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================================================== ORACLE PROVIDERS FOR ASP.NET Production ================================================== Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

All rights reserved. This document provides information that supplements the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Production documentation. =============== IMPORTANT NOTES =============== Oracle providers for ASP.NET support .NET Framework 2.0 and higher. ============================ INSTALLATION AND SETUP NOTES ============================ 1. Product Dependencies Oracle Providers for ASP.NET requires Oracle Client or Oracle Instant Client When installing a new Oracle Providers for ASP.NET instance, Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will automatically install Oracle Instant Client 2. Policy DLLs Note that the installation of this product places policy DLLS into the GAC so that existing applications can start using newly installed version of this product immediately after installation. However, if this is not desired, be sure to remove the policy DLLs from the GAC. 3. Oracle Providers for ASP.NET - Database Set Up Before using Oracle Providers for ASP.NET, execute the database SQL scripts that were part of the installation. Note that Oracle Providers for ASP.NET ships with InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql which will create all the database objects for all the providers. If you already have an older versio n of Oracle Providers for ASP.NET installed, the execution of InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql will update the stored procedures and column definitions, but tables will not be dropped nor re-created. ================================== TIPS, LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN ISSUES ================================== 1. If the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle\NLS_LANG registry entry is set to "NA", ORA-12705 errors will be encountered when using Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. To eliminate this problem, remove the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle\NLS_LANG registry entry. ================================ AUTOMATIC MACHINE.CONFIG CHANGES ================================

After the installation of Oracle Providers for ASP.NET, %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config file will be updated to make the system aware of the ASP.NET providers that were installed. In addition, a connection string alias of "OraAspNetConString" is added, which is referenced by each of the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. Below are typical entries that will be made in the machine.config after the install. (NOTE: You do not need to make these entries in the machine.config. This is for your information only.) (NOTE: "..." are place holders for existing entries in the machine.config.) <configuration> ... <connectionStrings> ... <add name="OraAspNetConString" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" conne ctionString=" " /> </connectionStrings> ... <system.web> ... <membership> <providers> <add name="OracleMembershipProvider" type="Oracle.Web.Security.OracleMem bershipProvider, Oracle.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken= 89b483f429c47342" connectionStringName="OraAspNetConString" applicationName="" e nablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAns wer="true" requiresUniqueEmail="false" passwordFormat="Hashed" maxInvalidPasswor dAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="7" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters ="1" passwordAttemptWindow="10" passwordStrengthRegularExpression="" /> ... </providers> </membership> ... </system.web> ... </configuration> The above example shows just an entry for the Oracle Membership Provider. There will be similar entries for other providers. ===================== QUICK SETUP REFERENCE ===================== Below are the quick setup steps for Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. The steps below assumes that Oracle 11g Production was installed under a valid Oracle Home which will be referred to as %ORACLE_HOME% henceforth in this readme.txt. 1. SQL*Net Setup a) EZCONNECT Either EZCONNECT or TNSNAMES can be used to connect to Oracle for executing the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET setup scripts as well as for

the providers to connect to Oracle. To connect to the database using either approach, %ORACLE_HOME%\Network\Admin\sqlnet.ora file must be created to contain: NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT) To be able to connect using OS Authentication, the following line is also needed to be included in sqlnet.ora: SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) To use EZCONNECT, the data source must be specified in the following format (and no other configuration file is needed): [//]host[:port][/service_name][/server][/instance_name] b) TNSNAMES To use TNSNAMES, a tnsnames.ora file must be also created in or copied to the %ORACLE_HOME%\Network\Admin directory. The %ORACLE_HOME%\Network\Admin\tnsnames.ora file can be created, for example, to contain the following: oracle = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = my-pc)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = orcl) ) ) The protocol, host, port, and service name in the tnsnames.ora should be modified appropriately. If TNSNAMES is to be used, the TNSNAMES alias is specified as the "data source", which in the example above is "oracle". 2. Executing the SQL Scripts As noted during the install, the setup SQL scripts must be executed before using any of the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. For details, please see Chapter 1 of the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Developer's Guide. If you don't have SQL*Plus to execute SQL scripts, you may install and use Oracle Developer Tools (ODT) for Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 to execute those scripts. Below are the steps: a) Start up Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 IDE. Under Tools menu, select Run SQL*Plus Script. b) In the 'Run SQL*Plus Script' dialog box, click New Connection button. c) In the Connection Properties dialog box, select "Oracle Database Server (Oracle ODP.NET)" for Data Source and "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" for Data Provider. Select a TNS alias from Data Source Name drop-down list. If no entry is available, see SQL*Net setup above. Enter a username and password, or select Use Windows integrated authentication. Click Test Connection button to test the connection. If it's successful, click the OK button to

continue. NOTE: The scripts will create tables, stored procedures, views, and roles. They will be owned by the database user that executed the scripts. If the ASP.NET applications connect to the database as a different database user than the database user that executed the scripts, the database user (who owns the database objects that were created for ASP.NET providers) will need to grant roles to other database users, if they require access. For further details, please read Chapter 1 of the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET user's Guide for details. d) Back in the 'Run SQL*Plus Script' dialog box, browse and select the SQL scripts to run. Typically, the location of the scripts is %ORACLE_HOME%\ASP.NET\SQL. e) The InstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql script must be executed first before executing any scripts for other Oracle Providers for ASP.NET. However, once the InstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql script has been executed for a given database, it does not need to be executed again for that database. Not all the scripts must be executed. For example, if the application only uses Oracle's Membership provider, only the InstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql and InstallOracleMembership.sql scripts need to be executed, in that order. Note that to execute all the install scripts for all the providers, InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql can be executed. For deintallation, the corresponding "Uninstall" scripts should be executed for all "Install" scripts that were executed. When deinstalling, the UninstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql script must be executed last after provider-specific "Uninstall" scripts have been executed. For example, if the InstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql and InstallOracleMembership.sql were executed during the setup, the UninstallOracleMembership.sql and UninstallOracleASPNETCommon.sql must be executed in that order for proper deinstallation. Note that UninstallAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql can be executed to remove all the database objects created from the execution of InstallAllOracleASPNETProviders.sql. 3. Connection String Attribute in the machine.config (OPTIONAL) If the "OraAspNetConString" alias in the machine.config is to be used by your application, it must be assigned to a valid connection string in the machine.config or override the setting in the machine.config by providing a valid connection string in the web.config. See the configuration sample in the AUTOMATIC MACHINE.CONFIG CHANGES section above. Note that EZCONNECT can be used for the data source setting in the connection string, eliminating the dependency on the tnsnames.ora file. 4. Web.config File (OPTIONAL) You may use application config file (web.config) to override the default settings in the machine.config file, as mentioned in the previous step. Some web.config examples are provided in the Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Developer's Guide for your reference.

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