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Argentina CONAMI, Newen Mapu Belice Toledo Maya Womens Council Bolivia CIDOB, CNAMIB Confederacin Bartolina Sisa Brasil CONAMI, Red GRUMIN, COIAB Canada Mujeres Indgenas de Quebec, Pauktuutik Chile Consejo de Todas las Tierras Aukiko Zomo, Consejo Nacional Aymara Colombia ONIC Ecuador CONAIE El Salvador CCNIS Estados Unidos Red Xicana Indgena Guatemala CONAVIGUA Guayana Amerindian Peoples Association in Guayana Honduras CONPAH, CONAMINH Mexico CONAMI Nicaragua AMICA Panama CONAMUIP Paraguay FAPI, OPG Peru CHIRAPAQ, ONAMIAAP Surinam Asociacin de Lderes de los Pueblos Indgenas, OIS Uruguay CONACHA Venezuela Red de Mujeres Indgenas Wayuu, CONIVE

In deep shock by the tragic acts of violence occurred during the march for the defense of indigenous amazonic territories in TIPNIS, the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas - ECMIA and the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of Amazonian River Basin COICA, united in the defense of our peoples rights, state as follows: 1. We remind our brother, Evo Morales, president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, his commitment with the vindication of indigenous peoples, the recognition of the rights of the mother earth for the defense of life and the political decision of its Government to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the ILO Convention No. 169 as national law. We appeal that in agreement with these principles, the Government of Bolivia delivers the efforts required to establish proper and constructive dialogue with the brothers and sisters of the amazonian peoples, based in the respect to their fundamental rights. 2. We make a call to our indigenous wise elders and representatives in the United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues: Rigoberta Mench (Guatemala), Victoria Tauli Corpuz (Philippines), Willie Littlechild (Canada), Mirna Cunningham (Nicaragua), Alvaro Pop (Guatemala) and Sal Vicente (Mexico); to act as intermediators between the Government and the amazonian indigenous peoples to promote a constructive dialogue. We recognize the opportune reaction of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, in his call of urgent action to the government of Bolivia for the pacific resolution of the conflict. We also recommend him to stay alert for a visit to the country in case the situation demands it.


We express our hopes for the proper and fraternal dialogue to reign, that lives will be preserved and that the understanding between brothers of the same country for this conflict resolution, with respect of the rights of Bolivias amazonian indigenous peoples, as citizens of this country, will be achieved. Lima, September 27, 2011

Tarcila Rivera Zea General Coord. ECMIA

Edwin Vsquez General Coord. COICA

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