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Regarding the brachial artery, all the following statements are correct EXCEPT: a) It lies medial to biceps. b) It can be palpated over most of its course. c) It is crossed by the median cubital vein. d) It ends at the lower border of teres major by dividing into radial & ulnar arteries. e) It lies lateral to median nerve in the cubital fossa.


Regarding the ulna, all the following statements are correct, EXCEPT: a) It gives attachment to brachialis muscle. b) It is palpable over the whole length of its posterior border. c) It is attached to the radius throughout the length of its interosseous border.

d) It possesses a head at its lower end. e) Its lower end articulates with scaphoid bone.


The axillary nerve: a) Is a branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus. b) Is closely related to shoulder joint. c) Is a purely motor nerve. d) Is accompanied by profunda brachii artery. e) Pierces coracobrachialis.


The ulnar nerve: a) Runs between flexor carpi ulnaris & flexor digitorum profundus. b) Supplies extensor carpi ulnaris muscle. c) Passes behind lateral epicondyle of humerus. d) Supplies skin on the medial side of the forearm. e) Its root value is C5,6,7.



The arch of aorta: A) Arches over the root of the right lung. B) Is connected to the right pulmonary artery. C) Lies behind the body of the sternum. D) Terminates at the lower border of body of 5th thoracic vertebra. E) Lies in front of the trachea.


The left phrenic nerve: A) Arises from the dorsal rami of the third, fourth and fifth cervical nerves. B) Descends behind the root of the left lung. C) Passes through the caval opening of the diaphragm.

D) Passes through the posterior mediastinum. E) Supplies the fibrous pericardium.


Concerning the coronary arteries: A) They arise from the descending thoracic aorta. B) The right coronary runs in the anterior interventricular groove. C) The posterior interventricular artery is a branch of left coronary artery. D) The anterior interventricular artery accompanies the middle cardiac vein. E) The marginal branch of right coronary supplies the right ventricle.



The marginal artery is formed from anastomosis of: A) The right & left gastroepiploic arteries B) The superior & inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries C) The jejunal & ileal arteries D) The right & left gastric arteries E) The colic arteries


Regarding the blood supply of kidneys & suprarenal glands, all the following are true, EXCEPT: A) Left gonadal artery usually originates from left renal artery B) Left suprarenal vein usually drains into left renal vein C) Left renal vein passes anterior to the abdominal aorta

D) Right suprarenal vein drains directly into inferior vena cava E) Right renal artery passes posterior to inferior vena cava


Regarding the pelvic part of sympathetic trunk: A) It lies anterior to common iliac vessels B) It lies lateral to anterior sacral foramina C) It has 3 ganglia D) The two trunks unite in front of coccyx to form the ganglion impar E) Its ganglia give white rami communicantes to sacral nerves



The deepest content in the popliteal fossa is: a. The popliteal artery b. The popliteal vein c. The polpliteal lymph nodes d. The common peroneal nerve e. The tibial nerve


The muscle that is not supplied by the sacral plexus is: a. Obturator externus b. Gluteus minimus c. Superior gemillus d. Piriformis e. Quadratus femoris


Regarding semitendinosus muscle: a. It arises from the gluteal tuberosity b. It is inserted into the fibula c. It is supplied by the common peroneal nerve d. It is a flexor of hip joint e. It is a medial rotator of knee joint



In each of the following questions choose ONE best answer and shade the appropriate circle IN PART (I) of your answer sheet


1) All the following are derivatives of ectoderm, EXCEPT: a) b) c) d) e) Spinal cord. Cortex of suprarenal gland. Sensory ganglia of spinal nerves. Pituitary gland. Retina of eye.

2) Regarding oogenesis, all statements are correct, EXCEPT: a) b) c) d) e) It starts during fetal life. It is completed during puberty. It continues till menopause. Primary oocytes are formed after birth. The second meiotic division is completed after fertilization.

3) Regarding spermatogenesis: a) It starts before birth.

b) c) d) e)

Primary spermatocytes have a haploid number of chromosomes. Spermiogenesis is a process by which a spermatid is transformed into a mature sperm. Spermiogenesis occurs in the fallopian (uterine) tube. The first meiotic division is a reduction division by which a secondary spermatocyte divides into two spermatids.

4) All the following are mesodermal derivatives, EXCEPT: a) Bones b) Kidneys c) Enamel of teeth d) Skeletal muscles e) Dermis of skin


1) The skin: a) Is derived from all the three germ layers b) Is derived from the ectoderm & mesoderm c) Is derived from endoderm d) Has a superficial epithelial tissue called dermis e) Has an epidermis composed of dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue

2) All the following muscles are derived from hypaxial division of myotome, EXCEPT: a) Erector spinae b) Infrahyoid muscles c) Quadratus lumborum

d) Scalene muscles e) Intercostal muscles

3) All the following are derivatives of mesonephric duct in male, EXCEPT:

a) Seminal vesicle b) Prostate c) Ductus deferens d) Epididymis e) Ejaculatory duct

4) Regarding the development of duodenum: a) At first, the duodenal loop is concave forward b) It is developed from midgut and hingut c) Duodenal loop rotates 90 to the left d) Recanalization of duodenal loop occurs by the end of embryonic period e) All its ventral mesentery disappears

5) Regarding the development of vertebral column: a) The centrum develops from two adjacent sclerotomes b) The sclerotomes form the nucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs c) The sclerotomes are only found around notochord d) Ossification of a typical vertebra ends after birth e) The costal processes are formed from mesenchymal cells surrounding the neural tube



In each of the following questions choose ONE best answer and shade the appropriate circle IN PART (I) of your answer sheet


1) Infection in the region of drained by the angular vein may result in venous thrombosis of the cavernous sinus through: A) Infraorbital vein. B) Maxillary vein. C) Superior ophthalmic vein. D) Transverse facial vein. E) Supratrochlear vein.

2) Regarding the buccinator muscle, all are true, EXCEPT: A) It is attached to both maxilla & mandible. B) It is attached to pterygomandibular raphe (ligament). C) It is supplied by the buccal branch of mandibular nerve. D) It is pierced by the parotid duct. E) It is inserted to both lips.

3) The ophthalmic nerve gives all the following branches in the face, EXCEPT:

A) Infratrochlear. B) Supratrochlear. C) Supraorbital. D) Infraorbital. E) External nasal.

4) The lingual nerve: A) Terminates as mental nerve. B) Lies superficial to hyoglossus muscle, below the hypoglossal nerve. C) Is joined by the chorda tympani. D) Is connected to the otic ganglion. E) Is a branch of the anterior division of mandibular of trigeminal nerve.

5) All are correct about the pterygoid plexus of veins, EXCEPT: A) It receives veins corresponding to branches of maxillary artery. B) It communicates with the facial vein. C) It communicates with the superior sagittal sinus. D) It is drained into the maxillary vein. E) It communicates with the cavernous sinus.


1) The thalamic nucleus that receives pain and temperature sensations from the body is: A) The ventral posteromedial. B) The ventral posterolateral. C) The ventral anterior.

D) The lateral geniculate. E) The medial geniculate.

2) The hypothalamic nucleus that controls the diurnal rhythm is: A) Supraoptic. B) Paraventricular. C) Suprachiasmatic. D) Mammillary. E) Ventromedial.

3) Regarding the corticospinal tract: A) It consists of a sequence of two neurons. B) The pyramid is formed of decussating corticospinal fibers. C) Most of corticospinal fibers are located in the ventral white column of the spinal cord. D) It occupies the anterior limb of internal capsule. E) It is concerned with the control of voluntary skilled movement.

4) Regarding the olfactory pathway, all statements are correct, EXCEPT: A) Olfactory fibers do not project through the thalamus. B) The uncus is considered as the primary olfactory cortex. C) Anosmia follows damage to the olfactory nerve. D) Preliminary processing of olfactory information occurs within the olfactory bulb. E) The olfactory pathway consists only of one neuron.



In each of the following questions choose ONE best answer and shade the appropriate circle IN PART (I) of your answer sheet


1) Infection in the region of drained by the angular vein may result in venous thrombosis of the cavernous sinus through: A) Infraorbital vein. B) Maxillary vein. C) Superior ophthalmic vein. D) Transverse facial vein. E) Supratrochlear vein.

2) Regarding the buccinator muscle, all are true, EXCEPT: A) It is attached to both maxilla & mandible. B) It is attached to pterygomandibular raphe (ligament). C) It is supplied by the buccal branch of mandibular nerve. D) It is pierced by the parotid duct. E) It is inserted to both lips.

3) The ophthalmic nerve gives all the following branches in the face, EXCEPT:

A) Infratrochlear. B) Supratrochlear. C) Supraorbital. D) Infraorbital. E) External nasal.

4) The lingual nerve: A) Terminates as mental nerve. B) Lies superficial to hyoglossus muscle, below the hypoglossal nerve. C) Is joined by the chorda tympani. D) Is connected to the otic ganglion. E) Is a branch of the anterior division of mandibular of trigeminal nerve.

5) All are correct about the pterygoid plexus of veins, EXCEPT: A) It receives veins corresponding to branches of maxillary artery. B) It communicates with the facial vein. C) It communicates with the superior sagittal sinus. D) It is drained into the maxillary vein. E) It communicates with the cavernous sinus.


1) All the following are derivatives of ectoderm, EXCEPT: A) B) C) Spinal cord. Cortex of suprarenal gland. Sensory ganglia of spinal nerves.

D) E)

Pituitary gland. Retina of eye.

2) Regarding oogenesis, all statements are correct, EXCEPT: A) B) C) Di) E) It starts during fetal life. It is completed during puberty. It continues till menopause. Primary oocytes are formed after birth. The second meiotic division is completed after fertilization.

3) Regarding spermatogenesis: A) B) C) D) E) It starts before birth. Primary spermatocytes have a haploid number of chromosomes. Spermiogenesis is a process by which a spermatid is transformed into a mature sperm. Spermiogenesis occurs in the fallopian (uterine) tube. The first meiotic division is a reduction division by which a secondary spermatocyte divides into two spermatids.

4) All the following are mesodermal derivatives, EXCEPT: a) Bones b) Kidneys c) Enamel of teeth d) Skeletal muscles e) Dermis of skin


1) All the following bones of skull develop by intramembranous ossification, EXCEPT: a) Mandible b) Maxilla c) Frontal d) Sphenoid e) Parietal

2) All the following structures develop from 2nd pharyngeal arch, EXCEPT: a) Stapedius b) Stylohyoid c) Stylopharyngeus d) Posterior belly of digastric e) Muscles of facial expression

3) The structure arising from the 2nd pharyngeal pouch is: a) Tympanic cavity b) Inferior parathyroid gland c) Superior parathyroid gland d) Palatine tonsil e) Thymus gland

4) Regarding the development of tongue: a) The posterior third results from proliferation of mesenchyme of 2nd arch b) Lingual swellings are the first indication of tongue development c) All muscles of tongue develop from mesoderm of pharyngeal arches d) The anterior two-thirds of adult tongue is only formed by distal tongue buds (lingual swelling) e) Vallate papillae are supplied by chorda tympani of facial nerve


1) All the following structures are included in the peripheral nervous system, EXCEPT: a) Spinal nerves. b) Spinal ganglia. c) Spinal cord. d) Cranial nerves. e) Autonomic nerves.

2) The part of the brain that belongs to the brain stem is: a) Thalamus. b) Hypothalamus. c) Cerebellum. d) Pons. e) Cerebral hemisphere.

3) The valve that allows blood flow from right atrium to right ventricle is called: a) Mitral valve.

b) Tricuspid valve. c) Aortic valve. d) Pulmonary valve. e) Semilunar valve.



In each of the following questions choose ONE best answer and shade the appropriate circle IN PART (I) of your answer sheet

1) Regarding the heart: a) Its apex is at the level of left fifth intercostal space. b) Its base is directed downward. c) It is surrounded by a sac called pleura. d) Its veins drain into the superior vena cava. e) Its mitral valve has 3 cusps.

2) The cranial nerve that supplies the muscles of tongue is: a) Facial (7th). b) Hypoglossal (12th). c) Vagus (10th). d) Olfactory (1st). e) Optic (2nd).

3) The spinal cord: a) Has 2 enlargements. b) Ends at the level of third lumbar vertebra.

c) Occupies the whole vertebral canal. d) Is attached to 33 pairs of spinal nerves. e) Has an inner white and an outer grey matter

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