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A Playei's Piimei by Elton Robb


This piimei builus upon TSR 9274, FR 1u !"#$%&'()*+. This is uesigneu so that a
playei can get up to speeu on playing in Elton's Foigotten Realms Campaign. The
thing about the FRCS anu the Souicebook is that it gives the BN the baie bones he
neeus to play. Eveiything is in theie to play in the lanu of Chessenta. Bowevei, you
may want to expanu on CBESSENTA in oiuei to make it a moie inteiesting place to
game in.

Chessenta is one of the 0lu Empiies in the South Eastein Realms. The iegion is
compiiseu of Chessenta, Nulhoianu, anu 0nthei iespectively. These 0lu Empiies
weie once gieat Empiies that iivaleu Netheiil in the Aicane Age. Now aftei ceitain
events (the Time of Tioubles), Toiil faces an unceitain age.

. . . The Yeai is 1S72 accoiuing to Bale Reckoning. It is the yeai of Wilu Nagic. The
City of Shaue has appeaieu, anu in Niuwintei, Bane has ietuineu. Tilveiton was
uestioyeu, anu the campaign begins uuiing Shielumeet.


Chessenta is iuleu by the Nulan. The Nulan aie a iace of Nan hailing fiom Abeii-
Toiil's long lost sistei woilu (which is not Abeii). They have been iuling foi
centuiies. Chessenta is usually consiueieu to be a backwaiu kinguom with little
moie piospeiity. It's uays of gloiy weie behinu them.

It's also seen as a lanu of bizaiie politics. Chessenta was unifieu by the heio
Tzchaai, anu this heio built an empiie that was shoit liveu. Bowevei, those
Balesmen anu Comyieans that visiteu the lanu uuiing the Invasion of the Tuigan
Boiue know the tiuth. The kinguom is anything but uniteu. The entiie lanu is
balkanizeu with the most impoitant city states being Aiispui, Akanax, Cimbai,
Luthcheq, Noiuulkin, Nouiktai, Reth, anu Sooienai. 0thei city states incluue
Acauemy, Syiacuse, Sybaiis, Taitessos, Elea, anu many otheis.

The cultuie of Chessenta is obsesseu with physical conflict with wai heioes
consiueieu veiy highly. Chessenta welcomes uwaives anu half-oics but finu they
aie uneasy with the elves. Chessentan society appieciates the aits anu aie gieat
fans of the theatei. Because of actois anu playiights, the baiuic piofession is seconu
only to that of fighteis.


Chessenta is the gieatest lanu in the woilu. Chessenta, although foimeu by splitting
with 0nthei, has contiibuteu to the Faeiunian Aits anu Sciences thiough it's sistei
countiy, Chonuath. Chessenta is a place of high cultuie, ait, anu science. This is
celebiateu thiough out Chessenta uuiing the Pythian uames, the Belian uames, the
Cimbiian games, anu the 0lympic games.

We aie the most eneigetic. Anu we have the gieatest aimies anu navies in the
woilu. We live each uay to the fullest. We fight often, anu we enjoy it. The eneigy
we have is spent eithei in wai, on the stage, oi between the books philosophizing.
We aie a piospeious people.


The typical Chessentan looks like a Westein oi Noithein Euiopean of Fiench,
English, ueiman, Butch, Scanuinavian, Spanish, anu Poituguese lineage. This is
because when the Imaskaii cieateu the gate to Abeii-Toiil's sistei woilu - they
biought in Egyptians, Canaanites, Babylonians anu . . . the people known to the
Egyptians as the ,-.+/+ - Isiaelites.

The Chessentans aie uescenueu fiom the Twelve Tiibes of Isiael: }oseph, }uuah,
Reuben, Ban, Naphtali, Levi, Simeon, uau, Issachai, Zebulun, Benjamin, anu Ashei.
These Nulan aie Bebiews anu have the nasty little habit of spieauing.

The Bebiews uiu spieau, thioughout the Westein Realms in fact, staiting colonies in
the uieat Bale anu finally the Balelanus; Coimyi, Sembia, the Westein Beaitlanus,
anu finally up into Wateiueep. Like the Bebiews thioughout histoiy, they foigot
themselves anu theii gou anu staiteu woishipping the Faeiunian Pantheon.
Bowevei, as always, the winus of Change blow thiough Faeiun.

The Chessentans aie a pait of ancient human blooulines anu typically uo not mix
theii blooulines with that of Faeiun's inuigenous human population as they have
bloou mixeu with the oics, seipents, anu elves. The exception to this seems to be
the city state of Aiispui - wheie oics anu half-oics aie accepteu.

The 0ntheiites aie a mix of Babylonian anu Canaanite blooulines, with the
Nulhoianui mostly of Egyptian uescent. The lanu of Thay is consiueieu to be all
Canaanite with the occasional mix of Euomite bloou by the ancients of Chessenta.


The Faeiunian iuea that Chessentan slaves aie tieateu bettei than the slaves in
Thay, Nulhoianu, anu 0nthei is actually piopaganua spin. Although theie aie some
fine examples of slaves being fieeu, nothing is fuithei fiom the tiuth.

Slaveiy is consiueieu a pait of the natuial oiuei anu the natuial economy. While
aftei seven yeais, a slave may be petition to be fieeu fiom his Nastei, anu a Nastei
may fiee his slaves at any time, in piactice a slave is often a slave foi life. This is
because Chessentan philosopheis consiuei some men, especially women, to be
natuially submissive anu seivile.

Bowevei, woik conuitions among slaves vaiy gieatly. Slaveiy is a punishment
ieseiveu those who can not pay theii peisonal uebts, those who steal, anu those
who iape. Also, male captives uuiing wai aie often solu into slaveiy.

Nen who aie Chessentan slaves may be woik slaves, woiking in the mines oi in
constiuction piojects. 0i they may be householu slaves. Bowevei, in Chessenta,
most cities (except Akanax anu Luthcheq) eschew homosexuality among Nastei anu
slave, so a Nastei using his male slave foi sexual favois is exceeuingly iaie. Sexual
favois aie often pioviueu by Kajiiae. Besiues this, male slaves with combat abilities
aie often solu as glauiatois to fight foi spoit. ulauiatois aie well tieateu anu often
aie the

In Chessenta, the slave population is mostly female, howevei not all women aie
enslaveu. Bumans, uiow, elves, oics, uwaives, anu even Balflings make up the
Kajiia class of slave. A Kajiia is a slave that is oveiwhelmingly submissive anu
accoiuing to philosopheis, have all that makes them women unlockeu.

Kajiiae can come fiom anywheie anu aie usually bioken anu tiaineu to be a slave.
Kajiiae aie thought to be slaves fiist, anu thus will become so. Kajiiae aie often
householu slaves, but can be tiaineu foi pleasuie.

Regaiuless, the slave maikets aie full as Chessentan expeuitionaiy aimy of slaveis
often go to gieat lengths to finu slaves. The slaveis go eveiywheie: even into the
ueep 0nueiuaik anu the planes; to ietiieve slaves. They have ietuineu with a
menageiie of women. In the Chessentan slave maikets, you can finu females anu
males of the following iaces:
Buman, Balesman.
Buman, Coimyiean.
Buman, Sembian.
Buman, Tashalaian
Buman, Shaaian
Buman, Agalionuian
Buman, vastian
Buman, Shou
Buman, Blonuethese
Elf, Woou
Elf, Noon
Elf, Sun
Elf, Biow
Bwaif, Shielu
Balfling, Stiongheait
Buman, Baibaiian (Extiaplanai, usually in mouein clothing oi have sci-fi

All slaves aie solu nakeu. Anu all Kajiiae have theii innei femininity unlockeu anu
theiefoie ciave the touch of a man oi Nastei. 0f those solu in the Chessentan slave
maikets, Baibaiian women aie highly piizeu as the slaveis take them fiom woilus
weie women have theii femininity iepiesseu anu often asseit themselves as men.
Thus, tiaineu as kajiia slaves, they become insatiable beasts having uiscoveieu theii
visceieal sexuality. Seconu to that aie uiow, who also have these tiaits when
tiaineu as Kajiiae. Thiiu of all aie the Yuan-ti, who have theii tiaits foi uominance
ieplaceu by seivility anu submissiveness.

Aftei that aie the exotic slaves - women who look uiffeient anu aie fiom uiffeient
locales. 0f these, Shou slaves anu Shaaian slaves aie often billeu as exotic. Because
of stiiking oiiental featuies in the Shou anu the uaik skin of the Shaaian. Beyonu
this aie the humans of Chult, who aie iegaiueu as ieally backwaiu, anu thus also
uesiiable. Bomestic slaves aie slaves of noimal appeaiance that can come fiom all
ovei faeiun. Bowevei, geneially the slaveis uon't make it that fai.

ueneially, because of tiauition, most kajiiae have been ienueieu steiile aftei taking
special potions of eteinal youth - but some aie kept as bieeuing stock. Such slaves
must be of the piopei blooulines, although exceptions have been maue with elves,
incluuing uiow. So theie is a sizable half-uiow population of 1% in Chessenta.

Nost slaves in Chessenta aie kept illiteiate, except in the city state of Cimbai. The
Cimbiian Republican goveinment sees powei in liteiacy but want to use that powei
to theii auvantage. Theiefoie eveiyone in Cimbei must know how to ieau anu wiite
anu calculate mathematical pioblems citizen anu slave alike.

Above the slaves, who uon't own piopeity anu aie tieateu as piopeity themselves,
aie the Fieemen on the Lanu. Especially in Cimbai, eveiy fiee man anu woman who
is fiee is tieateu as having peisonal soveieignty. Kings anu tyiants aie consiueieu
fiist among equals. Slaves aie not consiueieu to have peisonal soveieignty,
although theii Nasteis ieseive the iight to giant it unuei special conuitions.

This iuea of peisonal soveieignty is alaiming to the Zhentaiim, who wish to have all
Soveieignty unto themselves. They have tiieu, many times, to infiltiate Chessentan
society anu unueimine this national belief, but in so fai they have been unsuccessful
because the Biscoiuiant Society keeps them in check.

This iuea of Peisonal Soveieignty also giates on the leaueis of Sembia. The Sembian
goveinment makes its money by making loans to othei kinguoms anu nations of
Faeiun anu this was how they conqueieu Noonuale. All the nations of the Sea of
Fallen Stais owe uebts to this nation, even Coimyi anu Aglaionu. So, when
Chessenta cities boiioweu money fiom Sembia to funu theii wais; the Sembians
calleu in theii uebts. As a iesult, the Sembians have maue an enemy of eveiy
poweiful city-state in Chessenta.


Application of Natuial Philosophy in Chessenta is iivaling that of Lantan. Cimbiian
engineeis have uevelopeu the uastiophetes, the Ballista, the Scoipion, the
Ciossbow, Cimbiian (uieek) Fiie, anu the Cog, they also uevelopeu a iuuimentaiy
steam engine. Thus, theii technology iivals that of fableu Lantan.

Chessentan Natuial Philosophy has giown beyonu Eucliuan ueometiy anu has
incluueu the Laws of Theimouynamics anu the Conseivation of Eneigy. The Natuial
Philosophy has giown to Classical Physics, anu thus the Philosopheis aie at a loss of
explaining what uiavity actually is, although the vaiious anti-giavity spells aie
giving the Chessentan natuial philosopheis clues as to uiavity's tiue natuie. So fai,
the tiue natuie of how magic woiks eluues them.



Sembia is considered to be the greatest threat to
Chessentan peace and prosperity and the Soveriegnty
of its citizens poor, rich, and prosperous. All of the
City States have made the big mistake of borrowing
money from the Sembian moneylenders, and now
Sembia has called in their debts on all the City States.
This means raising taxes. The Cimbrian Senate will
not do this and is considering creating a new league of
Chessenta in order to meet Sembias demands of

After all, he who owns the Gold makes the Rules, and
the Chessentans do not want to be a debtor nation
anymore. Faced with the real possibility of a Sembian
Invasion, the Cimbrians are convening a Congress of
Nations among their allies, rivals, and enemies to
discuss an invasion of Sembia. After all, the Land of
Coin is seen as a forgotten colony. The Sembians are
Chondathians, although despite this, the Cimbrians want to conquer the land and put it to
the torch or the people in chains. The Sembians are the most powerful enemy and the
ones with the most threat. The Chessentan rulers rightly believe that a Sembian invasion is
in order if they default.


Chondath is a country with a long history, located in the Vilhon Reach. It is located
on what once was the psiocracy ofJhaamdath on the shore of the Sea of Fallen
Stars. Chondath is presently a confederation of city-states under the capital
ofArrabar, but used to be a powerful nation in times long past. All of Chondath is
ruled by Eles Wianar, the Lord of Arrabar. He resides in the Generon, a large
palace located in the capital.

Chondath is seen by Chessentans, and Cimbrians in particular, as a land like Chessenta.
One needing unity. It's a scattered country of allied city states that squabble amongst each
other and are loosely allied under one leader. It's riches and disunity makes it a target for
the Cimbrians after they unify Chessenta under one banner, one rule.


The Chondalwood is a dangerous place to
humans. A place of ancient forests, its under
the care of the Treants (or tree herds) and the
ancient tribes of wild elves, or the Sy-Tel-
quessir. The place rebukes Chessentan
invasion, and all attempts to clear patches of
the wood is met with vengeance. The wood is
seen as evil and is avoided by most
Chessentans. The Cimberians have no plans of
moving into the wood and conquering it.

Besides, the Chondalwood have been
expanding as of late, and has completely taken
over most of Chondath. Chondalwood
politics have been about returning the land to
its pristine state. Besides the wild dervish
druids who want to attack any humanoid thing that comes with any technology. Whether
they are paladins or orcs or Lantese gnomes, they feel that civilization is the blight on Toril
and must be driven away or utterly destroyed.


The Chessentans see the land as ripe for colonization. It's seen as a rolling grassland running
from the Shining Sea to the lands of Hulruaa and Durpar. Cimbrians only plan on
conquering the Shaar and colonizing part of it in order not to attract the attention of
Hulruaa. The tribes of wemics, gnolls, and humans are seen as backward savages and
barbarians by the Cimbrians.

Mulan who are the descendants of Cush mostly populates the Sharr. With the exceptional
tribe of white cavemen, Neanderthals, or brown skinned humans. They are black humans
with blunt noses, looking like they are descendants of Africans. There are many of them
and they mostly live in peace with the wemics they share the land with.


The Mulhorandi are the enemies of the enemies of
Chessenta, meaning Unther. Therefore, they are the
friends of Chessenta. However, since the
Mulhorandi are ruled by a mortal Pharaoh instead of
a deific Pharaoh like Horus-Re, or Amun-Ra; and
since the young Pharaoh is concerned with
expansionism, the empire is treated as "Buyer, be
aware of the Pharaoh and his expansionistic
campaigns." Cimbar tries to keep the kingdom as
close as possible, and the Senate regularly sends
diplomats to hope to make formal treaties with the
Mulhorandi so that the ancient nation does not
expand into Chessenta. If they ever do, the
Cimbrians will be ready.

Relations between Cimbar and the rest of Chessenta
is strained, but the Pharaoh is busy with his plans for Unther that he cant think of
expanding further. The Pharoah is currently cordial with Chessenta and Chessentan City-
States (Airspur) has lent mercenaries to help the Pharoah with his war with Unther. With
Sembia on the rise, the Mulhorandi and the Chessentans have a common enemy.


Seen as a savage land by the Cimbarians, the Lake of Steam is
a land of independent city states that have ties to Hulruaa.
However, tales of cave men kidnapping women, strange
outfits, and various weapons float to Cimbar by visitors and
adventurers. It may lead to an expedition of legionaries to see
if anything is actually happening there. Also tales of big
dragon turtles, otters, birds, and great whales often reach the
ears of the people. It's seen as a wondrous place that may beg
for exploration or invasion.


Thay is seen as a source of revenue. After all, Chessenta ships slaves to Thay. However,
sooner or later, Szass Tam may want to expand Thay's influence. Although expansion of
Thay's influence as thus been so far as subtle. The Red Wizards, however, are known as
being cruel and capricious. They always wanted to expand their zone of influence and now
that Cimbar is on the rise, plans for cutting off Thay are in motion. War with Thay is
inevitable, but the Senate plans to stave it off in order to see what the Mulhorandi do.

Finally there is . . .


The Vilhon Reach is not a concern of Cimbrians at the moment. They arent concerned
with expanding that far. But the City of Serpents - Hlondeth is an exception. The
normally quiet City State and its rule by a Halfblood Yaun-ti is cause for concern.

The Cimbrians have recently culled a cult of Sseth (Set) worshippers out of the Senate and
culled the Yaun-ti influence as well. The Cimbrians view the Yaun-ti as a cancer in the
land and they excise them out whenever they are found in the city. With fear of the Yuan-
ti, the Cimbrian Government are sending spies to find out what the intentions are of
Hlondeth, if any.


Generally, there are seven faiths that are accepted among all the city states. These include
Anhur, Assuran, Azuth, Lathander, the Red Knight, Tchazzar, and Waukeen. Each are
detailed below, with Tchazzar given a larger entry.

Lesser Mulhorandi Deity
Symbol: Hawk-headed Falchion bound with a cord.
Home Plane: Heliopolis
Portfolio: War, conflict, physical prowess, thunder, rain
Worshippers: Druids, fighters, monks, rangers, soldiers,
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos (Azata), Good (Agathion), Strength
(Resolve), Weather (Storms), War (Tactics)

Anhur is the same deity as in Mulhorand. He has been brought back into Chessenta by
mercenary companies who have spread his worship. Mordulkin is its center, but many of
the soldiers of Akanax have adopted him as well, though he is chaotic by military standards.
His Chessentan worshipers portray him as a southern power, not a Mulhorand deity. The
priests of Horus-Re do not like this, as it will be harder to displace Anhur from Mulhorand
if he has a broad base of worship.

Faerunian Demigod
Symbol: Black gloved hand holding a coin with a two-
faced head.
Home Plane: The barrens of doom and despair
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Revenge, retribution, poetic justice
Worshipers: Assassins, fighters, rogues, seekers of
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE
Domains: Destruction (Rage), Law (Devil), Luck (fate), Travel (Exploration)

The worship of Assuran is an ancient one; he is an Untheric deity whose worship did the
priests of Ramman drive from that realm, but who was revived in Chessenta. The center of
his popularity is Akanax, among the officers (many of the soldiers are turning to the
worship of Anhur).

Lesser Deity

Home plane: Dweomerheart
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Wizards, mages, spellcasters in general, monks (of the Shining Hand)
Worshippers: Philosophers, sages, sorcerers, wizards
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN
Domains: Knowledge (Thought), Magic (Arcane), Law (Agathion), Rune (Wards), Spell
(see FRCS)

Azuth is worshiped by mages in Cimbar and Mordulkin, the two centers of magic in
Chessenta. Once every year, his worshipers sacrifice specially created magical items in his
honor. His form has only been seen once in Chessenta, in the company of the archmage
Heptios. The main temple of Azuth is in Cimbar.

Greater Deity

Home Plane: House of Nature
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn,
renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, and youth
Worshipers: Aristocrats, artists, athletes,
merchants, monks (of the Sun Soul), the young.
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Good (Archon), Nobility (Leadership),
Protection (Purity), Renewal, Strength (Ferocity),
Sun (Day)

Lathander is worshiped in Chessenta, though not as the commander of creativity but as the
perfect athlete. Sacrifices to Lathander begin all athletic competitions, and athletes pray to
him to ensure that they perform at their best. Lathander is portrayed in statuary as a runner
or a wrestler, competing against great heroes. He sometimes comes to test great athletes;
he never loses, but if his opponent demonstrates great ability, he grants a boon.
Lathanders priesthood is small, but many pray at his shrines.

(Aspect of Tiamat)

Symbol: Red Dragon against a mountain
Home Plane: Faerun
Alignment: Choatic Evil
Domains: Spells are granted by Tiamat. Domains are: Evil (Devil), Law (Slavery),
Scalykind (Dragon), Tyranny (see FRCS)

Tchazzar was the father of Chessenta. He was also a polymorphed red dragon, who began
an interesting experiment. Tchazzar believed that if he were to take on human form, unite
and rule Chessenta for a time, and then disappear mysteriously, a cult would be created to
worship him. It did.

Tchazzar is still alive, and he feels that the power of his followers beliefs will give him god-
like powers. Tchazzar is a great wyrm red dragon with the abilities of a demipower.
Tchazzars worship is concentrated in Cimbar and Soorenar.

What actually happened . . . A man yellow eyes and flawless teeth and angular features
appeared in Cimbar with a young woman trailingg behind him. He declared to all that
Siamorphe ordained him to be Tyrant of Cimbar and all the lands around about. In the
years that followed, Tchazzar led the Chessentans on many battles and fought and partied
hard with the best of them. And then the accounts in FR10 and the FRCS take over.

Tchazzar is a red dragon by all accounts (see Dragons of Faerun). He believed that if he
took on human form and united and ruled Chessenta for a time, and then disappeared
mysteriously, a cult would arise and worship him. Well, he was right.

Tchazzar ruled as a benevolent Tyrant. His unification of Chessenta brought about
prosperity and peace to the Land. The peace and prosperity was great, for the most part.
Cimbar prospered under Tchazzars rule. The Arts flourished and there was healthy
competition. In time, the Chessenta League was established under Tchazzar and the
country flourished reaching a Golden Age. After his battle with the sahuagin, Cimbar
languished under other Tyrants until they were deposed and a Roman Republic was set up
in response. Tyrant and King are profane words, but Tchazzar isnt a profane word at all in

Lesser Faerunian Deity
Symbol: Gold Coin with Waukeens profile facing left.
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Trade, money, and wealth
Worshippers: Merchants, traders, the wealthy, and rogues (thieves who work for their
government and those that fight fire with fire).
Domains: Knowledge (Memory), Protection (Defense), Travel (Trade)

Waukeen is the most popular deity of the middle class in Chessenta. Traveling merchants,
who have spread her worship as far south as Durpar, worship her as the protector of traders.
There are temples to Waukeen across Chessenta; the largest is in Reth.


There are a number of races in Chessenta, human, demi-human, and humanoid; that make
suitable player characters. Chessenta is inhabited by Mulan humans (descendants of
Earthmen). These Mulan are the descendants of Shem (Babylonians, Israelites), Mizraim
(Egypt), and Canaan (Levant pre-invasion).

Other inhabitants include Faerunian humans, the Yuan-ti, elves, dwarves, Amazons,
halfings, goblins, orcs, half-orcs, half-elves, and the mystic Illuminians. All of these races
live in one or more city states scattered around Chessenta.


The Mulan of Chessenta have a Western European Appearance, and thus are descendants
of Israelites. They rule Chessenta almost exclusively in most of the cities (Akanax, Cimbar,
Mordulkin, and Luthcheq), and comprise a large number of Sovereign Freemen. They are
predominately fair skinned, with tones running from ghostly white to an olive tan.

Chessenta mulan practice slavery as a matter of course, but slavery is under special
conditions. The Chessenta mulan usually worship Lathander, Tchazzar, Wuakeen, the Red
Knight, or Anhur, but a mystery religion venerating the mulans ancient deity YHWH
has arisen.

Pathfinder Statistics: These are found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The mulan
have an LA of +0.


Almost all Faerunian humans have been enslaved in Chessenta. Those few Faerunian
humans who are Sovereign are either descended from mulan bloodlines or are immigrants
from Faerunian nations. However, more women are enslaved than men; with the men
doing the hardiest work.

Pathfinder Statistics: See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game for statistics.


Back when Kajira slavery was established, the women in the City State of Themiscyra
rebelled and conquered all the men. They expelled the men, who formed the All-male
village of Talushan. The women formed themselves into an army, to make sure that they
are a city that remains free. Themiscyrans are of two bloodlines Cush and Faerunian
(white). Generally, to keep their bloodlines pure, the Amazons are selective of their

Statistics: Use human from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.


There are a number of Elven societies in Chessenta, but they are generally forced into their
own communities due to the Elfism that is practiced in Chessenta proper. Still, some
Elves may wish to adventure with Men. The variety of elves include:

Sun Elves
Moon Elves
Wood Elves

There are no Wild Elves in Chessenta. The drow are almost exclusively enslaved, except
for those who are expatriates of their civilization beneath the ground. Any other drow
above ground is considered to be enemies, for the drow intermittingly invade Chessenta for
reparations of taking drow as slaves. Only a few true elves have been enslaved.

Sun Elves Pathfinder Statistics:
Medium Humanoid (Elf) (+0 RP)
Base Speed: A Sun Elfs base speed is 30 ft/rnd. (+0 RP)
+2 to Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence (Standard array, +5 RP). Sun
Elves value study and meditation over the agility learned by most other elves.
Elf Immunities. Members of this race are immune to magic sleep effects and gain
a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.(2
Elf Magic. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to
overcome spell resistance. In addition, they also receive a +2 racial bonus on
Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items. (2 RP)
Languages: Sun Elves may learn Elven and Common. Bonus languages include:
Auran, Celestial, Chondathian, Gnome, Halfling, Illuskan, and Sylvan. (Linguist
Array 2 RP)
Weapon Familiarity: Sun elves are proficient with the Longbow and the Long
Sword. (1 RP)
Skill Bonus: Sun elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks. (2 RP)
Total RP: 10 LA +0 Race

Moon Elf Pathfinder Statistics:
Use the Elf entry in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game to figure Moon Elf statistics.

Drow Statistics:
Common drow have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, 2 Constitution. Drow are nimble and
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Immunities/Saving Throw Bonuses: Immune: magic sleep effects. Saving Throw
Bonuses: +2 racial bonus against enchantment spells.
Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.
Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each 1/day, using his total
character level as his caster level.
Weaknesses/Vulnerabilities: Light Blindness.
Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning
Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short
Languages: Drow begin play speaking Elven and Undercommon. Drow with high
Intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan,
Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, or Goblin.


There are a few dwarven communities in the hills. Almost all of them are of the Shield
Dwarf variety, although there two Gold Dwarf communities. No dwarves have ever been
enslaved in the past one thousand years, as they have been hard to capture and few dwarven
women consider themselves slaves.
Dwarven Statistics: Use the Dwarf Statistics from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Very few varieties of these exist. However, a few of the
females are Kajira, and they are rumored to make some of
the best Kajirae in Chessenta. After all, all Aasimar are
the byblows of the divine from the Celestial realms (the
Halls of Justice, Arvandor, etc.). The heritage can hide
itself for generations before manifesting itself again. In
Chessenta, in 905 DR, there were a significant amount of
Aasimar births.

Aasimar Statistics:
Aasimars have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments: +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom.
Aasimars are insightful, confident, and personable.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Spell-Like Abilities: daylight 1/day (caster level equals the aasimar's class level).
Resistance(s): acid, cold, electricity resistance 5.
Languages: Aasimars begin play speaking Common and Celestial. Aasimars with high
Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages: Draconic,
Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan.


In 1100 DR, in Chessenta, the people of the former City State of Teleamon had sold their
souls to Asmodeus of the Nine Hells. The result was a demonic take over of the town
which led to the city state being renamed as Pandemonium. Over the next ten years, there
was a jump in Half-fiend population until Unther destroyed Pandemonium and razed it to
the ground in an all out attack. As a result, over the generations, there has been a sharp
spike in Tiefling population in both Unther and Chessenta.

Tiefling Statistics:
Tieflings have the following racial traits:
Ability Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, 2
Charisma. Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are
inherently strange.
Senses: darkvision (60 feet.)
Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth
Spell-Like Abilities: darkness 1/day (caster level equals the
tiefling's class level.)
Resistance(s): cold, electricity, and fire resistance 5.
Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal
bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for
all sorcerer class abilities.
Languages: Tieflings begin play speaking Common and either Abyssal or Infernal.
Tieflings with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following: Abyssal, Draconic,
Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc.


The Yaun-ti of Chessenta are an ancient race; the result of a blending of Saruhk and
Human bloodlines. When Chessenta was briefly unified by Tchazzar, he demanded their
loyalty. And he got it, once the Yaun-ti figured out he was actually a dragon. Since then,
the Yaun-ti had a place in Chessentan society, although they had their first loyalty with the
Sarukh, the power of Tchazzar intimidated most of the Yaun-ti population that they give
their loyalty to Chessenta second.

4As a result, a new house was born: House
Honorgarss. The Yaun-ti of House
Honorgarss are all mostly Neutral Good in
respect to human morality and ethical
behavior, and it is their customary duty to
guard Chessenta from invasion of other
Yaun-ti. All three varieties: the Purebloods,
the Half-bloods, and the Abominations are
represented. But there hasnt been an
Anathema seen in Chessenta for as long as
anyone can remember since Tchazzar.
There has been infiltrations of other Yuan-
ti, especially from house Extaminos of
Hlondeth. This has led to a few Yuan-ti in
the Cimbrian Senate to propose an
expedition of military forces into Hlondeth.
So far, Sembia is a more pressing concern.

Yaun-ti Pure Blood Racial Traits:

Medium Monstrous Humanoid: Yaun-ti are the results of the crossing of humans and
serpent bloodlines. Pure-blooded Yaun-ti are mostly human except with a slight slant to a
serpentine appearance. (2 RP)
Size: Pure-blooded Yaun-ti are Medium creatures. (0 RP)
Ability Scores: a Yaun-ti Pure Blood may gain a +2 bonus in any two ability scores.
(Flexible Modifers, 2 RP)
Languages: Yaun-ti start with Yaun-ti and Common. And many choose Abyssal and
Draconic as bonus languages. (Standard Array of Languages, 1 RP)

Racial Abilities
Natural Armor: Yaun-ti pure bloods receive a +1 natural armor bonus due to their scaly
skin. (2 RP)
Spell-Resistance, Lesser: Yaun-ti Pure bloods have spell resistance equal to 6 + level. (2
Change Shape: A pure blood Yaun=ti can assume the appearance of a small or medium
sized humanoid as per the Alter-Self spell. (6 RP)
Spell Like Abilities: 1 per day animal trance, cause fear, and charm person. (4 RP)
Skill Bonuses: Yaun-ti purebloods receive a +2 competence bonus on Disguise, Perception,
and any one Knowledge skill. (6 RP)
Powerful Race: the Yaun-ti Pure Blood has an LA of +1 (25 Race Points total)


As GM, I reserve the right to change the rules dealing with Magic. Of course, these rules
may seem strange to you; but thats just how it works. All players wanting to play a
magical class need to reference Advanced D20 Magic.

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