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The Five Tibetans direction of the Spin It is a tragedy that the great wisdom and knowledge of the Lamas

has been lost over the hundreds of years of the Rites' existence. It would be most beneficial to know for example; why they instructed us to spin clockwise only during the 1st Rite (movement). In the absence of this traditional knowledge, people have adapted the Rites to suit their philosophy or in accordance with their own experience. One of these adaptations is to spin clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. From my research this modern belief appears to be based on the following myth: Just as water spirals down the sink, in apparently different directions, some people believe that we should adjust the direction of our spin in accordance with the Coriolis Effect which is created by the rotation of the Earth. If this were the case, we should spin anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. But what should we do on the Equator? In actuality, the measurable effect of this scientific phenomenon on the normal water spiralling down the sink is a myth - unless the sink is the size of a small ocean. The rotation of the Earth, and thereby the Coriolis force, is only one full rotation per day - extremely minor. Extract from T5T The Five Tibetan Exercise Rites (Penguin)." To quote from where Alistair B. Fraser, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Meteorology, Penn State University, U.S.A; explains in great detail (Reprinted with permission of author): The direction of rotation in draining sinks and toilets is not determined by the rotation of the Earth, but by rotation that was introduced earlier when it was being filled or subsequently being disturbed (say by washing). The rotation of the Earth does influence the direction of rotation of large weather systems and large vortices in the oceans, for these are very long-lived phenomena and so allow the very weak Coriolis force to produce a significant effect, with time. The degree of Coriolis Effect on a spinning human being would therefore be negligible and impossible to gauge accurately. Barbara Ann Brennan, ex NASA research scientist and noted authority on the human energy field, says in her book Hands of Light: "When the chakras are functioning normally, each will be "open", spinning clockwise to metabolize the particular energies needed from the universal field. A clockwise spin draws energy from the UEF (Universal Energy Field) into the chakra, very much like the right-hand rule in electromagnetism, which states that a changing magnetic field around a wire will induce a current in that wire. When the chakra spins counter clockwise, the current is flowing outward from the body, thus interfering with metabolism. In other words, the energies that are needed and that we experience as psychological reality are not flowing into the chakra when it is spinning counter clockwise. We thus label the chakra as "closed"

to incoming energies. Interestingly, a dance teacher who attended one of my classes told me that children are initially taught to spin clockwise. Apparently they find it easier (although there are always exceptions). She said it is well known amongst dance teachers that if you want to calm children down, you get them to spin anti-clockwise. To energise them, you get them to spin clockwise! This energising effect is exactly what most people experience doing Rite No 1 as described by Colonel Bradford. In my view - if the lamas gave instructions to Spin clockwise - then clockwise it is! "The sky is round, and I have heard the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind in its greatest power whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of man is a circle from childhood to childhood,and so it is in everything where power moves" Black Elk, Sioux Holy Man If you wish to publish this article on your website you may do so, provided that you assign copyright to the author exactly as written below: Copyright (c) 2005 Carolinda Witt - author T5T - The Five Tibetan Exercise Rites and The 10-Minute Rejuvenation Plan

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