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CAMPUS QURETARO Procesamiento de Seales Digitales.

Problema 6: Scrambler, inversin espectral. Escenario: La seguridad de la informacin de mensajes transmitidos mediante un canal de comunicaciones analgico de acceso pblico se ha convertido en un asunto prioritario. Varios mtodos se han desarrollado para codificar la informacin antes de colocarla en el canal de comunicacin. Uno de estos mtodos consiste en alterar el espectro de la seal que porta el mensaje. Te solicitan desarrolles un sistema Scrambler para voz, que utilice la tcnica de inversin espectral, de seguridad media, para ser utilizado en el envo de mensajes de voz a travs de un canal telefnico con ancho de banda de 3 kHz. Te solicitan realices una demostracin del sistema desarrollado en donde se utilice tu sistema para codificar y decodificar un mensaje de voz. Procedimiento: Para resolver este problema sigue los siguientes pasos: 1. Define con precisin el problema y los objetivos de solucin. 2. Realiza un recuento de los conocimientos y herramientas que ya posees actualmente y que pueden ayudarte. 3. Seguidamente analiza el problema y propn ideas para encontrar caminos de solucin. Metodologa. 4. Estudia las nuevas herramientas aplicables a la solucin del problema planteado. 5. Desarrolla las soluciones propuestas. Informe Termina con un informe escrito (Word) para entregar que contenga: a. La identificacin de tu equipo de trabajo. b. El escenario y planteamiento del problema. Presenta aqu tus objetivos y las caractersticas que deber poseer la solucin. c. La teora aplicable a la solucin del problema (lo que ya sabas y lo nuevo). Incluye los aspectos matemticos y el significado fsico de la respuesta al impulso propuesta.

d. El desarrollo de las soluciones: Equipo usado, diseos con Matlab, simulaciones, grficas, programas (listados) y resultados finales.

Jaime A. Pimentel Henkel

e. Tus conclusiones tcnicas. f. Referencias utilizadas.

Enva por correo electrnico tu informe a la cuenta El informe deber ser hecho en MSWord y ser nombrado con el identificador P6 y el grupo de trabajo. Por ejemplo, el archivo P6G5m.docx corresponde al informe del problema 6 y elaborado por el grupo 5 del mircoles. Notas: 1.
2. La tarjeta C6713DSK incluye un divisor de voltaje en la entrada de lnea formado por R335 y R336 ( y por R334 y R337), por lo que la seal se digitaliza a la mitad de su tamao. La tarjeta C6713DSK recibe la entrada de lnea con acoplamiento capacitivo (470 nF) que junto con la impedancia de entrada del CODEC (35 000 ohms, ganancia 0 dB, default) crea un filtro pasa altos con frecuencia de corte de 9.7 Hz, imponiendo un lmite a la frecuencia ms baja que puede procesar la tarjeta. 3. La Tarjeta C6713DSK cuenta con una entrada para micrfono de electreto que incluye la correspondiente fuente de alimentacin.

Teora Bsica
Voice Scrambling Using Filtering and Modulation (Scrambler)
This example illustrates a voice scrambling/descrambling scheme. The approach makes use of basic algorithms for filtering and modulation. Modulation was introduced in the AM example in Chapter 2.With voice as input, the resulting output is scrambled voice. The original unscrambled voice is recovered when the output of the DSK is used as the input to a second DSK running the same program. The scrambling method used is commonly referred to as frequency inversion. It takes an audio range, represented by the band 0.3 to 3kHz, and folds it about a carrier signal. The frequency inversion is achieved by multiplying (modulating) the audio input by a carrier signal, causing a shift in the frequency spectrum with upper and lower sidebands. On the lower sideband that represents the audible speech range, the low tones are high tones, and vice versa. Figure 4.27 is a block diagram of the scrambling scheme. At point A we have a bandlimited signal 0 to 3kHz. At point B we have a double-sideband signal with suppressed carrier. At point C the upper sideband is filtered out. Its attractiveness comes from its simplicity, since only simple DSP algorithms are utilized: filtering, and sine generation and modulation.

Jaime A. Pimentel Henkel

FIGURE 4.27. Block diagram of a scrambler/descrambler scheme.

y(n)=h(N-1)x(n-(N-1))+h(N-2)x(n-(N-2))+ +h(0)x(n) Figure 4.28 shows a listing of the program Scrambler.c, which implements this project. The input signal is first lowpass-filtered and the resulting output (at point A in Figure 4.27) is multiplied (modulated) by a 3.3-kHz sine function with data values in a buffer (lookup table).The modulated signal (at point B) is filtered again, and the overall output is a scrambled signal (at point C). There are three functions in Figure 4.28 in addition to the function main. One of the functions, filtmodfilt, calls a filter function to implement the first lowpass filter as an antialiasing filter.The resulting output (filtered input) becomes the input to a multiplier/modulator. The function sinemod modulates (multiplies) the filtered input with the 3.3-kHz sine data values. This produces higher and lower sideband components.The modulated output is again filtered, so that only the lower sideband components are kept. A buffer is used to store the 114 coefficients that represent the lowpass filter.The coefficient file lp114.cof is on the CD. Two other buffers are used for the delay samples, one for each filter. The samples are arranged in memory as with the oldest sample at the beginning of the buffer and the newest sample at the end (bottom) of the buffer.The file sine160.h with 160 data values over 33 cycles is on the CD. The frequency generated is f = Fs (number of cycles)/(number of points) = 16,000(33)/160 = 3.3kHz. Using the resulting output as the input to a second DSK running the same algorithm, the original unscrambled input is recovered as the output of the second DSK. Note that the program can still run on the first DSK when the USB connector cable is removed from the DSK. An optional up-sampling (by a factor of 2) scheme is used to obtain a 16-kHz sampling rate. This scheme is achieved by processing the input data twice while retaining only the second result. This allows for a wider input signal bandwidth to
Jaime A. Pimentel Henkel

be scrambled, resulting in a better performance. Build and run this project as Scrambler. First, test this project using a 2-kHz input sine wave.The resulting output is a lower sideband signal of 1.3kHz, obtained as (3.3kHz - 2 kHz). The upper sideband signal of (3.3 + 2 kHz) is filtered out by the second lowpass filter (actually by the antialiasing filter on the codec). x(n-(N-1)),x(n-(N-2)), . . . ,x(n- 1),x(n) A second DSK is used to recover/unscramble the original signal (simulating the receiving end). Use the output of the first DSK as the input to the second DSK. Run the same program on the second DSK. This produces the reverse procedure, yielding the original unscrambled signal. If the same 2-kHz original input is considered, the 1.3 kHz as the scrambled signal becomes the input to the second DSK. The resulting output is the original signal of 2 kHz (3.3 - 1.3 kHz), the lower sideband signal. With a sweeping input sinusoidal signal increasing in frequency, the resulting output is the sweeping signal decreasing in frequency. Use as input the .wav file TheForce.wav and verify the scrambling/descrambling scheme. The up-sampling scheme is optional since a 16-kHz sampling rate can be set directly in the program and commenting the line of code filtmodfilt(input); Verify the up-sampling scheme. Are the results the same as before, with an 8-kHz sampling rate and processing the input twice? Interception of the speech signal can be made more difficult by changing the modulation frequency dynamically and including (or omitting) the carrier frequency according to a predefined sequence: for example, a code for no modulation, another for modulating at frequency fc1, and a third code for modulating at frequency fc2. This project was first implemented using the TMS320C25 [51] and also on the TMS320C31 DSK without the need for up-sampling.

Jaime A. Pimentel Henkel

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