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Members Fadhila Nurul Hastuti Rahma Fadillah Sopha Vera Mardhani Anwar

There have been very few human societies in which no meat or fish are eaten, although in some parts of the world the normal diet is made up largely of staple foods such as rice, with meat and fish being relatively rare additions; this has often been due to poverty rather than choice. In modern Western societies, however, 'voluntary' vegetarianism is on the increase. This debate is about whether it is right for human beings to eat other animals (including fish). To take an even more absolute line, the proposition could argue for veganism - this means eating no dairy produce or eggs (as well as no meat or fish). This House Believes That If You Love Animals You Shouldn't Eat Them This House Would Go Veggie

First Speaker: Vera Mardhani Anwar We believe that if we love animals we shouldn't eat them and go veggie because of some points. First, the contribution of vegetarian diets to health and disease. A lot of scientific studies have shown that vegetarian diets have remarkable health benefits and can help prevent certain diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Humans can sustain themselves perfectly without consuming animal meat. Diet influences most aspects of health and dietary factors clearly contribute to the major degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Obesity and high cholesterol are major contributory factors linked to these diseases and also to meat consumption and low intakes of fruit and vegetables. Vegetarians have lower BMIs on average than the general population and scientists now have a detailed understanding of why dietary factors are important in maintaining a healthy heart, vascular system, bowel and so on. It has been proven over and over again that a vegan diet, even a raw vegan diet without animal protein is what can sustain us as healthy beings for years beyond our average lifespan. The most impressive data arises from a study of 1904 vegetarians over 21 years by the German Cancer Research Center. The study's shocking results: vegetarian men reduced their risk of early death by 50%! Women vegetarians benefit from a 30% reduction in mortality.

Second Speaker: Fadhila Nurus Hastuti Humans should stop eating animal flesh because it is economically unfeasible to feed the world on animal products. It takes at least five pounds of food eaten by an animal to produce one pound of edible animal flesh. Our limited and precious farmland is being wasted in production of food for animals when it could be used to produce a variety of grains, legumes and other vegetation that could feed millions of people that are now starving. The environmental impact of meat production varies because of the wide variety of agricultural practices employed around the world. Meat is obtained through a variety of methods, such as organic farming, free range darming, intensive livestok production, hunting, fishing, and so on. All agriculture practices have been found to have a variety of effects on the environment. Some of the environmental effects that have been associated with meat production are pollution, fossil fuels , and water and land consumption.

Third Speaker: Rahma Fadillah Sopha We still believe that we should not eat animals and go veggie because animal also has its right to have a life. Animal rights is the idea that the most basic interests of non-human animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of human beings. Advocates approach the issue from different philosophical positions, ranging from the protectionist side of the movement, presented by philosopher Peter Singerwith a utilitarian focus on suffering and consequences, rather than on the concept of rightsto the abolitionist side, represented by law professor Gary Francione, who argues that animals need only one right: the right not to be property. Despite the different approaches, advocates broadly agree that animals should be viewed as non-human persons and members of the moral community, and should not be used as food, clothing, research subjects, or entertainment. Even if we cannot communicate with cows, even if we cannot contemplate the meaning of our existence in the universe with a chicken, it does not mean we should eat them. There are five principals which defines a human being. There are eating, sleeping, mating, defending, and being introspective. Animals have four out of five of these qualities. And because of this, some humans find it right and moral to eat them. There are countless studies showing that animals experience emotions. They can feel pain, as well. Every creature has things in common. As the dominant species, it is up to us to take care of and regard every living creature. Not eat them. Really, it is borderline barbaric. We should act so as to increase the amount of goodness in the world. Raising and killing animals for food is cruel and so reduces the total amount of goodness in the world. If everyone was a vegetarian, there would be no demand for meat. If there were no demand for meat no one would raise and kill animals for food. Therefore if everyone was a vegetarian, the total amount of goodness in the world would be higher. Therefore everyone should be a vegetarian.

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