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LMDIT Topicality 1



AEI = $ development and investment 2
AE = Renewable 3
AE = natural resource or harm to the environment 4
AE = not nuclear 5
AE = non-traditional sources 6
Incentive= determination or action 7
Incentive = to motivate 8
Incentive = reward for prior action 9
USFG = United States Faceters Guild 10
US = all 50 states 11
US = all 3 branches 12
Increase = to make greater 13
Increase = result in change 14
Substantially = considerable amount 15
Substantially = real or true 16
Should = obligation 17
Should = request from the past for future action 18


AEI = development and investment 19

AE = non-renewable energy 20
US = any federation of states 21
LMDIT Topicality 2
Alternative Energy Incentives = funding for development and investment

Interpretation – alternative energy incentives are government funded actions to encourage

development and investments

Kotok in 2006 (Alan [American Computer Scientist] July 14, Fincancing Your Research in Alternative
Energy. Science Careers, Journal of Science.

As in most other fields, researchers needing funds for their alternative-energy investigations often look to
government and private sources. Since the 1970's at least, the U.S. federal government has had an interest
in alternative sources of energy, although funding for those efforts has risen and fallen with economic
conditions, fuel prices, and political administrations, among other factors. Recently, high oil prices have
renewed interest in alternative energy research. One consequence of the recent surge in oil prices is the
Energy Policy Act of 2005, which offers a series of grants and tax incentives to encourage development and
investment in alternative energy sources: biofuels, forest biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal.

Violation – the aff increases incentives for alternative energy in areas other than development or

Limits – putting caps on what is included in AE incentives is crucial to the research
burden for the negative
Ground – two specific parts to the topic area are best for both affirmative and negative
Predictability – limiting the AE incentive down to two possible areas is key to any
predictable ground and key to CP’s and DA’s

Voters for predictability, jurisdiction and fairness

LMDIT Topicality 3
Alternative Energy = Renewable

Interpretation – alternative energy must be a renewable source 2008

Alternative Energy - Renewable energy sources, such as wind, flowing water, solar energy and
biomass, which create less environmental damage and pollution than fossil fuels, and offer an
alternative to nonrenewable resources.

Violation – the aff doesn’t increase incentives for renewable energy sources

Ground – it’s key to CP and DA ground to have the most predictable interp of AE
Education – in order to learn about the topic we must know the actual limitation of AE
Limits – any other interp of the topic explodes the research burden beyond all

Voters for ground, predictability and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 4
Alternative Energy = not natural resources and don’t harm the environment

Interpretation – alternative energy cannot contain natural resources or harm the environment 2003

Noun 1. alternative energy - energy derived from sources that do not use
up natural resources or harm the environment
energy, free energy - (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to
the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are
joules or ergs; "energy can take a wide variety of forms"
solar energy, solar power - energy from the sun that is converted into
thermal or electrical energy; "the amount of energy falling on the earth is
given by the solar constant, but very little use has been made of solar
wind generation, wind power - power derived from the wind (as by windmills)

Violation – the aff’s alternative energy contains natural resources or harms the environment

Limits – all of the negative research burden rides on our interp of AE because it is at the
heart of the literature base
Education – being topical under this interp is key to the majority of education on the topic
Ground – it is key to CP and DA ground

Voters for ground, predictability and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 5
Alternative energy = not nuclear

Interpretation – alternative energy cannot include nuclear sources 2008 (

Alternative energy is energy derived from sources that do not harm the environment
or deplete the Earth's natural resources. Typical sources include wind and solar.
Nuclear energy is usually excluded from this definition.

Violation – the aff’s form of alternative energy includes nuclear sources

Limits – getting rid of nuclear energy is key to the research burden
Ground – limiting out nuclear energy provides a fair division of ground between the aff
and neg
Predictability – our interp is the most predictable given that it’s at the heart of the

Voters for fairness, ground, and education

LMDIT Topicality 6
Alternative energy = any nontraditional source

Interpretation – alternative energy is any energy considered a nontraditional source

EPA Glossary of Climate Change 2008 (Last updated on Friday, January 11th, 2008

Alternative Energy - Energy derived from nontraditional sources (e.g., compressed

natural gas, solar, hydroelectric, wind).

Violation – the aff increases incentives for a traditional source of energy

Limits – our interp is the least limiting to broaden the research area and best for aff
Predictability – it is the most predictable interp given that it is from the EPA Glossary
Ground – this interp is key to expanding the reciprocal ground

Voters for education, fairness and ground.

LMDIT Topicality 7
Incentive = determination or action

Interpretation – incentives are incite to determine or take action

Merriam-Webster Online. 2 June 2008


Main Entry: in·cen·tive

Date: 15th century
: something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action

Violation – the aff does not give incite to determine or make action

Limits – best for constructing the research burden on such a large topic
Ground – key to aff flex and neg CP and DA ground
Education – it is indicative to the core learning about the topic area

Voters for jurisdiction, ground and predictability

LMDIT Topicality 8
Incentive = to induce action or motivate

Interpretation – incentives are rewards given to induce action or motivate 2008 (

Something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that induces action or
motivates effort.
Serving to induce or motivate: an incentive bonus for high productivity.

Violation – the aff does not give rewards to induce action or motivate the use of alternative

Limits – the topic relies on the best limiting interp of incentives to construct the research
Education – the modifying agent of incentives is the core of topic area
Ground – it is key to CP and DA ground

Voters for fairness, jurisdiction and ground

LMDIT Topicality 9
Incentive = reward for actions already taken

Interpretation – incentives are rewards meant for ongoing actions 2008 WebFinance, Inc. June 4,


Incentive - A reward for a specific behavior, designed to encourage that behavior. also called

Violation – the aff gives incentives for a new action

Ground – key to all neg DA and Cp ground
Limits – this interp is at the heart of literature base for the research burden
Predictability – we offer the most predictable interp for the best possible ground

Voters for fairness, jurisdiction and ground

LMDIT Topicality 10
USFG = United States Faceters Guild

Interpretation – USFG stands for United States Faceters Guild 2008 (

Acronym Definition
USFG United States Faceter's Guild

United States Faceters Guild faceting faceters gemstones

Focuses on the art and skill of faceting gemstones for all skill levels.

Violation – the aff uses the acronym USFG which is not recognized and the United States
Federal Government

Research Burden – United States Faceters Guild is the very first hit you get when doing
a google search for USFG
Predictability – using the terms USFG is completely unpredictable for the neg to know
what agent(s) you are referring to
Extra-T - using agents outside the bound of the resolution is extra-topical and destroys
all neg ground. Independent Voter for competitive equity 2008 (

An equally important objective of the USFG is to advance the skills of faceters who want
to achieve as close to perfection as possible. One of the best ways to approach perfection
is to enter competitions where skilled judging denotes perfection, or via "private
assessment." We are working on a system to allow members to have stones critiqued by a
qualified master cutter.

Voter for ground, predictability and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 11
United States = all 50 states

Interpretation – United States is inclusive of all the 50 states 2008 (

United States - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North
America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean;
achieved independence in 1776

Violation – the aff does not include all 50 states

Limits – our interp is the best possible limit on research burden
Ground – it is key to all DA and CP ground, specifically States CP’s and Federalism DA’s
Predictability – we offer the most predictable ground with the bound of the res

Voters for fairness, jurisdiction and ground

LMDIT Topicality 12
United States = all 3 branches

Interpretation – United States means all three branches of government 2008 (

United States - the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of
the United States

Violation – the aff excludes a branch or branches of government

Predictability - to exclude any branch of government would strip the neg of any
predictability for CP and DA ground
Limits – better for the research burden to expand the use of government

Voters for education, ground and predictability

LMDIT Topicality 13
Increase = to make greater

Interpretation – increase means to become greater

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008. (Merriam-Webster Online. 4 June 2008

1: to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity)2: to multiply by the
production of young transitive verb1: to make greater

Violation – the aff does not increase alternative energy incentives

Limits – key to the literature base and research burden
Ground – our interp is crucial to CP and DA ground
Predictability – it is by far the most predictable interp of the term

Voter for fairness, ground, and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 14
Increase = change
Interpretation – increase results in a change

Wordnet.Princeton 2006 (

increase (a change resulting in an increase)

Violation – the aff does not make a change

Limits – provides the best area constraints for the research burden
Predictability – it is the best interp for debate in terms of ground for the topic area
Reciprocity – we offer the most fair division of ground between the aff and neg

Voter for ground, jurisdiction and fairness

LMDIT Topicality 15
Substantially = considerable amount

Interpretation – substantially means a considerable amount 2008 (

1. Of, relating to, or having substance; material.

2. True or real; not imaginary.
3. Solidly built; strong.
4. Ample; sustaining: a substantial breakfast.
5. Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent: won by a substantial margin.
6. Possessing wealth or property; well-to-do

Violation – the aff does not substantially increase alternative energy

Limits – our interp provides the best source for the research burden
Ground – it is key to neg CP and DA ground
Predictability – we offer the most predictable interp of the term

Voters for fairness, ground and predictability

LMDIT Topicality 16
Substantial = real
Interpretation – substantial means real or true

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008.(Merriam-Webster Online. 4 June 2008
Substantial : consisting of or relating to substance b: not imaginary or illusory:
real, true

Violation – the aff does not substantially increase alternative energy

Limits – this interp is the key to constructing the research burden and the topic area
Ground – it is key to CP and DA ground for the neg
Reciprocity – we offer the best possible division of ground for the aff and neg

Voter for ground, fairness and predictablity

LMDIT Topicality 17
Should = obligation

Interpretation – should means and obligation and condition to act

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008.(Merriam-Webster Online. 4 June 2008


1—used in auxiliary function to express condition <if he should leave his father, his father would
die — Genesis 44:22(Revised Standard Version)>
2—used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency <'tis
commanded I should do so — Shakespeare><this is as it should be — H. L. Savage><you should brush your teeth after
each meal>

Violation – the aff does not condition or obligate an action

Limits – we provide the aff the core topic burden at the heart of the literature
Ground – it is key to the action of CP ground
Predictability – it is the most predictability interp of the term

Voters for fairness, ground, and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 18
Should = request from the past for future action

Interpretation – should means to request from the past for future action

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008. (Merriam-Webster Online. 4 June 2008

3—used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past
<realized that she should have to do most of her farm work before sunrise — Ellen Glasgow>
4—used in auxiliary function to express what is probable or expected <with an early start, they should be here by
5—used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften
direct statement

Violation – the aff does not request future action from past developments for change

Limits – it is the best interp for the research burden
Ground – it is key to neg flex to garner offense against the aff
Predictability – we provide the most predictable use of the term

Voters for ground, fairness, and predictability

LMDIT Topicality 19
2AC Alternative Energy Incentives = funding for development and

We Meet – we increase alternative energy incentives

Counter Interpretation – alternative energy incentives are government funded actions to

encourage development and investments

Kotok in 2006 (Alan [American Computer Scientist] July 14, Fincancing Your Research in Alternative
Energy. Science Careers, Journal of Science.

As in most other fields, researchers needing funds for their alternative-energy investigations often look to
government and private sources. Since the 1970's at least, the U.S. federal government has had an interest
in alternative sources of energy, although funding for those efforts has risen and fallen with economic
conditions, fuel prices, and political administrations, among other factors. Recently, high oil prices have
renewed interest in alternative energy research. One consequence of the recent surge in oil prices is the
Energy Policy Act of 2005, which offers a series of grants and tax incentives to encourage development and
investment in alternative energy sources: biofuels, forest biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal.

Reasons to Prefer
Limits – shrinking to topic down to one area over-limits the affs ability to garner ground
Specificity – our evidence indicates what the USFG provides incentives for which is key
to being germane to the topic. Independent Voter for ground
Predictability – our interp is the most predictable given that it is USFG policy

Voters for ground, jurisdiction and fairness

LMDIT Topicality 20

2AC Alternative energy = Not renewable

We Meet: We increase incentives for alternative energy

Counter Interpretation – alternative energy is any source not from fossil fuels and not
necessarily renewable 1997

Alternative Energy - Energy not generated from fossil fuels. Need not be renewable.

Reasons to Prefer –
Limits – not allowing non-renewable energy as a part of the topic only underlimits the
topic in favor of the neg
Predictability – it is more advantageous to aff and neg ground to allow our interp given
that it recognized globally
Reciprocity – our interp is key to a fair division of both aff and neg ground

Voters for ground, predictability and jurisdiction

LMDIT Topicality 21
2AC United States = any federation of states

We meet: plan in put into affect in the United States

Counter Interpretation – United States consists of any federation of states within a given

Merriam Webster Online Dictionary 2008 (

United States: a federation of states especially when forming a nation in a usually specified
territory <advocating a United States of Europe>

Reasons to prefer
Germaneness – the topic states the terms United States but, does not specify what
United States. This means any territory specified as a United States is within the topic
Predictability – this is the most predictable interp given that it’s actual wording of the
Ground – it is better for both aff and neg ground because of the potential for global links and

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