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Mohammad Syauqi Reza Abdul Latif Lintar Bonita Trisnawati Gede Arya Suandirat Muhammad Fajar L

(0910963023) (0910963106) (0910963109) (0910963112) (0910963116)


A. background Today the automobile is one of human needs, even the most important. In fact, one family can have more than one kendaraan.Sebenarnya problem is not with the number of vehicles, but rather to routine vehicle maintenance. For new vehicles will get a guide book and a schedule of service for 3 years. For more than three years of vehicle owners usually record their own track record of service or even just remembering it. Though the risk of losing or forgetting to record the service schedule is great. So far, most vehicle owners forget or late service can be bad for the vehicle and the owner as well. Therefore, we had the idea to reduce the problem. Namely denganpendokumentasian track recod service vehicles online. The system is very effective and can be accessed anytime and anywhere so that it can reduce the risk of delays in servicing of motor vehicles.

B. description of Project
We are working on a project that would essentially create SaaS applications online data processing services in Indonesia by using the principle of cloud computing.Autominder is the name of our project. The facilities offered are vehicle history data storage, vehicle storage service track record, reminder service by SMS Gateway, and track vehicles with GPS tracking trip. Autominder target is the owner of the vehicle, both 2 wheel and 4 wheel. In this system there are two kinds of members, namely a free member and premium member. The difference lies in the facilities available. For free members the facility to be acquired is the SMS gateway. Sms gateway is a platform that provides a mechanism for the EUA deliver and receive SMS messages from mobile devices (HP, PDA, phone). Besides other facilities was driving tips. Just as free member, premium member facility that is SMS Gateway and tips, in addition to the premium members will be equipped with GPS tracking (for 4 wheels only). With GPS tracking can be seen that vehicle kilometers have been traveled. That will allow us to remind their service schedule. Our system will work with the dealer and taxation. With this partnership will be expected to be able to order a vehicle owner in the administration. Autominder will also provide buying and selling vehicles. Through history, profiles, and track record of servicing the vehicle, buyers can see and consider the price and condition of the vehicle to be purchased. Autominder including a unique system (niche), because these systems are still rare or even no one has developed. In addition to the track recod is always updated, the dealer could also

consider the feasibility of the vehicle owner if the owner will credit or purchase another vehicle to the dealer.

C. How to Work System

Autominder will use a single sign-on ID card number using the number. Cloud

computingnya dimana????? D. Company Logo and Products

Gambar 1. Logo Produk

Gambar 2. Logo Perusahaan

E. Fiture
Fiture-fiture provided Autominder namely: Hot News We provide the latest news about the automotive in the fiture is Hot News. Hot Info Autominder provide info info or tips on automotive Hot Tweet Follow @ autominder_indonesia Autominder. With a tweet or mention me, tweet will appear on the main web page. Hot Forum This is our flagship fiture, with the feature of the vehicle owner can greet each other and share knowledge about automobile, or even consult with other vehicle owners.

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