS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the text you want to rotate. Specify the rotation angle for text marked. The program will rotate each entity taking the insertion point center of rotation.

Usage notes: In case of text set by 2 points limp program always point to the left.

TXT-ROTARCEN Rotate by the center of the text Rotates all the texts selected on the rotation center the midpoint of each text. Command: TXT-ROTARCEN ROTARCEN Menu group: Texts

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Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

BricsCAD 10 or higher.

The program will rotate each text hen turning point on the central point or middle of each selected text.

Usage notes:

TXT-SUFIJO Add suffixes and prefixes Add a prefix or suffix to selected text in the drawing. Command: TXT-SUFIJO Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Select the text in the picture you want to put a suffix or prefix. Now whether you want to put a suffix or prefix. Finally list the value of the suffix or prefix. The program will apply the suffix or prefix to all the selected texts.

Usage notes: It works only with separate text entities.

TXT-SUMA Operations math with the texts To multiply, divide, add or subtract a given value to the text of all text entities

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Command: TXT-SUMA Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description:

Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

Enter first mathematical operation to perform: Add, subtract, multiply or divide. Now enter the value you perform the operation. Finally, select the text entities that perform the indicated operation. The program will put in each text the resulting value of the operation.

Usage notes: The value entered for the transaction will be saved in the configuration

TXTJoin 2 paragraphs entities UNEPARRAFOS Join the contents of 2 paragraphs of text into one. Command: TXT-UNEPARRAFOS UNEPARRAFOS Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First select the paragraph that is added to the other. Now mark the paragraph that will join the first. The body of the second paragraph is deleted from the drawing.

Usage notes: Entities can only use text paragraph and not paragraphs of text formed by several independent lines of text.

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TXT-UNIR Join 2 texts entities Join 2 entities simply by marking text on the screen. Command: TXT-UNIR Compatible with: AutoCAD 2002 or higher. Description: Menu group: Texts BricsCAD 10 or higher.

First select the entity that will add text on the other entity. Then enter the text you add the first. This second text will be erased from the drawing.

Usage notes: It works only with text entities.

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3D-ARIVIS, 14 3dcara, 16 3dcara/3dface, 147 3D-EXTIENDE, 15 3dface, 14, 15, 16, 18, 52, 53, 54, 57, 62 3D-INVISIBLES, 15 3D-LEVANTAR, 16 3D-OCULTAR, 16 3D-PARALELA, 16 3dpoly, 52 3D-PUNTOS, 17 3dsolid, 123 3D-UNE3DPOL, 17 3D-VISIBLES, 18 arcs, 51, 55, 67, 106, 111, 175 ARC-SALVA, 115 ARC-SEGUR, 116 area, 19, 85, 90, 104, 127, 128, 132, 133, 147, 175 around, 72, 81, 84, 193 ARQ-AISLANTE, 19 ARQ-AREA, 19 ARQ-AZOTEAS, 20 ARQ-CONTORNOS, 21 ARQ-ESCALERA, 21 ARQ-ESCALERA3D, 21 ARQ-MESCALERA, 22 ARQ-NIVEL, 22 ARQ-PARKING, 23 ARQ-PERSPEDIN, 23 ARQ-RAMPA, 24 ARQ-SECESCALERA, 24 arrows, 88 ascii, 191 assigned, 102 ATR-ATRI2MUL, 25 ATR-BORRATT, 25 ATR-CATTCER, 25 ATR-COPYATT, 26 ATR-DEFECTO, 26 ATR-DELATRI, 26 ATR-ESCALATT, 27 ATR-EXATRIB, 27 ATR-LOCATRIB, 27 ATR-MOVERATT, 28 ATR-NOGIRAR, 28 ATR-NUMERA, 28 ATR-TEXTOATRIB, 29 ATR-VISIBLES, 29 attribute, 26, 28, 29, 44, 176 attributes, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 44, 128, 148 auto, 182 autocad, 16, 21, 38, 128 automatically, 21, 22, 25, 28, 32, 33, 44, 46, 47, 55, 69, 71, 100, 105, 106, 107, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 145, 148, 154, 159 average, 122, 187

above, 98, 106, 173 absence, 126 accommodates, 182 account, 129 acis, 131 activates, 134 actual, 127 addition, 47 adjust, 34, 35, 42, 153, 160, 180 adyancente, 162 align, 30, 31, 44, 188 aligned, 66 aligns, 181 allow, 126, 129 allowed, 195 allows, 24, 38, 90, 128, 129, 135, 143, 145, 147, 179, 180 along, 88, 121, 187 alphabetically, 193 already, 37, 92 also, 37, 127, 128, 129, 143, 180, 192 always, 111 among, 187 and/or, 16 angle, 67, 126 angles, 66, 117 annotative, 39 annotatives, 168 anonymous, 31, 103 another, 164, 192 appearance, 22 ARC-DXF, 113 architectural, 24 ARC-NOMBRE, 114 ARC-PORCAPA, 114 ARC-PORPARTES, 115

backup, 116 based, 130 becomes, 34 beginning, 89, 167 being, 105 below, 43, 173, 186 between, 35, 37, 65, 71, 84, 118, 121, 126, 127, 129, 155, 161, 163, 165, 167, 180, 190, 192 bisector, 118 blanks, 184

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BLO-ALINEAR, 30 BLO-ALINEARTODOS, 31 BLO-ANONIMO, 31 BLO-BLOQUEA, 31 BLO-CAMBIA, 32 block, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 89, 102, 108, 129, 135, 166, 168, 176 blocked, 77 blocks, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 129, 168 BLO-CLONAR, 32 BLO-CREAUTO, 33 BLO-CUENTA, 33 BLO-DIMENSIONES, 34 BLO-DIN2NOR, 34 BLO-DISTRIB, 35 BLO-ESCALABK, 35 BLO-ESCALASIN, 36 BLO-EXANIDADOS, 36 BLO-EXBLOQUES, 37 BLO-EXISTE, 37 BLO-GRUPO, 38 BLO-LISTADO, 38 BLO-LOCNOMBRE, 39 BLO-NOR2ANO, 39 BLO-PORBLOQUE, 40 BLO-PTINSER, 40 BLO-RAPIDO, 41 BLO-RECORTA, 41 BLO-ROMPEGEO, 42 BLO-ROTABK, 42 BLO-SEGUIDOS, 43 BLO-SELBLOQUE, 43 BLO-SOLIDO, 43 BLO-UCS, 44 BLO-VINCULANTE, 44 BLO-XREF, 45 both, 16, 96 break, 42, 73, 107, 108, 109, 110, 197, 198 breaks, 184

character, 183 characteristics, 138 check, 37, 126 checked, 171 choose, 130

circle, 50, 85, 94, 104, 107, 128, 169, 170, 173, 177, 187 circles, 52, 61, 84, 106 clean, 48 cleans, 104 clockwise, 160, 163 close, 153 closed, 21, 91, 162 closest, 163 cloud, 92 collinear, 47, 119 color, 40, 92, 102, 105, 113, 134, 137, 144, 145, 170 column, 38 columns, 179, 184 command, 99, 100, 195 common, 160 commonly, 182 complementary, 83 complete, 123 completely, 48 computes, 118, 132 CON-ARC2RECTAS, 50 CON-ARCO2CIRCULO, 51 CON-ARCO2POL, 51 concentric, 84 CON-CIRCUL2POL, 52 CON-FACE23DPOL, 52 CON-FACE2LIN, 53 CON-FACE2MALLA, 53 CON-FACE2SOLID, 54 configure, 24, 37, 38 confirm, 97 conical, 23 CON-LIN2AUX, 54 CON-LIN2POL, 55 CON-LIN2RAYO, 55 CON-LINEA0PTO, 56 CON-LININ2POL, 56 CON-POL0PTO, 57 CON-POL2FACE, 57 CON-POL2MUL, 58 CON-POL2PFACE, 58 CON-POL2POL3D, 59 CON-POL2RECTAS, 59 CON-POL2WPOL, 60 CON-POL3POL2D, 60 CON-PTO2BLOQ, 61 CON-PTO2CIRCULO, 61 CON-REGION2POL, 62

calculate, 118, 122, 123, 147, 179 calculated, 124, 147 calculates, 21, 43, 114, 127 capituliza, 192 center, 67, 83, 101, 110, 118, 123, 147, 150, 198, 199 certain, 98, 114, 151, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176

chamfer, 154 change, 14, 40, 80, 98, 106, 134, 136, 137, 143, 157, 182, 183, 189, 190 changed, 22, 44 changing, 22

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consecutive, 190 CON-SOLID2FACE, 62 CON-SOLID2POL, 63 CON-SPLINE2POL, 63 contained, 37, 40, 75, 76, 88, 114, 135, 142, 144, 146, 149, 169, 177 containing, 68, 143 contains, 115, 137 content, 145 contents, 200 continue, 158, 195 continuous, 113 contour, 66, 71, 131 contours, 21 CON-TXT2PARR, 64 convert, 25, 39, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 131 converts, 45, 53, 56, 57, 58, 64, 90, 134, 145 CON-WPOL2POL, 64 coordinate, 176 coordinates, 74, 85, 94, 121, 128, 130, 132 copies, 25, 26 copy, 32, 99, 100, 115, 132, 185, 186, 196 copying, 186 corners, 194 corresponding, 102 COT-2PTOS, 65 COT-ALINEAM, 66 COT-ANGPOL, 66 COT-ARCOS, 67 COT-DIRSIN, 67 COT-ELEV, 68 COT-ESTILOS, 68 COT-LINEAS, 69 COT-MLINEA, 70 COT-PARALEM, 71 COT-PROYECTA, 71 COT-PTENTIS, 72 COT-RECUADRA, 72 COT-ROMPE, 73 COT-SUMA, 73 COT-UNE, 74 COT-XY, 74 count, 33, 187 counterclockwise, 163 cover, 78, 101, 110 covers, 79, 160 create, 22, 23, 24, 32, 37, 38, 41, 55, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 78, 84, 85, 93, 95, 96, 103, 105, 113, 114, 115, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 146, 151 created, 32, 105, 139 creates, 17, 33, 141, 160 creating, 73, 74, 115, 132, 155 current, 18, 37, 44, 49, 78, 81, 113, 115, 134, 135, 140, 141, 142, 144, 176 currently, 137, 138 cursor, 105

curvature, 154 curve, 71, 120, 124, 187, 188 curved, 59, 121, 125, 154, 161 curves, 126, 128, 129, 131, 180 cutting, 100

database, 37 default, 26, 92 define, 19, 93 defined, 37, 70, 85, 104, 121, 127, 128, 131, 132, 141 definition, 32, 140 degrees, 111 delete, 97, 155, 188 deletes, 26, 46, 135, 136 deleting, 109 depending, 139 depth, 23 design, 77 desired, 41, 182 destination, 99 detailed, 85 determines, 163 diagonals, 86 dialog, 130 DIB-CAJA3D, 82 DIB-CENTROCAJA, 83 DIB-COMPARCO, 83 DIB-CONCENTRICO, 84 DIB-CONTORNEA, 84 DIB-COORDENADAS, 85 DIB-DETALLE, 85 DIB-DIAGONAL, 86 DIB-DIVCONTORNO, 86 DIB-ENTTANG, 87 DIB-ESCALAR, 87 DIB-EXTENPOL, 88 DIB-FLECHASPOL, 88 DIB-INICIOFINPOL, 89 DIB-LINEASDOBLES, 90 DIB-OCULTAR, 90 DIB-PARALPOL, 91 DIB-PERPEND, 91 DIB-POL2NUBE, 92 DIB-PORENTIDAD, 92 DIB-REC3PTOS, 93 DIB-RECUADRO, 93 DIB-TANGENTE, 94 DIB-VERTPOL, 94 DIB-ZIGZAG, 95 difference, 155 differences, 37 different, 139, 144, 182 digital, 131 dimension, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 163 dimensions, 22, 34, 65, 66, 71, 73, 148, 179

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direction, 88, 103, 153, 161, 162 directions, 96 directory, 41, 114 display, 77, 143 displays, 197 distance, 35, 65, 84, 109, 121, 127, 165, 167, 190 distances, 71, 72, 120, 121, 132 distribute, 35 distributed, 23, 139 divide, 115, 128, 200 divided, 86 divides, 155 division, 128 divisions, 86 does, 100 double, 90 draining, 133 draw, 24, 67, 72, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 179, 187 drawing, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 93, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 162, 168, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 185, 189, 190, 192, 194, 195, 196, 199 drawings, 46, 115, 182 drawn, 22, 92, 192 draws, 21 dtext, 195 duplicate, 47, 164 duplicated, 177 dynamic, 22, 34, 105 dynamically, 14, 80, 105, 111, 188

each, 17, 26, 30, 37, 38, 67, 76, 79, 85, 89, 91, 96, 101, 109, 114, 122, 126, 139, 145, 146, 147, 157, 161, 165, 179, 183, 198, 199 ease, 129 easily, 182 edges, 14, 15, 16, 18 EDI-2PARALELAS, 96 EDI-BORRARAPIDO, 97 EDI-CAMBIAALT, 97 EDI-CAMBIAELEV, 98 EDI-CAPAENCIMA, 98 EDI-COPIARAPIDO, 99 EDI-COPIAROTA, 99 EDI-COPYACAPA, 100 EDI-CORTARAUTO, 100 EDI-ELEVTEXTO, 101 EDI-ESCALAAUTO, 101 EDI-EXACAPA, 102 EDI-FUERZPROP, 102

EDI-GRUPOANON, 103 EDI-INVLINEAS, 103 EDI-LIMPIA, 104 EDI-MUEVERAPIDO, 104 EDI-PARALELA, 105 EDI-PARALELADIN, 105 EDI-PORCAPA, 105 EDI-PORENCIMA, 106 EDI-RADIOS, 106 EDI-ROMPE, 107 EDI-ROMPEAUTO, 107 EDI-ROMPEBLOQUE, 108 EDI-ROMPEBORRA, 109 EDI-ROMPEDIST, 109 EDI-ROMPEINTERS, 110 EDI-ROTARCAJA, 110 EDI-ROTARGRADOSDIN, 111 edit, 22 editing, 131 EDI-UNIRARC, 111 EDI-UNIRLIN, 112 elect, 173 elevation, 16, 22, 68, 97, 98, 101, 122, 129, 139, 155, 156, 171 elevation=, 60 eliminates, 47 eliminating, 129 embedded, 87 empty, 49, 133 enclosed, 127 encompassing, 80 ends, 159 entering, 195 entities, 16, 18, 31, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 87, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 122, 124, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 161, 165, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 181, 184, 189, 191, 193, 196, 200, 201 entity, 14, 17, 68, 76, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 98, 101, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 119, 123, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 142, 147, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 192, 193, 197, 198 entties, 55 equal, 128 EST-CONTABILIZAR, 179 EST-PERFILES, 179 even, 21, 28, 182 every, 38, 180 everything, 48 exact, 32 excel, 140 except, 135, 142, 143 exchange, 192 existing, 32, 43, 92, 126, 180

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explode, 36 exploding, 157, 158 exploited, 31 exploiting, 158 exploits, 38, 102 export, 27, 37, 132, 180, 190, 191 exported, 128 exports, 128, 140 extend, 88 extends, 15 extent, 146 external, 45, 128 extracts, 132, 158

height, 182, 185 hide, 43, 77, 90 hides, 15, 16 highlight, 39, 125, 128, 144 highlights, 75, 76, 155, 156 hollowed-out, 133 horizontal, 65, 86

identification, 128 import, 128, 138 imported, 128 includes, 82, 83, 93 including, 129 increasing, 28, 196 incremental, 196 independent, 114 indicate, 23, 179, 198 indicated, 19, 97, 100, 101, 102, 132, 148, 183 indicates, 119, 124, 163 indicating, 35, 84, 88, 109, 128, 165, 190 individual, 56, 64 individually, 145 INF-ANGULOSLIN, 117 INF-BISECT, 118 INF-CENTRO, 118 INF-CERCANA, 119 INF-COLINEAL, 119 INF-DISTCURVA, 120 INF-DISTIGUALES, 120 INF-DISTPOLI, 121 INF-DISTTEXTO, 121 INF-ELEVACIONES, 122 INF-EXLONG, 122 INF-GRAVE3D, 123 INF-INFORMA, 123 INF-MEDIOPOL, 124 information, 123, 132 informs, 120 INF-PARALELAS, 124 INF-POLINTER, 125 INF-TRCURVOS, 125 insert, 28, 40, 44, 89, 166, 182 inserted, 26, 31, 33, 34 insertion, 30, 40, 42, 43, 45, 61, 198 insertions, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43, 129, 168 inserts, 35, 44, 45, 168, 176 inside, 36, 117 insulator, 19 intact, 132 intermediate, 129 interpolate, 129 interpolates, 129 interpolation, 129 intersect, 125 intersected, 170

factor, 27, 35, 36, 80, 186 fall, 171 faster, 137 features, 79, 106 field, 131 file, 27, 68, 113, 114, 116, 122, 128, 132, 140, 141, 190, 191 filters, 46 find, 21, 27, 119, 120, 182, 183, 197 first, 128 fixed, 128 flat, 20 focuses, 183 fonts, 190 force, 102 form, 111, 112 format, 128 formed, 66, 117 found, 183 freezes, 137, 142 from, 16, 25, 26, 55, 67, 72, 90, 105, 113, 120, 128, 131, 132, 182, 188, 191 frozen, 77, 135, 138 fully, 78

generated, 105, 131, 163 generates, 132 geometry, 37, 42 given, 40, 43, 75, 155, 200 gravity, 118, 123 greater, 155, 172, 174 group, 38, 103 grouped, 38, 144 groups, 47

have, 102, 125, 156, 162, 174, 175, 177, 196 having, 97, 104, 134 heavy, 60

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intersection, 161, 165 intersections, 108, 110 into, 26, 50, 86, 90, 128, 129, 144, 182, 200 invisible, 15, 18, 29 irregular, 128, 132 items, 128 itself, 27, 86, 125, 128

join, 17, 74, 111, 112, 162, 200, 201 just, 137

know, 133

label, 85, 94, 147, 150 ladder, 24 land, 127, 130 LAY-ACI2RGB, 134 LAY-ACTIVATODO, 134 LAY-ACTUAL, 134 LAY-BLOQ-ACTUAL, 135 LAY-BLOQSEL, 135 LAY-BORRAOFF, 135 LAY-BORRAR, 136 LAY-CAMBIASEL, 136 LAY-COLORCAPA, 137 LAY-CONGELA, 137 LAY-CONGSEL, 137 LAY-COPIACARAC, 138 LAY-DESBLOQUEA, 138 LAY-DESCONGELA, 138 LAY-ELEVACION, 139 LAY-ENTCAPA, 139 layer, 46, 75, 76, 92, 98, 100, 102, 105, 113, 122, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 169 layers, 114, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 LAY-EXPORTAR, 140 LAY-FUSIONAR, 140 LAY-GUARDAR, 141 LAY-IMPORTAR, 141 LAY-OFF, 142 LAY-OFF-ACTUAL, 142 LAY-OFFSEL, 143 LAY-ORDENAR, 143 LAY-PORCOLOR, 144 LAY-RECUPERAR, 144 LAY-RESALTAR, 144 LAY-REVISAR, 145 LAY-RGB2ACI, 145 LAY-SELCAPA, 146 LAY-VISTA, 146

leader, 67, 68 least, 125 leave, 35, 81 leaving, 157 length, 56, 57, 149, 150, 151, 172, 173, 174 lengths, 122, 151, 179 lens, 79 less, 167, 172, 173, 174 level, 22, 126, 128, 129, 131 levels, 22 lifting, 16 light, 60 lightweight, 64 like, 143 LIM-BORRAPROXY, 46 LIM-FILTROS, 46 LIM-GRUPOS, 47 limits, 88 LIM-LINEASDUP, 47 LIM-PUNTOS, 48 LIM-TOTAL, 48 LIM-VACIOS, 49 line, 23, 30, 41, 47, 50, 53, 69, 87, 89, 90, 92, 113, 117, 119, 124, 149, 173 linear, 179 lines, 16, 19, 25, 47, 54, 55, 56, 64, 70, 86, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95, 103, 105, 112, 131, 175, 190 linetype, 40, 80, 105 links, 44 list, 68 locate, 39 located, 130, 188 lock, 135 lowercase, 192 ltscale, 80 lwpolyline, 64

made, 195 maintain, 158 maintains, 28, 36, 38 make, 16, 17, 21, 81, 91, 148, 153, 154, 160 makes, 18, 29, 79 making, 79, 81, 98, 158 mark, 118, 119, 120, 123, 159, 161, 163 marked, 15, 16, 73, 95, 119, 120, 126, 128, 129, 131, 148, 151, 153, 168, 180, 181, 191 marking, 107, 109, 152, 190, 197, 201 marks, 68, 124 matches, 39 material, 179 maximum, 122, 126, 187 measure, 121, 149 measured, 120 measuring, 127 meet, 15

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merge, 140 mesh, 17, 53, 58, 131 metalic, 179 meters, 180 midpoint, 124, 199 minimum, 122, 187 modify, 22, 44 more, 70, 112 move, 28, 105 movement, 104 moves, 104 moving, 40 MSU-AREA, 147 MSU-AREA3DCARA, 147 MSU-CREASUMA, 148 MSU-CREASUMACAPA, 148 MSU-LINPORCAPA, 149 MSU-MIDELON, 149 MSU-PERIMETRO, 150 MSU-POLPORCAPA, 151 MSU-SUMALONG, 151 multiple, 25, 41, 55, 130, 190, 194 multiply, 200

other, 26, 36, 98, 110, 138, 165, 185, 186, 197 others, 106 ount, 184 outline, 78, 84, 86 outside, 117, 171 outstanding, 20 overlapping, 47 overlay, 45

paper, 77 paragraph, 64, 195 paragraphs, 200 parallel, 16, 71, 91, 96, 105, 124, 176 parcel, 130 parcels, 130 parking, 23 part, 83 particular, 27, 76, 175, 184 parties, 109 parts, 86, 115, 128 pass, 41 passes, 42 passing, 16 perfectly, 80, 93 perform, 130 performed, 131 perimeter, 150 perpendicular, 91 perspective, 23, 78 photoshop, 143 physically, 133 pick, 99 picking, 155 piece, 132, 198 pivot, 101 place, 24, 97, 130, 161, 182, 189 placed, 22, 31, 67, 189, 196 places, 185 placing, 129, 180 plan, 16 plane, 15 plans, 15 plot, 132 point, 16, 17, 23, 40, 42, 48, 56, 57, 61, 72, 73, 74, 99, 104, 107, 109, 119, 120, 128, 132, 197, 198 points, 65, 71, 85, 93, 95, 121, 126, 127, 128, 155, 163, 180, 190 POL-ABRIR, 152 POL-ADDVERTICES, 152 POL-ANTIHORARIO, 153 POL-CERRAR, 153 POL-CHAFLAN, 154 POL-DELCURVAS, 154 POL-DELVERTICES, 155 POL-DIFELEV, 155

name, 32, 39, 41, 43, 114, 130, 141, 146 near, 25 nearest, 119, 120 necessary, 17, 126 need, 100 needed, 48 nested, 36 next, 143 normal, 31, 34, 39 number, 33, 38, 71, 100, 109, 129, 174, 184 numbering, 24 numerical, 195 numerically, 193

objects, 46, 110, 175 obtained, 131 occurrences, 184 once, 105 only, 28, 36, 58, 59, 79, 115, 125 onto, 127 open, 116, 134, 159 opens, 152 operation, 131 operations, 130 optimized, 60 order, 143 ordering, 143 orientation, 28 original, 27, 28, 36, 132 originally, 15

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POL-DIVIDIR, 155 POL-ELEV0, 156 POL-ESPESOR, 157 POL-EXAPOL, 157 POL-EXCONESP, 158 POL-EXTRAER, 158 POL-EXTREMOS, 159 POL-FILLET, 159 POL-HORARIO, 160 POL-INTER, 160 POL-INTEROTRAS, 161 POL-INVCURVAS, 161 POL-INVSENTIDO, 162 POL-JUNTAR, 162 POL-MINDISTA, 163 POL-QUESENTIDO, 163 POL-RESTA, 164 POL-VERDUPLICADOS, 164 POL-VERINTERSEC, 165 POL-VERPORTRAMOS, 165 POL-VERVERTICES, 166 polygon, 58, 128, 132 polygonal, 131 polyline, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 41, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 66, 71, 78, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 104, 107, 118, 126, 127, 131, 147, 150, 151, 152, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 177, 187 polylines, 16, 17, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 94, 125, 126, 127, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166, 167, 174, 175, 177 position, 22, 198 possibilities, 194 prefix, 199 preliminary, 146 previously, 144, 182 produce, 17 profiles, 131 program, 24, 78, 90, 126 project, 15, 24 projected, 127 projects, 71 puts, 98, 100 putting, 113, 191

rectangle, 93 reference, 45, 92 regeneration, 79, 81 region, 62, 118 remainder, 44 remains, 132 remove, 48, 126 removed, 132 removes, 25, 46, 47, 48, 49, 126, 154, 164 rename, 31 repeated, 197 replace, 26 replaces, 29, 32 represent, 20, 23, 179 represented, 86 represents, 19, 73 respect, 31, 44 rest, 185 resulting, 102, 129, 158 retains, 27 retrieve, 144 reverse, 43, 103, 161, 162 review, 145 revision, 92 risers, 24 roofs, 20 rotate, 28, 30, 99, 111 rotated, 93 rotates, 110, 198, 199 rotation, 42, 110, 186, 198, 199 round, 24, 159, 195 rounded, 194 runs, 79, 81

same, 37, 120, 129, 144, 189 save, 141, 143 saved, 81, 144, 182 scale, 27, 35, 36, 80, 85, 87, 101, 186 screen, 79, 152, 155, 183, 201 scrolling, 65 section, 22, 24, 66, 109, 125 sections, 17, 59, 66, 161 secuencial, 114 segment, 157, 158 segments, 50, 91, 109, 154, 158 SEL-ABIERTAS, 167 SEL-ANOTATIVOS, 168 SEL-BLOQUE, 168 SEL-CAPA, 169 SEL-CAPTURAPOL, 169 SEL-COLOR, 170 SEL-CORTEPOL, 170 select, 100, 167, 168, 171, 174, 175, 176 selected, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 67, 68, 69, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85,

quickly, 21, 27, 28, 97, 116, 141

radius, 67, 106 ramp, 24 ramps, 24 range, 171 rapid, 79 rapidly, 180 read, 191

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87, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 110, 111, 122, 126, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 157, 159, 160, 162, 166, 176, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199 selecting, 92, 135, 136, 137, 142, 196 selection, 55, 72, 97, 146 selects, 105, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177 SEL-ELEVACION, 171 SEL-EXTERIORPOL, 171 SEL-LONGARC, 172 SEL-LONGCIRCULO, 173 SEL-LONGLINEA, 173 SEL-LONGPOL, 174 SEL-NVERTICES, 174 SEL-POLAREA, 175 SEL-TIPO, 175 SEL-UCS, 176 SEL-VALATRIB, 176 SEL-VENTANAPOL, 177 SEL-VERTICES, 177 sending, 41 sends, 102 separate, 91, 115, 184 series, 64 sets, 19, 22, 105 several, 162 shadows, 194 shift, 77 show, 37, 77 showing, 79 shown, 43 shows, 117, 123, 146, 187 simple, 24, 78 simply, 92, 99, 107, 109, 135, 136, 142, 143, 155, 201 single, 17, 47, 64, 111, 112, 131, 140, 162 size, 34 sketch, 48 slope, 24 smaller, 73 solid, 54, 62, 63, 131, 132, 133 solidify, 43 somewhere, 162 sorted, 143 sorts, 24, 193 space, 77 spaces, 183 specific, 34, 77 specified, 39, 129, 171 specify, 104 spline, 63 split, 128 square, 86 stairs, 21, 22 standard, 38 starting, 104 state, 141, 144

stated, 167 store, 182 straight, 58, 59 strictly, 126 string, 27, 184, 189 strings, 191 style, 76 styles, 68, 182, 190 subtract, 164, 200 suffix, 199 summit, 126 superiors, 173 survey, 126, 130 switch, 192 switched, 135 symmetry, 28 system, 176, 182

table, 38, 128, 132, 134 take, 87 takes, 129 tangent, 87, 94 temporarily, 159 terrain, 127, 131, 132, 133 text, 25, 27, 29, 49, 64, 67, 68, 72, 76, 98, 101, 128, 132, 141, 148, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 texts, 121, 148, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 187, 191, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199 than, 155, 167, 172, 173, 174 that, 15, 19, 25, 31, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 48, 76, 77, 78, 79, 86, 87, 90, 93, 94, 101, 102, 105, 110, 125, 126, 135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 146, 148, 151, 160, 161, 162, 171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 193 thaw, 138 them, 22, 35, 41, 84, 110, 126, 137, 153, 160 then, 73, 131, 189 there, 37 these, 128, 143 they, 17, 31 thickness, 157, 158 this, 108, 126, 161, 197 those, 39, 79, 125, 155, 156, 167, 172, 173, 174, 177 though, 28 through, 16, 42, 76, 81, 140 time, 143, 189 tomultiline, 58 TOP-AJUSTAR, 126 TOP-ALISAR, 126 TOP-AREA, 127 TOP-DISTANCIA, 127 TOP-DIVIDIR, 128 TOP-EXPORTAR, 128 TOP-IMPORTAR, 128

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type, 21, 92, 113, 114, 175, 179

under, 41 unite, 47 units, 179 unlocks, 138 unnecessary, 129, 188 updating, 45 uppercase, 192 used, 182, 190 user, 19, 39, 41, 70, 77, 95, 97, 100, 102, 119, 120, 129, 131, 143, 148, 171, 181, 183, 191 user-defined, 87 uses, 76 using, 16, 71, 79, 101 utility, 14, 20, 34

value, 26, 28, 29, 49, 80, 98, 101, 117, 147, 155, 167, 172, 173, 174, 176, 185, 189, 190, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 200 values, 26, 44, 73, 148, 184, 187, 196 vanishing, 23 various, 115 vertex, 17, 57, 126, 152, 165, 177 vertexes, 129, 155, 164, 174 vertical, 65, 86 vertices, 60, 94, 126, 155, 156, 165, 166 video, 43 view, 77, 78, 81, 146 views, 81 VIS-CAPA, 75 VIS-ENTCAPA, 76 VIS-ESTILOS, 76 visible, 14, 18, 29, 79 VIS-OCULTA, 77 VIS-PANVENTANA, 77 VIS-PERSPECTIVA, 78 VIS-RECUADRO, 78 VIS-REGEN, 79 VIS-REVISAR, 79 VIS-REVTODAS, 80 VIS-TIPOLIN, 80 visually, 75 VIS-VISTAS, 81 VIS-ZOOM, 81 volume, 127, 133

want, 37 watching, 111 weight, 64 weights, 179 were, 15

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when, 17, 21, 44 where, 189 whether, 163 which, 31, 68, 83, 182 white, 113 whitespace, 188 whose, 39, 49, 155, 167, 171, 173, 174 window, 77 with, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 59, 60, 66, 86, 98, 101, 103, 108, 110, 114, 116, 121, 122, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 141, 146, 148, 151, 154, 156, 158, 163, 165, 170, 176, 180, 183, 194, 195 within, 27, 40, 87, 88, 147, 171, 177 without, 40, 67, 81, 97, 104, 134, 158 work, 137 works, 129, 180 would, 19 write, 122, 189

written, 121

xlines, 54 xray, 55

your, 101

zig-zag, 95 zone, 19 zoom, 79 zooming, 76 zooms, 80, 81

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