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Simple Website Structure

Advanced Website Structure







HTML is the language web browsers understand

A web browser like Safari or Firefox is an interpreter for the HTML that you create. HTML is a standardized XML format that all web browsers are expected to interpret the same. The W3C is an organization that has defined all the tags, attributes and properties that can be used in HTML. They also define what these should all mean to a web browser. You can view the HTML code of any website using view-source in your browser

a few things about HTML

HTML, like all forms of XML, allows tags to be nested inside other tags. This structure is what makes it so useful for building web pages.
<h1><em>Canadian</em> change rates</h1> ex-

In HTML almost all tags inside the <body> create a box. In many cases, these boxes have pre-defined CSS styles, but most of these can be overridden with your own custom stylesheet. CSS is used to define the look, style & positioning of your HTML elements.

There are many HTML tags, each with its own specific purpose.

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

anatomy of an HTML tag

what exactly is CSS?

Stands for Cascading Style Sheets A Style Sheet language used to apply your own custom styles to control the way your HTML looks Can control the look and feel of as many HTML pages as you want from a single stylesheet document A collection of rules that control the way the web browser will present selected HTML elements

external stylesheets
Style rules are contained inside their own CSS document Multiple HTML documents can reference a single CSS file and share the same styles Expedites website creation and maintenance while ensuring a consistent look across all pages

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

anatomy of a CSS rule

CSS selectors
main types of selectors
Type selectors Select a specified HTML element for styling

Class selectors

Select an element whose class attribute contains the specified class Select an element with the matching id attribute. Select an element, class, or id, somewhere within a specified element, class, or id.

ID selectors

Descendant selectors

Type Selectors
em { } color: #ffffff;

<p>Lorem ipsum <em>dolor</em> sit</p> <ul> <li>vehicula</li> <li>tempor</li> </ul> <li><em>rutrum</em></li>


Class Selectors
.big { } color: #ffffff;

<p class=big>Lorem <em>dolor</em></p> <ul> <li class=big>vehicula</li>

<li>tempor</li> </ul>



ID Selectors
#nav { } color: #ffffff;

<p>Lorem <em>dolor</em></p> <ul id=nav class=big> <li>vehicula</li> <li>tempor</li> </ul>



Descendant Selectors
#ul em { } color: #ffffff;

amet.</p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor <em>sit</em> <ul>

<li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> <li><em>item 3</em></li>



CSS selectors
Allow you to target a specific element or group of elements within your HTML document to apply styles to You can be as vague or specific as you want in your selection.

p { } line-height: 21px; }

#header ul li .special { color: #ffffff;

selects all paragraphs in the document and applies a line height of 21px

selects anything with the class special, inside of an li that is inside a ul that is inside something with the id nav

Classes VS. IDs

<div id=content></div>

IDs are intended for elements that appear only once on a page. Use them in your HTML markup to block off sections (eg. #page, #header, #content, #footer).


<div id=content class=dark></div>

Classes are intended mainly for styling purposes. You can re-use them on any kind of element. You can also apply multiple classes to a single HTML element to combine various styles.

inline vs. block elements

When creating a layout with CSS and HTML, the two most common types of elements are block and inline elements.

BLOCK: New lines appear before and after the element with it consuming the full width available.

INLINE: These elements do not force new lines before or after its placement, and it only consumes as much space as necessary.

examples of block elements

(by default)
Divisions: <div></div> Headings: <h1></h1>, <h2></h2>, <h3></h3>, etc. Paragraphs: <p></p> Lists, and list items: <ul><li></li></ul>

examples of inline elements

(by default)
Generic span tag: <span></span> Active hyperlinks: <a href=></a> Emphasis & Strong: <em></em>, <strong></strong>

Using CSS, you can tell a block element to float to the left or to the right. Causing other elements to wrap around it.

Floated elements will be placed to the left or right until their outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float.

floats (contd)
This technique allows you to place block elements beside one another, or directly across on the other side of their container.

floats (again contd)

When using floats, it is important to remember that the elements that come after your floating boxes will always try and wrap around it. Additionally, its container will not properly wrap around your boxes as you would expect. To avoid this, you need to use a clearing technique.

intro to the box model

The box model describes how modern web browsers apply padding, margin, border, width & height

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