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I have a dream that one day all men will be equal.- Martin Luther King.

Many people of todays modern society use their conscience to influence and support revolutions that do not directly affect themselves. An example of this happening in the past would be the strive for racial equality for AfricanAmericans and South Africans by Steve Biko and many other racial activists in the mid 1900s. Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? Conscience is a more powerful motivator than money, power and fame because conscience influences people to strive and attain ideals such as freedom, equality and happiness for others. As you can see, conscience overshadows money, power and fame in a multitude of ways. To begin, conscience is a more powerful motivator than money, fame and power because conscience helps one attain freedom for others. An example of this in history would be Steve Bikos strive to free the persecuted South Africans during the mid-1970s by protesting and giving speeches during football games for cover on the matter. His conscience told him to free the South Africans from persecutions and he decided to follow what his conscience told him for the good of humanity. All in all, conscience is a more powerful motivator than money, fame and power, and this has been shown in history through Steve Bikos strive to free the persecuted African-Americans during the 1970s Next, money, fame and power are less of an influence than conscience, because conscience insures equality of those who are unequal. This is shown in the 1950s through Malcolm Xs struggle to make both blacks and whites equal to one another. Malcolm X was the famous founder of the black panthers who fought for racial equality. The reason he fought to make them both equal was that his conscience told him to do whats right. This right thing was to create equality between these two races. In conclusion, Malcolm Xs struggle to create equality between blacks and whites shows how powerful a motivator conscience is over money, fame and power. Finally, conscience is the most powerful influence because conscience helps motivate people to achieve happiness, and it does so by achieving freedom and equality. Within history, this is shown through the happiness that was strived for, for African-Americans, by Martin Luther Kings fighting for equality and freedom, thus fighting for happiness in the 1960s. He fought for the happiness of all black men and women out of the good of his heart, and without his conscience, he would have never done such a thing. An example of his strives for racial freedom, equality, and happiness would be his influential I Have a Dream speech at the Washington Mall. As one can see from this example of MLK fighting for happiness, consciousness is a more powerful motivator than money, fame and power. To sum up, conscience is more powerful than money, fame and power. This can be shown through Steve Biko, Malcolm X, and MLKs fight for freedom, equality and Happiness for AfricanAmericans and South Africans during the mid-1900s. Without conscience, no good would even be done I the world, and this sole reason is why conscience is a more powerful motivator than the ideals of money fame, and power.

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