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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot



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2 hours ago



In a shocking new video, James OKeefes Project Veritas demonstrates to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, just why he should be concerned about lack of voter ID laws by walking into Holders voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holders ballot. Literally. The video shows a young man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day of this year April 3, 2012 and giving Holders name and address. The poll worker promptly offers the young man Holders ballot to vote. Holder has maintained that voter fraud is not a major problem in the United States, and that voter ID would not curb voter fraud in any case. Project Veritas has already shown how dead people can vote in New Hampshire, prompting the state senate to pass a voter ID law; theyve shown celebrities like Tim Tebow and Tom Brady registering to vote in Minnesota, prompting the state legislature

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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

to put voter ID on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. Washington DC voting law is a federal jurisdictional area. Will the federal government take up the challenge?

O'Keefe's Latest: Voter Fraud Investigation Lands On Eric (/Breitbart-TV/2012/04/09/Okeefe-Holder) Holder's Doorstep


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James must have affected Holder's "deer-in-the-headlights-when-asked-a-question-about-the-Constitution" trademark expression that convinced them he was Holder. Seriously, it appears that we are in for an epic display of voter fraud this coming November. I hope the Republicans are lawyering-up in every precinct to get ready for it.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 229 Likes F


This is no surprise. O'Keefe just confirmed what we all know.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to profturgeson 205 Likes F


Which means the Republican nominee is going to have to win by a landslide to make up for all the fraud and just squeak out a victory. Hussein is not going to go quietly or legally.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to AgentLobos 238 Likes F


The Supreme Court may have to be called upon to decide the winner. If ObamaCare goes down in June, Obama might as well just throw in the towel.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to donttreadhere 73 Likes F


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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

Which will be scary because let's face it, if Hussein loses in November their will be violent rallies from the left.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to jerryg1018 115 Likes F


Let them riot... IMO that is insurection and it should be dealt with....have we as a nation lost the ability to defend ourselves?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to donttreadhere 106 Likes F


Sadly, a lot of the nation has.

A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago in reply to samg42 32 Likes F


Not my part, Texas.

A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 42 Likes F


Amen. If we'd give back the states their power, we could fix this easily. The red states would follow the Constitution and the Blue states would follow the ideas of the progressives. Conservatives would migrate to the red states, liberals to the blue states and we could all live happily ever after without another civil war or revolution.
A LIKE REPLY 28 minutes ago in reply to Bob Cannell 34 Likes F


What do I do with my 45 slaves? Take 'em with me, sell 'em, or set them free and lose a ton of money!
A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 3 Likes F


DON'T LET THEM GO, they tried that a few hundred years ago and it was a mess!


Shame on you. I am very conservative and

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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

would never make a joke about slavery. Your daughter may be kidnapped one day and sold into sex slavery. Not funny.


The Two State option Obama pushes for Israel. Great idea. As for te articleDoooohhhhhh! I cannot wait to see the leftstream media attempt to cover this one up. Faster than you can say Furious, they will either come up with some lame excuse or not cover it at all. Democrats worship their god Karl Marx and follow his prophet Barack Obama.
A LIKE REPLY 15 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 7 Likes F


It's not a two state option at all. It's a return to the Constitutioon where the states were sovereign and the federal government had very little power . You could live in any state you want and it would still be the United States of America. The point is, the red states would implement conservative ideas and conmservatives would move to those states and vice versa.


Except the liberals need to steal the money to operate from the people who make moneyconservatives. Margaret Thacher said it best about socialism being great until it runs out of other people's money.

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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot



11 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 7 Likes F


Oh, I know exactly what you mean. And I know this will never happen but it IS the way the constitutioon is set up. The states are sovereign entities so, if going by the Constitutioon, liberal states would not be allowed to take money from conservative states.


Yes, but what happens when the blue states need bailouts?
A LIKE REPLY 7 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 1 Like F


the problem with that is the Blue States would start demanding to be taken care of by the Red States. I can hear it now "You have all the oil."
A LIKE REPLY 6 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere F


In theory, however, the libs move to red states because things are going so good then they start bitching about the 'wrongs' done and slowly turn the state purple. They have tried here in Texas, thankfully it hasn't worked yet.
A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere F


Now the liberals are using the Trayvor case to push back the Stand Your Ground law in FL. They can't understand why some people are not cowards and sheeps depending only of government for their protection.

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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot



12 minutes ago in reply to Bob Cannell 4 Likes F



A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 3 Likes F in reply to donttreadhere


Good I'll have lots of targets. Can't wait to see you there!!!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 15 minutes ago in reply to dlittlet F


Yeah, but uhhh... Aren't the left the ones WITHOUT firearms?
A LIKE REPLY 46 minutes ago 16 Likes F in reply to donttreadhere


LOL! I'm sure they'll find other ways to riot, like turning over cars, throwing molotov cocktails through the windows of small businesses, etc.
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago in reply to realityanvil F 14 Likes


And bleeding all over the place,and great big piles of their burning bodies imo.Let them come I cant hardly wait lmao!
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 5 Likes F


The commies love those molotov cocktails don't they?

A LIKE REPLY 24 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 5 Likes F


add a jigger or two of Tequila and they are great.

A LIKE REPLY 15 minutes ago in reply to LeavePalinAlone 1 Like F


I made this statement late last Summer: People are under the assumption that Obama will even allow a vote to take place in November. If you think this clown isn't capable of creating an "emergency" right before the 2012 Presidential vote in order to declare "martial law" in an attempt top postpone his re-election bid and stay in power INDEFINITELY, then YOU are out of your damn mind folks!
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago 41 Likes F in reply to donttreadhere

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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot


It wouldn't surprise me at all. Whether it's before the election or after he's stolen the election, I have no doubt he'll look for a reason to declare martial law and suspend future elections.
A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago in reply to Retired_CSI F 14 Likes


He's already laid the groundwork for a Martial Law scenario. Wait until Iran applies pressure. Feels like LBJ and the bogus North Vietnamese patrol boat attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. This smells
A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 2 Likes F


That is what the occupy movement is all about. To create chaos.

A LIKE REPLY 3 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere F


Pack heat and visit the range.

A LIKE REPLY 16 minutes ago 4 Likes F in reply to donttreadhere


A rally would imply a positive spin and leftists are not capable of anything positive as their entire philosophy is negative and anti-Man.
A LIKE REPLY 13 minutes ago 1 Like F in reply to donttreadhere


Worse. There will be an escallation of black on white violence previously unimagined. If Obonehead isn't re-elected come November, no white American will be safe. And since now "white" includes Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and everybody who isn't black, it's gonna be a bloodbath.
A LIKE REPLY 13 minutes ago 1 Like F in reply to donttreadhere


Let em riot! If you remember history, the Watts riot and the Detroit riot, the Obama Lackys were burning and killing their own. Let them do it again, it will only lower the welfare rolls.
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago 1 Like F in reply to donttreadhere


A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago F in reply to donttreadhere


NOW HEAR THIS!!! If Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the Black Panthers and other rabble rousers and race baiters raise hell and get violent as a result of obamo losing the election, FEAR NOT!!

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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

The white militias, Nazi skinheads and other white supremists will literally keep the peace. Probably not a good idea, but the assholes in congress won't do anything to shut these stupid fools down.
A LIKE REPLY 3 minutes ago F in reply to donttreadhere


No, he'll simply throw in more illegal voters, just like Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley did for Kennedy in 1960 when the democrats stole the election from Richard Nixon. Read about it.
A LIKE REPLY 47 minutes ago F in reply to jerryg1018 23 Likes


While Daley was doing his thing in Chicago, in reality Nixon lost that election mostly because he had ZERO charisma, and came across to the public as a mean and nasty individual.
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago 2 Likes F in reply to realityanvil


Rioting, if ANY fraud is suspected, will make a recount necessary. Why? Because the WHOLE WORLD will be watching how the ballot is vetted. BTW, I ordered the 2 books B.O. wrote from my local, small town library, & since they didn't have copies, ( ????? None of the President's thoughts?) I was told they would be ordered on inner-library loan. Then the woman behind the desk asked me the names of the books AND THE AUTHOR. ___AND SHE WAS BLACK! Maybe the Incas got their calendar wrong by a month or so!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to donttreadhere 21 Likes F


I think they'll be rioting if O loses, whether anyone thinks there is fraud or not (of course they'll scream fraud and many other things without any proof). You look at the Occupy protests, the Zimmerman case, the New Black Panthers in Philly in '08 and everything else, and I can't imagine their won't be riots from the left if O isn't re-elected. LOL! That doesn't surprise me at all.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to VickyBevis 39 Likes F


I suspect you are correct. And the lovely thing about most of these insurrection will be the morons who support Ohbongo tend to burn down and kill their own. I've always felt this is nature's way of cleaning out the gene pool, and revitalizing the urban environment.
A LIKE REPLY 34 minutes ago 8 Likes F in reply to donttreadhere


And the liberals do love their Darwinian evolution theory. Well, except when it comes to getting re-elected and they need to talk about the Republicans "social" Darwinism and how bad that is. lol
A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago in reply to HMichaelH F 3 Likes


ah so lol
A LIKE REPLY 47 minutes ago in reply to VickyBevis 1 Like F

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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot


Get yourself qualified to be a poll-watcher! Union guys do it all the time.

A LIKE REPLY 44 minutes ago in reply to VickyBevis 6 Likes F


the title of Hugh Hewitt's book '08 says it all: If it isn't close they can't cheat.
A LIKE REPLY 56 minutes ago in reply to donttreadhere 10 Likes F


Exactly. Unfortunately because of the large number of ignorant, entitled and envious people in America today, it will be close.
A LIKE REPLY 50 minutes ago 21 Likes F in reply to LoverofAmerica


and the left denies. But then, They always expect the right to believe any lie they put out there.
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to AgentLobos 1 Like F


Yes, thanks to the Obama reelection being rigged via Soros owned SCYTL company in Spain that will be responsible for tallying votes in the 2012 presidential election. What is being done to stop this fraud!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to profturgeson 35 Likes F


nothing I know the software and hardware are all foreign owned I did not know it was a soros backed company can you post a link thanks
A LIKE REPLY 45 minutes ago in reply to vonni68 10 Likes F


There are not enough lawyers on the planet to stop the fraud that is about to hit your local ballot box . . .
A LIKE REPLY 36 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson 11 Likes F


You are so correct. A buried story from New Jersey. The day after Chris Christie won as governorship here I heard him say on a local radio interview that, he did have a lawyer/poll watcher at every voting station in the state. It effectively stopped the standard fraud prevalent throughout New Jersey.
A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson 11 Likes F


Obama should have come with a warning label . . . "Be advised I will make you poor, I will make it so you can't find work, in addition I will continue a war for one side of the same muslim/arab coin, and finally, I will provide free healthcare! Just so long as no one actually needs care."
A LIKE REPLY 28 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson 4 Likes F


This is the MOST Corrupt Disgusting and Disgraceful Regime in the History of the WORLD!!... Please get out and Vote these Good for Nothing Scumbags OUT!!.
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson F


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4/9/2012 6:45 AM

O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

The defense against voter ID is so strangely weak, that I am surprised it needs discussion at all. The lib argument goes something like this "voter ID laws will hurt Dem turnout, therefor it's unfair". Everything else they say about it is blather. If a defense is so blatantly partisan, why is it so hard to convince the voting public that voting requires safeguards, in the form of enforceable laws. Do the Dems really have that much trouble recruiting voters that they need to maintain status quo's ~1% fraud? Its insane. 1% could easily turn an election.
A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson F


It's simple unless you are like Holder and the President, criminals who want power at any cost, every time we allow an illegal vote, we are disenfranchising the majority. Get an ID or don't vote. If getting an ID is too much for you, you are too stupid to vote. Voter fraud should have a minimum prison sentence of 20+ years!
A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson F


Democrats are not beyond massive corruption to win an election. We have seen that time and time again over the years at all levels in federal, state and local elections. The electronic voting booth and out right voter fraud will surely be used to King Obama's favor.
A LIKE REPLY 0 minutes ago in reply to profturgeson F


Thank you James.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 66 Likes F


Ingenius. This couldn't have come at a better time since Holder has begun attacking states with a voter ID law. Okeefe's video needs to be filed on behalf of the states defense.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to sharpfocus 23 Likes F


Wouldn't Andrew Breitbart have a real plan to publicize this across the US like the Acorn videos and revelations?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 45 Likes F


We can only pray for another Andrew Breitbart before it's to late!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to herrij 43 Likes F


download it, or the link, and send it via email to everyone you know ... that's how to get it to go viral!
A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago in reply to herrij F


Wow, that picture of Holder wins the faux cerebral/disingenuous/ "I am above the law" AG look of the year. Keep up the good work James.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 63 Likes F


I can see why they gave James the ballot - they look so much alike - do you really think an id will help? (yes there should be a law!!!)
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Constit4Ever 26 Likes F


Ummm...because no ID is required, the poll worker did not have a picture of Holder to look at and compare with the "voter". If he had been required to present photo ID, the poll worker

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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

could have done so. Remember, the name itself would not have meant anything to most poll workers or most others who don't even know the names of our federal officials, as proven by many segments on TV stopping people and asking questions like "Who is the Attorney General of the United States?", or even "Who is the Vice President?"....
A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago in reply to pops1911 8 Likes F


This issue needs to be front and center! Either we have a Blue index finger or ID on election Day. A lie can't live...Dr.Martin Luther King
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 38 Likes F


probably not...
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Vote early, vote often!

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 11 Likes F


The rallying cry of the DNC.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to jackrile 16 Likes F


AG Holder having a ballot to vote is perhaps the biggest crime. Holder has shown himself to be a criminal, as such he should not be allowed a ballot to begin with.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 46 Likes F


Maybe Holder can write up 2 1/2 pages (single spaced, but with large fonts and wide margins) on why he thinks anyone should be able to walk in and vote as him.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 38 Likes F


Does anyone know if he got his first assignment turned in on time?

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to smz99 7 Likes F


He did, but it was only 2 1/2 pages, not 3 as judge required!

A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago in reply to jackrile 1 Like F


imagine Eric Holder as AG of the USA lmfao, roflmao, lol etc. crap, I just woke up. never mind
A LIKE REPLY 44 minutes ago in reply to smz99 1 Like F


But..but..but....The DNC claims there is NO chance of voter fraud. And people believe them about their other ludicrous claims too.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 28 Likes F

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O'Keefe V oter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot


Every argument, made by the left, against voter ID laws is PURE BUNK. How holder and these (d)ems can make these arguments with a straight face, demonstrates their disingenuousness and the insanity of mainstream (state controlled) media.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 26 Likes F


Keep up the good work James O'Keefe. We will support you all the way !!!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 31 Likes F


"I'll be back FASTER than you can say FURIOUS"!! Classic! Thanks y'all!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 11 Likes F


"Will the federal government take up the challenge?" Holder will probably issue a billion dollar grant to the New Black Panther Party to "patrol" the voting precincts. There we go ... got er done ... problem solved.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 24 Likes F


If Holder and Owebama back any kind of voter ID then Owebama will lose the election. He won't have dead people, illegals and pets voting for him and he's depending on that voter block for his re-election. The Democratic motto for elections " Vote early and vote often"
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 22 Likes F

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