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Andrew Martz

Online and Multiplayer Programming 214-673-0556
Languages: C++, C#, UnrealScript, ActionScript 3, Lua, XML, JSON, HTML/CSS
Technologies: Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Blueprint, Unreal Engine 3, Scaleform,
Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam, Epic Games Store, Google Stadia
Software: Visual Studio, Perforce, JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Adobe Flash CS6, MS Office
Focus Areas: Multiplayer Innovation, Connected Experiences, Networking, Gameplay, User Interface Design, User Experience Design

Online Programmer at Gearbox Software (Frisco TX, 6 Years, June 17th 2013 to August 16th 2019)
Borderlands 3 – Online Programmer
 Worked as an Online Programmer on Borderlands 3, a FPS game for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam, Epic Games Store, and Google Stadia
 Supported online features such as invites, friends lists, matchmaking, profile images, rich presence, sessions, and split screen
 Ported Steam online subsystem from Gearbox’s version of UE3 to UE4
 Implemented Friend Status System and Friend Event System on top of our peer to peer “Friends Mesh” technology
o Used modified Unreal Beacons to send reliable UDP messages for improved rich presence data and real time social notifications
o Implemented queueing and batching strategies to reduce network traffic
o Nearby Friends functionality allows players to see friends in relevant maps or mission they are currently playing
o Real time status of player’s class, gear loadout, skill tree, and challenge progress
o Real time XYZ location when viewing a friend in the map menu
o Support for requesting help from friends and setting your current status
 Implemented in game mail system (Player to Player, Twitch Streamers, NPCs, and SHiFT mail)
 Created client side interface for RESTful services relating to player mail as well as posting and fetching social notifications
 Responsible for Asynchronous/Viral missions for use with Rare Spawn enemies
 Implemented lost loot machine to ensure players do not lose earned gear due to network errors and other normal gameplay edge cases
 Sole developer responsible for Player Pinging system
 Added support for recently met and recommended players
 Tuning, debug functionality, and other feature work on auto aim and bullet magnetism systems
 Implemented gameplay modifier system used for Mayhem Mode and other unannounced features
 Assisted in evaluating and integrating Epic Games Store online subsystem
 Supported gameplay features for Stadia specific builds
 Bug fixing and code support for online aspects of other unannounced social and hobby features
 Created cheats and debugging features for online, social, and hobby features

Battleborn – Online Programmer

 Worked as an Online Programmer on Battleborn, a FPS game with MOBA elements for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC
 Implemented the following RESTful web requests for the game client and dedicated servers to communicate with backend services:
o Requesting and configuring dedicated servers from Azure (Thunderhead)
o Rejoining matches in progress, reporting end of match results, and requesting previous match histories
o EULA acceptance flow, managing meta currencies, and retrieving player display data
 Iterated on, extended, and debugged the following game systems:
o Player authentication, initialization, and startup process
o Frontend and lobby systems including invites, matchmaking, friends lists, map voting, and rejoining active games
o System settings and player profile save data
o Online presence system and title managed storage for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC
o PlayStation 4 activity feed, controller sound, and light bar support
o Creation of a special press demo build
o Windows Error Reporting for dedicated servers
o Adding hooks for telemetry systems
o Firefighting related to “Must Fix” bugs for first party certification process
 Using C++, Scaleform, and ActionScript 3; iterated on, extended, and debugged the following menus and UI systems:
o Options Menu, including the keyboard and gamepad controls screens as well as the speaker angles screen
o Frontend lobby screen iteration, also including private match, post-match, and match history screens
o Press Start Screen, Pause Menu, SHiFT Screen, message boxes, and hintbars

Programming Tutor (Plano TX, 9 Months, 2014)

 Tutored a student from The Guildhall at SMU on C++ programming topics related to game development
 Programming tutoring topics included: Graphics, Math, Physics, and 3DS Max Exporters
Andrew Martz
Online and Multiplayer Programming 214-673-0556
Game Development Intern at Robot Entertainment – Age of Empires Online (Plano TX, 6 Months, 2010)
 Software developer for Age of Empires Online, developing for chat, UI, gameplay and tools
 Participated in early play testing of Orcs Must Die

Gameplay Programming Intern at Muzzy Lane Software – Making History 2 (Newburyport MA, 3 Months, 2009)
 Developed and added features for the Making History 2 videogame for PC
 Worked closely with game engine to add gameplay features using C++, XML, Python, and JavaScript


UDP Client Server System – Net Fox/Treads of Glory Online (Guildhall at SMU, 8 Weeks, 2012)
 Developed UDP client server architecture used for multiple networked 2D game prototypes (Net Fox / Treads of Glory Online)
 Supports matchmaking, lobbies, reliable messages, network traffic throttling, and timeout for non-responsive players or servers
 Supports network prediction, dead reckoning, joining sessions in progress, and hosting dedicated servers

OGL / DX Agnostic 3D Game Engine - Equinox (Guildhall at SMU, 9 Months, 2012)

 Developed an OpenGL or DirectX 11 agnostic game engine with robust math and collision libraries
 Supports data driven game object components, skeletal animations, cloth simulation, Quake 3 BSP level loading, basic shadow maps,
Phong lighting, normal mapping, parallax mapping, proprietary scripting language, billboards, particle systems, springs, frustum culling

Scripting Language - Solstice (Guildhall at SMU, 8 Weeks, 2012)

 Created grammar, lexer, parser, compiler, and virtual machine for a typeless scripting language based off of the Lua scripting language
 Implements most major language features of the Lua scripting language and in many cases can run parse and run actual Lua code


Voodudes - Programmer (6 Months, Team of 15) Food Feud - Programmer (5 months, Team of 7)
UDK - 3D Action-Adventure UDK – Networked Multiplayer CTF FPS
 Featured project at Intel’s 2013 GDC booth  Implemented dual wieldable weapons
 Implemented the in game shop using Scaleform UI  Built framework for designers to create classes and abilities
 Became the school’s resident expert on Scaleform 4.0/AS3  Worked with UDK’s network replication system


Robo Assault - Lead/Programmer (10 weeks, Team of 15) Cloud Control - Lead/Programmer (10 weeks, Team of 7)
XNA & C# - Networked Third Person Shooter XNA & C# - Networked Multiplayer Video Game
 Programmed networked gameplay, programmed UI,  Wrote C# code for networked multiplayer flight combat
planned schedule, coordinated art and programming teams game
 Designed and built feature rich lobby system  Designed code architecture, planned schedule, set
milestones, created test plans

Master’s Degree in Interactive Technology, Software Development (Plano, Texas, May 2013)
 The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University GPA: 3.644 (4.0)

Bachelor of Science in Game Design & Development (Rochester, New York, May 2011)
 Rochester Institute of Technology GPA: 3.5 (4.0) – Graduated with honors

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