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CS 467DigitalImageProcessing CS467 Digital Image Processing



SpatialDomain Spatial Domain

TheSpatialDomainisadomain(theplane) g g y p whereadigitalimageisdefinedbyspatial coordinatesofitspixels (Another domain considered in image (Anotherdomainconsideredinimage processingisthefrequencydomainwherea digitalimageisdefinedbybrakingdowninto l f b b k thespatialfrequenciesparticipatinginits formation wewillconsideritlater)

LocalNeighborhoodin ImageProcessing
Manyimageprocessingoperations (p (particularly,spatialdomainfiltering)are y p g) reducedtolocalneighborhoodprocessing

LocalNeighborhoodin ImageProcessing
S xy Letbethesetofcoordinatesofa g yp neighborhoodcenteredonanarbitrarypixel (x,y)inanimagef. Neighborhood processing generates a Neighborhoodprocessinggeneratesa correspondingpixelatthesamecoordinates inanoutputimageg,suchthatthevalueof thatthevalueofthatpixelisdeterminedbya specifiedoperationinvolvingthepixelsinthe inputimagewithcoordinatesin input image with coordinates in S xy

LocalNeighborhoodin ImageProcessing

LocalNeighborhoodin SpatialDomainImageProcessing
Thespatialdomainprocessescanbe p y g p representedbythefollowingexpression

g ( x, y ) = T ( f ( x, y ) )
wheref(x,y)istheinputimage,g(x,y)isthe f( ,y) p g , ( ,y) outputimageandT isanoperatordefined overalocalneighborhoodofpixelwiththe over a local neighborhood of pixel with the coordinates(x,y)

LocalContrastEnhancement Local Contrast Enhancement

Localcontrastenhancementisutilized g g p g throughlocalhistogramprocessing S xy Thelocalhistogram inannxm windowof adigitalimagewithintensitylevels{0,1,,L1} a digital image with intensity levels {0 1 L 1} isadiscretefunction

hS xy rk = nk ; k = 0,1,..., L 1 S xy

LocalContrastEnhancement Local Contrast Enhancement

Localcontrastenhancementleadstobetter y visibilityoflocaldetailsand,asaresult,tothe extractionofthosedetails(notnecessarily smalldetails)thatarehiddenintheareaswith small details) that are hidden in the areas with apoorlocalcontrast Localcontrastenhancementcanbeutilized, l h b l forexample,throughthesamemethodsthat areusedfortheglobalcontrastenhancement

LocalContrastEnhancement Local Contrast Enhancement

1992-2008 R.C. Gonzalez & R.E. Woods

Filtering insignalprocessingistheprocessof p g (p g) j g accepting(passing)orrejectingcertain frequencycomponents Lowpass filters preserve low frequencies filterspreservelowfrequencies rejectingthehighones Highpass filterspreservehighfrequencies rejectingthelowones rejecting the low ones


Lowpass filtersareusedforremovalor reductionofnoise Highpass filtersareused,forexample,for edgedetection edge detection


ModelsofNoise Models of Noise

Modelsofnoise Additivenoise g ( x, y ) = f ( x, y ) + ( x, y ) Multiplicative(speckle)noise g ( x , y ) = f ( x , y ) ( x, y ) pn , ( x, y ) Impulsenoise
g ( x, y ) = 1 pn , f ( x, y )

whereistheprobabilityofdistortion(in where pn is the probability of distortion ( pn in percentsiscalledthecorruptionrate) pn 100%


TheGoalofNoiseFiltering The Goal of Noise Filtering

Thegoalofnoisefilteringistoobtainthebest g f ( x, y ) estimateoftheidealimage f ( x, y ) intermsofthemeansquareerror(rootmean squareerror)or,whichisthesame,interms square error) or which is the same in terms ofPSNR Filteringisutilizedthroughanoperator l l h h appliedtoanoisyimage: f ( x, y ) = F ( g ( x, y ) )

IdealFiltering Ideal Filtering

Iftherearek realizationsofthesameimage p y scenecorruptedbythesamekindofadditive k noise,and,thentheoriginalimage canberestoredbytakingcomponent wise can be restored by taking componentwise meanofitsrealizations:
gi ( x, y ) = f ( x, y ) + i ( x, y ); i = 1, 2,..., k ,... 1 k f ( x, y ) = g i ( x, y ) k i =1

f ( x, y ) f Thelargerisk,thecloseristo ( x, y )

LinearFilters Linear Filters

Linearfilteringisutilizedthroughalinear p operator TheoperatorF iscalledlinear,ifforarbitrary constantsa andb thefollowingproperty constants a and b the following property holds:
F ( af ( x, y ) + b ( x, y ) ) = F ( af ( x, y ) ) + F ( b ( x, y ) ) =
= aF ( f ( x, y ) ) + bF ( ( x, y ) ) b


LinearFilters Linear Filters

Afilter,whichisrepresentedbyalinear p operatoriscalledthelinearfilter Ideally,thelinearfiltermayseparateanimage fromadditivenoise.IfF isalinearfilter,then from additive noise If F is a linear filter then F ( g ( x, y ) ) = F ( f ( x, y ) + ( x, y ) ) = F ( f ( x, y ) ) + F ( ( x, y ) ) andtheimagecanberestoredasfollows
f ( x, y ) = F 1 F ( f ( x, y ) ) = F 1 F ( g ( x, y ) ) F ( ( x, y ) )


LinearandNonlinearFilters Linear and Nonlinear Filters

Sincecanbeestimatedonlyinthe F ( ( x, y ) ) q y frequencydomainandthisestimationis possibleonlyforsomeparticularkindsof noise,the ideal method has a limited noise the idealmethodhasalimited applicability Speckleandimpulsenoisecannotbe kl l b separatedfromanimageusingalinearfilter. Thus,fortheirfilteringnonlinearfiltersshould beused be used

LinearandNonlinearFilters Linear and Nonlinear Filters

Afilter,whichisrepresentedbyanoperator, fil hi h i db whichisnotlinear,iscalledthenonlinearfilter Linearfilterscanbeimplementedinthe frequencydomain(wheretheyoriginallywere h appliedbyNorbertWienerin1940th )andinthe spatialdomain Mostofnonlinearfilterscanbeimplemented onlyinthespatialdomain(exceptsomespecific nonlineartransformationsofspectrathatare applicableonlyinthefrequencydomain)

SpatialDomainFiltering Spatial Domain Filtering

Aspatialfilterisreducedtoprocessingofa g localneighborhood Filteringcreatesanewpixelwithcoordinates equaltothecoordinatesofthecenterofthe equal to the coordinates of the center of the neighborhoodandwhosevalueistheresultof thefilteringoperatorappliedtothe h fl l h neighborhoodoftheprocessedpixel


SpatialDomainFiltering Spatial Domain Filtering

Alowpass spatialdomainfiltersmoothan g g imageinan xm localneighborhoodofeach pixel.Thismeansthatimagedetailsofthesize about0.5n x0.5m becomesmoothedandcan about 0 5n x 0 5m become smoothed and can becomeundistinguishable. Lowpass spatialdomainfiltersareusedfor l fl f noisereduction.Smoothingeachn xm local neighborhood,theydissolveanoiseinan image

SpatialDomainFiltering Spatial Domain Filtering


LinearSpatialDomainFiltering Linear Spatial Domain Filtering

Linearspatialfilteringofanimageofsize y M xN withafilterofsizemxnisdefinedby theexpression
f ( x, y ) =
s = a t = b

w ( s, t ) g ( x + s, y + t )

whereg(x,y)istheimagetobeprocessed, a=(m1)/2,b=(n1)/2,andw(s,t)formthefilter a=(m1)/2 b=(n1)/2 and w(s t) form the filter kernel

LinearSpatialDomainFiltering Linear Spatial Domain Filtering

1992-2008 R.C. Gonzalez & R.E. Woods


BorderEffectsin SpatialDomainFiltering
Toprocessimageborders,itisnecessaryto g extendanimageinalldirections,otherwiseit willnotbepossibletobuildlocal neighborhoodsfortheborderpixels neighborhoods for the border pixels Thesimplestwayofsuchanextensioniszero padding.However,thismethodalways h h l createsablackframealongtheimage borders.

BorderEffectsin SpatialDomainFiltering
Totakecareofbordereffects,mirroring g shouldbeused.AnN xM image,beforeitis processedbyaspatialdomainfilterwithan n m N + M + n x m kernel should be extended to 2 xm kernel,shouldbeextendedto 2 imageasfollows
f f ( x, y ) = f f f

( ( N 1) ( x N + 1), y ) ; x = N ,..., N + n / 2 1, y = 0,1,..., M 1 f ( x, y ) ; x = 0 1 N 1 y = 1,..., m / 2 0,1,..., 1, 1 ( x, ( N 1) ( y N + 1) ) ; x = 0,1,..., N 1, y = N ,..., N + m / 2 1 1 2 ( x, y ) ; x, y = 1, 2,... ( ( N 1) ( x N + 1), ( N 1) ( y N + 1) ) ; x, y = N , N + 1,... 25

f ( x, y ) ; x = 0,1,..., N 1, y = 0,1,..., M 1 , , , , , , , f ( x, y ) ; x = 1,..., n / 2 , y = 0,1,..., M 1

-1st col.

BorderEffectsin SpatialDomainFiltering
0th col. 1st col. -1th row 0th row

M-1 M 1th row Mth row Mirroring for 3x3 local neighborhood window


ArithmeticMeanFilter theSimplest SpatialDomainLinearFilter

Arithmeticmeanfilterreplacestheintensity p y valueineachpixelbythelocalarithmetic meantakenoveralocaln xm processing window: 1 a b
f ( x, y ) =
1 nm 1 nm ... 1 nm

g ( x + s, y + t ) nm
s = a t = b
1 nm 1 nm ... 1 nm ... ... ... ... 1 nm 1 nm ... 1 nm



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