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Mace Business School

Mace Business School is part of the Mace, a international consultancy and construction business. Mace is relentlessly committed to employing the best people and supply chain companies to ensure excellent service for our clients. In 2006, Mace took a significant step toward achieving these objectives with the foundation of the Mace Business School, the first of its kind in the industry focused solely on improving the performance of construction businesses through learning and knowledge sharing. Today, the Mace Business School provides a unique environment focused on the transfer and exchange of knowledge and expertise to and from our suppliers. We provide a robust and collaborative learning environment aimed at achieving project excellence, establishing world-class standards, and improving the way our industry operates to the benefit of our clients.

Best Integrated Supply chain of the Year

WE BRIng TogETHER gRoupS of cEoS And SEnIoR ExEcuTIvES WHoSE coMpAnIES HAvE WoRkEd TogETHER on pRoJEcTS. THE MAcE BuSInESS ScHool pRovIdES THEM WITH A foRuM To lEARn TogETHER, nETWoRk And AgREE on A coMMon AgEndA foR MovIng foRWARd. Brian Moone, director Mace Business School

We develop and deliver interactive and engaging bespoke management training courses on behalf of our clients for their supply chain partners. Our award winning services were initially developed to improve the supply chain delivery on some of the industrys most complex projects for Mace Construction Management. Our expertise has since been utilised across other Mace Group subsidiary companies to improve the capability of their supply chain companies. We can now offer this service to any Mace Group clients to develop their supply chain. Mace Business School draws on the broad industry expertise of the Mace group to ensure that all of the content of our courses are the most up to date available to the industry. We create strategies to deliver learning outcomes to support the project requirements. We understand the different learning styles of individuals and can tailor the delivery of learning to suit the audience. Our collaborative and integrated approach enables our industry partners to work more efficiently and cost effectively with confidence in the delivery excellence they provide. In addition to project management training, we also help our partners to develop their leadership abilities, their strategic thinking and their people management skills. We know that creating the right culture in an organisation is critical to its success.

I WAnT ouR BuSInESS To lEAd, To BE SEEn AS A HIgHlY pRofESSIonAl oRgAnISATIon THAT IS pRoud To WoRk In THE conSTRucTIon InduSTRY. MAcE BuSInESS ScHool IS onE of THE kEY BuSInESSES HElpIng uS To AcHIEvE THIS. keith Barclay, director R&S group limited

HoW WE do IT
The Mace Business School is aimed at supply chain companies that have shown exemplary leadership in the industry. Led by senior Mace executives and other top-level industry experts, Mace Business Schools programmes offer comprehensive training, as well as a full range of small, focused, and interactive courses, workshops, and networking opportunities.

The business school has developed a range of core products and services to underpin its bespoke offerings to its clients, these products and services include:

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noRMAllY, THE fIRST MEETIng IS THE SITE MEETIng, BuT MAcE BuSInESS ScHoolS HEAdSTART pRogRAMME goT uS All up To SpEEd And on THE SAME pAgE BEfoRE THE pRoJEcT BEgAn. WHEn WE dId ARRIvE on SITE, WE WERE pRoJEcT-REAdY And dIdnT REquIRE A lEARnIng cuRvE. peter Emerson, group coo Severfield Rowan

Training courses and programmes: Interactive and engaging project and business management training courses and programmes facilitation: Interactive workshops for stakeholders to create a collaborative environment

Mentoring and coaching: To hone individual skills

Research: To underpin and support learning and create innovation

dissemination: To share knowledge through publications and other media

course and event management and administration: We provide total support to all our courses and events

The Shard, London Bridge, The London Eye, the European headquarters for GlaxoSmithKline, Heathrow Airports Terminal 5 and the British Museums Great Court are just some of Maces high profile projects. Mace Business School is proud of our companys unrivalled reputation for delivering complex projects to the most exacting standards. And were especially proud of the collaborative way in which we work with our industry partners to achieve those standards. It goes without saying that only by partnering with the highest performing organisations can we deliver world-class buildings to our clients. Quite simply, our reputation rests on the quality of our industry partners. To succeed we need to operate as a unified team with a single vision and a common way of working. Thats the mission of the Mace Business School.

Shard, London Bridge

THE BuSInESS ScHool IS An ExcEllEnT fAcIlITY. IT IS pRofESSIonAl And SHoWS ouR coMMITMEnT To TRAInIng. Jonathan foster, project director Mace group

GSK House

BA London Eye

Heathrow Terminal 5

About Mace group

Mace is an international consultancy and construction company, offering highly integrated services across the full property lifecycle. Our experts in programme and project management, construction delivery, cost consultancy, and facilities management thrive within our collaborative and entrepreneurial culture, constantly striving to find better solutions to complex infrastructure and property challenges. Our customers are at the core of what we do, and we continue to grow and expand to better serve their property needs across sectors and geographies. Our talented and professional people work from within our customers organisations, constantly asking challenging questions and driving value at every turn. We believe it is our relentless passion for finding a better way that helps us to deliver the best projects safely and efficiently, while defining industry best practice.

To discuss a training need, a leadership programme or any other way the business school can help your business contact us today: Brian Moone director Mace group Atelier House 64 Pratt Street London NW1 0LF United Kingdom t: +44 (0)20 7068 6000 f: +44 (0)20 7068 6111

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