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Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

2010/11 Service and Environmental Learning in ES

This document contains the following information: 1. Curriculum connections per grade level in 2010/2011. 2. Unit Understandings for future reference 3. Grade level feedback during faculty meeting in May 2010 to brainstorm ideas for further action in following and future school years.

1. Pre-school
Pre-school Unit Understandings Going Further/Taking positive action Communication Language Arts Language and literacy development is the process of children learning to decode symbols and communicate successfully in a variety of ways. Communication can take many forms and children are learning to convey their thoughts, feelings and desires in ways that they feel comfortable and confident. Thinking Students understand that they can reflect, analyze and interpret their surroundings and experiences. Students use this information to build on their prior knowledge and make new connections. Collaboration People are connected in many ways which leads us to the development of groups made up of unique members that all contribute to its success. Physical Development Good nutrition, rest, exercise, and healthy choices are essential components of good health and well-being.

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

Children will develop fine and gross motor control.

Communication Creative Expression We are able to communicate in a variety of ways. Thinking Mathematics Children will begin to make sense of the world around them and understand their physical world by comparing and contrasting, grouping, sorting, patterning, and exploring mathematical concepts. Research and Questioning Children will understand that they can find answers to questions that they have. Children will discover, question and understand the natural and physical world. Trash in lunch box. Chart how much trash. Thinking of ways to reduce it. Communicate back to parents how we can help Perhaps write letters. Invite them in and present. Making connections what does that mean to the world we live in. How can we work together to do this? Can we help if we work together? Self Management Self management skills are necessary for children to manage their behavior, to persist when frustrated, play cooperatively with others, use language to communicate their needs, learn turn taking, gain control of physical impulses, express negative emotions in ways that do not harm others of themselves, use problem solving techniques and learn about self and others. Self management focuses on the ability of individuals to manage their own personal needs.

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

2. Kindergarten
1.Natural objects Tuning in-investigating plants, leaves on playground and at community garden 2.Materials and Properties Tuning in-Materials Expo to research and explore re-usable materials used by service partners (PCF, Papaya, Trashebolsas) Taking Action-constructing objects from re-usable materials 3. Communities read stories of Community Garden, Are you the Trash King? Kindergarten Unit Understandings (translation Childrens Garden coincidence, I think not) Communities We all have similarities and differences which make us who we are. Stories All over the world and throughout history humans have told stories to inform us, to stimulate our imaginations and to give us pleasure. Natural World Objects from nature can be used in many different ways. Materials Our world is made up of different materials that have different properties and uses. Recycling in classroom Visit to Jeepney factory cl. Filipiniana Investigations

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

Scientists use an inquiry process to investigate and make sense of the world.

3. Grade One
Wellness-collecting data and conducting research to conclude that we need to eat a balanced diet, 2.Growth Taking Action-caring for and being responsible for plants at the Community Garden Tuning in-3investigating how trash can be re-used by service partners (PCF, Papaya, Trashebolsas) 3. Friendship-planning Friendship Day for Papaya, 4. Imagination- Solving problems in a real-life context, selection of performance tasks to be shared on Design For Change site, Exhibition by Ann Wizer (INVISIBLE) 5. Solving problems that are self-chosen in a real-life context

Grade One Unit Understandings Friendship Building and maintaining relationships takes thought, effort and sensitivity. Wellness There are factors which contribute to a person having a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Growth Plants, like animals and humans, have certain requirements to grow and stay healthy. Imagination

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

Imagination is a powerful tool for thinking and expressing ourselves.

4. Grade Two
1. Life cycles-identifying organisms in the Community Garden 2. Discoveries-simulating a planet surface by creating biospheres 3. Traditions-planning and managing a celebration for kids from Papaya Academy. 4. Math: Measure area and perimeter of the community garden to inform purchase of materials Grade Two Unit Understandings Interconnectedness Ecosystems can help us to understand that organisms and their environment are interconnected. Time Family histories provide an insight into cultures, individuals and preferred futures. Discovery Earth is a part of a vast and complex universe. Traditions Different cultures recognize important events through celebrations and traditions

5.Grade Three

Citizenship- designing strategies that our service

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011


partners and communities (collecting, books, toys, clothes) taking action at the community garden, stories of positive action shared on Design for Change site. Biodiversity planting narra trees, investigating indigenous plants at school, community garden, field trip to eco-farm

Grade Three: Unit Understandings Citizenship A responsible citizen makes educated decisions (based on rights and responsibilities, and balancing needs and wants) to contribute to the overall betterment of the community. Location Where we live influences how we live. Energy Energy can be harnessed and transformed in order to be useful in our everyday life. Biodiversity The interdependence of living things can be affected by human interaction with the environment.

6.Grade Four

Child Rights reading TRASH by Andy Mulligan, field trips to CCV, CRIBS, GK, PCF, (school : revising/recycling efforts in the classroom using reusable materials in science; how one thing affects another touch on environmental implications; scientific process; When you put in the sorted bins,

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011



does it stay sorted?) selection of performance tasks to be shared on Design For Change site. Guest speakers (rights advocates) Eco Posters voting for favourite Eco posters to be printed and displayed at school to raise environmental awareness. Math: Measurement - area of perimeter of the community garden to inform purchase of materials

Grade Four Unit Understandings Throughout the term revisit Global Citizens/recycling from our unit called learning to learn together Migration Throughout time, human migration has had an impact upon individuals, families, communities and cultures. Effect of migration on the environment Systems Systems consist of interconnected parts arranged in specific ways that work together. Follow the system of recycling Global citizens work together. Design solutions when creating systems. Child Rights We all have rights and together we can work towards upholding and protecting those rights. Scientific Process The scientific method is used to investigate the natural world.

7. PE
PE Unit Understandings:

Juanita Naidoo (Rea): ISM ES Service and Environmental Coordinator 2010/2011

Grade 3 Sportsmanship Good sportsmanship enables everyone to enjoy sports. There is more to sport than winning. Sportsmanship including rules and etiquette in physical activities/sports can make the experience both enjoyable and successful. Grade 4 Swimming Water safety and awareness is an essential life skill. Gymnastics The ability to work cooperatively and make shared decision impacts the final performance. Practice and persistence and feedback impact the quality of the final performance. Standard 4 Activity provides opportunities for enjoyment and challenge, healthy, self-expression and is minimal consumerism? Running, playing games, minimal equipment, not buying goods, using glue paper.

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