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Aula de Ingls para a 5 srie Gesner Teixeira.

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Entrega do vocabulary e extra exercises para fazer em sala de aula Text: student book, Page 128. Leitura do texto. Perguntar sobre o assunto do texto!
Diagnosticar os tipos de clothes que aparecem no texto.

Introduzir o Grammar focus. (pronomes possessivos, [possessive adjectives e possessive

pronouns]). Utilizao do this, these, that e those. Possessive and genitive. Grammar simplified pg. 24. Passar no quadro Traduzir as seguintes frases: Singular: this / that. Plural: these / those.

Aqui esto algumas frases para traduzir:

Ex: The woman in the blue swimsuit is my sister. (A mulher em traje de banho azul minha irm.)

Ex: Wash your hands and put on your gloves. (Lave as mos e coloque as luvas.) Ex: These skirts are in fashion. (Estas saias esto na moda.) Ex: I was wearing suit and tie. (Eu estava usando terno e gravata.)

Passar o exerccio de passar para o plural. (these and those).

1. Type the plural form in the boxes below and change the verb form. For example:

a. b. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

This car is new. That girl goes to my school. This orange is very nice. That student writes well. That house is near the beach. This book belongs to George. That dog barks all night. That computer is old. This lesson is very difficult. That person sings badly. This exercise is easy.

These cars are new. Those girls go to my school. These oranges are very nice. Those students write well. Those houses are near the beach. These books belong to George. Those dogs bark all night. Those computers are old. These lessons are very difficult. Those people sing badly. These exercises are easy.


This man works at my shop.

These men work at my shop.

Corrigir os exerccios das pginas 130 e 131.

Verificar assimilao do contedo com o exerccio de corrigir os erros das frases.

2. Correct the mistakes: a. Those car is beautiful. (that) b. That bags are expansive. (those) c. Take this keys. (these)
d. Go to that shelf and bring these books. (those)

e. Give me those shirt. (that) f. Drive me to this bus stop there.(that)


Em ingls, existem duas formas de pronome possessivo, uma para os pronomes adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) e outra para os pronomes substantivos possessivos (possessive pronouns). Exemplos a) Este meu livro. - This is my book.=> possessive adjective b) Este livro meu. - This book is mine.=> possessive pronoun Nota-se que, em ingls, mine substitui my book. J, em portugus, usa-se a mesma forma (meu) para ambos os casos. Em ingls, so sete os pronomes possessivos substantivos (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours e theirs).

Subject Pronouns I live here. You live here. He lives here. She lives here. It stays here. We live here. You live here. They live here.

Possessive Adjectives This is my house. This is your house. This is his house. This is her house. This is its place. This is our house. This is your house. This is their house.

Possessive Pronouns This house is mine. This house is yours. This house is his. This house is hers. This place is its. These houses are ours. These houses are yours. These houses are theirs.

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