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1. August Comte-Founder of positivism and a philosopher of science. 2.

Positivism-Based on the idea that philosophy should be based on social and natural sciences and that the only authentic knowledge is knowledge which can be verified. 3. Charles Darwin-Naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution, which stated that all species have descended from common ancestors, and he presented the theory with evidence. 4. Theory of Natural Selection-gradual process by which biological traits become more or less common to allow the survival of a species. 5. Gregor Mendel-founder of the new science of genetics that demonstrated that genetics followed particular patterns. 6. Alfred Russell Wallace-British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, and biologist best known for his independent proposal of a theory of evolution due to natural selection. 7. The Descent of Man-Darwins application of evolutionary theory to human evolution. This book discusses his theory of sexual selection, as well as the differences between human races and sex, and the relevance of the evolutionary theory to society. 8. Social Darwinism-The application of Darwinism to the study of human society, specifically a theory in sociology that individuals or groups achieve advantage over others as the result of genetic or biological superiority. 9. David Friedrich Strauss-A German theologian and writer who was more interested in the historical investigation of Jesus. Strauss denied Jesuss divine nature. 10. Freidrich Nietzsche-German philosopher who greatly influenced existentialism, nihilism, and postmodernism. He believed in an honest questioning of faith and doctrine. 11. Charles Lyell-Author of Principles of Geology, which popularised the idea that the earth is shaped by slowmoving forces still in operation today. 12. Education Act of 1870- set the framework for schooling of all children between ages 5 and 12 in England and Wales. 13. The pope officially became infallible in 1870 14. Max Planck-German physicist who discovered quantum physics, and is regarded as the founder of quantum theory. 15. Theory of relativity-concept that time and space are relative and not fixed. 16. Albert Einstein-German theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity 17. Realism-the belief that reality exists independently of observers.

32. Nazi-Soviet pact- non-aggression pact under which the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany each pledged to remain neutral in the event that either nation were attacked by a third party. 33. Pearl Harbor- a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941 34. Bataan Death March - the forcible transfer, by the Imperial Japanese Army, of 76,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war after the three-month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during World War II, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of prisoners. 35. Name the Axis Powers- Germany, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia 36. Name the Allied Powers- China, United States, United Kingdom, Poland, France, India, Belgium, Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Brazil, Mexico 37. Lend/lease- what is it and what countries received it? the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, Free France, and other Allied nations with materiel between 1941 and 1945 38. Battle of the Coral Sea-major naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II between the Imperial Japanese Navy and Allied naval and air forces from the United States and Australia, first ever fleet action in which aircraft carriers engaged each other, as well as the first in which neither side's ships sighted or fired directly upon the other 39. Battle of Midway- most important naval battle of the Pacific Campaign of World War II 40. Guadalcanal- the scene of bitter fighting between Japanese and Americans in which the latter were victorious. 41. Afrika Corp- the German expeditionary force in Libya and Tunisia during the North African Campaign of World War II 42. Erwin Rommel- a German Field Marshal of World War II. 43. George Patton- an officer in the United States Army best known for his leadership as a general during World War II. 44. Dwight Eisenhower- responsibility for creating the major war plans to defeat Japan and Germany. 45. Stalingrad- a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in southwestern Russia 46. Douglas MacArthur- an American general and field marshal of the Philippine Army. 47. Normandy- significant because it marked the invasion and establishment of Allied forces in Normandy, France, during Operation Overlord in 1944 during World War II

48. D-Day- Normandy landings^^ 49. Partisans- name for paramilitary forces engaged behind the front line

50. Tito--Yugoslavia's first communist leader, established a cult of personality and muted ethnic differences; acted independently from Stalin 51. Harry Truman--USA president after FDR, made the decision to drop the nuclear bomb as means to end WWII in the pacific theatre. 52. Hiroshima and Nagasaki--suffered nuclear attack from USA as a means to end WWII 53. Anne Frank--a Jew hiding from Nazi's in WWII who kept a diary 54. genocide--the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. 55. SS--Nazi secret police 56.Reinhard Heydrich--one of the main architects for the Holocaust; a high ranking Nazi 57. collaborators--citizens of areas occupied by the Axis Powers who actively collaborated with the Axis Powers. Collaboration ranged from urging the civilian population to remain calm and accept foreign occupation without conflict, organizing trade, production, financial and economic support to joining various branches of the armed forces of the Axis powers or special "national" military units fighting under their command. 58. Auschwitz--largest of the German concentration camps 59. Ho chi Minh-- Vietnamese nationalist, led Vietnam against French and US troops and established a communist Vietnamese state 60. Tojo-- prime minister of japan during wwii, and therefore directly responsible for the attack on pearl harbor 61. kamikaze--"divine wind", aerial suicide attacks by Japanese pilots 62. Albert Speer-- German minister for armaments and munitions, directed the economy 63. Blitz--sustained strategic bombing of Britain 64. Dresden--strategic military tactic that involved bombing of Dresden, the capital of Saxony 65. Cold War--continuing state of political and military tension between the powers of the Western world, mainly between USA and USSR 66. Iron Curtain--symbolized the ideological fighting and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II 67. Tehran Conference -- strategy meeting held between Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, first of the wwii conferences held between the "big three"

86. Chester Nimtz Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet; Fleet Admiral who led Allied naval forces to victory in the Pacific in World War II; commanded US Pacific fleet when it was involved in the battles at Coral Sea and Midway 87. George C. Marshall Commander of the Allied forces in the Southwest Pacific; chief of staff of United States Army during World War II; devised Marshall Plan; "the true organizer of victory" (Churchill); only man to ever serve as both secretary of state and secretary of defense 88. Clement Attlee British Labour Party leader (193555) and prime minister (194551); introduced National Health Service, nationalized one-fifth of the British economy, granted independence to India; transformed his party into natural opponent of Conservative Party and thus polarized British politics 89. Harry Truman 33rd President of United States after death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in April 1945; responsible for dropping atomic bombs on Japan and ending World War II; started Marshall Plan; created the Truman Doctrine; president during beginnings of the Cold War and also during Korean War 90. Battle of Kursk July 1943; largest tank battle of World War II; Soviets def. Germans; marked first major turning point of war and prompted Russian march into Berlin 91. Island hopping counter-offensive strike after Battle of Midway; established line of overlapping island bases, as well as air control; idea to capture certain key islands, one after another, until Japan came within range of American bombers; led by MacArthur and Nimitz The Cold War: Post War Europe 1. Cold War continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition existing after World War II, primarily between the Soviet Union and its satellite states, and the powers of the Western world, particularly the United States 2. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization; military alliance established by North Atlantic Treaty of April 4, 1949, which sought to create a counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and eastern Europe after World War II 3. Warsaw Pact mutual defense organization between Soviet Union and seven of its European satellites that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states; response to NATO 4. Containment strategy to limit and prevent Soviet expansionism 5. Truman Doctrine foreign policy of the United States to assist any country whose stability was threatened by communism; March 12, 1947, declared immediate economic and military aid to governments of Greece, threatened by Communist insurrection, and Turkey, under pressure from Soviet expansion in the Mediterranean area

6. Marshall Plan European Recovery Program (ERP); established Economic Cooperation Administration, which provided 13.3 billion dollars to participating Western European countries; designed to rehabilitate economies of European countries in order to create stable conditions in which democratic institutions could survive 7. Berlin Airlift U.S. and British pilots delivered food and supplies by airplane to West Berlin after city was isolated by Soviet Union blockade 8. Satellite States formally independent country that is under heavy political and economic influence or control by another country; Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany under Soviet Union 9. Berlin Blockade first heightening of Cold War tensions; closing of entry to Berlin from the west by Soviet Forces from June 1948 to May 1949; attempt to prevent unification of western part of Germany under Allies 10. COMECON organization established in January 1949 to facilitate and coordinate the economic development of the eastern European countries belonging to the Soviet bloc 11. Founding of Israel November 29, 1947, United Nations voted to divide Palestine so that Jewish national homeland could be created from one of its parts; quickly recognized by United States, Soviet Union, and many other governments; immediately invaded by armies of five Arab states: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Transjordan

46. Solidarity Movement in Poland- Lech Walesa and Pope John Paul II the Waslesa on strike at Gdansk were promised that they could establish an independent union allied Solidarity if it was recognized by the Polish courts, the were led by Lech Walesa. Pope John Paul II was a Polish cardinal Arshbishop named Karol Wigtyla that

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