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2009 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition

Feature Extraction Using Gabor-Filter and Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant with Application in Fingerprint Identification
M. Dadgostar1, P. R. Tabrizi2, E. Fatemizadeh3, H. Soltanian-Zadeh2 1 Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, School of Biomedical Engineering 2 University of Tehran, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 Sharif University of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering,,, Abstract
Fingerprint is widely used in identification and verification systems. In this paper, we present a novel feature extraction method based on Gabor filter and Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminate (RFLD) algorithm, which is used for fingerprint identification. Our proposed method is assessed on images from the biolab database. Experimental results show that applying RFLD to a Gabor filter in four orientations, in comparison with Gabor filter and PCA transform, increases the identification accuracy from 85.2% to 95.2% by nearest cluster center point classifier with Leave-One-Out method. Also, it has shown that applying RFLD to a Gabor filter in four orientations, in comparison with Gabor filter and PCA transform, increases the identification accuracy from 81.9% to 100% by 3NN classifier. The proposed method has lower computational complexity and higher accuracy rates than conventional methods based on texture features. Therefore, it is appropriate to use Gabor filters as bandpass filters to remove the noise and preserve true ridge/valley structures [2]. Lee et al [3] used Gabor filter-based features for fingerprint recognition. Their method required an additional step to detect the reference point (core point) in the fingerprint image. Then the magnitude of Gabor features was extracted only from a small subimage centered in the core point. Tico et al [4] extracted features from the wavelet transform of the discrete fingerprint images on biolab database [5]. They also selected a subset of 104 fingerprint images from biolab database and tested the proposed method of [3]. Usually, features extracted by the Gabor filter are in very large dimensions. Traditionally, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminator analysis (LDA/FLD) have been the standard approach to reduce the high-dimensional original pattern vector space into low-dimensional feature vector space [1]. Although these methods are the same in some aspects, FLD has proven to be more efficient than PCA in pattern recognition problems [1]. The main advantage of FLD over PCA is in extracting more discriminant features. A serious limitation in using FLD is that the total number of the features available from FLD is limited to c-1, where c is the number of classes. Xiang et al [1] suggested a recursive procedure for extracting FLD features called Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant (RFLD). In this paper, images of biolab data base are used with size of 256256 pixels. Our proposed method is built into four steps which include: 1. Decomposing images into 3232 pixel cells and normalizing them using mean and variance values both equal to 100. 2. Applying Gabor filter in different directions and frequency equal to 10.

1. Introduction
Biometry is an important technique that identifies an individual based on specific physiological or behavioral characteristic. Fingerprint is one of the important physiological characteristics for personal verification and identification. Uniqueness of fingerprint has been examined and proved. In this paper, we propose a new method for fingerprint identification based on Gabor filter and RFLD (Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminate) algorithm [1]. Gabor filters have both frequency-selective and orientation-selective properties and have optimal joint resolution in both spatial and frequency domains.
978-0-7695-3520-3/09 $25.00 2009 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICAPR.2009.64 217

3. Applying RFLD algorithm for extracting more discriminant features. 4. Image classification using 3NN classifier and nearest cluster center point classifier with Leave-OneOut method. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the feature extraction algorithm. Section 3 shows experimental results on the biolab data base. Finally, a brief conclusion is given in section 4.

2. Feature extraction
In this method, feature extraction includes two steps: employing Gabor filter in different orientations and then using RFLD algorithm.

[7]. For a 256256 image, this results in 64 tessellated cells. Before filtering the fingerprint image, we normalize the gray level intensities in each cell separately to a constant mean and variance. Normalization is done to remove the effects of sensor noise and finger pressure differences [6]. Let I(x, y) denote the gray level of pixel (x, y), M i and Vi , the estimated mean and variance of the cell, respectively, and N i ( x, y ) , the normalized gray level value of pixel (x, y). For all the pixels in the cell, the normalized image is defined as:
(V0 ) ( I ( x, y ) M i2 ) , if I ( x, y ) > M i M 0 + Vi N i ( x, y ) = (V0 ) ( I ( x, y ) M i2 ) , Otherwise M 0 Vi


2.1. Gabor filter

Gabor filters are widely used because of their capability for removing noises and enhancing the ridge and valley structures. Gabor filters are band-pass filters which have both orientation-selective and frequencyselective properties and also optimal joint resolution in both spatial and frequency domains. By applying properly tuned Gabor filters to a fingerprint image, the true ridge and furrow structures can be greatly accentuated. These accentuated ridges and furrow structures constitute an efficient representation of a fingerprint image [6]. An even symmetric Gabor filter has the following general form in the spatial domain:
2 y 2 1 x G ( x, y , f , ) = exp 2 + 2 cos( 2fx ), y 2 x

where M 0 and V0 are the desired mean and variance values, respectively. Normalization is a pixel-wise operation which does not change the clarity of the ridge and furrow structures. If normalization is done on the entire image, then it cannot compensate for the intensity variations in the different parts of the finger due to finger pressure differences. Normalization of each cell separately alleviates this problem [8]. The standard deviation of intensity in each filtered cell is treated as a feature value. Let Fi ( x, y ) be the component image corresponding to for each cell. A feature, Vi , is defined as standard deviation of each cell with the following equation:
Vi =


( F ( x, y ) P )
i i Ki


(2) where f is the frequency of the sinusoidal plane wave along the direction from the x-axis, and x and y specify the Gaussian envelope along x and y axes, respectively. In our algorithm, the filter frequency f is set to the average ridge frequency (1/K), where K is the inter-ridge distance. The average inter-ridge distance is approximately 10 pixels. Both values of x and y are empirically set to 4. A bank of Gabor filters with different orientations is applied to each of the tessellated cells. These Gabor filters are performed in 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 orientations. We have used four different values (00, 450, 900 and 1350) with respect to the x-axis. A fingerprint convolved with a 0o-oriented filter accentuates those ridges which are parallel to the -axis and smoothes the ridges in the other directions. Each image is tessellated into equal-sized nonoverlapping rectangular cells of predefined dimensions

x = x sin + y cos , y = x cos y sin ,

where Ki is the number of pixels in each cell and Pi is the mean of the pixel values in Fi .

3. RFLD Algorithm
The FLD algorithm selects w as a linear sub-area which maximizes the following Fisher indicator [1]:
J ( w) = wT S B w wT S w w ,


S B is between-class scatter matrix and S w is within-

class distribution matrix. Suppose that we have a set of d-dimensional samples x1 , x2 ,..., x n belonging to c different classes with samples ni in the subset Di labeled wi , i = 1,..., c . S B
and S w matrixes are defined as follows:
SB =

n i ( m i m )( m i m )T ,
i =1



S w = ( x mi )( x mi )T ,
i =1 xDi


( ( ( ( ( S Bk ) = W Nk 1) (W Nk 1) ) T S BW Nk 1) (W Nk 1) )T
( S wk ) ( ( = W Nk 1) (W Nk 1) )T ( ( S wW Nk 1) (W Nk 1) )T

(11) (12)

m is the d-dimensional sample mean for the whole set, mi is the sample mean for class labeled wi [1]. In order to maximize the value of J (w) , the selected features should maximize S B and minimize S w . The following equation can be used to maximize J (w) : (8) S w = S w S 1S w = w
B w
w B

( WNk 1)

{w1,..., wk 1, vk ,..., vd } constitutes an orthonormal basis

= [vk , vk 1 ,..., vd ] where the set of vectors

for R d .

4. Experimental Results
The method was evaluated on the biolab database images. Biolab database contains 168 fingerprint images from 21 persons (8 items per person). The images are 256256 pixels in 256 gray scale levels [5]. First, we divided the fingerprint image into a set of 3232 non-overlapping blocks. Then, we normalized the gray level intensities in each block separately to a constant mean (M0) and variance (V0). We set the value of both M0 and V0 to 100. Gabor filterbanks were used in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 orientations with f=0.1 and x = y = 4. Thus, the dimensions of feature vector

Since the rank of S B is at most c-1, c-1 features can be extracted at maximum. In order to eliminate this upper bound on the total number of discriminant features, a recursive procedure applying essentially the same basic idea of FLD is proposed by Xiang et al [1]. RFLD algorithm obtains the feature vectors step by step. Feature extraction procedure of first step is the same as that from the classical FLD algorithm. After first step, all the information represented by the old features are discarded and then new feature vector is calculated based upon all the feature vectors obtained previously. The algorithm for RFLD is outlined as follows [1]: 1. Use PCA to reduce the dimension of the original sample space n-1 to so that S w is nonsingular. 2. Initialize S1 and S1 with the original scatter B w matrices S B and S w , respectively. 3. Derive the first feature direction w1 as the normalized eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue of
the matrix S w1S B . 4. Discard the extracted information from all samples and then calculate a new feature vector. 5. Compute the kth feature vector wk as the normalized eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue from following eigenvalue equation:

(WkT Wk ) 1WkT Bk wk = wk , k > 1 where Bk and Wk are defined as follows:

S w S (k ) B T 0 w1 . . Bk = , Wk = . . . . 0 T , wk 1
(k )


were 256 (644), 512, 640, 768 and 1024. For identification process we used 3NN classifier and nearest cluster center point classifier with LeaveOne-Out method. In nearest cluster center point classifier with Leave-One-Out method, we calculate the mean point for each cluster. Then, we use the Euclidean distance of each test data from means to classify the data in clusters. The results that obtained by nearest cluster center point classifier with Leave-One-Out method are shown in table 1. It is evident from table 1 that the classifiers using RFLD with Gabor filter in 4 orientations have achieved the highest accuracy rate. In this method, a new feature vector of length 21 was achieved by applying RFLD algorithm. As a result, the accuracy rate increased from 85.2% to 95.2% with no rejection option in comparison with Gabor filter and PCA transform applied. Table 2 indicates the results of using 3NN classifier. In application of FLD and RFLD algorithm with Gabor filter, perfect recognition with zero error rates were achieved with no rejection option.


5. Discussion and Conclusion

In the proposed method, features were extracted using Gabor filter and RFLD algorithms. Features extracted by Gabor filter are usually high dimensional. In order to reduce the dimension and also to extract more discriminant features, we used RFLD algorithms. As shown in table 1 and 2, the best results were achieved by using RFLD algorithms and Gabor filter in 4 orientations. The recognition rate for nearest cluster

in which w1 , w2 ,..., wk are the feature vectors obtained from previous k 1 steps. Within-class scatter matrix,
( (k S w ) , and the between-class scatter matrix, S Bk ) are

updated by (11) and (12) respectively.

center point classifier and 3NN classifiers are 95.2% and 100% respectively. The accuracy rates of FLD and RFLD algorithms are equal in table 2, but table 1 shows that RFLD algorithm has more discriminant information than FLD algorithm. We compared our method with the methods proposed by Lee and Wang in [3] and Tico et al in [4] which also used biolab database. Lee and Wang used Gabor filter-based features for fingerprint recognition. Their method required reference point detection. It achieved recognition rates of 100% by 3NN classifier with rejection option [4]. In comparison, our method obtains the same recognition rate by 3NN classifier with no rejection option and does not need to find the reference point. In addition, our method has lower computational complexity with higher accuracy rate. Tico et al [4] employed wavelet-based features for fingerprint recognition. Their highest recognition rate of 95.2% was achieved for the 3NN classifier with no rejection option. Tables 1 and 2 illustrate our method have higher accuracy rates than the proposed method in [4].

[2] L. Hong, Y. Wan, and A.K. Jain, Fingerprint Image Enhancement: Algorithm and Performance Evaluation, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intel., vol. 20, no. 8, Aug. 1998, pp.777-789. [3] C. J. Lee, and S. D. Wang, Fingerprint Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filter, Electron. Lett., vol. 35, no. 4, Feb. 1999, pp. 288-290. [4] M. Tico, P. Kuosmanen, and J. Saarinen, Wavelet Domain Features for Fingerprint Recognition, Eleclron. Lett., vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 2001, pp. 21-22. [5] Biometric System Lab. [6] A.K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, and L. Hong, A Multi-Channel Approach to Fingerprint Classification, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intel., vol. 21, no. 4, Apr. 1999, pp. 348-359. [7] A.K. Jain, A. Ross, and S. Prabhakar, Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae and Texture Features, in Proc. Internat. Conf. Image Process., Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 2001, pp. 282285. [8] A.K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, L. Hong, and S. Pankanti, Filterbank-based Fingerprint Matching, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 5, May 2000, pp. 846-859.

5. References
[1] C. Xiang, X. A. Fan, and T. H. Lee, Face Recognition Using Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant, IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 15, no. 8, Agu. 2006, pp. 2097-2105.

Table 1. Recognition rate in different feature extraction methods by nearest cluster center point classifier with
Leave-One-Out method.
Feature extraction methods 4-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 21 85.2 19 91.1 21 95.2 6-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 20 86.3 19 91.6 18 94.6 8-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 20 86.8 19 92.8 17 94.6 10-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 21 88.6 20 91.6 19 92.8 12-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 20 89.8 20 92.2 21 92.8

Gabor + PCA Gabor + FLD Gabor + RFLD

Table 2. Recognition rate in different feature extraction methods by 3NN classifier.

Feature extraction methods 4-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 13 81.9 1 100 1 100 6-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 21 84.7 1 100 1 100 8-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 19 87.6 2 100 2 100 10-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 15 87.6 2 100 2 100 12-Orientations Gabor Filter Number Accuracy of Rate (%) Features 14 88.5 1 100 1 100

Gabor + PCA Gabor + FLD Gabor + RFLD


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