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Do you know that there is a hidden knowledge that has inspired all the great religions of the world? Do you know that all the ancient civilizations of the world have understood and lived in accordance with this knowledge throughout human history? If you study this knowledge it can reveal the hidden mysteries of ancient civilizations in Tibet, China, India, Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Europe and America. This knowledge also reveals the rise and fall of civilizations. This superior knowledge allows us to answer the questions that have been very difficult to answer: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going to? What is the purpose of my life? This knowledge allows us to comprehend these answers for our self. We can find specific answers that will help us orient the ship of our life in the chaotic waters of todays times. In a nutshell, this knowledge allows us to realize our full potential. Could you please define Gnosis

and explain why you call it a superior knowledge? With pleasure! The word GNOSIS comes from Greek and means KNOWLEDGE; however, it is evident that we are not referring to an ordinary form of knowledge. GNOSIS refers to a SUPERIOR AND TRANSCENDENTAL WISDOM for humanity. The word Gnosis is derived from the word DJIN, from the Parsee and Arab DJIN or DJINN, and it is written in this form by many authors. It has been called by several names in different civilizations, for e.g. JANA, JNANA, GNANA, or GNOSIS. All these words mean the same: Gnosis is JANUS' science, that is, the science of the INITIATIC KNOWLEDGE, or the science of the sages. Many analogies have been given historically to describe the power of this knowledge. You must have heard the story about the Genie of the lamp in Arabian nights. This Genie is nothing but the DJIN, the Gnosis, the sacred and superior knowledge that can give us answers, boons, gifts that we need. And each one of us has this knowledge hidden / latent inside us. We just need to learn how to use the lamp metaphorically speaking. This course is about learning how to use the lamp inside

so we have all the answers that we need to navigate our life, to make decisions, to make choices etc. We are living in the so called Information or Knowledge age. However, it is unfortunate that most people do not realize the true meaning of this. For e.g. we know very well about how computers work, how certain machines work etc, but do we know ourselves equally well? We have abundant information about all external things, however we have very little information or knowledge about our inner constitution! How do we work? What makes us happy? What makes us sad? Why and how do we succeed and how do we fail, when we fail? The problem is that we have invented thousands of very complicated and difficult machines, and we know quite well that it sometimes takes long years of learning before getting to know and use a machine. But we have completely forgotten the fact that we are a more complicated machine than all the ones we have invented. There is no man who does not have wrong ideas about himself. The serious problem is that we do not pay

enough attention to our own self. We have time to study about the film stars, sports people and events happening around the world and even fictitious characters on TV soap operas but we do not even find a few minutes in a day to discover ourselves, to know our own self! Gnosis is a knowledge that allows us to discover ourselves in a complete and authentic manner. For the benefit of our listeners, let me explain that there are 3 types of knowledge in the world: Ordinary knowledge (is implicit knowledge, is necessary for living and usually taught by parents to children), e.g. stay away from fire, how to eat food Intellectual knowledge (is explicit, not necessary for living but helps create better livelihood through professional education), e.g. subjects taught in schools, colleges etc Gnosis (is hidden / latent in everyone, not necessary for living but if developed helps create Mastery or excellence in any Life, resulting from insight or inner experience); it is the ONLY knowledge that can help answer questions related to life and death and the meaning of life. We receive ordinary knowledge at our home as we grow up.

Parents teach this to the children up to the age of adulthood. Intellectual knowledge or rather information is given to us in schools, colleges etc. We do not deny that an intellectual education, a profession and a skill to earn money are necessary; but that is not all. There are many cases of individuals who have a good house, a fine car, an excellent wife, beautiful children and enough money and, however, they are not happy. On the other hand, there are people who do not enjoy living in a magnificent mansion, nor have more money than what they need for their daily food, nor have a smart brand-new car, and, nevertheless, they are happy at home with their children. They are poor but clean and tidy. So, it is not money in itself that can bring us happiness. We need a superior knowledge, a knowledge that allows us to know more intimately about our own self. Once we know ourselves well, we can truly be happy. The highest knowledge is Gnosis, the knowledge about us, the knowledge in us. This knowledge can be activated inside us by a special effort.

This entire course is about learning HOW to activate this hidden knowledge, the Gnosis inside us. All the great civilizations of the world have used this inner knowledge to reach the peak of their civilizations; they have all drunk from the same original source that is Gnosis. Therefore, we can say that Gnosis is a cosmic teaching that aspires to restore, within each of us, the capacity of living in a conscious and intelligent way. Very interesting! So you are saying that Gnosis is a knowledge that has been responsible for the rise of all the great civilizations in the past ? You are also saying that people from all the cultures and religions have actually been using this knowledge that is already hidden inside each human being? Yes! If you take into account the Gnostic teachings contained in civilizations, including Persia, Mesopotamia, Syria, India, Tibet, Palestine, Egypt etc as well as in the sublime cults of the Indo-American Nahuas, Toltecs, Aztecs, Zapotecs, Mayas, Incas, Chibchas, Quechuas, etc

you will find that all of them used the same principles of knowledge. As we go through this course you will see and understand the similarities in the ancient art, science, music, philosophy and symbols of all these civilizations. Also, Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl or Jesus of Nazareth, the Great Kabir, all of them have delivered a message; each of these messages from Heaven contain, in themselves, the same cosmic principles, entirely impersonal and universal. The body of doctrine which we are delivering now is revolutionary in the widest sense of the word. But it contains the same principles that the Buddha secretly taught his devotees or, also, those delivered by the Great Kabir in secret to his disciples. It is the same body of doctrine, but it is being delivered in a revolutionary way, in accordance with the new Age of Aquarius. This helps us to notice that knowing who we are, where we come from and where we are going to, has always been a fundamental aspiration of man. It is not unusual therefore to search for this inner knowledge. For e.g. etched into a rough stone, on the frontispiece of the Temple of Delphi,

there is an old adage which says: HOMO NOSCE TE IPSUM... It says: Man, know yourself... and you will know the universe and the Gods. Therefore, from the most ancient times, man has always sought the development of his possibilities, the knowledge of himself and of his material and spiritual destiny. It has been written that God's glory consists in hiding his mysteries, and man's in discovering them. Therefore, finding by oneself the exact solution to all the mysteries of nature can never be a heresy or a folly; it is rather the most honourable and exalted right that all human creatures possess. The time has come to explore ourselves in order to really know ourselves. Simply living our lives without knowing anything about ourselves, without knowing who we are, where we come from or what we exist for, is NOT really worthwhile. We need to find the answers to all those questions, and for this sake, dear friends, the Gnostic studies have been born. If I understand you correctly you are saying that all the ancient religions and civilizations

have at some point of time practiced from the same principles, the ones you are calling Gnosis? Yes, The Sufis and the whirling Dervishes secret science is within Gnosis; the secret doctrine of Buddhism and Taoism is within Gnosis; the Nordic peoples sacred magic is within Gnosis; Hermes', Buddha's, Krishna's, Confucius', Mohammed's, Quetzalcoatl's, etc. wisdom is within Gnosis; the Christ's doctrine is the very Gnosis. In Gnosis we have all the ancient wisdom, already fully chewed and digested. Ok if Gnosis is universal and eternal and found latent within all human beings, then in what way is it found inside us ? Which part of the human being's structure carries this Gnosis inside ? Gnosis is a very NATURAL function of the CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness is one of the SEVEN energies every human being has and is one of the HIGHEST energies found inside us. It is this consciousness that carries within itself, the SUPERIOR knowledge, the GNOSIS. Consciousness has also been called Conscience or the Inner voice or Chetna or Chitt or our Soul. If consciousness is found inside every human being

and has the knowledge or Gnosis latent or hidden inside it, then why do most people never seek this knowledge or Gnosis in daily life ? Even though the consciousness is inside every person and it carries within itself the light of Gnosis in a latent manner, the obstacles to activate this knowledge are many. It is like the story you may have heard about the golden musk deer that is fascinated by its musk perfume and runs around trying to find the source but does not realize that the source is inside itself. Students search here and there, read and re-read every book on occultism and magic they can find, and the only thing the poor aspirants accomplish is to be full of terrible intellectual doubts and confusions. There are millions of theories and thousands of authors. Some repeat the ideas of others. Some reject others. Some authors advise their devotees to be vegetarians; others tell them not to be. Some advise them to practice breathing exercises; others tell them not to practice them. The result is frightening for most poor seekers. They do not know what to do. They long for light; they beg, implore and nothing comes, nothing, absolutely nothing.

So this is one obstacle. Another obstacle is that in everyday life, people have their own criterion, their more or less long-established way of thinking. Unquestionably, each head is a world and there is within each and every one of us a sort of dictatorial dogmatism, which wants to make us believe that each of our concepts are equal to reality. In any case people never feel they are wrong; we all think that our criterion is the best. Worst of all is that millions of criteria are equivalent to millions of putrid and absurd rules. The learned ignoramuses or the people who think they know a lot, are the most difficult, for the truth is that, in Socratic terms, they not only do not know but also ignore that they do not know. Those poor people are self-sufficient; they think that they are on the straight path, and do not even remotely suppose that they are in a cul-de-sac, a dead end. The brilliant procession of ideas gives them self- sufficiency to reject anything that does not smell like library dust or university ink. Those poor people of the intellect want to put an ocean into a crystal glass.

They suppose that universities can control all the wisdom of the universe and that all the laws of the cosmos are forced to submit themselves to their old academic rules. The lovers of reason want to scrutinise the mysteries of nature with the poor faculty of the intellect. We could not deny that the mind and reason are useful in practical life to carry out certain daily tasks, but wanting to analyze and solve the great mysteries of life and death with the intellect is the same as wanting to observe the stars with a microscope or bacteria with a telescope. It is said in Gnostic esotericism that good means what is in its place and bad what is out of its place. So we may affirm that the intellect within its orbit is good. However, the intellect outside of its orbit damages us terribly. Nowadays, the know-it-alls laugh at the esoteric knowledge; they do not accept it, though deep down they have not even remotely attained happiness. It has been written that whoever laughs at what he does not know is on the way to becoming an idiot.

Frankly, I want to tell you that erudition without experimentation can only lead us to a conflict. Therefore, we need to experiment and verify the concepts ourselves. Latent within us, there are faculties superior to the mind that are independent of the intellect and able to give us knowledge and the direct experience of any phenomenon. We must understand that opinions, concepts, theories and hypotheses do not mean verification, experimentation, full consciousness of any phenomenon. Without any sort of pride, we must assert that the Gnostic studies are a balsam to the insatiable light seeker among so much darkness. Dear Friends, Gnosis offers you keys and procedures to experiment by yourself, in a scientific way, each of the elements that make up the universal wisdom. Theories are useless; we need to be practical and know by our own experience the purpose of our existence. Ok, so what you are saying is that since Gnosis is found inside everyone, we need to make our own personal journey to re-discover this hidden knowledge inside. If you have made this journey yourself,

can you share with us some insights on how this journey can be done ? With pleasure! Our own particular GNOSIS or knowledge can be re-discovered by having a practical attitude, a way of living that always involves observing, paying attention to and exploring our own consciousness through practices that allow us to develop it fully. You are familiar that if we have to develop physical stamina or energy, we need to do physical exercises. Similarly, consciousness is another type of energy inside us. If we have to develop it, we need to engage in conscious practices and procedures that we will outline during this course. As you continue to practice them, seriously and diligently, you will notice results. You will start to awaken the hidden faculties inside your consciousness. With enough discipline, one day you will be able to FULLY awaken 100% consciousness inside yourselves. All the practices we are going to give you in this course are deeply rooted in the most ancient, lofty and refined cultures, religions and civilizations of the world. For this purpose, we have already investigated

the archaeological evidence; we have deeply investigated many codices, analyzed the wisdom of ancient civilizations, carried out comparative studies in Mexico, Egypt, India, Tibet, Greece, etc. and we have derived from these some principles that form a universal wisdom that is always the same; only its appearance changes, according to peoples, nations and languages. From this Universal wisdom have been taken practices and procedures that will be given in the classes and booklets of this course. If you take advantage of these, you will be able to re-discover your hidden knowledge, your Gnosis inside yourself! Very interesting ! I am very excited by this journey of self discovery ! Could you please explain to us what these principles of Universal Wisdom are and how we will be able to study them in this course? Absolutely! There are three main principles that define the gnostic knowledge, and at the same time, differentiate it from other doctrines. These are:

a) The psychological self-annihilation of what is not real within us, that is, all the undesirable elements that make up the Ego, the Myself, the living personification of all our errors, defects and vices. b) The harmonious un-foldment of the superior faculties latent inside us that allow the perception of the great realities in this and other dimensions. c) The unselfish and constant deed in favour of humanity, sacrificing personal interests to bring welfare to our fellow beings. It is necessary to know that there have not been many personages throughout history who have dared to live daily with the effort and the will implied by these three great factors that liberate the human being. Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, Saint Germain, Cagliostro, Fulcanelli, etc., are examples of some of these great men, and the living testimony of the transcendent change that human nature can make. This course is organized in the form of four great columns or themes of study. Let me explain a little about each one of them here. PHILOSOPHY: As a philosophy,

Gnosis always implies a message, an orientation, a teaching that is always directed towards man's consciousness. A gnostic philosopher loves wisdom and restlessly seeks for truth, which is contained in his innermost essence. In the name of the truth we must say that the cosmic wisdom is blazing and beating in all that has been, is, and will be. Throughout time, different hierophants of knowledge shone in the deep night of all ages. However, the present times are a moment of confusion. Humankind finds itself in a state of chaos; there is a worldwide crisis and a bankruptcy of all ethical and moral principles. In this moment we have to delve deep into the wisdom of the past, extracting from among codices the precise orientation to guide us in the present time. This is, dear friends, the purpose of Gnostic Anthropology. The Gnostic Anthropology is a PSYCHOANALYTICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. By means of Psychoanalysis, we can extract from different archaeological remains (niches, pyramids, tombs, etc.) the principles contained in them.

The time has come for us to study again the teachings of the past, but with a watchful eye, knowing how to extract, from the dead literal meaning, the living spirit. ART: There are two kinds of art: one is the subjective art that leads nowhere; the other is the Royal Art of Nature, the objective and real art, the transcendental art. The latter obviously contains in itself precious cosmic truths. This is, my friends, the gnostic art, the art that we find in all ancient artefacts: in pyramids and in old obelisks, in the hieroglyphics and in the bas-reliefs of the Pharaohs Egypt; in all the works of ancient Mexico, in the archaeological relics of the Mayas, Aztecs, Zapotecs, Toltecs, etc.; or in the old parchments of the Middle Ages; in Michelangelo's paintings and sculptures; in Beethoven's, Mozart's, Liszt's or Richard Wagner's music; in the works of universal literature: Homer's Iliad, Dante's Divine Comedy, etc. We also find beautiful paintings, with great teachings, in all those medieval works of art,

in gothic cathedrals, etc. Lets remember the Gioconda, for example; in that great work we may see the Divine Mother, Stella Maris as medieval alchemists called her, The Virgin of the Sea, who wisely directs the workers of the Great Work. Amongst the Aztecs she is Tonantzin; amongst the Greeks, the chaste Diana; and in Egypt she is Isis, the Divine Mother, whose veil no mortal has ever lifted, amongst Indians, the venerable Goddess Durga. It is important to make it clear, in an emphatic way, that each of us has his or her own particular and individual Divine Mother. In reality, we must assert that the royal art of nature is a way of transmitting cosmic teachings. Sacred dances, for example, were true informative books that deliberately transmitted a certain transcendental cosmic knowledge. The dancing dervishes for e.g. imitated, in a perfect way, all the movements of the planets around the sun. Saturday, the day of theatre, the day of the mysteries, was very popular in ancient temples. In those days, wonderful cosmic dramas were presented

as a means of transmitting valuable knowledge to the initiates. Among dramas, the most ancient is the Cosmic Christ's. The initiates knew very well that each of us must become the Christ of such a drama if we really aspired to the super-man's kingdom. As for music, we know quite well that certain notes may produce joy in the thinking centre; other notes may produce sorrow in the sensitive centre. SCIENCE: When we talk about science we think about PURE SCIENCE, not about the compost heap of theories that is so common everywhere in present days. We think about the pure science of the Great Work, the science of medieval alchemists, Paracelsus' or Paul of Tarsus' pure science; a pure science like the one which was used by Jesus or Moses to perform wonders. Pure science is direct, vivid and real experience. Science nowadays is a false science, a science which is full of personal interest, a science that does not respect human beings spiritual principles, a science in which the end justifies the means,

even when this implies the physical and psychological pain of any living creature, a science that justifies the most terrible atrocities with the word progress. So, there are two sorts of science: profane science and pure science. In pure science there are no theories but facts. If I told you that the Count of Saint Germain lived during the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, and that he is still alive, you would think that I am mad. I know the Count of Saint Germain and I testify that this is true. He is alive, yes; his life is maintained by a science that you do not know, by pure science, the Super-Man's science, the science known to the extraterrestrials who travel across infinite space, the science of the lords of life and death, the science of those who have opened their inner minds... Gnostic scientists have different systems to carry out research; we have special disciplines that enable the human being to activate certain latent faculties of the brain, certain senses of perception which are completely unknown to materialistic science and which allow us to verify, by ourselves, all of these questions. RELIGION:

If we carry out a comparative study of the great religions we will find that they all rest upon the same pillars. The word RELIGION comes from the term RELIGARE, that is to say, the fundamental objective of all religious principles is to re-link, to return man to his own divinity, to go back to the original starting point, to the BEING of experimental philosophy. In fact, there is really ONE single RELIGION, UNIQUE and COSMIC. This religion adopts different religious shapes according to the times and needs of humankind. Consequently, religious struggles are absurd because, in essence, all religions are simply modifications of the UNIVERSAL COSMIC RELIGION. What we are asserting is most clear when considering the great symbolic and theological similarity of all religions. It is obvious that every mystical institution in the world loves the divine: ALLAH, BRAHMA, TAO, ZEN, I.A.O., INRI, MONAD, BEING, GOD, etc. The Christian Trimurti - Father, Son and Holy Spirit is related to all religious trimurtis: Osiris, Isis and Horus in Egypt; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in India;

Kether, Chokmah and Binah in Kabbalah, etc. In all cults there are heavens, superior dimensions (the Aeons of the Hebraic Kabbalah), and there are also their counterparts: Hell, or the Roman Avernus, the Greek the Aztec Mictlan, the Mayan Xibalba, etc. Jesus the Christ is represented among the Persians by Ormuz, Ahura-Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), whom we carry inside. Among the Hindustanis Krishna is the Christ, and Krishna's Gospel is very similar to Jesus of Nazareth's. Among the Egyptians the Christ is Osiris and everybody who reincarnated him was, in fact, an Osirified. Among the Chinese Fu-Hsi is the Cosmic Christ, who wrote the I Ching, the book of changes, and appointed dragon ministers. Among the Greeks the Christ is called Zeus, the Roman Jupiter, the Father of all Gods. Among the Aztecs it is Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ. In the German Edda it is Balder, the Christ who was murdered by Hoder, the God of War, with a mistletoe arrow, etc. In the same way we could quote the Cosmic Christ in thousands of archaic books and old traditions from millions of years before Jesus... Mary, Jesus's mother, is the same as Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Maia, Tonantzin, Devaki etc.,

who receive their son in an immaculate conception. Fu-Hsi, Quetzalcoatl, Buddha, Krishna and many others are the result of immaculate conceptions, which are quite common in all ancient cults. All ancient cults have tried to lead man to the SOLE GREAT TRUTH, and this is why the similarities among all religious forms are so amazing; the repetition of symbols, ideas, etc. However, all the precepts, the teachings and the indications of religious cults are good for nothing if we do not experiment with them ourselves... Therefore, in regard to religion, we study religiousness in its deepest sense. Gnosis studies the science of religions. Gnostics create faith based on experience, on verification, not on theories. However, in these times religion despises science and has become a hollow religion; a hundred percent fanatic and dogmatic. Science has also rejected religion and has become a materialistic and atheistic science lacking all values and principles. What we need is religious science and a scientific religion. In the midst of the 20th century, Dr. Samael Aun Weor, an illustrious writer, philosopher, sociologist and esotericist,

a man who has been brave enough to eliminate all the factors of discord from his psyche, has added his name to the list of enlightened beings. He has researched all the mysteries of the past and brought them in the form of an easy to understand knowledge, with the name of Gnosis or Gnostic Anthropology. The unfoldment of a faculty called, in metaphysical terms, Prajna-Paramita Intuition, has allowed this great, wise man to become the guide of many people who, just like us, are restlessly searching for an answer to the meaning of existence. In this time, known as the Age of Aquarius, Samael Aun Weor is, by the will of all those enlightened divine Intelligences who created everything, the Messenger or Avatar commissioned to deliver an accurate map so that nobody gets lost in the dark confusion of so many theories. With that purpose, Dr. Samael wisely created a vehicle for presenting the Gnostic Principles to humankind. We are evidently referring to the Gnostic Association (AGEAC). All the studies offered at present by this institution are based upon the unique work of this great humanist, who has unveiled these magnificent and enriching mysteries

through his more than sixty works, plus hundreds of lectures, manifestoes, epistles, and dialogues with his disciples. AGEAC, the non profit organization is an international esoteric, scientific, and cultural institution consisting of people from a wide range of professional activities. AGEAC is an acronym of the Spanish name that stands for the Gnostic association for Anthropological, Cultural and Scientific studies. In its classes and courses, AGEAC gives special methods and systems in a free way, so that each of us can verify the Gnosis or the UNIVERSAL TEACHINGS which promise to lead man to unsuspected heights. Although the GNOSTIC ASSOCIATION studies, among many other aspects of human culture, the different religions that have existed in the world, GNOSIS is obviously neither a religion nor a sect. The GNOSTIC ASSOCIATION respects the individual beliefs of its members, and people of diverse creeds and philosophies come to its courses. The GNOSTIC ASSOCIATION (AGEAC) has just one single purpose: delivering and sharing with our fellow human beings, in a serious and scientific way, the Gnosis of all times,

the knowledge which allows modern man to have a more humane, conscious and, therefore, transcendent vision of his existence.

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