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Cluster Headaches (Seasonal headaches)

I call it groups headaches or seasonal headaches. The pain typically radiates from behind the eyes to the temples, nose, jaw, chin, or even teeth. For many ppl, cluster headaches are seasonal occurrences (thats why I call it seasonal headaches), appearing in the spring, the fall or both. Stress or psychological factors are not usually the culprits behind cluster headaches. Most of the victim are male than females. (male 6 times more than females) Nausea and vomiting rarely accompany a cluster headaches. Dont appear to be hereditary. Happens on heavy smokers.

Exertion Headaches (Emotions headaches)

Sometimes, physical exertion can trigger a headaches, but strenuous sports arent the only perpetrators. Sexual Intercourse, a coughing spell, laughing, or lifting heavy loads also can bring on exertion headaches. This is because the blood vessels to dilate and send extra blood to head, which can result in sharp throbbing head pain. Dun worry, theyre usually not serious. I do get exertion headaches all the times. The best way to cure it naturally is to SLEEP!!! Its better than have a panadol but if it usually happens, please see a doctor before u ignore it because it might be a head injury. Cause of Vascular Headaches I had posted it on the previous post bout this. Dou remember about the over leak of plasma to the surrounding cells??? This can be triggered by alcohol, foods, exercise, cigarette smoke and chemical imbalance, especially that involve neurotransmitter serotonin which is a brain protein that helps regulate sleeps, mood, pain signal, diameter of blood and hunger. Too much of this serotonin, is that the migraine suffer feels pain even more keenly. (if ur females, then not surprise that u always suffer this kinda attack all the time.

Tension-Type headaches
Its begins in the morning n get worst as the days goes on. There are 2 types of tension-type headaches :-

1. Episodic headaches 2. Chronic headaches

Either stressed, fatigued, or trying to keep a lid on ur emotions (especially anger), when suddenly ur scalp, face, and neck tightened up, putting painful pressure on their blood vessels and nerves.

Organic headaches
Serious conditions or diseases can be underlying factors of headaches. See a DOCTOR!!!! High blood pressure Throbbing pain at the top of the head. Can be controlled through exercise, diet, and maybe medications.

Sinus disease Cavities become infected and fill with fluid causing intense pressure and pain to face and head. Sinus can be cleared up antibiotics, although surgery may be necessary to clear a blocked sinus.

Brain tumor The greatest fear if u got chronic headaches. Signs to watch for include changes in behavior, speech or coordinations.

Brain hemorrhage (brain bleed) Intense headaches will strike, accompanied by nausea, drowsiness, or both. Others sign of a brain bleed are slurred speech, lack of coordination and loss of consciousness. SEEK MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY!!!! Cuz this will cause DEATH.

TMJ dysfunctions (misaligned temporomandibular joint) Grinding teeth and tension in the jaw muscles are common reactions to stress and can lead to TMJ dysfunction that can manifest as head pain.

Temporal arteritis Inflammations of the arteries that pass across the temples. Means the immune systems is attacking its own tissues. This usually occurs after the age of 50.

Post-herpetic neuralgia Pain in head or face may due to the infections of a facial nerve by Herpes zosters virus (shingles). Can be cured by drugs.

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