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April 6, 2012

Machines are used to make work more convenient by multiplying force at the expense of speed, or vice versa. A machine does not multiply the work, however. The work output is never greater than the work input. The ratio of the useful work output to the work input is called the work efficiency of the machine. NASIR RABBANI & JOEY ACKERMANN

April 6, 2012

Understanding the principle of the simple machines and be able to measure the efficiency of an inclined plane and a pulley system.

Inclined plane A cart Set of weights Pulleys string

Set up a pulley system. Starting with a 500 g mass, find the mass that will make the 500 g mass move up with the constant velocity once it has been started. Repeat the procedure with different pulley systems. Record the data. Be sure to add the mass of the movable pulley.

Set up the inclined plane at an arbitrary angle, but should be kept constant all the time during the experiment. Place the 200 g mass in the cart and find the mass that will allow the cart to move up the plane with constant velocity once it has been started. Record the mass in the data table. Also record the combined mass of the cart and the combined contents. Record the distance; h is the vertical distance moved by the cart and d is the distance moved by the string with the mass on. Make several more trials, each time increasing the mass in the cart. Record all necessary data. MACHINES

A boy spotted Albert Einstein walking down the street and decided to try out his favorite joke on him: "Mr. Einstein! Why did the chicken cross the road?" To which the famous physicist replied, "The question does not have a definite answer, whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference."

April 6, 2012


DATA TABLE TRIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 MACHINE 3 Pulley 6 Pulley 5 Pulley Inclined I Inclined II Inclined III m1 (kg) .51141 .52935 .56535 .9227 1.0227 1.6227 h (m) .220 .105 .170 .156 .156 .156 m2 (kg) .200 .140 .130 .600 .650 1.000 d (m) .675 .625 .850 .325 .325 .325

CALCULATIONS TABLE TRIAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 MACHINE 3 Pulley 6 Pulley 5 Pulley Inclined I Inclined II Inclined III FW (N) 5.0118 5.1876 5.5404 9.0425 10.022 19.902 FA (N) 1.96 1.37 1.27 5.88 6.37 9.80 Work Output (J) 1.10 .545 .942 1.41 1.56 2.48 Work Input (J) 1.32 .856 1.08 1.91 2.07 3.19 Efficiency 93.3 % 63.7 % 87.2 % 73.8 % 75.4 % 77.7 %

1. Compute weight of the mass being raised in each trial. Record the weight as FW. Soln: 1. FW = [m1] * [9.8 (g)] = 0.51141 * 9.8 = 5.0118 (N) 2. FW = 5.1876 (N) 3. FW = 5.5404 (N) 4. FW = 9.0425 (N) 5. FW = 10.022 (N) 6. FW = 19.902 (N) MACHINES

April 6, 2012 2. Compute weight of the mass on the string in each trial. Record this weight as F A. Soln: 1. FA = [m2] * [9.8 (g)] = .200 * 9.8 = 1.96 (N) 2. FA = 1.37 (N) 3. FA = 1.27 (N) 4. FA = 5.88 (N) 5. FA = 6.37 (N) 6. FA = 9.80 (N) 3. Compute the Work Output and Work Input. Soln: Work O.P. = FW * h 1. 5.0118 * 0.220 = 1.10 N 2. 5.1876 * 0.105 Work I.P. = FA * d 1. 1.96 * 0.6754 = 1.32 N 2. 1.37 * 0.625

= 0.545 N
3. 5.5404 * 0.170 = 0.942 N 4. 9.0425 * 0.156 = 1.41 N 5. 10.022 * 0.156 = 1.56 N 6. 19.902 * 0.156 = 2.48 N

= 0.856 N
3. 1.27 * 0.850 = 1.08 N 4. 5.88 * 0.325 = 1.91 N 5. 6.37 * 0.325 = 2.07 N 6. 9.80 * 0.325 = 3.19 N

4. Compute the efficiency for each trial. Soln: Efficiency = [Work O.P. / Work I.P.] * 100 Work Efficiency 4. 93.3 % 5. 63.7 % Work Efficiency 1. 73.8 % 2. 75.4 % 3. 77.7 %

6. 87.2 %

1. What does this experiment show about the feasibility of a perpetual motion machine? Soln: With a perpetual motion machine, there would be no loss in efficiency.

2. What is the relationship, if any, between the efficiency of a pulley system and the numbers of pulleys it contains? Soln: The efficiency of a pulley system is inversely related to the number of pulleys in the pulley system.

3. Why should FW be moving with constant velocity in each trial? Soln: FW should be moving with constant velocity because we dont want any change in the velocity or it will lead to acceleration and more forces will be needed to raise the weight.

R: The purpose of this lab to understand the principle of simple machine and to understand the concept of efficiency of machines. E: In this lab we had two parts: 1. Pulley

For this we created several types of pulley systems and recorded the data for the mass needed to pull our load with constant velocity. 2. Inclined Plane For this we set a cart with several masses on it on an inclined plane with a pulley attached to the upper end and recorded the data for the mass required to move the cart with the constant velocity. R: The results of the lab are:1. 2. 3. 4. Machines make our work simpler. The work input is greater than the work output. The more complex a machine gets, the less efficient it is. The efficiency of a machine is the ratio of the work output to the work input and

is expressed in percentage (%). MACHINES

U: There were several uncertainties in this lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. The equipments. The observer. Measurements Calculations The work output is less than the work input. The more complex a machine gets, the less efficient it is. Using machines makes life simpler.

N: The new things I learned in this lab were:

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." - Galileo Galilei In Science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs. - Sir Francis Darwin


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