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What are multiprocessors? What are the different types of multiprocessors?

Multiprocessors are computing systems in which all programs share a single address space. This may be achieved by use of a single memory or a collection of memory modules that are closely connected and addressable as a single unit. All programs running on such a system communicate via shared variables in memory.

Types of Multiprocessors: There are two major variants of multiprocessors: UMA and NUMA. In UMA (Uniform Memory Access) multiprocessors, often called SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessors), each processor takes the same amount of time to access every memory location. This property may be enforced by use of memory delays. In NUMA (NonUniform Memory Access) multiprocessors, some memory accesses are faster than others. This model presents interesting challenges to the programmer in that race conditions become a real possibility, but offers increased performance.

What are PRAM algorithms? What are the different types of PRAM algorithms? PRAM algorithms are Parallel RAM algorithm which is used when we have memory constrains (resource). It is used when the resource (memory) is single but many processors are trying to concurrently access the memory. There are four types of PRAM algorithms: EREW ERCW


Explain Berkeleys algorithm for clock synchronization. The Berkeley algorithm, developed by Gusella and Zatti in 1989, does not assume that any machine has an accurate time source with which to synchronize. Instead, it opts for obtaining an average time from the participating computers and synchronizing all machines to that average.

The machines involved in the synchronization each run a time daemon process that is responsible for implementing the protocol. One of these machines is elected (or designated) to be the master. The others are slaves. The server polls each machine periodically, asking it for the time. The time at each machine may be estimated by using Cristian's method to account for network delays. When all the results are in, the master computes the average time (including its own time in the calculation). The hope is that the average cancels out the individual clock's tendencies to run fast or slow. The algorithm also has provisions to ignore readings from clocks whose skew is too great. The master may compute fault-tolerant average averaging values from machines whose clocks have not drifted by more than a certain amount. If the master machine fails, any other slave could be elected to take over.

Explain the pipeline architecture. How can speedup be calculated for a pipeline architecture. How are the different pipeline architectures classified. Show an example of each.

Pipelining is one form of imbedding parallelism or concurrency in a computer system. It refers to a segmentation of a computational process (say, an instruction) into several sub processes which are executed by dedicated autonomous units (facilities, pipelining segments). Successive processes (instructions) can be carried out in an overlapped mode analogous to an industrial assembly line. So, very loosely, pipelining can be defined as the technique of decomposing a repeated sequential process into sub processes, each of which can be executed efficiently on a special dedicated autonomous module that operates concurrently with the others. Speed Up calculation: Time to process 1 segment = t No of segments = n Number of sub-blocks for each segment = k

Time to process each sub-block = t/n Time With pipeline = (n+k-1)t/n

For example, if:- n = 4, t = 5, k = 5

For, Non- Pipeline = 4*5 = 20

Pipeline = (4+5-1)*5/5 = 8

Ratio = 20/8 = 6.67 factor improvement.

Different types of pipelines: There are mainly two types of pipeline architecture. Linier architecture Two types: Synchronous (ex: conventional microprocessors) and Asynchronous (ex: AMULET microprocessor) Non-linier architecture What are AVL trees. Explain Elliss parallel algorithm for searching and insertion in an AVL tree. Is Elliss algorithm control parallel or data parallel? An AVL tree is another balanced binary search tree. Named after their inventors, Adelson-Velskii and Landis, they were the first dynamically balanced trees to be proposed. Like red-black trees, they are not perfectly balanced, but pairs of sub-trees differ in height by at most 1, maintaining an O(logn) search time. Addition and deletion operations also take O(logn) time.

An AVL tree is a binary search tree which has the following properties:

The sub-trees of every node differ in height by at most one. Every sub-tree is an AVL tree.

Elliss algorithm : Input: Array A[n] of keys (integers) Sort the array by constructing a binary searched tree out of all the integers. Convert the binary searched tree from step 1 to an AVL tree. Perform the various dictionary operations like Search insert delete All the processors have access to the shared data structured that is the AVL tree constructed in step 2. The operations that need to be performed are partitioned and executed in parallel.

Elliss algorithm is a control parallel algorithm. Differentiate between SIMD, SPMD and MIMD programming? SIMD: Here every processor do exactly same thing as same instruction is given to each processor. The data are divided into segments and send to each processor and each processor do exactly same type of work in those data. Here we need only simple hardware to implement. MIMD: Here traditional parallel processing is being done. Each processor may get different types of control information that is, they may receive different instruction on a different set of data. So all the N processors doing all their work individually. Here we need more complex hardware.

SPMD: SPMD (single process, multiple data) is a technique employed to achieve parallelism; it is a subcategory of MIMD. Tasks are split up and run simultaneously on multiple processors with different input in order to obtain results faster. SPMD is the most common style of parallel programming. Here multiple autonomous processors simultaneously execute the same program at independent points, rather than in the lockstep that SIMD imposes on different data. With SPMD, tasks can be executed on general purpose CPUs; SIMD requires vector processors to manipulate data streams.

Explain the parallel algorithm for Odd-Even reduction algorithm to solve a system of linear equations.

In parallel computing, an oddeven sort or oddeven transposition sort (also known as brick sort) is a relatively simple sorting algorithm, developed originally for use on parallel processors with local interconnections. It functions by comparing all (odd, even)indexed pairs of adjacent elements in the list and, if a pair is in the wrong order (the first is larger than the second) the elements are switched. The next step repeats this for (even, odd)-indexed pairs (of adjacent elements). Then it alternates between (odd, even) and (even, odd) steps until the list is sorted. On parallel processors, with one value per processor and only local left right neighbour connections, the processors all concurrently do a compareexchange operation with their neighbours, alternating between oddeven and evenodd pairings. The algorithm extends efficiently to the case of multiple items per processor. In the BaudetStevenson oddeven merge-splitting algorithm, each processor sorts its own sublist at each step, using any efficient sort algorithm, and then performs a merge splitting, or

transpositionmerge, operation with its neighbour, with neighbour pairing alternating between oddeven and evenodd on each step. Algorithm The single-processor algorithm, like bubblesort, is simple but not very efficient. Here a zero-basedindex is assumed: Assume a[] is an array of values to be sorted. Set sorted = false; while(!sorted) { sorted=true; for( i = 1; i < list.length-1; i += 2) { if(a[i] > a[i+1]) { swap(a, i, i+1); sorted = false; } } for(var i = 0; i < list.length-1; i += 2) { if(a[i] > a[i+1]) { swap(a, i, i+1); sorted = false; }}}

Write parallel algorithms for the following: (i) P-Depth search (ii) Breadth first search (i) P-Depth search

visit a Vertex from [Vertex|Other_vertices] = Unvisited_neighbours,

add this Vertex to the current path; send {self(), wait} to the 'collector' process; run *dfs_mod* for Unvisited neighbours of the current Vertex in a new process; continue running *dfs_mod* with the rest of the provided vertices (Other_vertices); when there are no more vertices to visit - send {self(), done} to the collector process and terminate;

(ii) Breadth first search For each vertex u ( V(G){v0} ) u.dist = v0.dist = 0 Q = {v0} while Q != 0 u = DEQUEUE(Q) for each v V such that (u,v) E(G) if v.dist == v.dist = u.dist+1 ENQUEUE(Q,v)

Describe the parallel version of Sollins algorithm for Minimum cost Spanning tree construction. Do a complexity analysis of the algorithm. Sollins algorithm: It is a graph algorithm to find out the Minimum Spanning Tree in parallel. Here we take pairs of nodes and assign it to P processors. We join two pairs of node and form a tree. We have to remember though that when we join two nodes the whole node became a tree, so we have to connect a tree to another tree not a node to another node. We choose the minimum edge to connect the nodes. When all the edges are connected (make sure there is no cycle exists) we stop. After joining all the nodes we get the Minimum Spanning Tree. This algorithm keeps a forest of minimum spanning trees which it continuously connects via the least cost arc leaving each tree. To begin each node is made its own minimum spanning tree. From here the shortest arc leaving each tree (which doesn't connect to a node already belonging to the current tree) is added along the minimum spanning tree it connects to. This continues until there exists a single spanning tree of the entire graph.

This complexity of the algorithm is:O(m log n). Algorithm Begin with a connected graph G containing edges of distinct weights, and an empty set of edges T While the vertices of G connected by T are disjoint: Begin with an empty set of edges E For each component: Begin with an empty set of edges S For each vertex in the component:

Add the cheapest edge from the vertex in the component to anothervertex in a disjoint component to S Add the cheapest edge in S to E Add the resulting set of edges E to T. The resulting set of edges T is the minimum spanning tree of G.

What are deadlocks? Write an algorithm for deadlock detection. Deadlock: Deadlock is a common problem in parallel computing and distributed systems, where software and hardware locks are used to handle shared resources and implement process synchronization. A deadlock is a situation which occurs when a process enters a waiting state because a resource requested by it is being held by another waiting process, which in turn is waiting for another resource. If a process is unable to change its state indefinitely because the resources requested by it are being used by other waiting process, then the system is said to be in a deadlock.

Deadlock detection This approach is simpler than deadlock avoidance or deadlock prevention. It is so because predicting a deadlock before it happens is difficult, as it is generally an undecidable problem, which itself results in a halting problem. However, in specific environments, using specific means of locking resources, deadlock detection may be decidable. In the general case, it is not possible to distinguish

between algorithms that are merely waiting for a very unlikely set of circumstances to occur and algorithms that will never finish because of deadlock. On the basis of matrix multiplication, we propose a deadlock detection algorithm. The basic idea in this algorithm is iteratively reducing the matrix by dividing the matrix in smaller parts.

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