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Jarred Lemler Jarred Lemler Mr. Neuburger Eng.

, 101-130 12 April 2012 Research Paper Kristallnacht Holocaust Encyclopedia describes how immediately, after taking his position as Chancellorship of Germany, Hitler began taking action against the German Jews. He began to take action on the Jewish children and their education. Hitler had a law passed that prohibited

Jewish children from attending public school. More laws began to surface in the year of 1933 for the Jews. One included that all Jews must have identification with them at all time. Also, Jews could not vote in any elections. However, on October 28, 1933, 17,000 Jews living in Germany for decades were arrested for crimes unknown and relocated among the borders of Poland (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom).
Herschel Grynzpan

Holocaust Encyclopedia describes how among the

deportees was Herschel Grynzpans family. Grynzpan, a seventeen year old Jew from Poland, was living with an Uncle in Paris at the time. While he was living in Paris, his family was being forced to leave their home by the order of the German Police. Zindel Grynzpan, Herschels father, was a shop owner where he lived. However, the German police not only took away their belongings, but did confiscate everything in his shop as well. The entire Grynzpan family were forced to move out of the borders of Poland.

Jarred Lemler Upon hearing the news of his familys expulsion, he went to the German embassy in Paris. His goal was set to assassinate the German Ambassador to France. However, his plans would have to take a different approach. He had discovered the Ambassador was not at the embassy. So, he took aim on the Third Secretary Ernst vom Rath, upon being shot, Roth was critically wounded, but died two days later after the shooting (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum explains how After hearing about the death of Ernst vom Roth, this gave Joseph Goebbels a reason to launch an attack against the Jews. Goebbels, Hitlers Chief of Propaganda issued a pogrom against the Jews. Furthermore, Goebbels realized the attack caused by Grynzpan was a conspiratorial attack against the Fuehrer himself. The attack led to the night or broken glass or Kristallnacht. The night of the attack shattered glass lay all across the streets from Jewish businesses and churches. (The Night of Broken Glass) According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia the pogrom that Goebbels, and the Nazis was carefully organized. The night of broken glass actually took two days before the Germans were satisfied. As a result of the attack, many synagogues were burned. Jewish hospitals, schools, cemeteries and homes were looted. Dozens of Jewish peopled died during the attack. As the Jewish people were being raided, police and firefighters stood by and did nothing to stop any of the
Jewish Buildings Broken into

attacks brought to the Jewish people (Kristallnacht: A

Nationwide Pogrom).

Jarred Lemler

The morning after the pogrom Jews started getting persecuted more than ever. The attack led to nearly 30,000 Jewish men arrested for the crime of the pogrom. These individuals were then taken to a concentration camp where many perished, also many women were also arrested but taken to the local jail. Furthermore, Jewish business owners were not allowed to reopen there shops unless they were managed by non-Jews, which really means they did not have a business anymore. Also, because of the pogrom, Jews were beginning to get a curfew which was limiting the amount of times Jews could leave their homes. According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, Kristallnacht marks the first instance in which the Nazi regime incarcerated people on a massive scale simply because of their ethnicity. The men were taken to camps such as Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, and many other camps. Hundreds died while living in the camps as a result of the brutal treatment they endured. However, some were able to leave within three months of being in the camp, but many would emigrate away from Germany. The effects of Kristallnacht would serve as a spur to the emigration of Jews in Germany in the months to come. (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom). A History Place explains, after The Night of Broken Glass life became more difficult for all Jewish people. Even though they were already banned from almost every public enjoyment, i.e. parks, pools, playgrounds. Jews also lost their rights to own a vehicle and a drivers license. Children were also getting a feel of the Germans issuing all these rules. Public schooling was no longer allowed for all Jewish Children. As a result, many Jewish adults could not take all the segregation and rules the Germans were setting, so they ended up committing suicide, however, many families did try to leave, but many were unsuccessful (Triumph of Hitler).

Jarred Lemler According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, immediately after the pogrom attack. Many German leaders like Hermann Goring had to take a look at the damage done to the Jewish

people. As a result, leaders of the Nazi party came to a conclusion on the aftermath of the attack. The result, if not handled soon, then the German insurance companies were going to have to pay for all the damages done to homes, churches, businesses, and
Jewish Synagogue begin burned

many public buildings. (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide

Pogrom). A History Place states that the Nazi Party leaders begin to take more action on the Jewish attack. Goring declared that the Jewish people will be billed for the damages, and that any insurance money payable to the Jewish people will be confiscated by the government. This meeting essentially led to the elimination of Jews entirely from economic life. Also, all property and enterprise owned by Jews were being transferred to the Aryans (Triumph of Hitler). Holocaust Encyclopedia explains, the events of Kristallnacht represented one of the most important turning points in National Socialist anti-Semitic policy. Anti-Jewish policy was concentrated more and more concretely into the hands of the SS. Moreover, the passivity with which most German civilians responded to the violence signaled to the Nazi regime that the German public was prepared for more radical measures. The Nazi regime expanded and radicalized measures aimed at removing
Broken glass lays silent on the ground

Jews entirely from German economic and social life in the forthcoming years, moving eventually towards

Jarred Lemler

policies of forced emigration, and finally towards the realization of a Germany free of Jews by deportation of the Jewish population to the East. (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom).

Jarred Lemler Works Cited "American Experience." People & Events "Kristallnacht" Web. 19 Apr. 2012. "Holocaust Encyclopedia." Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom, November 9-10, 1938. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. "Jewish Virtual Library." A Division of the American- Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. Triumph of Hitler. World War II in Europe. The History Place. Web. Apr.2012 "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum." The "Night of Broken Glass" Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

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