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AP Euro Unit 13: Modern Stuff

Apr 18 19 20 HW: MK 997-999; 10061009 23 State Exercise in Futility*, Pt I. HW: 1020-1030 due Wed 30 24 State Exercise in Futility, Pt II. HW: finish 1020-1030 May 1 AP Pre-Administration (meet in library) HW: 1045-1052 25 HW: 1000-1004; 10091012 26 State Exercise in Futility, Pt III. HW: finish 1030-1035 3 Unit 13 Test HW: AP Euro Content Review Pt I. due Monday HW: 1020-1030 due Wed 27

HW: 1030-1035 due Friday 2

HW: 1035-1041

HW: finish APERB HW: 1041-1045 Chart; study for Test *The person who made this calendar is not too fond of the TAKS Test. MK Pgs. 997-999; 1006-1009 the End of Reform Brezhnev re-Stalinization Dubcek occupation of Czechoslovakia (1968) Brezhnev Doctrine Soviet Union to 1985 sources of stability in Soviet Union important changes to Soviet society during Brezhnev era Conflict and Challenge in the Late Cold War, 1968-1985 Vietnam War Johnson (LBJ) Eisenhower Geneva Accords escalation American publics reaction to Vietnam War antiwar movement Tet Offensive Vietcong MK Pgs 1000-1004; 1009-1012 Changing Class Structures examples of changing class structures New Roles for Women compare and contrast lives of women before and after the womens emancipation of the late 1960s 3 reasons women began to work outside of the home decline in birthrate problems with wages for women the Womens Movement 3 reasons for the birth of the womens movement in the 1970s de Beauvoir/ the Second Sex Friedan/ the Feminine Mystique NOW issues of focus in the womens movement

Nixon Nixons trip to China American withdrawal from Vietnam Watergate consequences of Watergate Dtente or Cold War? dtente Brandt Brandts trip to Poland Brandts reconciliation policies 2 German states w/i 1 German nation Helsinki conference Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Carter Solidarity Reagan evil empire Thatcher Kohl

results/accomplishments of the womens movement the Troubled Economy economic issues in the 1970s OPEC Arab-Israeli conflict 1973 oil embargo & its results Iranian Revolution (1979) misery index changes to European Common Market Society in a Time of Economic Uncertainty role of welfare in the 1970s/1980s Thatchers conservative policies Reagans conservative policies Mitterrands socialist policies consequences of austerity measures

MK pgs 1020-1030the Decline of Communism in Eastern Europe Solidarity in Poland Gorbachev issues with Poland as a satellite prior to 1968 Polish economy in 1970s Karol Wojtla / Pope John Paul II Gdansk strike & Gdansk Agreement Lech Walesa Solidarity self-limiting revolution reasons Solidarity was driven underground Wojciech Jarulzelski why Solidarity survived what Solidarity signified Gorbachevs Reforms in the Soviet Union reappearance of Solidarity Polish elections of 1989 Lech Walesa changes made by the Solidarity government shock therapy Janos Kadar Hungarian elections of 1990 flight of East German vacationers stayers/leavers opening of Berlin Wall Velvet Revolution Vaclav Havel Nicolae Ceausecsu Romanian revolution the Disintegration of the Soviet Union Russian elections of February 1990 Lithuanias independence events leading to the fall of the USSR MK pgs 1030-1035Building a New Europe in the 1990s 3 most important trends in Europe in the 1990s Common Patterns and Problems general trends in European economies in the 1990s 2 factors that contributed to general economic shift toward free market capitalism IMF resurgence of nationalism European Union Recasting Russia characteristics and effects of shock therapy why rapid economic liberalization did not work very well in Russia MK pgs 1035-1041more Building a New Europe in the 1990s Progress in Eastern Europe similaritiesdevelopments in Russia & Eastern Europe 3 countries which were most successful at creating new democratic states & why Lech Walesa Vaclav Havel velvet divorce admission to NATO and EU for former Soviet satellites eastern European laggards + why Tragedy in Yugoslavia causes & effects of Bosnian Civil War breakup of Yugoslavia

results of Gorbachevs initiatives benefits and drawbacks of Soviet bureaucracy Yuri Andropov why Gorbachev felt reforms were necessary examples of Gorbachevs reforms perestroika & results glasnost & results democratization & results Congress of Peoples Deputies Gorbachevs actions in foreign affairs 1987 Washington summit the Revolutions of 1989 3 consequences of the Revolutions of 1989 the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe Boris Yeltsin attempted coup 1991 December 25, 1991 German Unification and the End of the Cold War German question third way three factors in the absorption of East Germany (usually called reunification of Germany) Alliance for Germany Paris Accord the Gulf War of 1991 US as the only superpower Saddam Hussein Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 1990 US naval blockade what the Gulf War of 1991 signified new world order

effects of computer revolution globalization positive and negative responses to globalization general trends in European politics in the 1990 Francis Fukuyama / the End of History James Cronin / the World the Cold War Made social results of the above opposition to Yeltsin how Yeltsin dealt with the above managed democracy Vladimir Putin & policies civil war in Chechnya

Slobodan Milosevic Kosovo Slovenia Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina response of NATO Bill Clinton Kosovo Liberation Army eventual outcome Unity and Identity in Western Europe Single Currency Act Francois Mitterrand Helmut Kohl (1035-1041 continued on next page)

MK pgs 1035-1041 (continued from previous page) Maastricht Treaty support and opposition for the above French response to adherence to Maastricht criteria economic effects of the reunification of Germany

new EU members establishment of Euro as common currency EU Constitution why the march towards European unity stalled

MK pgs 1041-1045New Challenges in the Twenty-first Century baby bust the Growth of Immigration the Prospect of Population Decline migration / immigration trends in the 1990s population trends in developing countries controversy regarding illegal immigration vs. European countries Promoting Human Rights possible consequences of baby bust motives for promoting human rights why population has begun to decline examples of issues of concern MK pgs 1045-1052the West and the Islamic World the Al-Qaeda Attack of September 11, 2001 9-11 terrorist attacks George W. Bush Osama bin Laden Taliban Northern Alliance Oct 2001 US air strikes historical examples of terrorism PLO 2 stages of Al Qaeda terrorism the War in Iraq Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld George W. Bush Saddam Hussein justification for American attack on Iraq Cheneys promise

opposition to the above March 2003 invasions & subsequent occupation results of the above Kurds / Sunni / Shiite Golden Mosque of Samarra situation in Iraq as of 2007 the West and its Muslim Citizens examples of terrorist attacks in Europe reactions to the above the Future in Perspective Cogitate profoundly on the ideas presented in this section. Also, look up the word prognosticator. Its an SAT word.

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