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1.- Government school / state school 2.- Non-government / private / church school 3.- Pre-school / kindergarten / infant school 4.- Reception / junior primary 5.- Primary / elementary school 6.- Secondary school 7.- High school / College 8.- Special School 9.- Tertiary Education 10.- University 11.- Institute of Advanced Education 12.- Institute of Technology 13.- Technical and Further Education 14.- Trade School 15.- Education Department 16.- Class 17.- Year / Grade : Clase :Ao

1.- Principal 2.- Headmaster / Headmistress (private schools) 3.- Deputy Principal 4.- Deputy Headmaster / Headmistress (private schools) 5.- Teacher 6.- Senior master / mistress 7.- Teacher in Charge: eg. Of a special program (Language) 8.- Teacher Aide 9.- School Counsellor

10.- Librarian 11.- Laboratory Assistant 12.- Coach 13.- P.E. Teacher

1.- Enrolment Form 2.- Consent Form 3.- Health Form 4.- Book list / List of materials 5.- Government assisted study scheme (GASS) 6.- School uniform 7.- Track suit 8.- School Assembly 9.- Parent`s newsletter 10.- Notice 11.- School Report 12.- Interim Report 13.- Assessment Report / Report Card 14.- Term 15.- Holidays 16.- Half day holiday 17.- School camp 18.- Excursion 19.- Homework 20.- School diary 21.- School leaver`s statement/report


1.- Language Studies Speaking and listening Reading Writing Spelling Composition Comprehension Community language Foreign language

2.- Mathematical Studies Mathematics Geometry

3.- Environmental Education 4.- The Arts Music Art Drama Social Studies and Science Craft Physical Education Sport Religious Education

SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM 1.- Environmental, Health & Personal Development Health Education (eg. Use and Abuse of Drugs) Home Economics (eg. Nutrition, Chilcraft and Parenting) Physical Education(eg. Sport, Outdoor Education) Social Education (eg. Social Issues, Rights and Responsibilities) 2.- Human Society Business Education (eg. Accounting, Typing, Legal Studies) Economics (eg. Industrial Relations, Inflation ) Geography (eg. Mapping Skills, Natural Resources) History
(eg. Ancient Studies, Peruvian History )

Humanities (eg. History, Geography and Cultural Studies)

3.- Language Studies English

(eg. Descriptive Writing, Literature, Poetry, (ESL) English as a Second Language

Languages (eg. French, German, Italian, (ESL)

4.- Mathematical Studies, Science and Technology Mathematics Computer Studies (eg. Word Processing, Programming) Science
(eg. Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Electronics)

Technical Studies (eg. Woodwork, Metalwork, Plastics) 5.- The Arts Art
(eg. Technical Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Painting)

Dance (eg. Dance, Theory of Dance, Choreography) Drama (eg. History of Theatre, Acting, Lightning) Music (eg. Theory and Practice of Music, History and Literature)

TRANSITION EDUCATION Employment Skill Career and Social Awareness Numeracy and Literacy (Basic Skills) OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS Year 12 Public Examined Subjects (PES) Matriculation School Assessed Subjects (SAS) Hybrid Courses (PES and SAS) General Stream Matriculation Stream Work Experience Programs Electives STANDARDS AND LEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENT Attitude Aptitude Effort Level/Grading Achievement Excellent Above average Average Satisfactory Below average Unsatisfactory Pass (eg. A, B, C ) Fail

BEHAVIOUR AND DISCIPLINE Education Department Welfare Officers Education Department Psychologists Good/Poor study habits Good/Poor concentration Model Exemplary Keen Cooperative Disruptive Disobedient Punishment Imposition (Lines) Corporal Punishment Detention / To Detain Suspension / To Suspend Expulsion / To Expel In-school suspension (Isolation at school) Course Counselling Student Counsellor MISCELLANEOUS School Council Parents and Friends Association Parent-Teacher Interview Annual General meeting School Canteen




KEEN: entusiasta EAGER: ansioso ABILITIES: habilidades CAPABLE: capaz TO ENCOURAGE: alentar TO DISCOURAGE: desalentar TO CONFORM: cumplir TO KEEP UP WITH: mantener el ritmo STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR: normas de conducta LENIENT: indulgente DISCIPLINE: disciplina STRICT: estricto A LACK OF: falta de TO GET RID OF: deshacerse de MISCELLANEOUS: variado TO MISBEHAVE: portarse mal TO TOE THE LINE: seguir las reglas TO SET AN EXAMPLE: establecer un ejemplo TO RIDICULE: ridiculizar INNUMERABLE: innumerable TO INSIST: insistir INTENTION: intencin INTOLERANT: intolerante

TO INTERRUPT: interrumpir TO FALL BEHIND: quedarse atras TO USE ONES ABILITIES: aprovechar habilidades


EXERCISE I 1.- My daughter says she doesnt like her teacher. She picks on her all the time. Mi hija dice que no soporta a la profesora. La hostiga todo el tiempo. 2.- Who picks on whom? Quin hostiga a quin? 3.- Common sense should tell you that the teacher picks on my daughter. El sentido comn indica que la profesora a mi hija. 4.- She leaves her out and makes her feel different. La deja de lado y la hace sentir diferente. 5.- And she treats her unfairly, punishing her for no reason at all. La trata de manera injusta, castigndola sin motive alguno. 6.- She gets far too many impositions, and she is made to feel inferior. Recibe muchos castigos, y la hace sentir inferior. 7.- The other children laugh at her and are having fun at her expense. Los dems nios se ren de ella y se divierten a sus costas. 8.- It just isnt fair. You should give her extra lessons in English so that she finds it easier to cope with all the other subjects. No es justo. Deberas darle ms lecciones adicionales en ingls para que ella pueda desempearse mejor en sus otros cursos. 9.- And why did you put her in grade 6 when she should be in grade 7? Y por qu la inscribiste en sexto cuando ella debera estar en sptimo? 10- According to her age she should be in grade 7, shouldnt she? Pos su edad ella debera estar en sptimo, no es as? 11- Being older than all the other children makes her feel bad, dont you agree? Ser mayor que todos los otros chicos hace que se sienta mal, no crees?

12- I am sure she is trying hard to please and keep up with her school work. Estoy segura que ella se est esforzando para complacer y mantenerse al da con sus tareas. 13- In our country she was always making good progress, and she was using her abilities to her best advantage. En nuestro pas a ella siempre le iba bien y usaba todas sus habilidades al mximo. 14- You say she is always getting into arguments with her teachers and that she is skipping lessons, I wonder why? Dices que siempre discute con sus profesores y que falta a sus clases, Por qu ser? 15- At home she is never doing anything wrong. En casa ella nunca hace nada malo 16- She always does what she is told. Siempre hace todo lo que se le dice. 17- If she is causing so much trouble, why dont you take the trouble to find out why? Si ella causa muchos problemas, por qu no intenta averiguar la causa? 18- Must it be entirely her fault? Ser siempre su culpa? 19- Could there be something wrong with the system perhaps, or with the teachers attitude? Ser una falla del sistema educativo o tal vez sea la actitud de los profesores? 20- As I said before, her behaviour at home is as good as can be expected. Como dije, en casa se comporta muy bien. 21- Of course, there is always room for improvement, and that goes for everything and for everybody, dont you think so? Claro, siempre se puede mejorar, tanto en todo como en todos, no cree? 22.- I am sure she wont initiate any trouble, she is really quite an innocent little girl. Estoy segura que ella no es la que causa los problemas, ella es una nia extremadamente inocente. 23.- Now, what do you expect if she cant follow the teachers instructions. Pero que puedes esperar si no puede seguir las instrucciones de la profesora. 24.- I wish the teacher to be more flexible and tolerant towards her difficulties and differences. Quisiera que la profesora fuera ms flexible y tolerante con sus problemas y diferencias.




1.- She likes to please her teachers with good work. A ella le gusta complacer a sus profesores con su buen trabajo. 2.- She takes great care with the setting out of her written work. Ella cuida mucho la presentacin de su trabajo escrito. 3.- She participates readily in several school activities. Ella participa con buena disposicin en varias actividades escolares. 4.- She voluntarily takes on extra duties. Ella voluntariamente acepta tareas adicionales. 5.- She has leadership qualities. Ella tiene cualidades de lder. 6.- She is always polite and friendly. Ella siempre es educada y amable. 7.- We need not push her to continue her studies. No necesitamos presionarla a continuar con sus studios. 8.- He works most diligently. l trabaja muy diligentemente. 9.- He can be proud of himself. l puede estar orgulloso de s mismo. 10.- He is a credit to his sports team and to the school. l es un motive de orgullos para su equipo deportivo y para el colegio. 11.- He never answers back. l nunca responde mal. 12.- Shes without doubt the best student in her class. Ella es sin lugar a dudas, la mejor estudiante de su clase. 13.- She always behaves with taste and decorum. Ella siempre se comporta con tacto y decoro. 14.- Her attitudes are commendable. Sus actitudes son loables. 15.- We are satisfied with her performance and her progress. Estamos satisfechos con su desempeo y su progreso.


16.- He never misses a chance to broaden his horizons. l nunca pierde la oportunidad de ampliar sus horizontes. 17.- He takes every opportunity to find out about things. l aprovecha cada oportunidad para investigar cosas. 18.- He is an average student. Es un estudiante promedio. 19.- He always tries to do his best. l siempre trata de dar su mayor esfuerzo. 20.- He is above average in most of his subjects. l est encima del promedio en la mayora de sus cursos. 21.- He gets good marks for most of his tests. l obtiene buenas notas en la mayora de sus exmenes. 22.- He usually gets 10/10 for his math tests. l siempre saca 10 sobre 10 en sus pruebas de matemticas. 23.- He never fails a subject. l nunca reprueba en sus cursos. 24.- He is honest and trustworthy. l es honesto y confiable. 25.- He never lets his friends down. Nunca le falla a sus amigos. 26.- We dont want him to feel left out of things. No queremos que l se sienta excluido. 27.- Weve had to warn her on several occasions. Tuvimos que advertirle en muchas ocasiones. 28.- We cant allow that, to go for much longer. No podemos permitir eso por ms tiempo. 29.- The necessary measures will have to be taken to make sure it doesnt happen again. Las medidas necesarias sern llevadas a cabo para asegurar que no vuelva a pasar. 30.- We can assure you that your child will be all right. Podemos asegurarle que su hijo estar bien. 31.- We insure students while they are on school grounds. Nosotros aseguramos a los estudiantes mientras esten en el plantel del colegio. 32.- He gets carried away easily. l se entusiasma con facilidad.


33.- He distracts other students from their work. l distrae a otros estudiantes de sus trabajos. 34.- He has been found cheating on several occasions. Se le encontr hacienda trampa muchas veces. 35.- He is talkative and sometimes cheeky. l es conversador y algunas veces impertinente. 36.- She giggles and whispers behind students backs. Ella se re y murmura a espaldas de los estudiantes. 37.- She frequently doesnt attend school assemblies. Ella no asiste frecuentemente a las asambleas estudiantiles. 38.- She neglects her homework. Ella descuida sus tareas. 39.- His mind wanders. Su mente divaga. 40.- He is a dreamer. Es un soador. 41.- She refuses to answer questions. Ella se niega a responder las preguntas. 42.- She sulks and can be very childish. Ella se enoja y puede llegar a ser muy infantil. 43.- He makes rude remarks. l hace comentarios groseros. 44.- He doesnt concentrate on his work. l no se concentra en su trabajo. 45.- He is often absent minded. l es muchas veces distrado. 46.- She has problems with Science. Tiene problemas en Ciencias. 47.- She likes to argue with the teacher. Le gusta discutir con su profesor. 48.- He might have problems of a physical nature. El puede tener problemas de naturaleza fsica. 49.- Have you had his eyes checked? Le han examinado los ojos?


50.- Is his hearing all right? Su audicin est bien? 51.- Has he got growing up pains perhaps? Tal vez tiene dolores de desarrollo rpido? 52.- Is he having problems on account of his adolescence? Tiene problemas por su adolescencia? 53.- He obviously has difficulties with Maths. l definitivamente tiene problemas en Matemticas. 54.- He must learn to reason and develop a more analytical approach. l debe aprender a razonar y desarrollar un enfoque ms analtico. 55.- His mind seems to be preoccupied all the time. Su mente procura estar preocupada todo el tiempo. 56.- He should apply himself more readily to his studies. l debera ser ms aplicado en sus estudios. 57.- Hes unwilling to try harder. No desea esforzarse. 58.- Unfortunately he wont give himself a chance. Desafortunadamente l no desea darse una oportunidad. 59.- He gives up without really trying. l se rinde sin siquiera esforzarse. 60.- He withdraws easily. l renuncia facilmente. 61.- Hes capable of doing better work. l es capaz de hacer un major trabajo. 62.- He is a very conscientious worker. l trabaja a conciencia. 63.- She is always neat and tidy. Ella siempre es limpia y ordenada.



1.- He is not trying to do his best, to say the least. l no est dando lo mejor de s, por decir lo menos. 2.- Weve decided to take our boy to a private school; the change will do him good. Hemos decidido trasladar a nuestro a un colegio privado; el cambio le har bien. 3.- Helen would like to go out with her friends on weekends, but she cant. Shes always up to her ears in work. Helen quisiera salir con sus amigos losfines de semana pero no puede, siempre est llena de trabajo. 4.- Now that you told me what hes like at school Ill keep a close eye on him. Ahora que me ha dicho como es l en el colegio, lo observar ms . 5.- Hes been a good boy for quite some time now. We think hes up to something, but we dont know what it is. ltimamente se ha estado portando muy bien. Pensamos que est planeando algo, pero no sabemos qu es. 6.- We always encourage him to go out and play football or any other kind of sport, but hed just as soon stay home. Siempre lo animamos a que salga a jugar futbol u otro deporte, pero el prefiere quedarse en casa. 7.- He had set his heart on becoming a motor-mechanic, but he doesnt like the four years apprenticeship. l se ha propuesto a ser un mecnico automotriz, pero no le gustas los 4 aos de capacitacin. 8.- He should be in year 11 but for the time being he might as well stay where he is. l debera estar en undcimo, pero por el momento el tambin podra quedarse donde est. 9.- Please come in and make yourself comfortable. Por favor, tome asiento y pngase cmodo. 10.- He got rid of his motorbike after the accident. Se deshizo de su motocicleta luego del accidente. 11.- Shes usually very busy at home, helping me in the garden as well as in the house, with the shopping and cooking not to mention the laundry and ironing. Ella suele estar muy ocupada en el hogar, ayudndome tanto en el jardn como en la casa, con las compras y cocinando sin dejar de mencionar el lavar y planchar. 12.- If he doesnt want to buy new books hell have to make the old ones do. Si l no quiere comprar libros nuevos, tendr que usar los viejos.


13.- If she wants to do Maths I and II shell have to brush up on her mathematics generally. Si ella quiere llevar Matemticas I y II, ella tendr que repasar Matemticas en general. 14.- Helen was sitting in class quietly and attentively, then, all of a sudden, she started to cry. Helen estaba sentada en clase tranquila y atenta, cuando, de pronto, empez a llorar. 15.- Id better go now or Ill be late for class. Major me voy ahora o se me har tarde para la clase. 16.- Tom was about to leave for school when he remembered hed forgotten to feed the cat. Tom estaba a punto de irse al colegio, cuando record que se haba olvidado de dar de comer al gato. 17.- We honestly dont know whats the matter with Alice; she looks worried. Honestamente no sabemos qu le pasa a Alice; luce preocupada. 18.- Marys an excellent student, therefore, it goes without saying that you as her parents can be very proud of her. Mary es una excelente estudiante, asi que, no hay ni que decirlo, ustedes pueden estar muy orgullosos de ella. 19.- Every now and then he gets into this frame of mind which makes him do silly things. Cada cierto tiempo a l le da un estado de nimo que le hace hacer cosas tontas. 20.- He should let us know in advance if he wants to have extra English lessons; we can arrange it for him. Debe avisarnos con anticipacin si quiere tener clases adicionales de ingls; podemos organizrselas. 21.- We would certainly like to buy him new sports gear, but to be honest with you, Im broke. Nos encantara poder comprarle un nuevo equipo deportivo, pero siendo honestos, estoy sin dinero. 22.- Hell have to do without a calculator at school, its too expensive. Tendr que prescindir de la calculadora; es muy cara. 23.- It often seems that she doesnt feel up to joining in with the other children singing songs. Muchas veces parece que ella no le gusta juntarse con los otros nios para cantar canciones. 24.- Hell have religious instruction every other week, not every week. l tundra instruccin religiosa cada 2 semanas, no cada semana.


EXERCISE IV (Expressions with The Present Perfect Tense and The Past Perfect Tense)

1.- He has gone home on his bike. Se ha ido a su casa en bicicleta. 2.- He has come to school by bus. Ha venido al colegio en autobs. 3.- He has got off the bus at Bus-stop 29, and he has walked the rest of the way. l se ha bajado en el paradero 29, y ha caminado el resto del camino. 4.- She has arrived late again. Ella ha llegado tarde de Nuevo. 5.- She has stayed behind because she wanted to do some extra studies. Ella se ha quedado porque quera estudiar ms. 6.- He has remained in the classroom even during lunch time. l se ha quedado en clase an durante la hora de almuerzo. 7.- She has gone away without giving any reasons. Ella se fue sin dar razn alguna. 8.- He had gone before I had a chance to speak to him. l se haba ido antes de que tuviera oportunidad de hablar con l. 9.- They had moved to a place in the country. Ellos se haban mudado a una casa en el campo. 10.- He has practically run all the way to school. l ha corrido prcticamente todo el camino al colegio. 11.- This letter has been sent by her teacher. Su profesor ha enviado esta carta. 12.- We had been taught the multiplication tables parrot fashion. Nos haban enseado de paporreta las tablas de multiplicar. 13.- You have been busy, havent you? Has estado ocupado, verdad? 14.- She has come to say Good-bye. Ella ha venido a decir adis. 15.- Its a pity that it has had to come to this, isnt it? Es una lstima que se haya tenido que llegar a esto, no es as?


16.- He has been told off by his class teacher on several occasions. Su profesor le ha llamado la atencin en varias ocasiones. 17.- He went to school all right, but he hasnt learnt anything, has he? Efectivamente fue al colegio, pero no ha aprendido nada, cierto? 18.- Again he hasnt done his homework and he has been found out cheating. De Nuevo no ha hecho su tarea y se le ha encontrado hacienda trampa. 19.- He has got on a bus all right, but was it the right bus? Efectivamente l ha subido al autobs, pero era el correcto? 20.- They have always been good students throughout their entire school years. Ellos siempre han sido buenos estudiantes durante todos sus aos escolares. ( Expressions with USE , USED TO and TO BE USED TO ) 21.- Most students usually use their off-lessons to catch up with their studies. La mayora de los estudiantes usan su tiempo libre para ponerse al da en sus estudios. 22.- He used to spend most of his lunch time in the library. El sola pasar el tiempo de refrigerio en la biblioteca. 23.- She used to wear heavy make-up. Ella sola usar mucho maquillaje. 24.- She wasnt used to thinking for herself, she was used to rote learning. Ella no estaba acostumbrada a pensar por s misma, ella estaba acostumbrada a memorizar. 25.- He used to learn everything by heart, he was good at that. l sola aprender todo de memoria, l era bueno en eso. 26.- Hell get used to the new language, dont you worry. l se acostumbrar al nuevo idioma, no te preocupes. 27.- She used to like school. A ella le sola gustar la escuela. 28.- These days they use computers to work out their sums. Hoy en da se usan computadoras para sumar. 29.- They are used to acting Shakespeares plays out in class. Ellos estn acostumbrados a actuar obras de Shakespeare en clase. 30,- Im going to use all my pocket money in books. Voy a usar toda mi propina en libros.



1. I am the school Counselor. Soy el consejero escolar. 2. I believe you wrote to the headmaster asking for advice with regard to the future of your son Michael. Creo que usted le escribi al director pidindole consejo respecto al futuro de su hijo Michael. 3. Now, Michael is in year 10, and he was 15 on his last birthday. Ahora, Michael esta en dcimo, y cumpli 15 en su ltimo cumpleaos. 4. He is a year older than all the other students in his class, I understand. And he has reached the compulsory school-leaving age. l es un ao mayor que sus compaeros de clases, lo entiendo. Y l ya esta en la edad obligatoria para dejar el colegio. 5. He could leave school at the end of the year if he wanted to. You realize that, dont you? l podra retirarse del colegio al final del ao si as lo desea. Se ha dado cuenta de eso no es as? 6. However, you would like him to stay on and perhaps go on to matriculation. Will Michael be happy, though? Are you sure that would be the best for him? Sin embargo, a usted le gustara que l se quedara y tal vez que continuase hasta el ltimo ao de secundaria. Pero Michael estara feliz? Est seguro que sera lo mejor para l? 7. I have looked at Michaels past school records, and while he is above average in some of his subjects he is only average and even below that in others. He revisado los registros acadmicos antiguos de Michael y mientras el est por encima del promedio en algunos cursos, en otros es promedio e incluso inferior en otros. 8. I have spoken to two of his class-teachers and also to a couple of his subjects teachers, and they all tell me that Michael never causes any trouble and that he never complains. Thats not surprising because he tends to find the easy way through his course of studies. He wouldnt be normal if he complained about that, and, in a way, theres nothing wrong with that. He hablado con 2 de sus tutores y tambin con unos cuantos de sus profesores y todos me dicen que Michael nunca causa ningn problema nunca se queja. Eso no es sorprendente puesto que el tiende a encontrar la manera ms fcil de estudiar. l no sera normal si se quejara de eso y en cierto sentido, no tiene nada de malo. 9. By doing that, however, he spoilt his chances to go on to matric. Unfortunately he selected subjects which arent included in the list of examination subjects for matriculation, as for example motor repairs. Pero al hacer esto, l arruina la oportunidad de ir al ltimo ao de secundaria. Desgraciadamente l a eligi materias que no estn incluidas en la lista de cursos a examinar en el ltimo ao, como por ejemplo, Reparacin de motores.


10. We offer subjects like that to allow students to develop their interests and natural abilities. After all, thats what education is all about, dont you agree?

11. If Michael wants to go on to matric he will have to select six or seven subjects and work fairly hard. He must make a real effort and not let himself be side-tracked. I can assure you, well give him all the help and assistance hell need.

12. Sorry, I took so long to answer your question. I must admit, I got a bit carried away. Disculpe, me he demorado demasiado al responder su pregunta, debo admitir que me emocion.


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