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Performance issue on commit work after BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE Q 1 : We use FM BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE together the prices of all our active materials

per active customer to be used by a 3rd party

program. The results are inserted or modified into a custom DB table depending on if the customer already exists in the table already. The program usually takes 7+hrs to run whether or not there was an insertion or modification to the custom table. If we clear the table the program takes 4hrs to run reinsert all of the customer/material prices. I found that it takes approximately one and a half hour hours to preform the "commit work" even if no modifications are made to the DB table. Can you suggest a reason why the commit takes so long and if there are any known ways of decreasing the time? ANS 1: No idea why a commit should take 30 Minutes. What DB is this? Oracle? What is you hit ratio on the average checks? If you have average 10 Materials for one Customer in Table B and only 8 of 10 Customers form B exist in A, it might be worth to split the check from table B to a group oriented one. Like : Check if Customer exists first NO: saved 10 Material checks, you need to insert them all 10 anyway YES: process as normal. In the given ratio like 1:10 and 8 out of 10 both ways to process should do similar, but in 1:10+ or 8- out of 10 or esp. if both ratios are better, processing group wise should save you quite a couple of checks. The other option might be to skip the existence check completely. Simply do the insert (which will do the check internally anyway, if your internal table has a unique key) and react with update if SY-SBUBRC shows duplicate key on insert. Depending on which one succeeds more often on first try in average, you might like to go the other way round: Try UPDATE and react with INSERT on NOT found. Doing any check by SELECTING (or reading as for internal tables) first, makes only sense, if you need to validate conditions on non key fields of the existing row for your further logic. If you already have a unique row, that needs to be stored, there is no need for selecting first, only to decide if to insert or to update (Remember: this strategic requires a UNIQUE key). Another idea for the commit: Check transaction DB01 for DB Locks while the commit is going on. (Although I think a lock based wait would already show up BEFORE the commit). Is that 30 minutes Commit a value from SE30?
ANS 1 more: All in all this sounds like a couple of problems altogether, including may be faulty hardware. First assumptions as for 7 hours normal operation vs. 4 hours if the customer table is "zeroed": a) you have no DB stats on theses tables when filled from scratch b) your check "customer exists" is either not index supported or not taken because of a), this is why it is faster when no data is in the table, because the first results get validated on short FTS, which get longer and longer with the table size. I'd start a SE30 analysis and try to find offending DB statements and check if stats are up to date. Q 1 more to ANS 1: I need to provide additional information about the program. First, when the program starts, all of the custom table data is stored in an internal sorted table, A. The BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE function is executed for every active customer and all active material prices are stored for each customer in an internal table, B. For each line in table B, read if customer/material exist in table A. If it does not exist insert, else modify only if there is a change. Given the current size of custom DB table, it takes an additional hour and half to read table A (approx. 0.02 seconds per read). The remaining hour and 30minutes is waiting for the commit to complete, whether or not there was a change to the DB table. Is there anyway for me to cut the commit time? ANS 3 Q 1: could you please post here the source code that makes change in the custom table (incl. COMMITS). Q 1 on ANS3: I greatly appreciate all of your responses. I modified the code to allow parallel processing, removed the wait and the run time has dropped from 7 to 4 hours. The commit however is still taking 1 hour and 30 minutes even though no DB changes occurred in our QA system. Volker, Iu2019m going to try updating the DB without checking if the value already exist, but if it works I will be completely lost as to why the commit takes so long when the DB isn't modified. At no point in time have I seen a DB lock (DB01) when the program is running. We're currently using Oracle Q 1 to all:
data: custpricetab like zsky_custprice occurs 0 with header line. data: t_custprice type sorted table of zsky_custprice with non-UNIQUE key SALESORG, DISTCHAN, DIVISION, CUSTOMER, MATERIAL. data: wa_custprice like zsky_custprice. form return_custom using taskname. rcv_jobs = rcv_jobs + 1. read TABLE t_task WITH TABLE KEY taskname = taskname. if exc_flag = 1. exc_flag = 0. else. if wait_count = 1. error endif. wait_count = 0. exit. ENDIF. ENDDO. endif.

custtab-kunnr = t_task-kunnr. receive results from function TABLES ORDER_ITEMS_OUT ORDER_CONDITION_EX MESSAGETABLE 'BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE' = order_items_out = order_condition_ex = messagetable.

endloop. WAIT UNTIL rcv_jobs >= snd_jobs. loop at custpricetab. index = sy-tabix. clear deleted. read table mattab with key matnr = custpricetab-material. if sy-subrc = 0 and mattab-lvorm = 'X'. deleted = 'X'. endif. clear: wa_custprice. read table t_custprice into wa_custprice with key salesorg custpricetab-salesorg distchan custpricetab-distchan division custpricetab-division customer custpricetab-customer material custpricetab-material. if sy-subrc <> 0. if deleted <> 'X' and custpricetab-amount <> 0. clear wa_custprice. clear wa_custprice. wa_custprice-salesorg = custpricetab-salesorg. ... wa_custprice-del = ' '. insert zsky_custprice from wa_custprice. endif. else. if wa_custprice-amount <> custpricetab-amount or ... wa_custprice-grouproutine5 <> custpricetab-grouproutine5. move custpricetab-amount to wa_custprice-amount. ... move w_timestamp to wa_custprice-ldbtstamp. modify zsky_custprice from wa_custprice. endif. endif. endloop. * delete NJMA WRITE: / 'Start of customer price commit ', sy-UZEIT. ****************** commit work. * delete NJMA WRITE: / 'End of customer price commit ', sy-UZEIT. ****************** endform. key matnr = custpricetab-material. if sy-subrc = 0 and mattab-lvorm = 'X'. deleted = 'X'. endif. clear: wa_custprice. read table t_custprice into wa_custprice with key salesorg custpricetab-salesorg distchan custpricetab-distchan division custpricetab-division customer custpricetab-customer material custpricetab-material. if sy-subrc <> 0. if deleted <> 'X' and custpricetab-amount <> 0. clear wa_custprice. clear wa_custprice. wa_custprice-salesorg = custpricetab-salesorg. ... wa_custprice-del = ' '. insert zsky_custprice from wa_custprice. endif. else. if wa_custprice-amount <> custpricetab-amount or ... wa_custprice-grouproutine5 <> custpricetab-grouproutine5. move custpricetab-amount to wa_custprice-amount. = = = = = = = = = =

functioncall1 = done. read table messagetable with key type = 'E'. if sy-subrc = 0. loop at messagetable where type = 'E'. write error msg. endloop. Else. u2026 Store customer-material prices in custpricetab from order_items_out and order_header u2026 Endif. endform. "Set_custom

form custom. select * into table t_custprice from zsky_custprice. select * into table t_ZSKY_ORDER_TYPES from ZSKY_ORDER_TYPES. select * into table t_cust from zsky_cust. CLEAR: taskname, index, snd_jobs, rcv_jobs, exc_flag, mess, functioncall1. free t_task. u2026 Store active customers in internal table custtab u2026 loop at mattab. clear order_items_in. order_items_in-itm_number = ln. order_items_in-material = mattab-matnr. order_items_in-req_qty = 1000. clear work_meins. select single meins into work_meins from mara where matnr = mattab-matnr. order_items_in-sales_unit = work_meins. append order_items_in. ln = ln + 1. endloop. loop at custtab. index = sy-tabix. exc_flag = 0. clear: order_header_in. refresh: order_partners, order_schedule_in, order_items_out, order_condition_ex. order_header_in-doc_type = 'ZOR'. order_header_in-sales_org = p_vkorg. order_header_in-distr_chan = p_vtweg. order_header_in-division = p_spart. order_header_in-req_date_h = sy-datum. clear order_partners. order_partners-partn_role = 'AG'. order_partners-partn_numb = custtab-kunnr. append order_partners. free: messagetable. wait_count = 0. CONCATENATE 'Task_' index into taskname. CONDENSE taskname NO-GAPS. t_task-taskname = taskname. t_task-kunnr = custtab-kunnr. insert TABLE t_task. DO. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE' STARTING NEW TASK taskname performing return_custom on end of task EXPORTING ORDER_HEADER_IN = order_header_in TABLES

ORDER_ITEMS_IN = order_items_in ORDER_PARTNERS = order_partners ORDER_SCHEDULE_IN = order_schedule_in EXCEPTIONS system_failure = 1 MESSAGE mess communication_failure = 2 MESSAGE mess resource_failure = 3. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 0. snd_jobs = snd_jobs + 1. exit. * WHEN 1 OR 2. Error. WHEN 3. wait_count = 1. IF snd_jobs >= 1 AND exc_flag = 0. exc_flag = 1. WAIT UNTIL rcv_jobs >= snd_jobs UP TO 5 SECONDS. ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. MESSAGE 'Other error' TYPE 'I'. ENDCASE. *

... move w_timestamp to wa_custprice-ldbtstamp. modify zsky_custprice from wa_custprice. endif. endif. endloop. delete NJMA WRITE: / 'Start of customer price commit ', sy-UZEIT. ****************** commit work. * delete NJMA WRITE: / 'End of customer price commit ', sy-UZEIT. ****************** endform.

ANS 3 : thanks for posting the coding. If I understand correctly, you do the final processing in one loop. You loop over all customer/material records and either insert or modify the table entries one by one. When the complete loop is over, you do COMMIT WORK once. Right? Our investigations show that single MODIFY or INSERT statements are showing significantly worse performance than array inserts and updates. Please try to implement packaging mechanism for your loop with insert and update. Build an internal table to be inserted and updated. When one of the tables reach the package size (e.g. 10.000 entries), you make the insert/update from table. Afterwards, do a COMMIT (see also below). In your particular case I would try calling function DB_COMMIT rather than COMMIT WORK, as the standard commit does more than simply make a DB commit. There might be the case that BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE planned some subroutines or function modules to be executed on COMMIT and they cause longer COMMIT runtimes. Q ANS ANS3: ust want to say thanks to everyone who provided assistance and points will be assigned. I get the best performance (3hrs) when the table is updated/insert with out checking if it already exist (thanks Volker). I've tested all of your suggestions and I'm still not sure what was causing the delay with the 'commit work' or DB_commit function. ANS1 to Q: data: t_custprice type sorted table of zsky_custprice with non-UNIQUE key SALESORG, DISTCHAN, DIVISION, CUSTOMER, MATERIAL. I hope the table in question is not this "t_custprice", because, as I said, using the INSERT / UPDATE returncodes in the described way only works correctly with a UNIQUE key. If you did adjust this or the table in question was another one, I am happy that this did work well. Q: how to write sy-tabix in alv In this program. How can i write var2 value which is eq sy-tabix?? DATA: var2 TYPE I , cnt1 TYPE i, cnt2 TYPE i, cnt3 TYPE i, cnt4 TYPE i, cnt5 TYPE i, cnt6 TYPE i, fullname TYPE char25.

TYPES: BEGIN OF i_tab1 , werks LIKE pa0001-werks, btrtl LIKE pa0001-btrtl, "personnel sub area pernr LIKE pa0001-pernr, abkrs LIKE pa0001-abkrs, ename LIKE pa0001-ename, cnt1 TYPE i, cnt2 TYPE i, cnt3 TYPE i, cnt4 TYPE i, cnt5 TYPE i, cnt6 TYPE i, VAR2 TYPE I,

endda LIKE pa0002-endda, persg LIKE pa0001-persg, persk LIKE pa0001-persk, plans LIKE pa0001-plans, fullname TYPE char25, mgt_name TYPE char25, srno TYPE p DECIMALS 0, END OF i_tab1.

"employee join date "employee group "employee sub-group "position

DATA : it_final TYPE TABLE OF i_tab1 with header line, wa_final TYPE i_tab1. DATA : it_final1 TYPE TABLE OF i_tab1 with header line, wa_final1 TYPE i_tab1. DATA : it_t500p TYPE TABLE OF t500p, wa_t500p LIKE LINE OF it_t500p. DATA : it_t501t TYPE TABLE OF t501t, wa_t501t LIKE LINE OF it_t501t. START-OF-SELECTION . GET pernr . rp-provide-from-last p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda . " Macro for IFT-0001 rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda . " Macro for IFT-0002 LOOP AT p0001." where abkrs = PNPABKRS-LOW. wa_final-werks = p0001-werks. wa_final-persg = p0001-persg. wa_final-endda = p0001-endda. wa_final-abkrs = p0001-abkrs. wa_final-srno = 1. APPEND wa_final TO it_final. CLEAR wa_final . ENDLOOP. SORT it_final BY werks persg. SELECT * FROM t500p INTO TABLE it_t500p FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_final WHERE persa EQ it_final-werks AND molga EQ '40'. SELECT * FROM t501t INTO TABLE it_t501t FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_final WHERE persg EQ it_final-persg AND sprsl = 'E' .

END-OF-SELECTION. DELETE it_final WHERE endda <> '99991231'. SORT it_final BY werks abkrs persg. LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final. VAR2 = SY-TABIX. AT LAST . write: sy-tabix. ENDAT. MOVE VAR2 TO it_FINAL-VAR2. MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_final TO wa_final1. COLLECT wa_final1 INTO it_final1. it_final1-var2 = it_final-var2. ENDLOOP. * LOOP AT it_final1 INTO wa_final1. * WRITE: / wa_final1-werks,wa_final1-persg,wa_final1-srno,wa_final1-mgt_name,wa_final1-fullname. * WRITE: var2. * ENDLOOP. ANS 1: instead of sy-index you can also use count = count + 1. and display your final value. Q to ANS 1: i am wrting it like this,again debugger shows me the true value of var2 but in alv it is my debugger's cursor comes to perform salv_at_reuse_display. my var2 value becomes zero....

LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final. var2 = var2 + 1. MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_final TO wa_final1. COLLECT wa_final1 INTO it_final1. MOVE VAR2 TO it_FINAL-VAR2. it_final1-var2 = it_final-var2. ENDLOOP. Q: I am posting ALV Part also my alv all the value showing instesd of var2.. TYPE-POOLS : slis. DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE, gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv, gd_repid LIKE sy-repid. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'WERKS'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'Personel Area'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'FULLNAME'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'PAYROLL AREA'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PERSG'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'Employee Group'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 10. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MGT_NAME'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'EMPLOYEE GROUP'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. * * * * * * * * * fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PTEXT'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'Employee Category'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'SRNO'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-key = ' '.

fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'VAR2'. fieldcatalog-seltext_l = 'total'. fieldcatalog-tabname = 'IT_FINAL1'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-key = ' '. fieldcatalog-no_out = ' '. APPEND fieldcatalog. CLEAR fieldcatalog. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = sy-repid i_grid_title = 'MAN POWER DETAILS.' * i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE' is_layout = gd_layout * ls_line-info = wa_final-endda it_fieldcat = fieldcatalog[] i_default = 'A' TABLES t_outtab = it_final1 EXCEPTIONS program_error =1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ANS 3 to Q: you can modify this loop, LOOP AT p0001." where abkrs = PNPABKRS-LOW. wa_final-werks = p0001-werks. wa_final-persg = p0001-persg. wa_final-endda = p0001-endda. wa_final-abkrs = p0001-abkrs. wa_final-srno = 1. var2 = var2 + 1. " Table index APPEND wa_final TO it_final. CLEAR wa_final . ENDLOOP. & you can include the var2 variable in your it_final structure's first field. & add it in your field catalog.. ANS 1: This will solve your purpose "declare var in internal table of it_final & it_final1. LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final. at new "unique field. clear var. endat. var = 1. wa_final-var = var. COLLECT wa_final INTO it_final1. clear: wa_final, var. ENDLOOP. " your fieldcat.

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