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Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information. (Green, 2006).

Communication requires a sender, a message and an intended recipient, although the receiver need be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the time of communication. According to Jawahar (2011), communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Good communication skills is important because people need to spread information clearly and correctly. Communication is the best way for people to send and receive messages. For example if the students want to be a businessman, they need to talk to their customers. Besides that, communication is important to solve problems. It show the importance of communication that they use every single day. The advantages of good communication skills among students are students will improve their self-knowledge, students will improve their self-awareness and students will increase their life experience.

One of the advantages of good communication skills is students will improve their selfknowledge. Self-knowledge commonly refers to knowledge of one's particular mental states, including one's beliefs, desires, and sensations. It is also sometimes used to refer to knowledge about a persisting self-its ontological nature, identity conditions, or character traits.(Flavian, 2005). For example, students will have the ability to express their opinion clearly. Students who have good communication skills will present any information in their own way. Besides that, the ways they communicate are different from others. For instance, students who have good communication skills always use sir, madam and miss to call someone. On top of that, they can convince people with their ideas. When they speak with confidence, others will be convinced of their ideas. Besides that, other people cant con them. They will study the deep-in may be a matter. For example, they will not be so easy to believe things without evidence and

causes of the strong. They will use their communication skills to obtain information. Besides that, when they communicate, did not take something easily too. They will be taken seriously in all matter. For instance, they can think about the bad of smoking and advise their friends who are smoking.

Self-awareness describes the condition of being aware of one's awareness. Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. (Once upon a time, there was a corporate message, 2005). Students can improve their self-awareness if they have good communication skills. For example, students can communicate with many people. The number of students attending colleges and universities were increased. We can see in UiTM, there are million of students from all branches. In colleges and universities, students can communicate with many people. Their friends also come from many different places. On top of that, now in UiTM, there are mass communication courses. Students who are in this course will improve their selfawareness. Besides that, the advantage of good communication among students is they will make changes in the thoughts and interpretations. They will be easy to communicate with others to learn or to ask something. Students will be eager to learn. This is because, when they have good communication skills, they can ask whatever they dont understand. On top of that, they will say no to social problems when they make changes in the thoughts and interpretations. All of these has their own relationship. Between good communication skills, changes in the thoughts and interpretations, and not affected by social problems. When they change in the thoughts and interpretations, they will think properly before do something bad and they dare to say no to social problems.

On top of that, according to Purser (2011), students who have good communication skills can increase their life experiences. Students can join many types of competitions such as debate and forum. From that, they can improve their communication skills. They not only can join these types of competitions in their own colleges, schools or universities, but they also can represent their colleges, schools or universities in these types of competitions. Besides that, students who have good communication skills are resistance to change. The changes can happen all time. No matter if they are in colleges, schools, universities or home. No matter if they are with their family or friends. In this case, students will become more adventurous. They can face all types of situations. Hence, students who are have good communication skills will be more independent. If a student was good in communication skills, he or she is already 50 per cent will successful in their career.

In a conclusion, communication skills are important for students. This is beacuse without good communication skills, students cannot improve their self-knowledge, self-awareness and experience. So, students need to improve their communication skills and know how to have good communication skills because if their have good communication skills, they will successfull in career and life.

REFERENCES Green, A. (2006). English: Effective personal communication skills for public relations. Great Britain: Kogan Page Limited. Flavian, N. (2005). The Columbia Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 22, 2011 from

Once upon a time, there was a corporate message. (2005). Retrieved August 22, 2011 from


Purser, R. (2011). A Life Experience. New York: Authorhouse. Jawahar. (2011, April 1). Principals, teachers must lead by example. News Strait Times, 2.

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