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Rick Santorum is a man that cannot seem to control anything that comes out of hi s own mouth.

Over the past couple months in the race for the Republican Presiden tial nominee Rick Santorum has said some really ill advised things to the Americ an public. His most recent statement was in Illinois when he pissed off the Amer ican people by saying "I don't care what the unemployment rate's going to be. Do esn't matter to me." Oh dear Rick you are just digging a deeper and deeper polit ical hole. I was thinking how in a Presidential campaign can you let something l ike that slip out of your mouth? Is he trying to give away the nomination to Mit t Romney?

This was by far not one of Santorum's finest hours of rhetoric. To me from this statement Santorum just lost a huge number of blue collar workers that are strug gling to maintain their jobs. Santorum was not using logos at all when he said t his in Illinois. He had no true logical reason to say this and he did not realiz e who his audience is! While Santorum may believe that he cannot control unemplo yment by himself, he should never have said he does not care about it at all. T his is something that really matters to the American people! I mean Santorum loo k at the city of Detroit, that city has been really affected by unemployment, an d you are saying that you do not care about it? Good luck winning back that city Rick.

Santorum did try to clean up his mess with a quick follow up statement that he d id care about the unemployment rate, but it was not his primary concern. Of course I care about the unemployment rate, I want the unemployment rate to go down, but I'm saying my candidacy doesn't hinge on whether the unemployment rate goes up and down, our candidacy's about something that transcends that. It's about freed om." Wow Santorum really trying to clean up a major flop with going over patriot ic. Santorum tries desperately here to appeal to our pathos and make us think he is really a great and true American completely out there for our freedom. Howev er, sorry Santorum most people are just going to remember you saying you don't c are about unemployment, and our emotions are changing there.

And as you might have guessed Mitt Romney has used this little sound bit from Ri ck Santorum to help demolish Santorum s campaign. The battle for the Republican Pres idential Nomination has greatly been affected by rhetoric, whether it be from Ro mney or Santorum convincing the American public through that they can rise above the other candidate and establish a greater America, or by saying stupid stuff just like Santorum did, and having the other candidate use it against him.

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