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How to Derive a Well-Formed Outcome

1. What do I want? Ask this question about the context you are considering. State what you want in positive terms, ie what do you want, and what do you want it to do? Where do you want it? When do you want it? Eg 'I want to be, do or have X'. If the answer forms as 'I do not want...' then ask, 'What do I want instead of ...'. 2. Is it achievable? Is it possible for a human being to achieve the outcome? If it has been done by someone, then in theory it can be done by you, too. If you are the first, find out if it is possible. 3. What will I accept as evidence that I have achieved my outcome? What evidence will you accept that lets you know when you have the outcome? Ensure that your evidence criteria are described in sensory based terms ie: That which you can see, hear and/or touch that proves to you and/or third parties that you have done what you set out to do. 4. Is achieving this outcome within my control? Is it under your control, ie can you, personally do, authorise or arrange it? Anything outside your control is not 'well formed'. Instructing your broker is within your control. So is buying in expertise. Asking your employer for time off is not. The time off will only become well formed if it is granted. 5. Are the costs and consequences of obtaining this outcome acceptable? Ensure that the outcome is worth the time, outlay and effort involved in achieving it, and that impact on third parties or the environment is accounted for. 6. Do I have all the resources I need to achieve my outcome? Do you have or can you obtain all the resources, both tangible and intangible that you need to achieve your outcome? Resources include knowledge, beliefs, objects, premises, people, money, time. 7. If I could have it now, would I take it? Are all costs and consequences of achieving your outcome, including the time involved, acceptable to you and anyone else affected by it? This is known as ecology. Consider the costs, consequences, environmental and third party impact of having the outcome

Attributes of a Good Outcome

The Neuro-linguistic well-formed outcome model shows us the person we will become at the end of the outcome. We will visualize an image of ourselves that is attainable and appropriate. Neuro-linguistic Programming goes a step beyond the power of positive thinking and helps us think more productively with a constant knowledge of the objective and the steps to be followed to achieve it. We start taking effective actions immediately, and start getting closer to achieving the outcome by employing Neuro-linguistic courses. The Neuro-linguistic well-formed outcome model includes the following characteristics:
1. Make a positive statement in terms of what we really want to achieve:

A positive representation motivates the mind much better than the negative representation. The human mind cannot directly interpret a negative representation, but in fact creates the representation first in the mind and then tries to negate it. For example when we tell a child Dont play with fire, the child will first try to understand the meaning of playing with fire. If we make a statement I dont want to be poor, our mind will first form an image of being poor and then try to cross it out. However, the image of being poor will not fade away so easily. Hence, we will end up doing the exact opposite of what we decided not to do. By Neuro-linguistic Programming definition, an outcome is described as a positive statement that we want to accomplish. It is a declaration of something you want, not something you do not want. In addition, we will feel a lot of motivation for a positive outcome than a negative outcome. When we make a positive statement, we visualize the positive image in our minds. If we say, I want to be fit, we will see ourselves as healthy and fit. We will represent the meaning of fitness, and our mind will keep on getting positive messages about health and fitness. In addition, you must see yourself achieving the outcome in an image that has you inside it. That will instruct the brain that it is you who has to achieve the positive outcome, and your brain will tell your body from a dissociated position to do something about it. In summary, state what you specifically want positively, its effect on you and visualize yourself having the outcome. This can be done by undergoing Neuro-linguistic courses.
2. Describe the outcome in sensory based language:

Create a visual, auditory and sensory representation of the outcome in your mind. This will help us create the evidence procedure for knowing when the outcome is reached. We need to create an internal map of the outcome in terms of sights, sounds and sensations. These Neurolinguistic processes will establish our internal state. This will then directly affect our behavior by assimilating our internal state and physiology. With the help of focused behavior, we will then be able to achieve the outcome.

Finally try to create a dissociated image of the sights, sounds and feeling, so that your neurological senses will start taking you towards this objective. In summary, figure out how you can declare that an outcome has been reached in terms of what you will see, hear and feel when the objective is achieved. 3. Self initiated and self controlled:

We need to find out whether our outcome is dependent solely on us, or on others. We can control our thinking and emotions in life, but we cannot control the responses of other people. We often try to change someone elses behavior and might fail at it. It is not possible to change the behavior of others directly. However, it can be possible to change someone elses behavior indirectly by first changing our behavior. The well-formed outcome model tells us to rely on changes that we can initiate, manage and maintain. Putting out outcome at the mercy of others is inviting failure and disappointment. In summary, we should make sure that we ourselves initiate and control the outcome, and seek minimum involvement of others, as per Neuro-linguistic training.
4. Appropriate contextualization

Our Neuro-linguistic well-formed outcome model should fit in all circumstances in our life. If the outcome does not fit all contexts, it could be over-generalized and would cause problems down the line. You need to assess where the outcome might not apply, and what the time, energy, context and resource constraints are. Only when you can meet all constraints can you achieve the outcome. In summary, find out where and how your outcome becomes inappropriate or useless, the prerequisite resources, and whether they will be available to you.
5. Maintaining appropriate secondary gain

For every action we take, we do it because of some purpose or gain. As per Neuro-linguistic programming, the ecology of the entire system is the personal human system of thoughts, feelings, relationships etc. When a person is over eating, he is gaining something from this activity. A person who smokes gains something from it too. This is the secondary gain. When we are trying to change the behavior of a person, we need to preserve or provide an alternative to this secondary gain. Otherwise, the task of changing behaviors from the old to the new desirable ones cannot be achieved. This is the primary reason why changes do not last for long. Therefore, we need to maintain an appropriate secondary gain in order to achieve the outcome. In summary, find out what you will lose by achieving an outcome, and identify and try to replace the hidden gain that is important for you that needs to be maintained with or without the outcome. This is an important concept taught in Neuro-linguistic training.
6. Building the necessary resource

In order to achieve the outcome, we will need a certain set of resources. A Neuro-linguistic well-formed outcome model will include all the necessary resources in order to visualize and

achieve the desired result. If we set a goal, but are unable to imagine ourselves achieving it, that indicates lack of proper resources. Building the necessary resources is therefore vital for achieving the final objective. In summary, identify your present resources, and what you need to acquire, your present and necessary experience and skill set, or a person who can help you achieve your outcome. This can be learnt using Neuro-linguistic training.
7. Ecological for the whole system

Neuro-linguistic Programming gives importance to ecology, which is the science of the relationship between an organism and its environment. Any changes made to a part of the human system but fit together with other parts of the system in a healthy manner. Therefore, in a well-formed outcome model, it is important to consider the individual as well as the other people in the system. A human system comprises of family, friends, school, work relationships and community. We cannot achieve an objective if we benefit from one area but lose on the other. The outcome must adapt itself to all parts of the system. In summary, we must evaluate the outcome in terms of ecology of the system and its context.

Once we take into consideration all these aspects of the well-formed outcome model using Neuro-linguistic training, our motivation, dedicated efforts and the harmony created will help us achieve the representation in our minds.

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