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Card Trick

Write a program to perform the following the following card trick. The program must deal out the cards in three columns, row by row.
Ace 2 3 10 Jack Queen 7 of of of of of of of Hearts Jack of Spades 2 of Diamonds 4 of Clubs 8 of Hearts 9 of Clubs Queen of Diamonds King of Spades Spades Diamonds Hearts Clubs Hearts Spades 7 3 10 9 Jack King 6 of of of of of of of Clubs Spades Hearts Diamonds Clubs Diamonds clubs

The program must then prompt the user to pick which column his/her card is in. Your program should then pick up that column second, that is: pick up either remaining column first, the selected column, and then the final column. In the example above, assume that the selected card is the Ace of Hearts. The user would select column 0. Your program should pick up column 1, then column 0, and finally column 2. Then it must redeal the cards, which should look like:
Jack 8 King 3 Queen 3 Jack of of of of of of of Spades 2 Hearts 9 Spades Ace Diamonds 10 Clubs 7 Spades 10 Clubs King of of of of of of of Spades 4 of Diamonds Clubs Queen of Hearts Hearts 2 of Spades Clubs Jack of Hearts Diamonds 7 of Clubs Hearts 9 of Diamonds Diamonds 6 of Clubs

Your program should repeat this process twice more (selecting the column, picking up and redealing). Then the program must deal out the first ten cards in the deck and declare the eleventh card as the secret card. Sample Output of the Trick:
Column 0 Column 1 Column 2 ======================================================= 9 of Clubs 7 of Clubs 8 of Hearts 6 of Spades Jack of Clubs King of Spades Jack of Hearts 4 of Diamonds 8 of Diamonds 6 of Hearts Jack of Diamonds 8 of Spades 8 of Clubs King of Clubs 9 of Hearts 4 of Hearts Ace of Clubs Ace of Spades 10 of Diamonds 5 of Spades 3 of Diamonds Which column is your card in (0, 1, or 2)?: 1 Column 0 Column 1 Column 2 ======================================================= 9 of Clubs 6 of Spades Jack of Hearts 6 of Hearts 8 of Clubs 4 of Hearts 10 of Diamonds 7 of Clubs Jack of Clubs 4 of Diamonds Jack of Diamonds King of Clubs

Ace of Clubs King of Spades 9 of Hearts

5 of Spades 8 of Diamonds Ace of Spades

8 of Hearts 8 of Spades 3 of Diamonds

Which column is your card in (0, 1, or 2)?: 2 Column 0 Column 1 Column 2 ======================================================= 6 of Spades 8 of Clubs 7 of Clubs Jack of Diamonds 5 of Spades 8 of Diamonds Ace of Spades Jack of Hearts 4 of Hearts Jack of Clubs King of Clubs 8 of Hearts 8 of Spades 3 of Diamonds 9 of Clubs 6 of Hearts 10 of Diamonds 4 of Diamonds Ace of Clubs King of Spades 9 of Hearts Which column is your card in (0, 1, or 2)?: 0 Finding secret card... 8 of Clubs 5 of Spades Jack of Hearts King of Clubs 3 of Diamonds 10 of Diamonds King of Spades 6 of Spades Jack of Diamonds Ace of Spades Your secret card is: Jack of Clubs

Program Requirements:
Your program must generate its own random deck of cards using the following technique: generate a random integer for each card display a string value for each card ("Ace of Diamonds") use the rand() function to generate integer card values use the srand(time(0)) command (only once at the beginning of the program) to generate a truly random deck once the program has been tested and runs properly. Each value must be converted to the format <rank> of <suit> as done in the example above. Whenever your program displays the cards they must line up as they do above, on the word "of". Your program must deal the cards out by row and pick them up by column (3 times to make it work properly). Your program must ask the player is he/she wants to printout the entire deck before playing. Each card must be printed out formatted as above. Your program must ask the player if he/she wants to play again, and continue playing as many times as the player wants.

The program must ask the player for his/her name and refer to the player by name throughout the playing of the game. Your program code must be logically organized using functions. You also must use the starter file provided. You will GET A ZERO (0) if you do not use the starter file! The starter file provided:

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