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What On Earth Is Happening - 030 [Abridged]

Mind Control Methodologies, Alchemy, The State Of Our Food, Nutrition & Consciousness
Podcast # 030 All Images 18m Better living through alchemy, key to life and death We are what we eat, but it is more than that, we are what we put into our bodies in totality. Not only what we eat and drink, but what we watch, hear, pay attention to, read, etc. we must be careful as to what we put into our body. If we put junk in, junk comes out. Good stuff goes in, good stuff comes out. The truth is simple to understand, not complex like the dominator and controllers want you to think. Problems in our food that hold us back as a species. Another component is the air we breathe, the polluting vehicles, and the chemtrails particulates. We can change our food now, but the air supply is not in our ability to change at this moment. Its a global connection. We build ourselves into better human beings by maing higher consciousness choices about what we take into ourselves. Everything is made of information, including us. Hypocrates - let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food. Understanding of what generates health and well being. Sadly in modern age most of our species is wildly off the track on what generates health. We have to get back to these simple fundamental principles. What we need to generate our health are the foods we choose to eat or not eat. Many in freedom movement are not healthy eaters. many people only have a partial picture of the whole dynamic that is taking place. Why food has a connection with consciousness, because food is tied to the brain. When we do not have quality nutrients entering the body, we significantly imbalance the brain, specifically the neocortex. This is the part of the brain that really needs proper nutrition to function properly as the executive command center of the brain, the higher mind functions. Destabilization of neocortex will fundamentally changed our behavior for the worse. We will revert to the reptilian brain, base consciousness survival, me me me thinking, pure egoic selfishness, hoarding, not caring about fellow human beings, personal survival is most important, screw everybody else, complete identification with physical and material, no thoughts of morals. Right brain, slave like mentality, go along to get along, dont challenge authority, become docile. Most conventionally grown produce uses large amounts of chemical pesticides and fertilizers to grow the food the way that they grow it. Crops are sprayed to keep pests away from eating them and cutting away at the farmers profits and yields. They kill pests but have a toxicity that goes

into the food that we then consume. If you think taking produce and washing it off thinking the chemicals will be gone, you are wrong. The chemicals are systemic throughout the food. 42m Chemical fertilizers are used to turn over the soil and replenish the depleted nutrients from the soil. In organic farming you need to rotate crops to give the soil time to replenish its nutrients. Solutions will come, but need to emphasize the problems with our food. Not to be negative, not to inspire fear, but to educate what is going on with our food. If we want to become healthier, improve bodies and minds, we need to get active in how our food is produced and sold. We have power in purchasing. Food producers will listen to what people want. We can vote by what we spend our money on. Bring up the negative to make a diagnosis. In order to correct wrong and make changes for the better, we have to look at the negative. This is how we make diagnosis about things that are ailing us. greek dia-by way of gnosis-knowledge by way of knowledge we will know what is wrong, be in a position of power through that knowledge to take appropriate action to correct that wrong. Wisdom, what you do with what you know. Applied knowledge, for the right reasons. Chemical fertilizers go hand in hand with chemical pesticides. What generates health? What we put into our body and mind, what we feed ourselves is what we become. If food is laden with chemicals, we are putting junk information into our minds. This is what is nourishing the brain and thought processes. What we care enough to do is what we will manifest in the world. If we dont care enough to change our diet, care enough about ourselves to change our diet, what does that really say about our self-respect level? We have to care enough about our own mind-body connection. We have to care about the practices to grow food. Max Heindel, Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception The ignorant use of the generative force is primarily responsible for all the pain, sickness and sorrow we experience. What we care about is what we experience. What we do not care about and choose to ignore we will experience in a different form, especially if the universe is trying to call our attention to them and we are willfully ignoring them. Sadly this is what is happening witht he sickness/paid/sorrrow that people undergo through the physical illnesses they experience because of what they choose to eat. They are not making a higher consciousness informed decision about the foods which they take into their bodies. Innocence, however, is not synonymous with Virtue. Innocence is the child of Ignorance and could not be maintained in a universe where the purpose of evolution is the acquisition of

Wisdom. To attain that end, a knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, is essential, also choice of action. If, having knowledge and choice, man ranges himself on the side of Good and Right he cultivates Virtue and Wisdom. If he succumbs to temptation and does wrong knowingly, he fosters vice. Willful choosing of what one knows to be wrong. For some reason, want to suffer more, want to choose the wrong, want to continue in the path of ignorance, so rooted and attached to the way they are doing things they dont want to say the biggest most powerful words uttered by human voice: I WAS WRONG! The ego has bound them so completely they would rather choose ignorance, tsickness, pain, sorrow, suffering -unto death -- rather than admit they were duped, deceived, simply wrong, simply didnt have the information, dont want to look at new information and use their will to change their behavior. Food has everything to do with care and attention. We have to become aware of whats in the food that is harmful, toxic, poisonous, then use that knowledge to change our choices. No one said it was easy, just that it is simple and right. This information is available,but only through a minimum amount of seeking to desire to improve your body-mind connection. Kevin Trudeau Russell Blaylock Ian Crain Rema Labo Preservatives To keep food on shelves for longer periods of time. McDonalds fries, 6 months, time lapse, still in the same state. That is not natural. Natural food spoils. What does it need to stay in the same state for 6 months? How many chemicals are in them to preserve them for this long? Do they really need to keep them looking good for 6 months time? Are they on the shelf for 6 months? You can make the change. A little bit of knowledge, and using will power, make the change. Understand/knowledge info, care to change your diet, will to change. Alchemical riddle IMAGINATION is the key to life and death. It is that thing from which the philosopher stone can be prepared. if we cannot imagine a beter outcome, we cannot create one. if we cannot imagine a different way of being, we cannot make that way of being become manifest in our experience or our world. This faculty of humanity has been devastated in our current humanity. Pounded out of children, indoctrinated out of our youth in the education system. imagination - key to philosopher stone Pesticides, preservative, fertilizers, processed food. Pre-packaged foods is sold for your convenience but is processed and preserved. Fresh organic foods are the key. Processed foods are nutrient deficient. Colors and dyes are added, especially to childrens foods.

Dyes, artificial and chemical additives to change the color of food to make it look a certain way. not even necessary, they are only superficial aesthetics. They are harmful in our food. Bleaching of eggs, flour, sugar. People think white is purity, sanitary, clean. But bleaching is not good, they are low in nutrient value. White refined flour and sugar has no nutrition. Worse than sugar is high fructose corn syrup. 78m calls schools diagnosis: oppositional and defiant children Excitotoxins Artificial sweeteners Open up the blood brain barrier. Toxins are normally filtered of the blood system, but now they are getting into the brain as neurotoxins, excitatory neuro transmitters = excitotoxis Damaging to the central nervous system. Make you jittery, headaches, reduce cognitive function and ability to concentrate. 94m Once you have the larger picture it can be a burden. The task we have is to disseminate the information as widely and as freely as possible and to make ourselves available as conduits of information. The great work is to understand these truths and then speak them. The universe is spoken into existence. The reason we are in the mess we are in is that the people with the poisonous world view have propagated it through their voice. They have continuously propagated and reinforced this message of deceit. Our job is to combat that with the voice of truth. The ego is the most powerful thing that is holding these people where they are. What are we supposed to do? Have to understand the totality of the big picture, the tapestry of this information as it pertains to what is going on in the world and how it affects our lives on a day to day basis and then put it into a format that can be readily understood by other individuals and then share that information with whoever will accept any part of it. This is an information war, what changes us is information. Connected with that, there has to be care enough to take it in, will enough to change, change the quality of our attention and help others to change the quality of their attention and use our will to continue to do the right thing. Anarchy, no ruler; Monarchy, one ruler. When there is internal anarchy, when a being does rule the kingdom of the self, do not know thyself, no ruler ship over their internal kingdom. No understanding of the components of their consciousness and how they manifest the reality that they experience. They are not a sovereign. They are not monarchs of self. The one ruler of self, internally of yourself, the only thing you are allowed to be ruler of. There will be external monarchy, a force that wants to rule over that being as its one ruler, a monarch ruling over the anarchist being in internal state. The more of us in internal anarchy the closer we progress

towards external monarchy. The more of us that become true monarchs of self internally, in that kingdom there is only one ruler: each individual. When that happens, each person is a sovereign ruler over their own consciousness, then there will result external anarchy. There will be no rulership over other individual beings. That is the great work, to make that process happen within the beings on this planet. 109-115m ***nice wrap up of a few things***

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