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Stressed? Blame stressors. Stressors are events in your life that cause stress.

Teenagers experience a myriad of different stressors. And a first step in controlling stress is identifying the stressors. And today, I will introduce one of stressors in teenager s life ---boy girl relationship.A research has revealed that almost 64% of teenager feel stress in romantic relationships Teenagers who fall in love are mad about their girlfriend /boy friend. They spend most of the time together .Dating, chatting by phone or facebook , watching movies consume much of their study time . Then, how can they pass the exam with flying colours if they dont study? How can they answer question in exam? Surely cant!!! So before exam, they stress for burning the midnight oil . After exam, they maybe scolded by parents and teachers for their bad results. Stress happen. Besides, first loves is sweet but remember how thrilling that first romance was, and how devastating it was when it came to an end? Break-ups are one of the most stressful events. Romantic relationships between teenagers are notoriously intense and many teens haven't sorted out their own identity enough to form a healthy connection with someone else. Teens tend to become very involved with a girlfriend or boyfriend and may integrate their relationship into their concept of themselves. When the relationship ends, teens may feel like they've lost part of their identity. They will become withdrawn and depress In addition, teenager are exposed to the media that have many romance element, likes love story, movies, love song, and magazine. The teenagers just never seem to get enough of their heart-throbs and may even yearn for the same romantic experience. Many of them have their girlfriend / boyfriend . However, their romances are against by parents and teachers. If their amour has been found out, they might be punished. Therefore, it gives a huge stress to teenager to hide it. Some of the girls or boys have not confident toward their appearance. At the very outset they are struggling to come to terms with their body image. The cherubic appearance of childhood gone, they are looking at strangers in the mirror, gawky, disproportionate limbs, facial features, facial hair and acne to mention a few. They dont know what to do with their hands and legs and are often termed fidgety .So ,they have inferiority when they feel their friends are prettier and smarter than them . They are facing very great stress .

A recent study researching the teen stress revealed the following statistics, the top 5 causes of teen stress: 1. School work 68% 2. Parents 56% 3. Friends problems and issues 53% 4. Romantic type of relationship 48% 5. Drugs and bad neighborhoods 48% Most often experienced causes of stress include: 1. School work 78% 2. Parents 68% 3. Relationships 64% 4. Friends and problems with friends 64% 5. Younger brothers and sisters 64% From the same study the following stats were concluded in relation to teens coping with stress for both males and females. Boys stats look like this: - Over 25% refuses to deal with stress - 23% tries to find a way not to deal with stress but to actually distract themselves from that thought - 17% asked for help and support - 35% is actively trying to reduce and confront their stress Girls stats looked like this: - 19% avoids to deal with stress (less than boys) - 14% tried to distract themselves from dealing with stress and stress situations (less than boys) - 22% asked for help and support - 45% is actually trying to deal with stress and reduce stress From this we can clearly see that girls are more likely to deal with stress and seek help, while boys are more likely to find a distraction and avoid to face stress head

on. In the same study girls showed that they actually experience much more stress than teen boys, from peer pressure, pressure of sexual intercourse and of course school and family. This study also showed that it might be wise to separate teen stress management programs for boys and girls as they have very different causes of stress and they react in different ways. Avoiding stress can be very unhealthy as the stress knows how to accumulate; releasing stress is the only way to maintain your mental health. Luckily more and more schools are implementing stress management programs in the US. Teachers and faculty members are being educated in stress management and how to help their students. If you are unsure how to deal with stress you should talk to your adults, seniors or teachers. For more information about teen stress and how to deal with it there are plenty of teen stress resources online. Teens may not want to discuss their stress and they may want to be left alone. Let the teen know that the door is always open for a discussion and after he or she has had some time to grieve, make sure to discuss the need to continue with the routines of daily living. If a teen does not seem to be getting better, seek professional counseling. A therapist will be able to spot signs of clinical depression, and help the teen sort out his or her feelings about their stress .

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