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I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards all the people who have in various ways, helped in the successful completion of my project.

I must convey my gratitude to Prof. Navnath Shete for giving me the constant source of inspiration and help in preparing the project, personally correcting my work and providing encouragement throughout the project.

I also thank all my faculty members for steering me through the tough as well as easy phases of the project in a result oriented manner with concern attenti

1. Introduction Introduction to system Scope of the system Proposed System

2. Analysis Feasibility Study Hardware & Software Requirement

3. System Design E-R Diagram Context Level Diagram Data Flow Diagram

4. Form Design (with input values) 5. Reports 6. Advantages & Limitations 7. Future Enhancement 8. Bibliography


Definition Hardware Sales and management System is a stock Maintenance or management process and inventory keeping of type data processing application, done by software named Purchase and Sales System used by retailers that sell product to their customer.A high volume of data processing characterizes this application. Data processing consists of four major tasks: data gathering, data manipulation, and data storage and document preparation. General concept The areas of computer applications are literally too numerous to mention. Computer have become an integral part of mans everyday life. They dominate every sphere of life be it entertainment, education, banking, insurance, research, medicine, design or m a n u f a c t u r i n g . T h e y c o n t i n u e t o g r o w a n d o p e n n e w h o r i z o n s o f d i s c o v e r y a n d application. At the present time a facility increases and people want qualitative and better services, all types of products which they require without wastage of time where price does not matter and record are maintain properly of each and every transaction. So the concept of stock management comes into existence. From where the customer gets hardware parts, which is used and require by them, thus this way of proper interface provide satisfaction to both customers and shopkeeper. The system keeps the control over each and every purchase, stock maintenance and sales activity of the store. Any system would normally consist of the following activities: Obtain data from outside the system. Process the data to get the information. Give reports as output to the users.


The main job of this system is to make entry of purchasing parts and to provide information regarding to the purchased parts for a store and store it in a file. In any store sales play an important role to produce great image in market. The role of this system is to make entry of sales parts and to provide information regarding to the sold parts from a Store and stored it in file. Another job of this system is giving the full information about the parts of hardware. It gives the information like how many parts are sold from the store and how many parts are required for the store. During the sales procedure the store will interact with the customer and Supplier as external entity and with other entity inside the environment of system SYSTEM BOUNDRIES The various boundaries of the system are:Customers Suppliers Inventory SYSTEM OBJECTIVES Maintaining Supplier related details:Maintaining Hardware Parts related details. Recording all the day-to-day transaction which includes Generation of cash bills Handling product receipts. Updating of stock at the time of selling. Updating of stock at the time of receipt of product. In order to keep all the activities of the store under control. Keeper needs the following report. Sales report Stock level report Other Miscellaneous report Supplier Information report Item Purchase report and Bill Information report

Here the manual system is to be computerized. Computerizing the existing system and producing the application with the help of some programming language and Database Package ease the work of system. Nobody works without detailed information nowadays. The initial step is to ask for a login name and a valid password. If the combination of the password and the login name is valid then and only then the user will be allowed to enter in the system. Now after the person is allowed to enter in the system the next screen he will view will be the screen of MDI form the main menu containing the options of either select the Data Operation, Order Preparation, System, Reports, Utility, help and exit. In the Data Operation the person can add the details of Customers record, Suppliers R e c o r d , P r o d u c t s R e c o r d . D e l e t e o r u p d a t e t h e a l l a b o v e m e n t i o n e d t h i n g s information is also available. These changes are required as there is change in the p r i c e o f t h e p r o d u c t o r a n y c h a n g e r e g a r d i n g t o t h e s u p p l i e r s o r C u s t o m e r s information. These information that is stored in the respective database. The person doing all this work can carry on doing more transactions of this type if he wants to door he can then come out of the system by Exit button. In each Computer store it is necessary to keep all the Hardware parts as per customers demand. With the help of stock-maintaining report storekeeper quickly find which parts are required to purchase for a store. Storekeeper takes enquiry about current stock, if some parts are less and some parts are required to purchase for store, storekeeper immediately contact an supplier from which storekeeper purchased parts for store.

Procedure for Ordering Hardware Parts: The duty of storekeeper is very important to handle the store with gentle w o r k i n g a n d w i t h g o o d m a n a g e m e n t . O n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t r o l e o f storekeeper is to give order of require hardware parts for a store or as per customers demand. Storekeeper only orders those hardware parts whose quantity is very less and also order those parts whose demand very high in the market. If quotation is inside the budget then storekeeper gives order of those parts. The amount is given at the delivery time or some in advance for surety of order or dealing of order.

2. Analysis

Feasibility Study Hardware & Software Requirement

The Feasibility study of the system includes:Operational Feasibility Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility Operational Feasibility As almost all the operational works done by the system is benefited to the store. The shop will get the instant result of the items. In addition to this they will get the benefit of well-designed reports, which will improve the processing speed and accuracy, and hence, it will help in quick and efficient decision-making. Technical Feasibility Hardware Used: PENTIUM 3 550 MHZ

Software Used: WINDOWS 98 and MICROSOFT ACCESS 2000 Economic Feasibility T h e c o m p u t e r s ys t e m w i l l h a v e M i c r o s o f t A c c e s s 2 0 0 0 a n d V i s u a l B a s i c t o b e installed and no need to purchase any new hardware, only a small will required for maintenance. Like this way the development cost is very less. Since the existing system is manual, the organization posses the computer and doesnt require to set the environment


As the proposed system has large amount of memory, huge amount of data can be stored in it and large amount of data can be retrieved from the memory. Computer can store data for long period of time as well as it can also maintain data of the previous years. The basic concepts of DBMS commercial application development are already in place. T h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f a s h a r p d r o p i n h a r d w a r e p r i c e s a n d q u a n t u m j u m p u p w a r d i n software technology makes working in Client/Server very much within the financial budgets of most organizations. This releases to users, the power of working with a G.U.I. based front-end to manipulate data in any RDBMS back-end. Programmers capable of writing fine tuned code are really invaluable today. As we are preparing a computerized system, obviously the most basic hardware need of the system is a computer. To run Visual Basic, You must have certain hardware and software installed on your computer. The minimum requirements for this computer must be as described in the below table
Hardware Configuration:

For the successful run of the proposed system the required stand alone Personal Computer with, minimum hardware required to run the system is as below.
Hardware System Processor CACHE MEMORY RAM HARD DISK Minimum Requirement IBN


P - I I I

5 5 0


256K 64MB OR 128 MB 10.2GB

Software Configuration:

Software Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft Access 2000 Windows 98

Remarks Used for creating forms, Menus as Front End Tool Used for storing of data as Back End Tool. Operating System require to Run all the programs.

Visual Basic 6.0

The need of the hour was an environment that would allow easy design of the user interface. Thus was born the art of visual programming. All the important coding techniques used by programmers, in OOPS base coding is brought out in full and in great detail. This is coupled with material on how to use the v a r i o u s t o o l s u b s e t a v a i l a b l e i n V B 6 . 0 . I n o r d e r t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e a p p l i c a t i o n development process, it is helpful to understand some of the key concepts upon which Visual Basic is built. Since, Visual Basic is a Windows development language; we need some familiarity with the visual programming environment. Visual basic is one of good front-end tool for developing application it gives event driven programming. Visual basic provide better user interface compare to developer 2000.Visual basic is user-friendly and provides facility for iconic command, so that the user interface is made more users friendly. User deals with mostly mouse. Visual Basic provides complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development. It provides a vital link to graphical environment and allows you to develop applications based on standard Windows features: Dialog Boxes, Command Buttons, Pull Down menus, Scroll Bars, Selection lists, etc. It also allows creating robust applications that fully make use of the graphical user interface ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and OLE DB replace the open database connectivity (ODBC) API as the preferred method for accessing shared-file and client/server database Internet techniques such as Dynamic HTML (DHTML), extensible markup language (XML), Active server pages (ASP) and ActiveX documents offer browser-based alternatives for displaying and updating data Extensive to Visual Basic class modules assist in writing middle-tier DLLs for Microsoft transaction server 2.0

A multitude of wizards and other graphical tools aid developers new to Visual Basic:-

Visual Basic is an event driven programming language Data Environment Designer (DED) Drag and drop from generation Data view window

ADO Data Control (ADODC) ADO-compliant data-bound controls Hierarchical record sets and the Flex Grid Control Data report design Data from wizards Format objects Data repeater control Data source classes and data building MTS transaction Mode property of Class modules Visual data tools (VDTS) SQL editor Component creation Language Packaging and Deployment wizard Data object wizard The integrated development environment

Microsoft Access 2000 Access is full-featured relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used b y millions of people around the world. Database management programs are designed to store, manipulate and report large volumes of information or data. Typical examples of data include the information that comprises a telephone and address directory, large inventory database, order records, contact lists and much more. Common misuse of spreadsheet programs is that of the data storage. However, once people realize what can be done with a database program, they realize the folly of storing large volumes of data in spreadsheets. Access makes use of all the features available to programs design especially to run with a 32-bit operating system such as windows 98 and window NT. As a part of Office 98, access uses the number of shared Office resources, as do the other applications. These include fonts, clipart, spelling resources, auto correct and more. A s w i t h the other Office programs, Access can also integrate documents and information created by other Office and Windows programs .For example you can insert Excel spreadsheet documents directly into Access table .The else flexibility of doing this is impressive. For example you can cut a portion of a document created by another program and paste it into Access table. Or you may prefer to drag and drop part of one document into another using your mouse. Finally, you may simply import one kind of document into another. This flexibility gives you ability to work in ways that best suit your personal tests

3. System Design E-R Diagram Context Level Diagram Data Flow Diagram

E-R Diagram
P_name P_price



P_psno C_add P_no





Is Purchased



S_no Is A S_name S_add S_Phone Purchase_Invoice Sales_Invoice


Customer Order

Hardware Purchases

Purchase Order

Product & Invoice

And Sales System



Customer Order Form 1.0 Customer Product and Invoice Process Customer Order Register Report Accounts Dept.


Product Request And Confirmation Of Payment

Product Request

1.1 Manage Inventory Supplier

Confirmation Of Payment

Receipt Notification

1.2 Purchase Product Payment Order And Payment InvoiceAnd Product

Low Inventory Notifcation


1.0 Process Customer order

Shipment Request Product Low Inventory Notification

2.1 Process Request

Product And Low Inventory Control

2.2 Manage Inventory Storage


Supplier Product

Confirmation Of Production Receipt

Receive Product

Process Product

1 Level, Proposed DFD for Hardware Purchase and Sales System Here the second process is exploded and it breaks in three sub process like process request, manage inventory storage and receive product


2.3 Receive Product


2.2.1 Store Product


Selection storage

2.2.2 Retrieve Product Low Inventory Notice And Product

Shipment Request


2.1 Process Request

2 Level, Proposed DFD for Hardware Purchase And Sales System

Level-2 DFD completes the process of decomposition, where each individual sub-process of Level-1 DFD is broken into details. Next identify and list the major data stores to which these processes will source their information.


Process Customer

Record Order

Receive Payment

Hardware Purchase and Sale System

Manage Inventory

Produce Product Purchase Order

Receive Items

Provide Item To Customer

Purchase Product

Supply Purchase Order To Supplier

Pay For The Item

4. Form Design (with input values)


The login screen helps the existing user to enter into the system and access the data. The login screen asks for the user id and password. It also gives a n appropriate error message if the user id and password are incorrect.


This is the main screen of the system. From this screen the user can do various transactions on the system. The different menus are customer information, Sales, Stock Entry, Purchased and Exit.

The stock management system of computer store is developed to overcome these most of the problems. By computerizing the system we can solve many problems, which are, exists in the manual system. After computerizing the system, they can finish their work in least amount of efforts. The computerized system has many gain & features which manual system cant given any circumstances. In manual system, main problem is to maintain the stock &hardware parts information. This problem is removed by computerizing process because system is itself capable to store the data and give accurate result by using its features. They have lots of parts & its information maintaining is very hard & difficult task. But in computerized system once you enter the data system takes care by itself. By feeding information in computer it is very helpful & easy to know all type of related information like Hardware name, Supplier Information, available stock, its quantity etc. Thus, computerized system gives advantages of both DBMS/RDBMS and Front-End tool .Once you prepare or build system fully computerize then below advantages we can obtain. Minimized data redundancy Data security Maintenance is easy Provide accurate and relevant information Timely generation of Reports Enhanced data integrit Minimized data redundancy The system maintains the data in organized table structure that minimizes the data redundancy. Data security The system incorporates a certain level of security by using user rights. Thus the user is allowed to access and modify only those data that are given in user rights. Maintenance is easy We can maintain or manage stock properly. By display the stock information from computer we know the current status of stock of particular hardware part & its price. Thus, we can take decision for purchase order taking of different hardware parts. Provide accurate and relevant information. It is most essential that the information supplied is fully correct and relevant to context in which it is required. The system satisfies these basic criteria by generating accurate and relevant information.

Timely generation of Reports Reports are generated whenever require for the specific time duration. Report generating scheme or section provides very easy way to generate specific type of report in very short time & less efforts. Enhanced Data Integrity The system incorporates the various data validation checks and thus provides the integrity and consistency in the data. Anomalies in the data are avoided. The gain of accuracy, speed, processing, memory storage, efficiency all are provide from computerized system

Drawbacks and Limitations

1. The system is not capable of handling more than 6 users at a time

2. Some keywords in system are difficult to understand so the admin n operator person should understand them thoroughly to use the system accurately.

3. Graphs could have been added in order to get the records more clearly

Future Enhancement
The scope of the project includes that what all future enhancements can be done in this system to make it more feasible to use

Databases for different products range and storage can be provided.

Multilingual support can be provided so that it can be understandable by the person of any language.

More graphics can be added to make it more user-friendly and understandable.

Manage & backup versions of documents online.

BOOKS REFERRED Introduction To Programming with Visual Basic .NETBy Gary J. Bronson WEB LINK

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