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Inverter DC to AC

Sometime we go to camping, fishing and make some out door activity that need electricity, then we can overcome this problem by using gasoline or diesel generator sets. It is all right if we can handle this equipment. But if its weight is a problem too, then we need light AC power supply. A light AC power supply is realized by DC to AC inverter. Basically, DC to AC inverter work by using control circuit to generate electric pulse at high power (typically at hundred to thousand watts) and then this high power pulse is connected to step up transformer to get high voltage, i.e. 220 volt. For example, this control circuit can be realized using microcontroller circuit as seen at figure1. By using a microcontroller, the generated pulse can be formed in modified sine wave by using pulse width modulation technique. We can built simple inverter using unstable multivibrator as be explained in simple inverter's page.

Figure 1. Inverter circuit using AT89C2051

Figure 2. Photograph of Inverter Circuit in off condition

Figure 3. Photograph of Inverter Circuit in turn on condition In this circuit, AT89C2051 (belong to AT89 series) is used to generate pulse that is used for MOSFET IRFZ 44 driving. This mosfet switched on and off DC current to low side voltage transformer. The high voltage is generated at the other side that can turn on the lamp. To get a higher power, we can add more mosfet in parallel connection.

12 VDC to 220 VAC-inverter with IC 4047

Posted on Desember 4, 2008 by kangtoyo

Thanks buat u smua yang tanya soal rangkaian inverter DC to AC,moga bermanfaat. Biasanya orang pengin membuat inverter untuk mengganti suplay listrik saat PLN padam.N so kita butuh suplay 220vac dari sumber batere yang cuma 12vdc,meskipun telah banyak rangkaian inverter akan tetapi masih bingung bagaimana membuat inverter untuk membackup konsumsi yang rata-rata 450watt.Padahal sebenarnya permasalahan adalah pada cara memilih Transformator dan sumber DC-nya, But Ok dibawah ini mari kita menghitung bersama-sama: Rumus dasar : P(daya) = V(tegangan)xI(Arus) DAYA INPUT TRAFO = DAYA OUTPUT TRAFO Misalkan kita ingin daya output inverter 480 watt pada 220 Vac maka arus output menjadi 2,18 ampere, dan tentunya pada input 12 Vdc harus menggunakan 40 ampere. hal ini dari perhitungan: 220 volt x 2,18 ampere = 12 volt x 40 ampere dari hitungan di atas kita bisa memilih trafo step-up dengan karakter lilitan input mampu sebesar 40 ampere (trafo CT 40 ampere), jadi gunakan saja sumber DC yang mampu mensuplay misal Accu 12v 70-150 Ah keatas (makin besar makin lama waktu inverter dapat digunakan,cari saja rumus pemakaian accu misal di buku New Step I Toyota) . Jika penggunaan ingin otomatis saat listrik PLN padam inverter langsung bekerja silahkan dipasang rangkaian bypass dan ditempatkan setelah output box sekering PLN. Klo butuh rangkaian ya sabar yach;) SELAMAT MENCOBA, KLO GAGAL YA SABAR!!

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