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Title of module:

Art of raising resources for youth organizations

(manual for fundraising)


□ training, workshop □ tool x manual

or method

(see pages 1,2,3 and 8) (see pages 1,6,7 and 8) (see pages 1,4,5 and 8)
(You can choose more options)

Members of working group:

Responsible ASK ČR
ŠKIS, KERET, VTU, CEH – in the field of
In cooperation with: collecting the best practice, interviews or

Module provides responses to which strategies?

Problem Goal Strategy

Y.O. have no enough Enough resources Improve knowledge
money for their for activities. for searching
activities resources.

Goals of module:

What are individuals (active or non-active youth) going to get from this

To increase numbers of activities.

What are youth organizations going to get from this module?

To ensure resources background for activities and better presentations of

youth work on public.

Training or workshop

Duration of training course: _____ ped. hours

Optimal number of participants: _____

Description of desired target group (age, level, function, needs,...):

Learning objectives:

Learning programme:

Activities Time Basic idea / remarks


Other remarks:


Number of pages: 50 format: A4

approx. n. of characters: 5

Number of copies: 100

Description of desired target group (age, level, function, needs,...):

Active young leaders or members Y.O. from 16 – 30 years

- To get more money for activities
- To get closer knowledge about Y.O. to public
- To do more activities for inactive young

Learning objectives:
To improve individual skills for youth organizations fundraising
To give practice package methods for inspirations or daily use in life of
youth organizations.

Approximate of contents (Index):

1. Theory
a. Aims
b. Objectives
c. Summary

2. Characteristics of Individual Giving

3. Techniques
a. How to search and cultivate individual donators
b. Fundraising methods from individuals
i. Recruiting Individuals
ii. Capturing Individuals Data
iii. Retaining Individuals
c. Benefit events - how to secure success
d. Legacy - heritage from testament
e. Collections - how to use collections to build public support
f. Celebrities in Fundraising

4. Formularies
a. Members database
b. Chart of donators
c. Letters for donators

5. Additional
a. The best practices,
b. Interviews
c. Stories

Other remarks:


Methodology (in which way are we going to satisfy the goals?)

Action plan:
Month Action

Materials needed:
Other remarks:

Financial plan (for all types of modules):


Type of cost Amount (€)

Working costs – person one – coordinating – Miriam 300
Working costs - person two – writer – Petr 800
Working costs – person three – expert – Roman 500
Printing costs 300
Programming costs 0
Material costs (what?) 0
Translation costs to English 300
Other: public presentations for correcting manual 100
Other: 0
Total: 2300


Type of income: Amount (€)

From the competitive edge project 2300
Other found:
Self-financing (where from?)
Total: 2300

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