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February - March 2012

Is a New Revival Stirring in Wales? Day 19 Iran: A Closed Land With Open Hearts Day 21 With Christ on the Railroad of Death Days 23 & 24 At Times of Crisis, Revival is Near Day 28

Something New Happening in Israel!

Day 1

Outreaches to non-Christians.

Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners, Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; the people He has chosen as His own inheritance. (Psalm 33:12) God Bless Her Majesty the Queen! It seems to me that, as every year passes, Her Majesty has become ever more forthright in proclaiming her Christian faith. In her latest Christmas broadcast, she has focused on the theme of hope in the midst of adversity Christian hope! She said, Finding hope in adversity is one of the themes of Christmas... Jesus was born into a world full of fear. The angels came to frightened shepherds with hope in their voices: Fear not, they urged, we bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord... God sent into the world a unique person neither a philosopher nor a general (important though they are) but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. She added, Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of Gods love. In the last verse of this beautiful carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, theres a prayer: O Holy Child of Bethlehem Descend to us we pray Cast out our sin And enter in Be born in us today It is my prayer that on this Christmas day we might all find room in our lives for the message of the angels and for the love of God through Christ our Lord, she ended. Then there was the Prime Ministers speech to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. David Cameron declared that, Britain is a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so. He added, The Bible has helped to give Britain a set of values... which make Britain what it is today... A return to Christian values could counter the country's moral collapse. Earlier the Royal Mail issued its Christmas stamps including references from the Gospels. The verses declare: thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins... and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Is it possible that we are seeing a national change of mood, reflecting Gods reviving work in the heavens? Keep praying! With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Ian Milmine Page 3

Something New Happening in Israel!

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 81:1-5 Day 1 In just 3 days, at the end of November 2011, first in Jerusalem, then in Haifa, more than 6000 Holocaust Survivors and their families Jews who did not know Yeshua came from all over Israel to hear David Hathaway demonstrate from their own Jewish Scriptures that the God of Israel sent His Son who lived and died in Israel as a Jew to deliver Jews like them from the fear and shame of the past, and give them a new hope for the future. These were not Messianic Jews but unbelievers who actually asked to come to the meetings! Thousands of them came forward to receive Yeshua, and He demonstrated His love with miraculous healings. Leaders of the Holocaust Survivors said, "We went through the Holocaust alone. Our hearts are filled with joy that in this world there are people like you who remember us who survived that hell and butchery. We have children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren you cannot understand the effect your preaching will have on them!" One Israeli tour guide in Israel, a born-again Messianic Jew, commented: "Christians come in their thousands... to 'support' Israel they hold meetings, I take their tour groups there, but not even the greatest 'evangelists' reach one Israeli. The realisation of what has happened in these 3 days to my people has 'hit' me! Thank you for bringing Jesus to our people!" Prophetic Vision; Premier Christian Radio PRAISE: God for these elderly Jewish people, who suffered the unthinkable and who, in their twilight years, have heard the call of Jesus their Messiah.

German Youth Awakened to Christ

Day 2 BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 81:6-10 Four years ago a grassroots mission movement was ignited among young people in Germany under the name No Limit. Since then 6,000 Christians have been mobilised to reach out to non-believers and 3,500 new people started following Jesus. A leader explains: Everywhere we went the Gospel was preached, we met people at McDonalds; in the subway and even under the shower in public swimming pools. We reached every kind of person from the homeless to the very rich, from the engineer to the waitress; even murderers; criminals and prostitutes repented and turned to the Lord: Participants of the tour experienced how God healed people through their prayers on the street. A 15 year old girl prayed with a blind man and God opened his eyes; a young teenager prayed with a paralyzed man who was completely healed; a team prayed in a hospital for a woman battling cancer - a short time later the Physician declared her completely healed! Prayer Alert; No Limit Summer2Go
PRAISE: God that these young Christians are seeing God work in power to save and to heal. Pray that this move of His Spirit will cover every European nation. Page 4

Asia: Huge New Christian Radio Signal

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 107:1-6 Days 3 & 4 Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) was heard "louder than ever" across Asia from Monday, November 21, after inaugurating two transmitters it hopes will help to reach "millions more people" including "persecuted" Christians in countries such as China. "We thank God for the privilege of increasing our spiritual footprint in Asia, said TWR President Lauren Libby. The transmitters can broadcast in both "analog" and "digital" modes. Digital shortwave will enable TWR to reach both rural areas and large cities with a strong near FM quality signal as they are known to reduce fading and interference associated with analog transmissions, TWR explained. Mike Tirone, senior president and general manger of KCBI, a Texas-based TWR affiliate, said he hopes the network will also be able to better serve those who are persecuted for their faith in Communist China. "I am so excited that now they are going to get the spiritual food and that this is going to help them grow [in God's Word]. Tirone said China's government has consistently denied wrongdoing, saying Christians are free to worship within the state-approved churches, but rights groups say many of the estimated 130 million Chinese Christians prefer to worship outside government control, often in home churches. TWR says it uses the broadcasts in China to help "further supply, strengthen, and fuel the growing house church movement with programmes that offer seminary training, Bible teaching and spiritual encouragement." From Guam, TWR broadcasts to what it calls "numerous unreached groups," including Han Chinese and Cantonese as well as people in North Korea, Burma, and Vietnam who "are largely unreachable except by way of shortwave radio." Also within range of Guams broadcasting site are India and Indonesia who receive "numerous programmes in multiple languages," TWR said. Tirone urged company executives and others to become involved in TWR's mission. "When Jesus saw the sea of lost people, he wept. We need to care about what the Lord cares about." Founded in 1952, TWR broadcasts from 14 countries as well as through local radio stations, cable, satellite, and the Internet, reaching millions of people in 160 nations in over 200 languages and dialects. It claims to receive over 1.5 million letters annually. BosNewsLife Day 3 - PRAISE: God for this major step forward, enabling Christian to be nurtured in their Faith, and unbelievers to hear the Gospel of Salvation in the nations of the Far East, including China, Burma, Vietnam and North Korea. Day 4 PRAY: That the Holy Spirit will prepare many people to listen to these broadcasts and come to know the living Christ. Pray that those who prepare programmes may have grace and wisdom. Page 5

Church Planting Among Muslims

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 107:7-9 Day 5 The Muslim world is complex. But from the teeming cities of Southeast Asia, to the tribal villages of Central Africa, to the arid deserts of the Middle East, there is a common denominator in how God is working to draw people to himself. Missions organisation Pioneers launched a video series that tells the story of what indigenous church planting looks like in the Muslim world. You can watch them on the Web at The first video is about a city in Indonesia where small groups of Muslim seekers and new believers are gathering to study the Bible, pray and then put their faith in action. Is Jesus God? This is the bottom-line question that Muslims are challenged to face, and they are asked to find the answer for themselves. Inevitably Jesus reveals Himself to those who seek Him, in vision, through miracles and in His Word. Once a house church has grown to 12 members, it is encouraged to start another one. In the face of persecution, spiritual warfare and poverty, Jesus is building His church! Joel News International; Revival Media PRAISE: God that He loves and saves the Muslim people of this world. Pray for great wisdom to reach out to them in ways that will feed their hunger for the living God.

USA: Latinos May Save Christianity!

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 26:1-8 Day 6 Young Latinos are beginning to shift their attendance from the traditional Catholic churches they were raised in to varying evangelical and Pentecostal congregations, according to a recent Pew Research study. The trend was first noticed in 2009 after a religious polling group found a decrease in the number of Hispanic Catholics and an increase in the number of Hispanics claiming to be born-again Christians. And the growing movement could have a significant impact on the makeup and mission of churches in America. "Hispanics will transform American evangelicalism in the 21st century," Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, told CBN News. "There are some in the non-Latino church that are swaying away from Biblical truth," he continued. "And Hispanic evangelicals are very committed to Biblical orthodoxy, Biblical truth." CBN News spoke with Rev. Samuel Rodriguez more about the church migration taking place among young Latinos and how this transition benefits the evangelical community. CBN News; Revival Media PRAISE: God that the immigrant church is providing a solid basis for the advance of Biblical truth in America. Pray for strong and wise leaders. Page 6

Nigeria: Strong Amidst Persecution

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 26:9-16 Day 7 Last year alone, more than 2,000 Christians in Nigeria were killed in clashes with Muslim extremists. Despite their suffering, true believers remain confident in Christ: "They don't ask for us to pray that persecution would stop. They pray instead, that they would be strong in the midst of persecution," Carl Moeller, president of Open Doors USA, explained. Many Christian were killed during a series of attacks by the militant Islamic group Boko Haram in Borno and Yobe states. Several churches were destroyed in the city of Damaturu and others were bombed over the summer in Maiduguri. But Moeller says they pray for God to empower them to be bold witnesses despite the obvious persecution in many places." "Boko Haram is another one of the extremist offshoots that has advocated the complete Sharia law rule in Nigeria," Moeller explained. "But the aggressiveness of Boko Haram has resulted in Christian villages being raised. Over a hundred churches alone last year were burnt to the ground." In recent years, many attacks have occurred in the predominately Christian Plateau state. About 53 percent of the people there are Christian, while 41 percent are Muslim. Most of the Muslims live in the north where Sharia Islamic law is now in place in 12 states. Nigeria's Christian President Goodluck Jonathan has pledged to combat terrorism and bring Boko Haram under control. Moeller said , "When we unite with them in prayer, we really affirm the prayer of Jesus in the upper room with his disciples where he prayed that we would be one body," Moeller said. "And we are able to then demonstrate that we do care for our suffering brothers and sisters around the world." CBN News. PRAISE: God that true believers remain confident in Christ, despite death and persecution. Pray for an end to the harassment and violence.

A Year of Prayer for the British Isles

Day 8 BIBLE STUDY: Acts 26:17-18 Alpha and 24-7 Prayer are uniting to resource and champion Kingdom Come 2012, a year of continuous prayer for the British Isles. We want to humble ourselves, unite and seek the face of God that he might heal our land. There is a growing urgency; the London riots shook us to the core, the economy is in crisis and the typical, tried and tested solutions are coming up short. Secondly, there is an increased sense of expectation that God is preparing His body for a fresh touch from heaven to equip us and, finally, there is a humble realisation that none of us can do it on our own; we need God and we need each other. We are expectant and excited! Prayer News Update
PRAISE: God for this prayer initiative for the nation. Pray that Christians will respond throughout the land. Page 7

Algerian Christians Air Services on TV

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 26:19-23

Day 9

For the last 25 years, the Algerian Church has been growing, especially among the Berber population. In July 2011, the 20 year old Protestant Church of Algeria (PCA) was granted government recognition and able to officially register its congregations throughout the country. It is hoped this decision will lead to repealing other laws that restrict Christian worship. SAT-7s CEO recently visited Algeria to explore ways to increase the amount of Algerian-made programming on the screen. SAT-7 will also help Algerian Christians produce other programmes. PCAs Pastor Youssef is excited about this opportunity. He says, We want to encourage people all over the Arab world by showing... a vibrant indigenous Algerian church. We also want to encourage lonely Christians to seek fellowship with others and freely express their joy in worship! SAT-7 Uplink magazine PRAISE: God that the Church in Algeria is seeing a loosening of restrictions and opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to their neighbours.

A New Kind of Church in Belgium

BIBLE STUDY: Acts 26:24-32

Day 10

In the 16th century, when the Reformation was gaining ground all over Europe, Bibles in different languages were printed in Antwerp. Alas, the Counter-Reformation saw Bible reading prohibited (until 1962) and many believers fleeing the country. Today Belgium is a hardened soil for the Gospel. Yet Belgian Evangelical Mission is finding new ways of doing church that is proving successful in reaching this postmodern society. In September 2008, Eric and Anne Zander embarked on a pioneer alternative church called LAutre Rive in the small town of Gembloux (population 22,000) in central Belgium. Their first service was held in the Social Security offices. The Sunday services began with a breakfast, responding to Belgian culture where people love to talk and share over a meal. Rather than someone speaking from the front, the services allowed people to express their understanding of the Bible and grow in their faith in Christ together. With a Sunday attendance of between 25 and 45 participating adults, LAutre Rive is developing beyond expectations. Friends who were not Christians three years ago have stayed and been converted. Increasingly they are finding that individuals who are seeking are coming to LAutre Rive by word of mouth. Now that the church includes more than 50 people, Eric and Anne hope to hand over leadership to the local team and start a new project in another Belgian town. BEMInfo; Revival Media PRAISE: God that, in a traditionally difficult country, many are finding Christ and deep fellowship with believers. Pray that God will touch many Belgians. Page 8

Sponsored Children to Parliament

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm.37:5-6

Day 11

Two former sponsored children of Christian charity organisation Compassion have been elected into the Parliaments of Uganda and Haiti. Beguens Theus from Haiti and Margaret Makhoha from Uganda both grew up in sheer poverty, but Christian sponsors gave them a chance to rise out of that desperate situation, get an education and (through a Leadership Development Programme) go to university. By Gods grace and their own will and motivation they now reached this position of responsibility to serve their nations. Giving children a chance can make a huge difference, says Martijn Moens, a spokesman of the charity organisation in the Netherlands. More than others, these new members of Parliament understand the needs of the poor and are motivated to work towards structural change in their nation. Compassion works in 26 developing nations and provides one-on-one sponsoring for 1.2 million children. The charity provides programmes in partnership with local churches. Compassion; Prayer Alert; Revival Media PRAISE: God that He has greatly blessed these young people. Pray that they may be examples of Christian integrity and service in their Parliaments.

UK: Royal Mail Puts Christ on Stamps

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 1:21-23

Day 12

Bible chapter and verse references have been printed on the face of this years Royal Mail Christmas stamps to mark 400 years of the King James Version. The series of seven stamps feature Bible references taken from the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The stamps also include pictures of nativity scenes. The beauty of these stamps is that the Bible references printed on them can induce many people to look them up and so read that Jesus is, God with us, and He will save his people from their sins. Stephen Agar from Royal Mail said: This years stamps feature scenes from the Nativity, together with the Gospel references from the King James Bible which inspired them. Royal Mail also commented that many of the KJVs distinctive sayings have found their way into our everyday way of speaking, with more than 200 phrases such as the apple of my eye, a den of thieves or the land of the living have become part of modern English. The Christian Institute; Revival Media PRAISE: God that the Royal Mail has not bowed to those who wish to marginalise Christ from Christmas, and has produced a meaningful and thought-provoking edition of Christmas stamps. Page 9

Cuba For Christ, Where God is at Work

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 1:13-16;17-25 Days 13 &14 Much of the news we receive from the Church in Cuba is about hardships and state control, but little do we realise how God is building up His people in that island nation. One Baptist denomination has just opened their 500th church with another 1,000 or so missions. Yet they only have 270 pastors the rest are attended by misioneros. Their plan is for another 500 churches in the next five years. One pastor in Holguin, who planted a church in his flat five years ago, now has 600 members. Another Pentecostal group has around 30 churches which are spreading across the country. For a long time they have wanted their own seminary, but have been unable to resource one, for lack of quality materials. There is great hunger for the Gospel in the land! Carl Chambers of Cuba Para Cristo (Cuba for Christ) visited recently. He says, Cuba is changing slowly. There are some new laws which are giving hope of freedom (to buy a house, buy a car), but many restrictions remain (internet). Transport is still a serious problem. Yet there are signs of more economic activity throughout the country... There was more growing in the fields, more traffic on the roads, more people selling crops on the side of the road, many more shops open... Still there were many people sitting around not working. People are hungry, and struggle to make ends meet. A pastor earns about 11-16 per month, without help from overseas. Carls vision has been to help roll out the MOCLAM Bible training course throughout Cuba. Devised by Moore College in Sydney, Australia, MOCLAM is now supported by FLET (Latin American Faculty of Theological Studies). It has been received as a Godsend by the Cuban churches which lack Bible training materials. During a recent visit to Cuba Carl reported: The MOCLAM programme is spreading remarkably. Everywhere I went, people were saying it was either the best thing theyve ever studied or the best there is in the country. Without ever advertising, it is running or about to run in 11 provinces across the country and could run in more if there were resources. One pastor says he can see the difference between those who are taking MOCLAM and those not, by the way they handle the Bible. Churches are not only able to provide good Bible training through MOCLAM, some are taking the initiative to provide basic foodstuff for their pastors and congregations. One church received a gift from overseas. They used the money to buy a farm, including a house, tractor and various other implements. The government actually encourages this as it enables food production to grow. It also allows new churches to be established. God is at work in Cuba! Carl Chambers, Cuba Para Cristo Day 13 PRAISE: God for the spread of the Church in Cuba and the availability of training materials. Day 14 PRAY: That our Cuban brothers and sisters may be full of the love and grace of Jesus. Page 10

Biblical Pattern of Revival

Reading: 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. God is at work to reconcile a world to Himself, and He's chosen to do so through His people, redeemed by His Son Jesus Christ and indwelt and empowered by His Spirit (Romans 8:11). God calls His people into a relationship with Himself He calls us My people, who are called by my name. God wishes to relate to us as a Father to His children, in the same way that He had a daily relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Jesus calls us His brothers (Hebrews 2:12), for we are called by the name of Christ. God disciplines His people when they depart into idolatry When His people depart turning to substitutes for His presence, purposes, and ways, God closes the heavens of His blessing, the land (the economy) is ravaged and society and the family suffer. He disciplines His people and calls them to repent and return to Him. Gods disciplines His people to lead them to cry out to Him The discipline of the Lord is in love (Hebrews 12:6), so that we may humbly acknowledge Him as the only Lord, and cry out to Him, seeking Him to restore the relationship which is possible through Jesus. Restoration leads to a new spiritual awakening or revival When God restores His people, He works through them to exalt His Son and draw people to saving faith in Him. When that happens quickly and in large numbers, we call it "revival." Revival not only restores people to God, who forgives their sins, but God also heals the land. True revival is always followed by moral transformation and by blessing and prosperity for the nation. Taken from Fresh Encounter: Gods Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King. 2009 LifeWay Press.

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Examples from History:

PRELUDE TO THE THIRD GREAT AWAKENING (1857 -1859) How the Revival Started Similarities with Today In the twelve years before the Third Great Awakening (also known as The Prayer Revival or The Businessmen's Revival), spiritual life in America was on the decline. It was a time of prosperity, and people were seeking riches rather than God. The churches were losing people, and worldliness was creeping in. A number of Christians who had become concerned over the materialism that pervaded the land, and the fact that the young were growing up without God, began to pray that God would break the love of money over people's lives and send another revival to the nation. "Concerts of Prayer" began to spring up throughout the United States of America and Canada. A Financial Crisis Breaks the Spirit of Materialism Much of this materialistic attitude was broken in many lives by the Bank Panic of October 1857. The long, hard winter of 1856-1857, had caused transportation and trade transactions to be delayed. The spring brought some relief, but by the end of summer, some businesses had begun to collapse. Some banks refused to redeem their promissory notes, while others suspended operations altogether, including eighteen of New York City's leading banks. On the 14th of October 1857, the extensive banking system of the United States collapsed, a far-reaching disaster bringing ruin to many thousands of people across the nation. Some felt that the Bank Panic was Divine judgment against a nation that had made mammon their god. J. Edwin Orr, however, claims in his book, The Event of the Century: The 1857-1858 Awakening, that the Revival was not caused by the Panic. The prayer meetings which became the focal point of the Revival began some time before the Panic. The Prayer Revival in Hamilton, Canada By mid 1857, prayer movements were growing in Ontario. In August or September, Walter and Phoebe Palmer, a Methodist physician and his wife from New York, came to hold what turned out to be very successful meetings. Returning to the States, they were delayed in Hamilton. On October 8th, the Methodist ministers convened a prayer meeting at which sixty-five people attended. Most of these people pledged themselves to pray for an "outpouring of the Holy Spirit."

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On the evening of the 9th, a larger crowd met in the basement of the John Street Methodist Church. Twenty-one people were converted. During the following meetings revival began to break out. The New York Christian Advocate and Journal reported on November 5, 1857, about the revival taking place in Hamilton, where twenty to forty-five professions were being made daily, and one hundred were made on the previous Sunday. They wrote: The Mayor of the city, with other persons of like position, are not ashamed to be seen bowed at the altar of prayer beside the humble servant." The spontaneous revival in Hamilton soon swept the entire community and a large part of the nation. All denominations reported a rise in membership over the following years. This Canadian Awakening of 1857 sparked the Third Great Awakening in the United States. Prayer for Revival - First Signs of Awakening in America The New School Presbyterian Church published Longing for Revivals in May 1857. This was an appeal to corporate prayer for revival. The Presbyterians were not alone in their longing. The Baptists and Methodists were also calling their members to cry out to God to send another awakening to the land. By early 1857, many were praying "that the popular addiction to money-making might be broken." When the Bank Panic broke the love of money over many lives, the intercessors focused their prayers on revival. Prayer meetings increased in numbers and frequency amongst almost all denominations. Charleston, South Carolina, was already experiencing a revival in the middle of 1857- among its slaves! Theodore Cuyler, pastor of Nineteenth Street Church, New York, said in November 1857, that he was "struck with the earnestness of petitions for the descent of God's Spirit on our city churches." Prayer Leads to a Huge Awakening that Spans the Globe Fulton Street in New York City is said by most people to be where the Third Great Awakening proper began. Soon noon-time prayer meetings were attracting over 10,000 businessmen in New York City, who were confessing sin, getting saved, praying for revival." At its peak, in 1858, 50,000 people were being saved each week. But it did not stop there: it then crossed the oceans. In Britain close to a million people joined the churches due to the revival that swept the land. Its effects lasted even into the American Civil War (1861-1865), where camps had great revival meetings. Over 150,000 were converted in the Confederate army alone. Thus it was earnest, fervent, wide-spread prayer for revival that ultimately ushered in the Third Great Awakening. Page 13

Prayer Concerning Revival

Testimony from those who prayed Prevailing or effectual prayer is that prayer which attains the blessing that it seeks. It is that prayer which effectually moves God. The very idea of effectual prayer is that it effects its object Charles Finney

He gave himself to prayer. Woods and lonely wayside places became closets. In such exercises time flew unheeded. He stopped amid the solitary crags to pray, and heaven so met him there that hours elapsed unconsciously. Strong in the might of such baptisms, he became bold to declare the cross, and willing to bear it. Life of Thomas Collins

Prayer must carry our work, as well as preaching. He does not preach heartily to his people who does not pray for them. If we do not prevail with God to give them repentance and faith, we are not likely to prevail with them to repent and believe. Paul gives us frequently his example of praying night and day for his hearers. Richard Baxter

Several members of Jonathan Edwards church had spent the whole night in prayer before he preached his memorable sermon, sinners in the Hands of an angry God. The Holy Ghost was so mightily poured out, and God so manifested in holiness and majesty during the preaching of that sermon, that elders threw their arms around the pillars of the church and cried, Lord, save us, we are slipping down to hell!

It is extraordinary power from God, not talent that wins the day. It is extraordinary spiritual unction, not extraordinary mental power that we need. Mental power may fill a chapel but spiritual power fills the church with soul anguish. Mental power may gather a large congregation, but only spiritual power will save souls. What we need is spiritual power. Charles H Spurgeon

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The Rise of Christianity in Africa

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 2:1-10 Day 15 Among the most astonishing religious phenomena of the 20th century has been the growth of Christianity in Africa. Muslims in 1900 outnumbered Christians by a ratio of nearly 4:1. In 1962 when Africa had largely slipped out of colonial control, there were about 60 million Christians, with Muslims at about 145 million. Fifty years later, the number of Christians in Africa had multiplied by six to more than 423 million, to become the religion of a majority of Africans south of the Sahara. Yet the story of the Church in Africa continues to be told as though it were simply a footnote to the story of European Christianity. Information on indigenous evangelists, teachers and Christian leaders most vitally involved cannot be found in standard reference works or textbooks, and the Acts of African Apostles is in danger of being lost to historical memory. This motivated the Overseas Ministries Study Center in 1997 to launch a challenging project: the Dictionary of African Christian Biography (DACB), sometimes referred to as Project Luke. An international team of scholars and church leaders, primarily Africans, engaged in chronicling the story of God in Africa for future generations. Broadly inter-confessional, historically descriptive, and exploiting the full range of oral and written records, the DACB covers the whole field of African Christianity from the earliest times to the present, over the entire continent. The electronic database holds an amazing collection of biographies and is available online in English, French, Portuguese, Swahili and Arabic. Many of these stories of Christian pioneers who laid the foundations and advanced the growth of Christianity in Africa, could have come straight out of the Book of Acts. Joel News International; DACB PRAISE: God for the people of faith who sowed the seed of the Gospel in Africa. Pray that those who continue the work may live in the presence of Jesus.

Brought to Jesus Through Internet

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 2:11-17 Day 16 Online evangelism is more effective in producing real disciples for Christ than previously thought, according to a recent study by Global Media Outreach. Over half of those who made a decision for Jesus over the Internet have subsequently shared their faith with others. Additionally, 34 percent read their Bibles daily and nearly half pray for at least 10 minutes a day. The study, called the Christian Growth Index, measured the responses of more than 100,000 people from around the world. More than 5,500 trained online missionaries worldwide respond to questions asked by seekers. More than 15 million people indicated a decision for Christ online in 2010 alone. Global Media Outreach; Joel News International PRAISE: God that so many are responding to the Gospel in the intimacy of their computer surfing. Page 15

Gods Precious Little Ones in Africa

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 19:14 Day 17 Child trafficking in Africa is a dangerous reality. Annually, 1.2 million children become victims of human trafficking. Now Trans World Radio (TWR) is taking strides to reach young children in Africa with the Gospel message. Currently TWR is producing a radio programme called Gods Precious Little Ones that creates awareness and educates people about the horrendous reality and danger of child trafficking. But TWR is also focusing on children in its evangelistic and discipleship programmes. Statistically, 85% of people who come to Christ do so between the ages of 4 and 14. By focusing on this age group TWR hopes to make true, genuine, life-committed followers of Christ. This could lead to future generations that transform Africa. The TWR Newsletter Listening World says, We want to see the Church mobilised, sensitised, challenged, motivated and even resourced to focus on this age group... This age group is a strategic window for the Kingdom of God. TWR Listening World PRAISE: God that African children are receiving special Gospel programming. Pray that many may become godly African leaders for the future.

London: Gods Grace in the Aftermath

Day 18 BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 4:1-6 Church on the Farm runs the only free youth club on the North London Broadwater Farm Estate where Mark Duggan whose shooting sparked off last years London riots lived. His two sons came to the Churchs youth club. Nick Labiche, who is a youth worker with Church on the Farm, says, Ive been on the estate since 2006, and it took three years to build trust with most people. Its an estate where you cant just turn up, you have to earn trust. As a church, we have an important message to tell, and an important position in the community. Eighty per cent of the kids who come to the youth club are from a non-church background. They come not because of the technology they get to play with, but because of the love we show them. We can make a difference on the Farm: not because of us, but because of Gods grace and presence. The Church is part of the community, and what has happened in the community has affected the Church. We need wisdom in how to work with the police in a community that has a lot of bad feeling towards the police, Nick says. A lot of the young people are involved in drugs and gangs; some do carry knives, some even guns. Only the love of God can bring about a true transformation. Nick asks: If we dont reach out to these young people, who will? London City Mission Changing London
PRAISE: God for the presence of Church on the Farm. Pray that Gods love will break through, and for the blessing and protection of workers like Nick. Page 16

Is a New Revival Stirring in Wales?

BIBLE STUDY: Habakkuk 3:2 Day 19 In times past the mighty winds of revival in Wales often stirred other nations until they too caught the fire. A mere Century ago revival spread from Wales across parts of Europe, Scandinavia, much of Africa, India, Asia and Australasia. Today the Land of Revivals is stirring again, possibly to an extent not seen for several generations. Stories are arising across Wales of God doing wonderful things in peoples' lives. Beautiful testimonies are emerging, Jesus is being glorified and the Holy Spirit seems to be moving in every corner of the nation. Retreat Centre and House of Prayer Ffald-y-Brenin cannot cope with the number of visitors coming to pray, so that Bed and Breakfasts are full of those who come up to pray during the daytime. People are pouring in from around the world and leaving carrying increased blessing. Elsewhere across Wales people are suddenly finding that the simplest prayers suddenly lead them into the very presence of our life-changing God. Home-based Houses of Prayer are multiplying, both singly and in networks. 24-hour is being raised up across the Land. Synergy is the launch newsletter of Prayer4Wales. Their cry is to, raise up an army to call on the name of the Lord and see mercy flow through our nation once more and the songs of the delivered echo through the hills. So, if youre longing for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, keep your eyes on Wales! Prayer4Wales; Revival Media PRAISE: God that there is a powerful stirring once again in the land of revivals. Pray for Wales that this nation may stand in awe of Gods deeds.

Will North Korea Remain Hell on Earth?

Day 20 BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 5:1-5 Described by the Director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, as a human rights hell on earth, and having held the title for worst Christian persecutor in the world for nine consecutive years, many are asking if there will be any change in North Korea following the death of Kim Jong-il. Amnesty International believes that 200,000 people are being held under excruciating circumstances in labour camps. Christians routinely face punishment, death, torture, imprisonment, and even more egregious human rights violations if discovered practicing their faith. "Nowhere in the world is Christian persecution so fierce, Open Doors has said of North Korea. Many believe that the best hope for the future is the Swiss education that Jong-un and his brothers received, giving them years of experience in a free Western country. However, the regime has said that Kim will be following in his fathers footsteps, maintaining a military-first policy! Christian Post; Revival Media
PRAY: That God will bring relief to this troubled nation, and that the light of the Gospel will shine. Page 17

Iran: A Closed Land with Open Hearts

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Peter 5:6-11

Day 21

The Middle East, which has become almost synonymous with violence and Islam, is experiencing an unprecedented level of Muslims becoming followers of Jesus Christ, said Sam Yeghnazar, founder of Iran-focused Elam Ministries. There were only about 500 Iranian Christians from a Muslim background at the time of Lausanne 1 in 1974, he said. But over the past 30 years, more Muslims have come to Christ than in the past 1,300 years. Iran today is a closed land with countless open hearts, said Yeghnazar. It is the most open nation to the Gospel in the entire world. Tens of thousands of Iranians are turning to Christ. Betrayed by the government, disillusioned with the religion, depressed by the prospects of the future, Iranians when they come to know the Lord Jesus Christ are completely transformed, he said. They proclaim Christ in the marketplace. Entire families, men and women, are coming to Christ. Some weeks ago, two Christians were imprisoned and within a week they brought six people to Christ, he shared. Christian Post; Revival Media PRAISE: God that hungry souls are finding their Saviour. Pray that new converts may have the opportunity to be nurtured in Gods Word.

Chinese Missionaries in Pakistan

Day 22 BIBLE STUDY: Mark 13:1-8 Lessons in Mandarin could become compulsory for schoolchildren in parts of Pakistan under ambitious plans to capitalise on the growing influence of Chinese companies. 2011 was declared the year of Pakistan-Chinese friendship. Education authorities in Sindh Province say the plan to make Mandarin compulsory in schools for children aged 10 and 11. Commercial and cultural ties with China have grown, as Chinas regional and economic influence grows, and as relations between Pakistan and the US turn sour. As Pakistan continues to improve links with China, a growing number of Chinese Christians are moving there to do trade, set up business and, in some cases to go consciously as crosscultural missionaries. The cultural barriers are formidable and they need much training. But God seems to be opening the doors to Chinese missionaries when the situation for Western Christian workers is becoming increasingly difficult. Pakistan is not the only country to take up Mandarin or Cantonese as Chinas economic growth transforms world trade. In July 2011, Sweden announced that all primary schools would offer Chinese classes within 10 years. OMF Global Chinese Ministries; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for the opportunities open to the Chinese Church. Pray that they may clearly perceive the missionary vision to which God is calling them. Page 18

Christ on the Railroad of Death

BIBLE STUDY: Mark 13:9-13 Days 23 & 24 In 1949, thousands of Russian political prisoners were ordered to a Siberian labour camp to build a railway. Many died trying to finish the rail line. Today, Pastor Anatoly Marichev is honouring their memory by starting a house of worship, Good News Church, on the very spot that housed many of the prisoners. Among the political captives was Marichev's grandfather. "My grandfather was labelled an enemy of the state and sentenced to 10 years in a labour camp in Salekhard, Marichev said. Located approximately 1,200 miles northeast of Moscow, Salekhard is on the Artic circle. Temperatures often plummet to minus 60 degrees. The city served as the ideal place to stash away Stalin's political enemies. Salekhard has blizzard-like conditions during the winter - and millions of mosquitoes, gnats, and parasites during the summer. Construction on the railway eventually stopped in 1953 after Stalin's death. But the damage was already done. Marichev's grandfather died, along with tens of thousands of other prisoners. Historical records show Christians were also killed in the Salekhard gulags. "We have eyewitness accounts of secret prayer gatherings," Marichev said. "These prisoners prayed that one day the Gospel would reach the peoples of this land," he said. "Today, we are seeing the fruits of their prayers." The fruit is the Good News Church, a thriving evangelical congregation that has risen in the heart of the Siberian Tundra led by Marichev. "People are turning to the Lord all over this region," he said. "Families are being healed, people delivered from alcohol and drugs. To have a house of worship, in this location is not just symbolic - but also strategic," Marichev noted. In partnership with the Association for Spiritual Renewal, which focuses on bringing the Gospel to the former Soviet Union, Pastor Marichev uses his church to train the next generation of Christian leaders. When Marichev is not busy leading his flock, he can be found driving across the frozen Russian tundra to reach nomadic villages with the Gospel. "It took us four hours today to travel less than 60 kilometres on the frozen river," he said. "But it was worth it. These tribes were once forgotten. Not anymore." Members of his church take regular trips to deliver food, clothes, and medical supplies to the area. Meanwhile in Salekhard, home to an estimated 40,000 people, Marichev is extending the church's influence to minister to orphans, the homeless, and those living with HIV/AIDS. Marichev said. "I believe that God's Kingdom will reach the far corners of this difficult land for which our grandfathers shed their blood and prayed a long time ago for." CBN News Day 23 - PRAISE: God that the martyrs prayers have been heard and the Gospel reaches the whole land. Day 24 PRAY: That pastor Marichev and his team may have the resources to spread the Gospel Page 19

Spain: God Goes Beyond Expectation

BIBLE STUDY: John 4:43-54

Day 25

Believers in Spain are seeing God move beyond their expectations through Mi Esperanza (My Hope). Over the past few months, about 8,500 individuals from 1,100 churches were trained to be Mateos (Matthews) - people who would invite friends to watch a Gospel television programme with them in their home or church. But even though they were committed to the project, many Mateos had difficulty believing that Mi Esperanza - which has seen astounding results in Latin America, Asia and Africa - could actually be effective in Spain, where only about 1 percent of the population is Evangelical. They have heard ... what God is doing everywhere - but they felt like He hasnt done anything in Spain, said Mi Esperanza country director Maximo Carrero. But on Friday 16th December, in Madrid, the local Mi Esperanza staff began to hear reports from the previous nights broadcast. We had 11 churches reporting 225 conversions, Carrero said. They couldnt believe it. They were crying, because they had thought, 'That doesnt happen here.' One of the showings in Madrid Thursday night occurred at a packed Filadelfia Evangelical Church, in the neighborhood of Orcasur. Many church members brought friends who did not yet know Jesus. Just a few days before Mi Esperanza, Aaron Heredia had invited lifelong friend Adrian to attend the programme. Adrian was not interested. Then, on Thursday, they ran into each other at the gym, and Aaron tried once more. Adrian agreed to come, and the two sat together in the balcony watching the programme. At the end of the programme, senior pastor Enrique Blanco invited people to come forward and commit their lives to Jesus Christ. Adrian was among them, though it took him a while to come. At first, I didnt want to go forward, he said later. I was kind of shy, and I felt like something was holding me back. But the pastor said to let your heart guide you, so I went up and got right with God. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association PRAISE: God that the light of the Gospel has shone into Spanish hearts. Pray for a great encouragement of the Church in Spain.

Young People Finding Christ in Europe

BIBLE STUDY: John 5:1-14

Day 26

Europe may have the reputation as the only continent where the church is in decline, but young people are turning the tide of unbelief by planting new faith communities. This grassroots movement has a current annual growth of 22% and many people are coming to Christ from a secular background. Joel News International PRAISE: God that there is hunger amongst young people. Pray for revival throughout Europe. Page 20

An Appeal for Full Time Missionaries

BIBLE STUDY: John 5:1-15

Day 27

George Verwers heartfelt appeal to young Christians from the four corners of Europe on January 1st was go. The OM founder was addressing thousands of European Christians on the final night of the Mission-Net Congress in Erfurt, Germany. If people like you dont go, who will? he said, dressed in his trademark world map jacket. In an impassioned plea with the participants, Verwer said he was praying to God every day for workers to go out to the worlds forgotten places. The word of God is clear, he said. Dont be hearers of the word, be doers. Verwer said the estimated two billion unreached people of the world would never be reached without Christians who dedicate themselves to mission full-time. Those unable to do so, he said, should get hold of a copy of Operation World and start praying regularly for the nations. We need Christians in every area of society but if we are serious about global missions, we need to include mission work as a legitimate career for this generation, he said. I appeal to you to go into short-term missions this year or in the next two years, or at least start moving in faith towards long-term mission work. Around 2,500 young Christians from 40 nations in Europe attended the weeklong Congress in Erfurt, the city where Martin Luther spent 10 years. Mission Net is held every two years and is an initiative of the European Evangelical Mission Association and the European Evangelical Alliance. Christian Today PRAY: To the Lord of the harvest that He may send labourers into the harvest. Pray for our needy world!

At Times of Crisis, Revival is Near

BIBLE STUDY: John 5:16-23

Day 28

Undoubtedly, this is a time of crisis for Europe both within the church and outside it but as Europes history has often shown, at times of crisis, revival is very near. These were the words of Niek Tramper, General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance, speaking to young Christians at Mission Net on December 29th, 2011. On the one hand some European churches appear to be in almost terminal decline, whereas others are seeing extraordinary growth. He highlights the spread of churches established by immigrants from former mission fields (especially Africa), and also the church planting movement, and signs of new growth in established churches. But, he continued, real, genuine love love cannot be replaced with activities. You share the love of Christ in your day to day living... Faith is not about convictions or feelings, but we have to live it and be sure about it, not hesitating with this truth about what God has done. Christian Today PRAISE: God that He intervenes when we have nothing more to rely on. Pray for revival in Europe. Page 21

Bible is Norways 2011 Best Seller

Day 29 BIBLE STUDY: John 5:24-30 The first Norwegian translation of the Bible for 30 years has topped the countrys book charts almost every week between its publication in October and the end of the year, selling almost 80,000 copies so far and hugely exceeding expectations. Its launch in the autumn saw Harry Potter-style overnight queues, with bookshops selling out on the first day as Norwegians rushed to get their hands on the new edition. "We only printed 25,000 to start with and thought it would last six to nine months, but it was launched mid-October and by the end of the year it had sold 79,000 copies it's just incredible," said Stine Smemo Strachan, who worked on the project for the Norwegian Bible Society. The Guardian
PRAISE: God that there is still hunger for His Word. Pray that its truths may spread in Norway.

Rwandans Find Peace in the Gospel

Day 30 BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 147:1-9 Before the genocide, Rwanda was considered the most Roman Catholic country in Africa, with a population of 8 million, according to Anne Kubai, former head of religious studies at the Kigali Institute of Education. In the 18 years since the genocide, Rwanda has seen the most significant rise in Protestant faith in Africa, according to a new Pew Foundation report. Andrew Rusatsi, a seminary professor in Nyakibanda, Rwanda, said many Rwandans felt betrayed by the Catholic Church's involvement. "They embraced other churches Protestant, Pentecostal, and Restoration churches, which have been proliferating like mushrooms." Recovery from trauma is a central feature of these new fellowships. Christianity Today
PRAISE: God that many Rwandans have found peace and love through fellowship in the Gospel.

Imprisoned Iranians Stand for Christ

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 147:10-20

Day 31

Iranian Christian Shahla Rahmati, the director of "a successful electronics company", has been released on December 20th following 287 days behind bars in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison where her health deteriorated as her blood pressure dropped to very low levels following alleged mistreatment. She had been sentenced to at least two and a half years on charges such as "membership of an illegal group." In a statement, released by Elam Ministries, her family said they "thank all Christians for their faithful intercession for her release" but concerns remained over two other Christian women - Maryam Jalili and Mitra Zahmati. Worthy News PRAISE: God for Shahlas release. Pray for the Iranian Church, especially those still in prison. Page 22

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