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How to convert a Decimal Number to Binary

int convert_dec_to_bin ( int num) { int i = 0, j = 0, b[100]; while(num > 0) { b[i]=num % 2; num = num / 2; i++; } printf("\n\nBinary Equivalent:"); j=i-1; for( j= i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) printf("%d",b[j]); }

2. Which bitwise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is ON or OFF? Bitwise AND operator.

Example: Suppose in byte that has a value 10101101 . We wish to check whether bit number 3 is ON (1) or OFF (0) . Since we want to check the bit number 3, the second operand for AND operation we choose is binary 00001000, which is equal to 8 in decimal.

Explanation: ANDing operation :

10101101 00001000 --------00001000 ---------

original bit pattern AND mask

resulting bit pattern

The resulting value we get in this case is 8, i.e. the value of the second operand. The result turned out to be a 8 since the third bit of operand was ON. Had it been OFF, the bit number 3 in the resulting bit pattern would have evaluated to 0 and complete bit pattern would have been 00000000. Thus depending upon the bit number to be checked in the first operand we decide the second operand, and on ANDing these two operands the result decides whether the bit was ON or OFF.

Code For example need to check whether 3rd bit is ON or OFF Mask for 3rd bit 00001000 (0x08) void check(int num) { if(num & 0x08) printf ("Bit is Set"); else printf ("Bit is NOT Set"); } int main( ) { int num = 100; check(num); } 3. Which bit wise operator is suitable for turning ON a particular bit in a number?

Bitwise AND operator (|)

Example: To unset the 4th bit of byte_data or to turn off a particular bit in a number.

Explanation: Consider, char byte_data= 0b01000111; byte_data= (byte_data) | (1<<4); 1 can be represented in binary as 0b00000001 = (1<<4)

<< is a left bit shift operator, it shifts the bit 1 by 4 places towards left.

(1<<4) becomes 0b00010000

And ~ is the one's complement operator in C language.

(byte_data) | (1<<4); we get (0b00100111) & (0b00010000)

Perform OR operation to below bytes. 00100111 00010000 ----------00110111 -----------

Thus the 4th bit is set.

3. Which bit wise operator is suitable for turning OFF a particular bit in a number?

Bitwise AND operator (&), ones complement operator(~)

Example: To unset the 4th bit of byte_data or to turn off a particular bit in a number.

Explanation: Consider, char byte_data= 0b00010111; byte_data= (byte_data)&(~(1<<4)); 1 can be represented in binary as 0b00000001 = (1<<4)

<< is a left bit shift operator, it shifts the bit 1 by 4 places towards left.

(1<<4) becomes 0b00010000

And ~ is the one's complement operator in C language.

So ~(1<<4) = complement of 0b00010000 = 0b11101111

Replacing value of byte_data and ~(1<<4) in (byte_data)&(~(1<<4)); we get (0b00010111) & (0b11101111)

Perform AND operation to below bytes. 00010111 11101111 ----------00000111 -----------

Thus the 4th bit is unset.

4. Count no. of bits which are set or ON

int count (int num) { static int cnt = 0; while(num) { cnt++; num = num & (num 1); } return cnt; }


int count (int num) { static int cnt = 0; while(num) { if(num & 1) cnt ++; num = num >> 1; } return cnt; }

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