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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Available in school data file

Will be Self-Reported

Not Available in district file can self-report Achievement Measure Option

Educator Group
PreK-3 o o

School-wide Overall TVAAS composite levels School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) Results of Off the Shelf assessments: This includes diagnostic/achievement attainment assessments commonly used throughout the state and/or nation. Acceptable measures should assess the intended curriculum content and should be generally consistent in scoring and administration (i.e. SAT, Dibels, Aimsweb). TCAP Constructed Response Scores for 3rd Grade Teachers Teacher level TVAAS if scores are Level 3. School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Composite in the teachers subject area Grade-level TCAP proficiency percentage levels for elementary teachers and subject-area TCAP proficiency percentage levels for middle school teachers or departmentalized elementary teachers ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE scores) Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors) Off the Shelf assessment data TCAP Writing Scores for 5th, 8th, and 11th Grade Teachers TCAP Constructed Response Scores for 7th Grade Teachers

o Teachers with TVAAS (4-8) o o o

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
Teachers with TVAAS (9-12)

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o Teacher level TVAAS if scores are Level 3. School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Composite in the teachers subject area ACT Suite of Assessments (PLAN/ACT scores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments: This includes diagnostic/achievement attainment assessments commonly used throughout the state and/or nation. Acceptable measures should assess the intended curriculum content and should be generally consistent in scoring and administration (i.e. SAT, Dibels, Aimsweb). Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC suites of assessments Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide overall TVAAS composite School-wide TCAP/EOC proficiency levels across all content areas 9th grade promotion to the 10th grade/9th grade retention rate ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) Graduation Rate Levels Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (e.g. Honors, AP, IB, NIC, college/high school dual enrollment and dual credit) Results of Off the Shelf assessments AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC

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Fine Arts

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
Middle/High School non-tested courses (i.e. Geometry, English IV)

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o o o School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Composite in the teachers subject area Subject-area EOC proficiency percentage levels ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Literacy Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC

World Languages

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
Computer Technology

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o o o o School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or TVAAS Composite in area of concentration School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC

Academic Interventionists

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
Library Media Specialists

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o o o School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Literacy Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Literacy Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC

ELL Teachers

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
School Services Personnel

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o o o School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC

Exceptional Education Specialists

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15% Achievement Measure Options by Educator Group

Educator Group
Physical Education and Health Educators

Achievement Measure Option

o o o o o o o o School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite or School-wide Literacy Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC School-wide Overall TVAAS Composite School-wide TCAP proficiency percentage levels (any content area) ACT Suite of Assessments (EXPLORE/PLAN/ACTscores) 9th Grade Promotion to the 10th Grade/9th Grade Retention Rate Graduation Rate Levels Results of Off the Shelf assessments Completion/Success in Advanced Coursework (i.e. Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit) AP/IB/NIC Exam Passing Percentages Postsecondary matriculation/persistence/placement as defined by TDOE and THEC


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